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V-Ray Option Editor and Preset ToolBar

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V-Ray Batch Render

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Note: The scene for this tutorial is provided by Chaos Group.
Chair and Vase scene assets provided by

In this tutorial we're going to be covering the use of the Batch Render tool. The Batch Render tool is useful
when you have multiple scenes that need to be rendered out, but have objects that may change between
scenes. With Batch Render you can set up all of your scene tabs, and render each individual scene tab with
the press of one button. V-Ray also recognizes items turned off and on in each scene tab (our provided scene
illustrates this) so, for example, if you have renderings for a client with different variations of a design to show,
you can quickly and easily set up multiple renderings via Sketchups Scene Tabs, and just click Batch Render
and walk away to let V-Ray do its thing.
First lets review what the Batch Render tab looks like. In your V-Ray Tool setyou'll see a button labeled BR
short for Batch Render (


By clicking this tool you will prompt the Batch Render function. The Batch Render function can be cancelled

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V-Ray Option Editor and Preset ToolBar

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the same way cancelling any rendering is done, by closing the Frame Buffer window or using the cancel
render button in the V-Ray Progress Window.
Now that we know where the Batch Render function is located and what it does, lets try it out. Download the
test scene located here and lets get started. This folder contains all the necessary assets needed to run a
batch render in sketchup. You can find the final output files located in the Final Output folder, here you can see
what the renders will look like based on the content provided.
Batch Rendering:
1.1. Open the scene named Batch Scene Start.skp
*note: this sketchup scene has been set up ahead of time, to learn more about Scene tabs and how
they work check out this tutorial here.
1.2. Once the Sketchup file is open go ahead and click the Batch Render tool (
1.3. At this point youll be prompted to provide some Save Output information.


This is normal.
1.4. Go ahead and open your V-Ray Options Editor tool (
) and select your Output dialogue. There you will
have control over your output size and where it will save the rendered file too.
1.5. Click the save output box.
1.6. Create a name for your output file (in my case I used 001 and a PNG File and selected the Batch Render
Tutorial folder as a save location). You can path your output file to save anywhere you like.

1.7. Now that you have your Output Location setup, click the Batch Render button (
) and go grab a cup of
coffee (or tea) and come back to check your renders periodically to see which have finished.
Now that you know how it works, test it out, play around and enjoy!

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V-Ray Option Editor and Preset ToolBar

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