Sie sind auf Seite 1von 83

How to draw animals from pears



How to draw sheep



How to draw a parrot


How to draw an owl


How to draw a daschund


How to draw a frog


How to draw a hen


How to draw a rooster

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How to draw a pig

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How to draw a goat

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How to draw a cow

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How to draw a deer

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How to draw ducks

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How to draw birds

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How to draw snails

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How to draw a cocker spaniel

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How to draw a poodle

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How to draw a squirrel

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How to draw a koala bear

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How to draw a rabbit

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How to draw a kittens

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How to draw bears

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How to draw horses

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How to draw a crocodile

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How to draw a porcupine

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How to draw an opossum

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How to draw a seahorse

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How to draw a swan

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How to draw a whale

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How to draw a camel

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How to draw a kangaroo

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How to draw a giraffe

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How to make alphabets into animals

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How to make alphabets into animals

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How to draw a lion

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How to draw a tiger

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How to draw a dinosaur

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How to draw a walrus

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How to draw a penguin

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How to draw a rhinoceros

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How to draw a hippopotamus

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How to draw a peacock

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How to draw an angelfish

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How to draw an elephant

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How to draw a centaur

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How to draw a unicorn

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How to draw a griffin

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How to draw an octopus

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How to draw a butterfly

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How to draw a cat

1) Start with a long oval shape for the cat's body. Notice how the oval is tilted down
on one side. This angle is helpful when you are drawing a cat from a 3/4 angle, as
we are in this lesson. But if you want to draw a cat just from a "straight-on" angle,
you can draw the circle without the tilt.

2) Now add a rounded shape for the head and then two connecting lines for the
neck. Also draw the lines that begin the legs.

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3) Add the muzzle of the cat (his nose and mouth, which come out from the circle of
his head a little). Make small squares for the eyes and a line at the middle of the
head to help you place the ears correctly.

4) Add the tail and a fourth leg. Also draw the mouth, eye and ears. Erase the lines
that you don't need anymore.

5) Give your cat some whiskers and toes. Use short, tight lines for the fur. If you
want, add more lines to suggest a striped cat.

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How to draw a donkey

1) Begin your donkey drawing with a crescent moon shape. Or a boat shape, if that
seems better to you.

2) Draw two long top-shapes for the head and the hind leg. Continue the two curved
lines for the ears and begin the foreleg.

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3) Add the curved pieces to the head and neck. Curve the back and shoulders.
Finish the two legs and you have started.

4) Draw two more legs and a tail. Finish the ears and nose and put in an eye. Erase
the extra lines.

5) Give your donkey a little hair. Colour it grey brown or even white or black.

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How to draw a turkey

1) Draw the turkey's body with a large circle. Be sure to draw lightly, because you will
be erasing parts of this circle later.

2) Make a large teardrop or leaf-like shape for the tail. Draw a smaller teardrop
shape for the head.

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3) Next draw the two curves for the wing. Add two lines to start the feet.

4) Now put in an eye. Finish the neck and the turkeys head by adding wattles which
is the fleshy, funny looking growth that turkeys have near their beaks. Then finish the
leg by drawing his toes and erase some of the old lines you don't need anymore.
Finally, make a jagged line around the outside of the turkey's tail to make it look like
he has feathers. You can stop here if you want to draw a simple turkey.
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5) For extra credit, and a more realistic turkey, add more lines to show the details of
his feathers. Also fill the eye in so it looks better. You can colour your turkey brown
or black, as most turkeys are brown or black, but some are also rust or yellow
coloured, or even multi-coloured. The wattles are typically pink.

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How to draw a rose

1) Draw the stem. Rose stems tend to bend slightly where the leaves come out, so you may
want to add gentle angles to the line you make to draw the stem.

2) The first outside petal. Use a teardrop shape. This petal will have a curved tip, so you may
want to shape the first lines to accommodate how the petal will look with the curved-out part.

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3) The second petal. Some curves along the inside edge will give the suggestion of the ruffled
edges that rose petals have.

4) The smaller inside petals. Some tutorials have you make this shape as a swirl, and that's
fine too, but real roses have sharper lines where the petals intersect.

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5) Draw two very short lines down into the centre of the rose, starting at the two angles you
just made to create the smaller inside petals. The short lines should come down and touch the
inside part of the two large petals.

6) The outside back petal. Again, a little ruffling or waviness in the line will suggest the
ruffled edges of a rose petal.

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7) Look at the very first petal you made, and draw a single wavy line from the tip of the
teardrop (the petal), down kind of toward the centre of the petal, then curving back to the
inside edge of the petal (near where it touches the second petal you drew). This creates a nice,
two-dimensional effect that looks like the rose petal is curved out.

8) Next, draw the insides of the leaves. Think of them as leaf spines.

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9) Draw the outsides of the leaves. Rose leaves are jagged, so adding a zigzag rough edge
here is good. By the way, if you look really carefully as a real rose, you'll notice roses have
three leaves in each segment, not one leaf coming from the stem as we show here. However,
three leaves looks more complicated and takes away from the bloom, so I decided to simply
the leaves to make the image less intimidating to draw.

10) Add a second line so that the stem of the rose is made of two lines. This makes the rose
seem more realistic, and makes the leaves look better.

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11) The finished rose with the thorns added. Adding the thorns helps people know that this is
a rose, not a tulip.

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How to draw monkeys

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How to draw mice

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How to draw betta fish

I've had several betta fish over the years, and I've loved every one of them. Bettas are really
beautiful, especially if you keep them warm and keep their water clean so they stay active
and their fins stay long.
Bettas are so pretty I had to do two tutorials of how to draw them. The first lesson is the betta
to the left here, in the view from the side. This was done with just a regular black pen, not
even a pencil, so it is just a straight line art drawing.
The example of the betta from above drawing was done in pencil, but there's no reason you
couldn't do it with a pen and leave the shading out.

All this line does is make the top of the betta's

head. Its just a very gradual uphill stroke. I make
my line going from right to left with my pencil,
but you should practice and see which direction is
best for you.

This creates the shape of the gill cover.

Bettas have very distinctive lips, which gives them

a pouty look. All you need to create their lips for
this drawing, though, is just one little extra line that
curves out just a bit beyond the lines you made for
their head and gill cover.

The eye can be just a large black dot. Bettas have

pretty big eyes. If you want to add more detail, leave
a little white spot near the upper middle part of the
eye to create the effect of a highlight.

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