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Will the real MOOC please stand up: Sifting through the disinformation.

Many bloggers who are insisting on reporting on MOOCs and there progress have not done
their research. They seem to read other unsubstantiated posts, business journal articles, and other
non-academic sources, and then regurgitate the misinformation.
The MOOC Model for Digital Success (the original and only MOOC) is grounded in the learning
theory of connectivism, developed by Downes and Siemens. Too often, the misinformeds
definition of "open" as related to their descriptions of the MOOC is way off! The term open
relates to the design of the course's content and final destination. If the design is not open, it is
not a true MOOC as defined by its creators Downes and Siemens. This mis-example of how
OPEN applies to the name and individuality of a MOOC is the basis for most misunderstanding
among major universities. Open doesnt describe the enrollment quality, but the learning
philosophy, which is based on open education, open resources, and open content.
According to so many of the MOOC-pushers, MOOCs are apparently:
Any online courses that offered free of charge.
Online courses with massive enrollment.
Open learning opportunities.
The disruptive solution to higher educations (undefined) dilemma.
The invention of Harvard, MIT, and a select few other prestigious universities.
An attempt to share the worlds knowledge with the world.
Free access into the prestigious universities once reserved fro the elite.
A new way of sharing knowledge and information with something recently discovered by
Harvard and MIT educators called the Internet.
As described by Morrison (October 10, 2012), Stephen Downes and George Siemens approach
in creating the true MOOC Model was that knowledge is not static in the connectivist model
which is what MRU clarifies in its orientation video. Knowledge, the narrator explains is often
uncertain and that the content presented in the course is merely a starting point for further
investigation, and not the definitive answer the course content is the catalyst for further
exploration, which is how Downes introduced CCK11, a MOOC course, now in
its thirty-fifth week.
One of the co-creators of MOOC stated:
What is important about a connectivist course, after all, is not the course content
[sure] you cant have a conversation without it but the content isnt the
important thing. It serves merely as a catalyst, a mechanism for getting our
projects, discussions and interactions off the ground. It may be useful to some
people, but it isnt the end product, and goodness knows we dont want people
memorizing it. Stephen Downes (2011)
Today, even the founder of the term and original model (Downes and Siemens) find it difficult to
discuss their own model amidst the confusion, being forced to use terms such as xMOOC and
cMOOc (Siemens, 2012). One is a model of open course, the other is not. One has a specific
purpose and defined construct; the other has a plethora of various applications, purposes,
formats, and contradictory end-goals.

An analogy of another great historical discovery is proposed for your consideration:

Just as Christopher Columbus discovered a new world (arguably hundreds of years

after the Scandinavians, and perhaps thousands of years after the Phoenicians, but
definitely tens of thousands of years after the Native Americans), Harvard, MIT, and EdX
seemingly claim to have discovered the value of distance learning, the Internet, and some
rudimentary tactics for online learning.

Just as Columbus arrived in the new world with no clue of his true surroundings, nor the
socio-educational history of its inhabitants, and then mistakenly assumed to have
discovered the east coast of India these prestigious leaders of disruptive innovation
have errantly assumed to have discovered a new mode of teaching.

Based on Columbus lack of credentials and preparation, he mistakenly referred to the

inhabitants as Indians. Similarly, the Big Three are referring to their online education
efforts as MOOCs.

Columbus inaccurate descriptive term for the aboriginal Americans has remained stubbornly for
over 400 years due to a combination of ignorance, racism and a media industry hungry to
capitalize on popular familiarity. Only future history will answer how long this misnomer will
remain in vogue.
Morrison, D. (October 10, 2012). Will the real MOOC please stand up [Blog]. Online Learning
Insights. Retrieved from
Siemens, G. (July 2, 2012). MOOCs are really a platform [Blog]. Elearnspace: Learning,
Networks, Knowledge, Technology, Community. Available at:
Stephens (2011). [Blog]. Connectivism and Connective Knowledge. Available at

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