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Cardizem- diltiazem

Classification: calcium channel blocker, antianginal coronary vasodilator

Side Effects: dysrhythmia, hypotension
Nursing Implications: monitor orthostatic BP, monitor pulse for bradycardia prior to administration

Dilantin- phenytoin

Classification: anticonvulsant
Side Effects: drowsiness, lethargy, gastric distress, gingival hyperplasia.
Nursing Implications: observe for seizure activity, monitor EKG, teach good oral hygiene

Ancef, Kefzol-cefazolin

Classification: antiinfective, CEPHALOSPORIN

Side Effects: N&V, diarrhea, rash
Nursing Implications: determine previous use of and sensitivity to penicillins or other cephalosporins

Coumadin- warfarin

classification: anticoagulant
Side Effects: bleeding
Nursing Implications: check PT, check for signs of bleeding, NO OTC drugs without physician

Roxanol-morphine sulfate

Classification: opioid analgesic

Side Effect: confusion, constipation
Nursing Implications: assess bowel function, assess type, location and intensity of painprior to and 30-60
min after administration

Classification: cardiac glycoside
Side Effects: nausea, vomiting, anorexia, bradycardia
Nursing Implications: monitor apical pulse 1 full minute prior to administration. Withhold if <60. Monitor
therapeutic plasma level

Classification: diuretic
Side Effects: hypokalemia (muscle cramping, abd pain, weakness), hypovolemia (weight loss, increased
HR and Pulse, decreased BP, dry mucous membranes


Classification: hormone
Side Effects: hypoglycemia, lypodystrophy
Nursing implications: encourage to follow prescribed diet and exercise. Do not inject in the same site for
at least one month

Classification: antidiabetic
Side Effects: hypoglycemia, abdominal bloating and diarrhea
Nursing Implications: monitor serum glucose and glycosylated hemoglobin. Observe for s/s of
hypoglycemic reaction


Classification: opioid analgesic

Side Effects: hypotension, sedation
Nursing Implications: assess blood pressure, pulse and respiratory rate before and during administration.
Document narcotic inventory

K-Dur, Micro-k-potassium chloride

Classification: electrolyte
Side Effects: cardiac arrhythmias and ECG changes (tall-peaked T waves=hyperkalemia)
Nursing Implications: assess for hypokalemia (weakness, fatigue, arrhythmias). Assess for hyperkalemia
( fatigue, muscle weakness, paresthesia, and tall T waves.



Classification: antianxiety agent

Side Effects: drowsiness, lethargy, dizziness
Nursing Implications: Assess degree and manifestations of anxiety. Recommended for short term use,
dependence may occur. Avoid alcohol or other CNS depressants.

Colace-ducosate sodium

Classification: stool softener

Side Effects: mild cramps
Nursing Implications: give with full glass of water

ASA, Ascriptin-acetylsalicylic or aspirin

Classification: nonopioid analgesic, NSAID, antipyretic

Side Effects: cramping, heartburn, abdominal distension, mild nausea
Nursing Implications: Advise pt to report tinnitus, unusul bleeding, bruising, or black tarry stools.
Administer pc meals or with food or antacid to decrease gastric irritation.


Classification: nonopioid analgesic, antipyretic

Side Effects: rash, urticaria
Nursing Implications: Administer with full glass of water, with or without food.


Mechanism of action Relaxes vascular smooth muscle resulting in: coronary artery vasodilation, relief of
chest pain by dilating coronary arteries, decreased venous return to the heart, decreased systemic
vascular resistance, decreased myocrdial oxygen demand, decreased myocardial workload

Indications cardiac cheast pain, patient has current prescription fo the medication

contraindications injested viagra during previous 72 hours, not perescribed to the patient, already taken
the max, systolic blood pressure less thean 100 mm hg, patient is in shock, patient has a head injury,
ALC, EMT has not received authorization from medical diraction

Adverse Reactions low blood pressure (hypotension), headache, dizziness, slow pulse rate (bradycaria),
weakness, fainting, fast heart rate (tachycardia), flushing and feelings of warmth, nausea and vomiting,
bitter taste, burning or tingling sensations in the mouth

Administration sublingual

onset 1-2 minutes

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