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Closer to Armageddon?

J.A. Clark –

Post Date: 4-9-08

Even if you are not a believer in the Book of Revelation and the 'end-times',
you must admit, there is a different 'feel' about today's world. There is never
enough time to get everything done and there is a sense of urgency but you
are not sure what the urgency is for or about. This feeling you are
experiencing are all the current world events culminating into one singular
topic; the end-time.

One of the major events in the end-time prophesied in the Book of Daniel
and Revelation (as well as Ezekiel, Zechariah and a few others as well) is the
Battle of Armageddon. Are current events hurling us closer to this epic 'war
of the worlds'? I think so and I'll give you what I feel are the top seven Bible
prophesies that WILL occur within the final seven years prior to the Battle of
Armageddon. Some of these prophesies are unfolding AS I'M WRITING THIS
POST! God is so cool!

Here are, what I would call, the top seven end-time prophesies listed in the
order in which I feel they will be fulfilled:

Prophecy 1: The 'Mark of the Beast' may sound like a phrase you would hear
from one of the Omen movies, however, I assure you, it's real. And speaking
of real, The Real ID Act that was passed into law by the current President
Bush on May 11, 2005 is a precursor to the Mark of the Beast described in
Revelation 13:16-18. Here is something really scary; out of the 192 nations
that now exist in our world, 186 of them already have or will be using a
'national ID' by the year 2010. Will the United States be one of the final 192
nations? Learn more about the Real ID act by reading my post, National ID -
Prototype to the Mark or get a FREE DVD explaining the Real ID Act.

Prophecy 2: The final seven years before the second coming of Jesus Christ
will begin when the international community does three things:
1. Confirm Israel's right to live within the Holy Land and establish
agreeable Israeli borders.
2. Settle the status of Jerusalem, i.e., West Bank.
3. Dispensation of the Temple Mount will be solved.

Guys and Gals, high level discussions are being held as I'm writing this post
that will solve all three of these criteria. Finding a solution to these three
issues will fulfill what is called the 'Confirmation of the Covenant'. This
Confirmation of the Covenant was promised by God to Abraham (Genesis

Just a few days ago, Condoleezza Rice made a trip to Jordan and had a
meeting with King Abdullah II of Jordan, Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian
leader and the Israeli representative. The country of Jordan is the official
'keeper of the Temple Mount'. I propose a question; why would the Secretary
of State have a meeting with Abbas, the 'Keeper of the Temple Mount' and
Israeli representatives if they were not discussing how to 'share' the temple
mount without knocking each others teeth out?

The Israeli Prime Minister and President Bush have openly stated that the
number one goal of both administrations is to settle these three issues by
the end of 2008. This 'peace treaty' is prophesied in Daniel 9:27.

Prophecy 3: The Temple Mount in Jerusalem will be placed under a sharing

arrangement between Jew and Gentile (Muslim) which is prophesied in
Revelation 11:1-2. The Jewish temple will then be rebuilt (Revelation 11:1-2,
Thessalonians 2:3-4) and the Temple Mount will be placed under the
supervision of the United Nations (already suggested by Israeli Prime
Minister Ehud Barak) and the leader of the world community, the Antichrist.
When the U.N. takes control of the Temple Mount, the leader of the world
government (which will come from the Holy Roman Empire;European Union)
will feel justified in claiming that he is God (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4). How
about some news that will absolutely blow you away? The Temple Institute,
a Jewish, non-profit organization, is dedicated to the rebuilding of the
Temple on Mount Moriah in Jerusalem. The Temple Institute announced on
April 4, that they will be conducting a symposium on keeping the Jewish
Passover and will be sacrificing a lamb during this ceremony. This is very big
news! This means that when the temple is rebuilt, the law is already on the
side of these ceremonies.

Prophecy 4: A one world government, lead by the United Nations, will

dominate the world for 3.5 years prior to the Battle of Armageddon (Daniel
7:23; Revelation 13:7). Nations of the world are increasingly recognizing the
authority of the World Bank, the World Trade Organization, the World Health
Organization and the World Court. In fact, a few courts in the U.S. have
already considered judicial precedence in several cases across the country
based on what had already been ruled and judged on in the World Court.
The U.S. is also being sued by several countries throughout the world
including Nicaragua.

Prophecy 5: World War III will begin from the area of the Euphrates River
(Revelation 9:13-16). Guess what country has 70% of the Euphrates River
flowing through it? BINGO - Iraq. Right now, the U.S. has over 140,000
troops all along the Euphrates River. The current conflict between the U.S.
and Islamic Fundamentalism, mainly Iran, is not decreasing in any way. It is
increasing on a daily basis. The leader of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, is
totally blowing off the U.N's push for them to halt their nuclear
advancement. Vice President Cheney has recently returned from a Middle
East trip hitting all the major allies in the area to discuss 'issues of mutual
interest' and to solidify support in the area. This sounds to me like some
'schmoozing' with the major middle eastern muckity mucks to get them on
the side of the U.S. in case the U.S. decides to take Iran out back for a

Prophecy 6: The West Bank (Judea) in Israel will become a place of Jewish
persecution and 'Great Tribulation' (Matthew 24:15-21). Ehud Olmert, the
Israeli Prime Minister, has already stated that he will withdraw from the West
Bank by the end of 2008 and already is removing most of the road blocks
into the West Bank from Jerusalem. When Israel withdraws from the region,
the Hamas terrorist state will take control. This will result in a time that
makes the 1940's Holocaust look like a Shrine Circus parade.

Prophecy 7: The international community, led by Russia and Iran, will invade
the nation of Israel (Zechariah 14:2-4; Ezekiel Chapters 38-39). Iran, which
until 1935 was named Persia, and Russia (Meshech; root world for Moscovi
or Moscow) have been long time allies. In fact, Russia is currently holding
discussions with Iran on supplying them with nuclear technology. Iran's
president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, is in the news almost on a daily basis
spouting off on how he would like to completely annihilate Israel.

So there you have it - my Top 7 Prophecies that foretell and prove this world
is headed straight for the Battle of Armageddon. And, it's not 100 years, 50
years or even 20 years away. We are living in the end-times RIGHT NOW!

Are you listening to me? Even more important ARE YOU READY to be one of
the warriors to fight on the side of Jesus Christ at his Second Coming
(Revelation 19:14)? My fellow blogsters, this is a time to get right with
Jesus. This is a time to get rid of your prideful and worldly ways and follow
what Jesus preached in the Bible's New Testament. It is a time to realize that
the days of this world, as we know it, are numbered.

It is's primary mission to let as many people as we can

know, in the short time remaining, that Jesus Christ is the only way to
escape the coming world heartache and tragedy. If you are not sure you are
ready, please click here and find out how easy Jesus made it for you to be
prepared for his second coming or send me an email with your questions. I
am in your service to ensure you are ready for the Lord Jesus Christ!

In the mean time, keep looking up. I'm here to tell you, Jesus is coming
very, very soon.

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