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Some facts that occur in nature, among others;

1. All species have high reproductive potential
2. There is variation among individuals revealed a single species
3. There are a lot of organ homology
4. The discovery of the same animal in different places
Facts on which the theory of evolution is ....
A. 1 and 2
B. 1 and 4
C. 2 and 3
D. 2 and 4
E. 3 and 4
2. Statements is causing changes in the giraffe's neck
1. Long-necked giraffe from short necked giraffes parent
2. In the past there were long-necked giraffes and short-necked
3. Prolonged neck giraffes because environmental influences
4. Short-necked giraffes die, while the long-necked remain stable / life
According to Darwin's theory of evolution that has to do with the evolution of giraffe is ....
A. 1 and 2
B. 1 and 4
C. 2 and 3
D. 2 and 4
E. 3 and 4
3. Basic process of evolution by Darwin is that ...
A. human ancestors were monkeys
B. Strong species kill the weak
C. new species arise continuously
D. changes slowly in a long time
E. changes which are declining

4. The formation of various species of birds in the Galapagos Islands Finch

spasialisasi in using different food

Natural selection no longer be the sole causative agent of evolution

there are additional factors other causes, namely: mutation, gene flow.

6. Giraffes are there now is a long-necked giraffe, while according to the theory of evolution, first ancestor of the
giraffe's long neck are varied, some short. Which statement is true propounded by Lamarck and Darwin
a. Lamarck, because natural selection, ancestor of short-necked giraffes that had eventually become a long
b. Darwin, because natural selection, ancestor of short-necked giraffes that had eventually become a long
c. Lamarck, as adapted, fathers who had a short-necked giraffe into a long ackhirnya
d. Darwin, kerana adapt, giraffe ancestors who used to vary the end only a long neck that can live
e. Darwin, because natural selection, all short-necked ancestor died and then came the long-necked giraffe
7. In this world have never encountered the same two individuals are identical, so that variations arise. The
definition of the variation is ...
A. changes in the nature of the organism due to the evolution
B. differences between individual organisms similar

C. equation nature of the organism due to adaptation

D. differences in the nature of the organism due to selection
E. differences in the nature of some wild organisms
8. External factors that influence the variation in living things are ...
A. work physiology, habits, natural color
B. food, disease, genetic
C. temperature, soil, mutation
D. size, natural color, genetic
E. soil, food, temperature
9. According to Darwin individual's ability to survive because ...
A. strong size
B. strong body
C. reproduce quickly
D. can adapt
E. Migrating
10. The factors that cause variations in living things according to Darwin is ...
A. temperature, soil, food
B. selection, hybridization, mutation
C. hybridization, recombination, mutation
D. recombination, selection, domestication
E. variation, selection, recombination
11. According to the Lamarckian factors are influencing the evolution of the organ are ...
A. changes in gene
B. changes in chromosome
C. environment
D. natural selection
E. Baster
12. According to the Lamarckian factors are influencing the evolution of the organ are ...
A. changes in gene
B. changes in chromosome
C. environment
D. natural selection
E. Air
13. Before the development of industry in the UK, betularia Peppered high population of bright colors, which are
rarely found After dark growing industry betularia peppered dark color of the population is high. According to
the results of this analysis due betularia Peppered ...
A. bright colors are not resistant to industrial waste
B. bright colors are not happy with the sooty trees
C. dark sooty pleased with the tree
D. bright colors easily visible to the prey when perched on the trunk of sooty
E. dark colors are resistant to soot in the bark
14. Quail color and body shape is almost like the clumps tenah, so when he walks on the ground that lumpy soil
will protect the quail from its enemies. According to Darwin this happens because ...
A. nature will limit the number of individuals
B. Nature will kill the weaker individuals
C. nature will protect individuals who are weak

D. Nature will hold a selection of individuals who live in it

E. nature will not affect the growth of the number of individuals who live in it
15. Darwin realized that for a species to survive, its members must?
a. make fossils
b. have similar structures
c. develop behavioral traits
d. reproduce
16. Darwin's term to describe the ability of an individual to survive and reproduce was?
a. evolution
b. fitness
c. living diversity
d. adaptation
17. According to Darwin, because organisms produce a great number of offspring, members of a species must:
a. constantly struggle against each other for things they need to existence.
b. support and protect each other in order to survive long enough to pass on their genes.
c. share the exact same adaptations
d. show little variation
18. Darwin discovered that farmers had greatly altered and improved domesticated plants and animals through?
a. natural selection
b. adaptations
c. fossil diversity
d. artificial selection
19. According to Darwin, living species?
a. were produced spontaneously
b. lack common ancestors
c. were produced through a slow process of evolutionary change
d. look and behave exactly as their ancestors did
20. Evolution by natural selection produces species that?
a.are always larger than their ancestors
b. are better suited to the environment than their ancestors
c. produce more offspring than found in previous generations
d. yield more diverse fossils than previous generations
21. The survival of organisms with positive variations is called?
a. diversity
b. normal distribution
c. adaptation
d. natural selection
22. What did Darwin conclude from his study of fossils?
a. The total number of plant and animal species present on Earth is increasing
b. A species does not change over time
c. Certain species of organisms have vanished from the Earth
d. The number of organisms on Earth always stays the same
23. A fish may lay many hundreds of eggs. Not all of those baby fish survive long enough to reproduce. Darwin
described the battle of these fish to live to a reproductive age as the:
a. selection pressure
b. struggle for existance
c. fitness
d. adaptation

24. What does survival of the fittest mean?

a. Traits that an organism aquires during its lifetime will be passed to its offspring
b. Only those organisms adapted to their environment will survive to reproduce
c. Life only comes from living things
d. The largest and strongest of a species will survive long enough to reproduce and pass on its traits
25. Which of the following is not a source of variation in a population?

A. Inherited genetic differences.

B. Differences due to health.
C. Differences due to age.
D. Differences due to accident.
E. None of the above.

26. Which of the following examples of variation is not important from an evolutionary standpoint?
A. Genetic differences between individual organisms comprising the population.
B. Inherited differences between individual organisms comprising the population.
C. Differences due to diet, health, age or accident that have no affect on an individual's ability to survive
and reproduce.
D. A and B.
E. None of the above.
27. Why is genetic variation important from an evolutionary standpoint?
A. If all organisms were the same, the entire population would be vulnerable to particular pathogens, like
B. All evolutionary adaptations (e.g. the origin of forelimbs) are the result of the gradual build up of
genetic differences between organisms over geologic time.
C. Evolution (at the population level) refers to changes in the frequencies of genes in the population over
D. All of the above.
E. None of the above.
28. Which of the following is an example of genetic variation?

A. Two children have different eye colors.

B. One person is older than another.
C. One person has a scar, but her friend does not.
D. Todd eats meat, but his brother Rod is a vegetarian.
E. None of the above.

29. Which of the following is an example of environmental variation?

A. Apu is a tongue roller, but his brother Sanjay is not.

B. Marge dies her hair blue.
C. Homer inherited baldness from his father's side of the family.
D. Patti and Selma have hanging ear lobes.
E. Bart is a boy because he has both an X and a Y chromosome.

30. What's the difference between natural selection and sexual selection?
A. Sexual selection occurs during sex.
B. Natural selection is a type of sexual selection.
C. Sexual selection is a type of natural selection.

D. Sexual selection occurs within demes, natural selection does not.

E. None of the above.
31. What's the difference between genetic drift and change due to natural selection?

A. Genetic drift does not require the presence of variation.

B. Genetic drift does not involve competition between members of a species.
C. Genetic drift never occurs in nature, natural selection does.
D. There is no difference.
E. None of the above.

32. According to our reading, how did Georges Cuvier account for extinctions in nature?
A. Extinctions never occur--there are unexplored parts of the globe where organisms that appear to have
gone extinct may still live.
B. Extinctions occur when the slow adaptation of organisms over time to their environment is not quick
enough to help them respond to changing conditions.
C. Extinctions occur at random, they do not reflect God's will.
D. Extinctions are due to catastrophic events.
E. All of the above.
33. Why, according to our reading, did Darwin take so long to publish the Origin of Species?
A. Darwin wanted to share his theory as quickly as possible once he returned from his voyage on the
B. It took twenty years for Darwin to develop a theory.
C. Darwin suffered from a number of illnesses.
D. Darwin was concerned about the reaction of others to the implications of his theory.
E. All of the above.
34. In which of the following ways is natural selection not analogous to artificial selection?
A. With natural selection "picking" is due to the fit of an organism with its environment; whereas in
artificial selection, the breeder "picks" which organisms will breed.
B. Natural selection depends upon the presence of variation, artificial selection does not.
C. Natural selection occurs within populations, artificial selection does not.
D. There is a limit to how much change can be brought about by natural selection, no such limit exists
for artificial selection.
E. None of the above.

35. Why is the advent of reproductive isolation important from an evolutionary standpoint?
A. When the organisms comprising two populations of a species can no longer interbreed, the flow of
genetic material between them stops.
B. It is not important from an evolutionary standpoint. The question is based on a false assumption.
C. Reproductive isolation increases the mutation rate.
D. Reproductive isolation may slow reproduction.
E. None of the above.
36. If the theory of natural selection is the survival of the fitness, and the fittest are identified as those who
survive, why isn't it regarded as a tautology (a statement that is true only because of the meaning of the terms) ?
A. The effect of traits on the fitness of an organism can be assessed independently of whether the
organism indeed survives .
B. It is regarded as a tautology - the question is based on a false assumption.

C. Natural selection is true.

D. There may be some statements in science that are useful even if they are not falsifiable or refutable in
E. A and D.
37. The variation natural selection operates on is due to random mutations. What does this imply about natural
A. Natural selection is also a random process.
B. Natural selection is nevertheless a directed process- the likelihood one variant will be favored in a
given environment over another is predictable, even if the origin is not.
C. There is no possibility God could be involved in this process.
D. A, B and C.
E. None of the above.
38. How was Mendel's work ultimately reconciled with Darwin's theory of natural selection during the
evolutionary synthesis in the 1930s and 1940s?
A. Scientists recognized that once one thinks about species as populations, rather than individuals, there
is no incompatibility between them.
B. Mendel's theory was replaced by the mutation theory.
C. It was recognized much of the variation we observe in nature is due to recombination, rather than
D. A and C.
E. None of the above.
39. Which of the following is evidence for Darwin's theory of common descent?
A. There are patterns in the fossil record that suggest other species have diverged from a single ancestor
B. There are biogeographic patterns in the distribution of species, for instance distinct bird species on an
island tend to resemble one another, suggesting a common ancestor.
C. There are common stages in the early embryological development of organisms representing several
distinct vertebrate groups.
D. Anatomical structures, such as forelimbs, in different groups appear to be modified versions of
structures that might have been present in a common ancestor .
E. All of the above.

40. What is the relationship between the wing of a bird and the wing of a bat?
A. They are homologous because they represent modified forms of a trait present in a common ancestor
B. They are analogous because while each carries out the same function (flight), this trait has arisen
independently as a result of convergence (i.e. the common ancestor of both did not have a forelimb that
allowed it to fly).
C. A and B.
D. They represent derived homologies.
E. None of the above.
41. Which of the following is not an example of a macroevolutionary process?
A. One lion species splits to form two lion species over geological time.
B. The same trait evolves independently in two different taxa (e.g. wings in birds and in insects).
C. As a result of their activities, humans drive Dodos (a bird species) extinct.

D. Over a short period of time, the frequency of a single gene declines from 10 to 8%.
E. All of the above.
42. Which of the following is an example of an ancestral homology?
A. Almost all modern reptiles, birds and mammals have forelimbs, a trait they also share with
contemporary amphibians.
B. The first birds and all their descendant species have feathers, a trait that is unknown in any other
C. Humans and many insect species have eyes.
D. All of the above.
E. None of the above.
43. Which of the following is not an example of microevolutionary change?

A. The dark form of many moth species has increased in areas darkened by pollution.
B. Penicillin resistant forms of bacteria have arisen since the introduction of antibiotics.
C. The proportion of left and right bending moths in cichlid fish remains roughly 50:50.
D. The last American eagle dies off, leading to the extinction of the species.
E. All of the above.

44. Which of the following are difficult to explain in terms of natural selection?
A. Male peacocks evolve tail feathers that would appear to make them more rather than less vulnerable
to predators.
B. Male deer evolve antlers that are not used to defend themselves against predators.
C. A bird issues a warning cry that puts it at greater risk of being noticed by a predator.
D. Some traits appear to have no adaptive value.
E. All of the above
45. What do you understand by the word Evolution?
a.Process of change in the inherited traits of a population from one generation to the next
b.Process by which heritable traits that are helpful for survival
c.Process by which heritable traits that are helpful for Reproduction
d.process by which heritable traits that are helpful for Breathing
46.What is passed on to offspring during reproduction?
47.What is the name of the process by which heritable traits that are helpful for survival and reproduction
become more common in a population, while harmful traits become more rare?
a.Artificial selection
d.Natural selection
48.A group of organisms that can reproduce with one another and produce fertile offspring

49.Who wrote the famous book On the origin of Species detailing the theory of evolution ?
a.Stelly Wright
b.Charles Darwin
c.Hardy Weinberg
50. The complete set of genes within an organisms genome is called as:
d.All of the above
51.The complete set of observable traits that make up the structure and behaviour of an organism is called its:
52.A set of alleles that is usually inherited in a group is called as:
53 Which of the following is not a vestigial structure?
a.Wisdom teeth
c.Vermiform appendix
54 Who defined effective population size as a theoretical number representing the number of breeding
individuals that would exhibit the same observed degree of inbreeding?
a.Sewall Wright
b.Charles Darwin
c.Hardy Weinberg
55. What do Homo sapiens and Modern Day Apes have in common?
a.Lack of tails
b.Increased hand motor skills
c.Late onset of Puberty
d.All of the above
56. This individual wrote the book "Origin of Species":
A) James Watson
B) Charles Darwin
C) Gregor Mendel
D) Albert Einstein
57. The closest biological relative to modern day human beings is the:
A) lion

B) monkey
C) chimpanzee
D) rabbit
58. Which one of the following is considered to be a human "vestigial" (ie. unused) structure:
A) appendix
B) pelvis
C) chromosome
D) eyebrow
59. Which one of the following "human ancestors" is most closely related to modern humans?
A) Australopithecus afarensis
B) Homo habilis
C) Homo erectus
D) Dryopithecus
60. Apes and humans are believed to have diverged about:
A) 5 billion years ago
B) 5 million years ago
C) 5 thousand years ago
D) 5 hundred years ago
61. Select the correct statement:
A) mammals and dinosaurs existed together
B) amphibians evolved from the reptiles
C) archeopteryx was a type of mammal
D) whales are reptiles that returned to an aquatic environment
62. Which one of the following gives the correct order for the evolution of vertebrates?
A) fish, reptiles, mammals, amphibians
B) amphibians, reptiles, fish, mammals
C) reptiles, fish, mammals, amphibians
D) fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammals
63. What name did Donald Johansen give to the fossils of Astralopithecus afarensis?
A) Linus
B) Lucy
C) Java man
D) Peking man
64. Which of the following was the first tool user?
A) Astralopithecus africanus
B) Homo habilis
C) Homo erectus
D) Homo sapiens neanderthalensis

65. Which of the following are adaptations for bipedalism?

A) opposable big toe
B) large brain
C) foramen magnum at back of skull
D) bowl-shaped pelvis
66. In terms of biochemical evidence for evolution, which 2 organisms have the most similar DNA?
A) human and ape
B) human and monkey
C) human and horse
D) human and chicken
67. The deepest strata of the Earth contain fossils that are:
A) old and complex
B) old and simple
C) young and complex
D) young and simple
68. In addition to Darwin, who also determined that natural selection was a major force in evolution?
A) Cuvier
B) Lyell
C) Wallace
D) Malthus
69. What type of natural selection is occuring when the average phenotype is selected for and the
extreme phenotypes are selected against?
A) disruptive
B) stabilizing
C) directional
D) reductive
70. Which organism experienced a specific type of directional selection called Industrial Melanism?
A) peppered moth
B) horse
C) chimpanzee
D) sour melon
71. Which of the following is correct for a comparison of human and ape jaw?
A) human - rounded, ape - box
B) human - rounded, ape - rounded
C) human - box, ape - rounded
D) human - triangular, ape - box
72. Which type of dating can be used to date the Earth?
A) carbon dating
B) biostratigraphy

C) potassium-argon dating
D) palynology
73. How old is the Earth?
A) 4 million years
B) 8 million years
C) 2 billion years
D) 4.5 billion years
74. Archaeopteryx might have been the missing link between:
A) apes and humans
B) dogs and cats
C) amphibians and reptiles
D) reptiles and birds
75. Darwin thought the modern armadillo might be descended from the:
A) tortoise
B) porpoise
C) glyptodont
D) pterydactyl
76. The Scala Naturae was an early classification scheme. At the very bottom was:
A) inanimate matter
B) single cells
C) fungi
D) plants
77. Which gas was not present in large amounts in the early atmosphere of Earth?
A) ammonia
B) water vapour
C) methane
D) oxygen
78. Microevolution can be defined as:
A) small-scale changes in allele frequencies
B) large-scale changes in allele frequencies
C) small-scale changes in phenotypes
D) large-scale changes in phenotypes
79. Which of the following is a type of genetic drift?
A) directional selection
B) stabilizing selection
C) mutation
D) bottleneck
80. During which eon did the first eukaryotes appear on Earth?

A) Hadeon
B) Archaeon
C) Proterozoic
D) Phanerozoic
81. The image illustrates what evolutionary concept?
a. embryological similarities
b. variation among species
c. vestigial structures
d. homologous structures
82. Which of the following is NOT a component of the Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection?
a. competition for food and space
b. variation among species
c. inheritance of acquired characteristics
d. survival and reproduction
83. A structure that seems to serve no purpose in an organism is called:
a. homologous
b. vestigial
c. dichotomous
d. fossilized
84. In science, theories are:
a. an educated guess
b. a known fact
c. absolute and unchangeable
d. the best explanation for a set of data or observations
85. A group of mice becomes separated by the formation of a river. Over time, the northern mice
became smaller and whiter, while the southern mice became larger and browner. This is an example
a. divergence
b. homology
c. gigantification
d. industrial melanism
86. Larmarke is to "Inheritance of Acquired Characteristics" as Darwin is to _____
a. divergence of related species
b. homologous structures
c. evolution by natural selection
d. speciation by common descent
87. Any variation that can help an organism survive in its environment is called a(n):
a. adaptation
b. characteristic
c. competition
d. vestigial structure
88. The strongest evidence for change over a long period of time comes from:
c.embryo studies observation of living species
89. The dog breeds we have today were developed through:
a.natural selection

b.artificial selection (selective breeding)

c. sexual selection
d. acquired selection
90. The finches on the Galapagos island were similar in form except for variations of their beaks.
Darwin observed that these variations were useful for:
a.attracting a mate
b.defending territory
c. building nests
d. gathering food
91.Charles Darwin was best known in the 19th century for:
a) creating the idea of evolution
b) creating the idea of uniformitarianism
c) making the idea of evolution acceptable for scientists and the educated general public
d) all of the above
92. Charles Darwin's ideas concerning the causes of evolution were probably formulated in his mind:
a) while he was still a student at Cambridge University
b) before he began his voyage of exploration around the world on H.M.S. Beagle
c) during his voyage on H.M.S. Beagle, especially after he reached the Galpagos Islands
d) during the late 1880's
93.Charles Darwin concluded that the 13 species of finches on the Galpagos Islands:
a) were identical to 13 finch species in northwestern South America 600 miles to the east
b) probably evolved from one ancestral South American species
c) had all adapted to the same food sources
d) B and C
94.Through careful observation, Charles Darwin came to understand that:
a) populations of plants and animals in nature most often consist of individuals that are clones of each
b) those individuals whose variation gives them an advantage in staying alive long enough to
reproduce are more likely to pass their traits on to the next generation
c) populations of a species that become isolated from others by adapting to different environmental
niches quickly become extinct
d) all of the above
95.which of the following statements is true about Charles Darwin?
a) He believed that evolution was due to the inheritance of acquired characteristics.
b) He supported Lamarck's explanation of how evolution occurred.
c) He understood that the variation that exists in natural populations of plants or animals is the result
of repeated mutations.
d) none of the above
96. The theory of evolution by natural selection was independently developed by:
a) Charles Lyell and Charles Darwin
b) Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace
c) Erasmus Darwin and Lamarck
d) Charles Lyell and James Hutton
97.Which of the following statements about Darwin is true?
a) He failed to convince the majority of biologists and other educated lay people in the late 19th
century that life evolves.

b) He thought that the biggest and strongest animals are always at an advantage in natural selection.
c) His book On the Origin of Species did not sell well and the biologists in his time did not take much
notice of it.
d) none of the above
98.Darwin and Wallace's theory of evolution by natural selection failed to explain how:
a) nature operates to reduce variation in a population every generation
b) new genetic varieties can appear in a population every generation
c) neither of the above
d) adaptive radiation
99. Boucher de Perthes is known for discovering something in northern France during the 1830's.
What was it?
a) a partial Neandertal skeleton
b) prehistoric stone tools
c) the major cause of biological evolution
d) none of the above
100. Which of the following ideas was developed by Thomas Malthus?
a) Peppered moths living near English industrial cities provide a good example of evolution. b) The
diversity of Galpagos finch species is the result of natural selection.
c) Living things often produce far more offspring than are needed to maintain their numbers. d) none
of the above

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