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106 N. Western Ave.

Girard, KS 66743
Tel. (620)724-8717

Last Week

Weekly Bulletin

Saint Michael Church, Girard

Children's Offering

July 2014 to date







Over/ (Under)

Saint Michael Parish Mission Statement:

Sat. 5:30pm
Sun. 10:00 am

8:00 am

Sat. 2:00-2:30pm 3:15-3:45pm
Weekdays before Mass;
anytime by appointment.
Fr. Roger Lumbre
Janel Scales
Bookkeeper/Bulletin Editor
Faith Paoni
Rectory Office Hours
Tues-Fri 9AM-Noon
Closed on Mondays
Tel. (620) 724-8717

Altar Servers:

We the parishioners of Saint Michael the Archangel, through leadership and strong traditions are
faithful disciples of the teachings of Jesus Christ and His Catholic Church. We commit ourselves to
be generous stewards of our faith, our parish, and our community. We strive to involve all members
to be united in one parish family for the salvation of all.
Notes from the Pastor Festivities and Moments of Grace
We are really blessed endless outpouring of Gods grace and opportunities to grow in our love for
God and for each other - the celebration of the birth of our Savior; the 50 years anniversary of our
Church construction; and the beautiful festivities that are part of this Christmas season: the feast of the
Holy Family this weekend, the feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary this January 1 st, the Mother of God,
and followed by the feast of Epiphany on the weekend of January 3 rd and 4th which will be highlighted
with the presence of our new bishop, Bishop Carl Kemme who will be the main celebrant of our masses in Girard and Arma! If we are able to recognize all these blessings, we will really be amazed of
Gods love and our immediate reaction should be that of praise and gratitude! May all these celebrations hopefully enrich all of us spiritually! May The Emmanuel, God is with us will continue to
inspire each one of us in all that we do, not only during this joyful season but throughout the year 2015
and always!
Thank You Again!
Thank you also to all of you who labored hard the past weeks to let everyone experience the joy of
Christmas! Thank you to our Worship Committee Sacristans, Altar Servers, Arts and Environments
Committee and all who helped in decorating the church last December 21st! Thank you to Janel
Scales for working with our bulletin during this super busy time of year! Thank you to all lectors and
EMEs volunteers during this holiday season. Thank you to our musicians, choir members and cantors! For Girard, I thank our parish and finance councils, the buildings and grounds committee especially Mark and Trish Peak for all their hard work in the renovation of the church at Saint Michael!
Thank you to Janet OBrien and St. Michaels Angels and all those who helped her for extending a
hand to the needy this Christmas season, especially those who gave gifts, helped in wrapping and arranging them, and those who helped in delivering them to their homes! For Arma, thank you to Karen

Next Saturday (01/03/15)

5:30 PM

Next Sunday(01/04/15)
10:00 AM

E. M. E.


Gift Bearers


Mass Schedules & Intentions for December 27th-January 4th:




4:00 PM
5:30 PM
8:00 AM
10:00 AM
7:00 AM
5:30 PM
Wednesday 6:30 PM
10:00 AM










7:00 AM
4:00 PM
5:30 PM
8:00 AM
10:00 AM

Louis Petrey
Barb Doue
Lawrence Galichia
Pro Populo
Ellen Harris
Mary Masser
For the Intentions of St. Joseph
NO Eucharistic Adoration
No Intention
Eucharistic Adoration
Geno Marchetti
Pro Populo


Pryer for assembling some packages of religious items for

our homebound parishioners and delivering them to their
houses. They made these people happy and helped them feel
the presence of God in this season! Thank you to our PSR
kids in Arma and their parents, and our catechists for their
participation in the 4:00PM mass. It may not be perfect but
it was really meaningful! Thank you to all whom in one way
or another, and those I might have inadvertently missed to
mention, have helped in making our celebration successful!
May God bless all of you in all that you do!
Welcome to our Newly Renovated Church
What is new at Saint Michael Church? Inside, we have
newly refinished tabernacle, tiles and marble highlight
around the altar area, new carpet, new frames for the newly
cleaned stained glass windows, refurbished and refinished
pews, wider entrance to the church with tile flooring, new
adoration corner, new bathrooms with one ADA compliant,
new design added to the Saint Michael medallion right above
the altar, new doors the western side door is handicapped
accessible with automatic control switch, all new lights, and
new sound system! Outside, we have new canopies for the
main entrance and for each side entrances; we have new
handicapped parking areas, two at the driveway, and one at
the northwestern corner at the back of the church. We also
have new Saint Michael Catholic Church sign, and the Ten
Commandments and Beatitude tablets which will be blessed
by our bishop when he comes next weekend.

Saint Michaels Upcoming Events

Finance Council
Tony Stonerock-Chair

Parish Council
Dale Coomes-Chair
January 13, 2015

Rosary Altar Society

Next meeting, TBA
At 6:30pm in the Hall.

Knights of Columbus
1st Tuesday of Month, 7pm
St. Michael Parish Hall

Helping Hands
Need help or want to volunteer,
Call Carrie Smith, 724-6684

Daughters of Isabella
Call Marilyn Bradshaw,

Kapauns Men Friday mornings at 6am!

Please, No Gum in Church

When the pew crew dismantled our pews to start their refurbishing job, they have found lots of gum stuck at the edges and bottom of the pews. I included this as I am reminded noticing some
people chewing gum inside the church, much worst while the
mass is going on. Please throw away your gum to the trash box
in the bathroom or dispose them properly as you enter the
Church. It is not appropriate and disrespectful to chew gum inside the Church.
January 1st Holy Day of Obligation
Reminder: January 1, Tuesday, the New Year and solemnity of
the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God, is a holy day of obligation. Our schedule of masses is: December 31, Wednesday,
6:30PM in Girard; January 1, Thursday, 10:00AM in Arma.
We are also blessed this weekend with Casey Brown and Amber
Lynn Siebert Brown who will receive the convalidation of their
marriage during the 10AM mass. After the mass their two children Jillian Grace (two years old) and Calvin Jeffrey (8 months
old) will receive the sacrament of baptism. Congratulations to
the Brown family for the outpouring of Gods blessings and
grace on them.
I am praying and wishing all of you a blessed, joyful, and prosperous New Year! Thank you all and God bless you always!
Fr. Roger

We Thank our advertisers for your support!

Word of Life - Intercessions for Life

December 28th - The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph
For all families: That they may foster a loving environment that welcomes
new life; We pray to the Lord:
Bulletin Brief
[W]e are facing an enormous and dramatic clash between good and evil,
death and life, the culture of death and the culture of life. We find ourselves not only faced with but necessarily in the midst of this conflict: we
are all involved and we all share in it, with the inescapable responsibility of
choosing to be unconditionally pro-life.
-Pope John Paul II, Evangelium Vitae, 28
1995 Libreria Editrice Vaticana.
Used with permission.
Anniversary Dinner
The Parishs Anniversary Dinner will be on January 4th! Food will be provided. There will be RSVPs in the back of the hall, for you to fill out and turn
back in.
Sign Up Sheets
There are sign-up sheets in the hall entrance for anyone who would like to
volunteer to serve, lector, or Eucharistic Minister, for any of the masses from
December 24th-January 4th. Thank you in advance.
National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC)
The National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC) is an exciting, biannual
four-day experience of prayer, community, and empowerment for Catholic
teenagers. The schedule includes general and concurrent sessions addressing
a wide variety of topics including forgiveness, Catholic spirituality and prayer, global issues, sexuality, and leadership. There are also opportunities for
liturgy and special activities such as concerts, exhibits, and an activity village. The 2015 NCYC will be held in Lucas Oil Stadium and the Indianapolis
Convention Center in downtown Indianapolis, Indiana on November 19-22,
2015. If you a student in grades 8-11 and are interested, please contact
Michelle Puckett. NCYC is only four days, but it can be a catalyst for
stronger faith growth that can only be sustained in a strong faith community.
Teens Encounter Christ (TEC) Feb. 14-16
Dear young people, the Church needs genuine witnesses for the new evangelization: men and women whose lives have been transformed by meeting
with Jesus, men and women who are capable of communicating this experience to others. John Paul II, Aug., 04
Come on a journey with your peers through the Paschal Mystery of Christ
through stories, discussions, Mass, prayers, music and fun! The next TEC
retreat is the weekend of Feb 14-16 at the Spiritual Life Center in Wichita,
KS. TEC is specifically designed for older adolescents and young adults
who are at least 16 years of age and have finished their sophomore year of
high school. The cost for a TEC retreat is $100, which includes seven meals,
two nights lodging and all materials. Applications are available in the hall
entry or you can also go online to download an application at http:// and mail it to the Office of Faith
formation at 424 N. Broadway, Wichita KS 67202. Parents, please encourage your youth to attend! You can contact Carrie Smith for additional information.

St. michael, defend us in all our battles!

Hickory Bend, LLC

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