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Design by

katharine hunt

Skill Level



Womans small (medium, large,
extra-large) Instructions are given for
smallest size, with larger sizes in parentheses. When only 1 number is given, it
applies to all sizes.

Finished Measurements
Chest: 361/2 (41, 44, 481/2) inches
Length: 22 (221/2, 23, 231/2) inches

DK weight yarn* (249 yds/
125g per skein): 2 (3, 3, 4)
skeins cream #0002 (A), 3 (4,
4, 5) skeins cornsilk #3525 (B)
Size 5 (3.75mm) needles
Size 6 (4mm) needles or size needed
to obtain gauge
7 (5/8-inch/15mm) buttons

21 sts and 42 rows = 4 inches/
10cm in pat with larger needles.
To save time, take time to
check gauge.

Special Abbreviations
Make 1 (M1): Inc by k1 in back of
strand between st just worked and
next st on LH needle.
Wrap and turn (w/t): On WS rows,
take yarn to back, slip next st to RH
needle, bring yarn forward, return
slip st (which is now wrapped), to
LH needle; turn, leaving rem sts
unworked. On RS rows, bring yarn
forward, slip next st to RH needle,
take yarn to back, return sl st (which
is now wrapped), to LH needle;
turn, leaving rem sts unworked.
To hide wraps, work wrap tog with
wrapped st.

Pattern Stitches
1/1 Rib (odd number of sts)
Row 1 (RS): K1, *p1, k1; rep from *
Row 2: P1, *k1, p1; rep from *
Rep Rows 1 and 2 for rib pat.
Puff St (multiple of 4 sts + 1)
Row 1 (WS): With A, purl across.
Rows 2 and 4: With B, knit across.
Rows 3 and 5: With B, purl across.
Row 6: With A, k2, *drop next st off
needle and unravel it 4 rows down,
insert RH needle from front to back
into color A st 5 rows below, k1
catching 4 loose strands of B, k3; rep
from *, end last rep k2 instead of k3.
Row 7: With A, purl across.
Rows 811: With B, rep Rows 25.
Row 12: With A, k4, *drop next st
off needle and unravel it 4 rows
down, insert RH needle from front to
back into color A st 5 rows below, k1
catching 4 loose strands of B, k3; rep
from *, end last rep k4 instead of k3.
Rep Rows 112 for pat.

Pattern Notes
Take working measurements with
fabric lying flat. Since Rows 6 and 12
condense the fabric vertically, measure only after Row 6 or Row 12.
Carry A loosely up side of work
when not in use and loop over B at
edge of right side (RS) rows.
During shaping, there may not be
a complete set of Rows 25 or 811

to make a complete puff, leaving a

flat area in B. In this case, use A to do
the action of a Row 6 or 12 over the
shorter B section, so that it pulls the
flat area into a smaller puff.
Decrease on right side (RS) rows
by working slip, slip, knit (ssk) at
beginning of row (right edge), and
knit 2 together (k2tog) at end of row
(left edge).

Special Technique
One-Row Buttonhole: Knit across
RS row to buttonhole location, sl 1
purlwise wyif, take yarn to back, [sl 1
purlwise, pass first sl st over 2nd st]
3 times, return last st to LH needle,
turn work, take yarn to back, cable
cast-on 2 sts, cable cast-on 3rd st,
but bring yarn to front before placing
new st on needle. Turn work and knit
to next buttonhole location.

With A and smaller needles, cast on
97 (109, 117, 129) sts, and work 6
rows in 1/1 Rib pat. Change to larger
needles and work 1 more row in Rib.
Change to B and beg on WS with
Row 1, work in Puff St pat until back
measures 131/2 (131/2, 14, 14) inches
from beg, ending with WS row.
Shape armhole
Bind off 8 (8, 10, 10) sts at beg of next
2 rows, then dec 1 st at each edge
[every RS row] 4 (4, 6, 6) times73
(85, 85, 97) sts.

Copyright 2010 DRG, 306 East Parr Road, Berne, IN 46711. All rights reserved. This publication may
not be reproduced or transmitted in part or in whole without written permission from the publisher.

Fresh as
spring, this
pretty little
cardi will
be ideal for
office wear
or sunny day

Copyright 2010 DRG, 306 East Parr Road, Berne, IN 46711. All rights reserved. This publication may
not be reproduced or transmitted in part or in whole without written permission from the publisher.

Work even in pat until armhole

measures approx 8 (81/2, 81/2, 9) inches, ending with Row 1 or 7.
Shape shoulders
Note: Beg on Row 2 or 8.
Work first 23 (27, 26, 30) sts in pat,
bind off 27 (31, 33, 37) sts, work rem
sts in pat23 (27, 26, 30) sts on
each shoulder.
Leave right shoulder sts on needle
and continue to work left shoulder.
Left shoulder
Rows 1, 3 and 5 (WS): Work in pat
to neck edge, turn.
Row 2: Dec 1 st at neck edge, work
in pat to last 7 (9, 8, 10) sts, w/t.
Row 4: Dec 1 st at neck edge, work
in pat to last 14 (17, 16, 19) sts, w/t.
Row 6 (RS): Maintaining pat, bind off
rem 21 (25, 24, 28) sts, hiding wraps.
Right shoulder
Row 1 (WS): Join yarn at neck
edge and work in pat to last 7 (9, 8,
10) sts, w/t.
Rows 2 and 4: Work in pat to 2 sts
before neck edge, dec 1 st.
Row 3: Work in pat to last 14 (17,
16, 19) sts, w/t.
Row 5 (WS): Maintaining pat,
bind off rem 21 (25, 24, 28) sts,
hiding wraps.

Left Front
With A and smaller needles, cast on
45 (53, 57, 61) sts, and work 6 rows in
1/1 Rib. Change to larger needles and
work 1 more row in Rib.
Change to B and beg on WS with
Row 7 instead of Row 1, work in Puff
St pat until front measures 131/2 (131/2,
14, 14) inches from beg, ending with
a WS row.
Shape armhole
Bind off 8 (8, 10, 10) sts at beg of next
row, then dec 1 st at armhole edge
[every RS row] 4 (4, 6, 6) times33
(41, 41, 45) sts.
Work even in pat until armhole
measures 4 (41/2, 41/2, 5) inches, ending
with a RS row.

Shape neck
Bind off 8 (10, 11, 11) sts at beg of
next row, then dec 1 st at neck edge
[every RS row] 4 (6, 6, 6) times21
(25, 24, 28) sts.
Work even in pat until armhole
measures same as back, ending with
a RS row.
Shape shoulder
Row 1 (WS): Work in pat to last 7
(9, 8, 10) sts, w/t.
Rows 2 and 4: Work in pat to 2 sts
before neck edge, dec 1 st.
Row 3: Work in pat to last 14 (17, 16,
19) sts, w/t.
Row 5 (WS): Maintaining pat, bind
off all sts, hiding wraps.

Right Front
Work as for left front to armhole,
ending with a RS row.

Change to B and work in Puff St

pat, and at the same time, beg on
Row 8, inc 1 st at each edge [every
6th row] 4 (4, 6, 6) times (Row 2 or
Row 8), working inc sts into pat73
(77, 85, 89) sts.
Shape cap
Bind off 8 (8, 10, 10) sts at beg of next
2 rows, then dec 1 st at each edge
[every RS row] 4 (4, 6, 6) times49
(53, 53, 57) sts.
Work even in pat until sleeve measures 7 (71/2, 71/2, 8) inches from beg,
ending with a WS row.
Beg on next row, dec 1 st at each
edge [every 4th RS row] 3 times,
[every RS row] 2 (3, 3, 5) times39
(41, 41, 41) sts.
Bind off at beg of row [2 sts] 4
times, [3 sts] twice, [4 sts] twice. Bind
off rem 17 (19, 19, 19) sts in pat.

Shape armhole
Bind off 8 (8, 10, 10) sts at beg of next
row, then dec 1 st at armhole edge
[every RS row] 4 (4, 6, 6) times33
(41, 41, 45) sts.
Work even in pat until armhole
measures 4 (41/2, 41/2, 5) inches, ending
with a WS row.


Shape neck
Bind off 8 (10, 11, 11) sts at beg of
next row, then dec 1 st at neck edge
[every RS row] 4 (6, 6, 6) times21
(25, 24, 28) sts.
Work even in pat until armhole
measures same as back, ending with
a WS row.
Shape shoulder
Rows 1, 3 and 5 (WS): Work in pat
to neck edge, turn.
Row 2: Dec 1 st at neck edge, work
in pat to last 7 (9, 8, 10) sts, w/t.
Row 4: Dec 1 st at neck edge, work
in pat to last 14 (17, 16, 19) sts, w/t.
Row 6 (RS): Maintaining pat, bind off
all sts, hiding wraps.


With A and smaller needles, cast on
65 (69, 73, 77) sts, and work 6 rows in
1/1 Rib. Change to larger needles and
work 1 more row in Rib.

Block by pinning pieces to measurements and lightly misting with

water. Leave until dry. To maintain
the embossed texture of the fabric,
do not press or cover with any cloth
heavier than lightweight muslin.
Sew shoulder seams.

With smaller needles and A, RS facing, beg at corner of right front, pick
up and knit 47 (49, 51, 53) sts to right
shoulder, 43 (45, 49, 53) sts across
back neck to left shoulder, and 47
(49, 51, 53) sts around to corner of
left front137 (143, 151, 159) sts.
Beg on WS, work 6 rows in 1/1 Rib,
then bind off in pat on WS.

Button Band
With smaller needles and A, RS facing, beg at top of neckband, pick up
and knit 143 (147, 151, 155) sts evenly
along left front edge.
Beg on WS, work 6 rows in 1/1 Rib,
then bind off in pat on WS.
Mark position of 7 buttons evenly
on band, with first and last buttons
approx 1/2 inch from top and bottom.

Copyright 2010 DRG, 306 East Parr Road, Berne, IN 46711. All rights reserved. This publication may
not be reproduced or transmitted in part or in whole without written permission from the publisher.

81/2 (10, 103/4, 111/2)"



181/4 (201/2, 22, 241/2)"

Copyright 2010 DRG, 306 East Parr Road, Berne, IN 46711. All rights reserved. This publication may
not be reproduced or transmitted in part or in whole without written permission from the publisher.


14 (141/2, 16, 17)"

121/2 (13, 14, 141/2)"

41/2 (5, 5, 51/2)"

22 (221/2, 23, 231/2)"

171/2 (18, 181/2, 19)"

81/2 (10, 103/4, 111/2)"


131/2 (131/2, 14, 14)"
8 (81/2, 81/2, 9)"

171/2 (18, 181/2, 19)"

8 (81/2, 81/2, 9)"

131/2 (131/2, 14, 14)"


6 (61/2, 7, 73/4)"
4 (43/4, 41/2, 51/4)"

4 (43/4, 41/2, 51/4)"

4 (43/4, 41/2, 51/4)"

armholes, working from shoulder out

to each edge.
Sew side and sleeve seams,
aligning pat. Sew buttons opposite

91/4 (10, 10, 101/2)"

With smaller needles and A, RS facing, beg at lower edge, pick up and
knit 143 (147, 151, 155) sts evenly
along right front edge.
Beg on WS, work 3 rows in 1/1 Rib.
Buttonhole row (RS): Referring to
button positions on left band, Rib to

first buttonhole and work One-Row

Buttonhole over 3 sts; continue to
work rem 6 buttonholes, then Rib to
end of row.
Work 2 more rows in established
rib, then bind off in pat on WS.
Aligning center top of sleeve cap
with shoulder seam, sew sleeves into

131/2 (131/2, 14, 14)"
8 (81/2, 81/2, 9)"

Buttonhole Band

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