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Int. j. econ. manag. soc. sci., Vol(3), No (10), October, 2014. pp.


TI Journals

International Journal of Economy, Management and Social Sciences


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Performance Indicators in a Service Supply Chain

Hoda Mehrparvar *
Department of Industrial Engineering, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran

Arash Shahin
Department of Management, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

Mahdi Karbasian
Department of Industrial Engineering, Malek-e-Ashtar University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran
*Corresponding author:



Service Supply Chain (SSC)

Performance Measurement (PM)
Service Supply Chain Processes

Alongside the creation of any system and new trend in an organization, it's necessary to measure the
performance of this new system and in other words its effectiveness and efficiently in order to promote the
conditions of organization through identifying in the improvement opportunities. In recent years, with respect
to the rapid growth of service industries in the world, researchers have shifted their studies toward service
supply chain, but a little research has been done in the field of performance measurement indicators in service
supply chain so far. For this purpose, performance measurement indicators in service supply chain processes
have been considered and then the indicators have been classified from the view of being input or output.

1. Introduction
In recent decades, the service sector has become extremely important in the world economies [1]. The service economy has always been the
driving force of economic growth of every developed nation [2]. Services now account for two-thirds of the output of the advanced economies of
the world. Furthermore, they represent the majority of employment in those nations [3]. However, services lag behind performance when
compared to manufacturing. One of the reasons is that most of successful manufacturing organizations have an opportunity to achieve higher
performance in pursuit of supply chain management (SCM), which is a common practice across manufacturing industries From both the
practical and academic standpoints, the emphasis in SCM is still strongly skewed toward the manufacturing sector So, the presentation of SSC
which takes service as center is of great significance [1].
A study [4] shows that service enterprises provide service for society not independently but relatively as a chain. So, the presentation of service
supply chain (SSC) which takes service as center is of great significance. Especially in the time which is oriented to service-economy and in the
background of intense competition, it can help enterprises to improve their core competitiveness, reduce uncertainty in the business and improve
Service Production and decision-making efficiency [5].
As an indispensable management tool, Performance Measurement (PM) provides the necessary assistance for performance improvement in
pursuit of SC excellence [6]. Also, most service firms realize that, in order to evolve an efficient and effective SSC, Service Supply Chain
Management (SSCM) needs to be assessed for its performance. SSCPMS not only provides feedback information to show improvement,
reinforce motivation and communication and identify problems, but also promotes integration and coordination among SSC members. As a
result, overall customer service level as well as competitiveness and profitability can be increased. The objective of SSCPM is to assess key SSC
activities under different performance dimensions [1]. Hence, in this research SSCPM indicator is identified.

2. Literature review
Considerable research has been done in the field of manufacturing supply chain and its performance measurement while less related studies have
been done on supply chain in the service sector .In the following, some of the important researches are addressed.
Sampson (2000) states in his research that SC definition is quite easy for manufacturing organizations because participants in this type of chains
receive the inputs from the suppliers and do the necessary processes on the inputs and then deliver outputs to a distinct set of customer. Although
one of the primary suppliers of the process inputs are the customers themselves, this is a meaning of customer-supplier duality which has been
extended and developed as a component of SSCM [7].
Ellram et al. (2004) have referred to the growth and increase of the service importance and presented a suitable framework for SSC by
comparing with three models of manufacturing SC named Forum framework, SCOR model and Hewlett-Packard SCM model. For the first time,
they called the Information flow, demand management, capacity and skills management, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Supplier
Relationship Management (SRM), service delivery management and cash flow as SSC processes and at last stated that attention and distribution
of information about the techniques and trends of SSCM may result in improving organizations competitive advantage, cost-cutting and value
increase for service organizations [8].
Baltacioglu et al. (2007) developed a general model of SC in service industries named IUE-SSC based on the existing knowledge derives from
Ellram et al. (2004) and SCOR models. This model includes all elements of the supply chain and defines the managerial activities (information
and technology management, demand management, customer relationship management (CRM), supplier relationship management (SRM),
capacity and resource management, order process management and service performance management) to be fulfilled for effective management


Performance Indicators in a Service Supply Chain

International Journal of Economy, Management and Social Sciences Vol(3), No (10), October, 2014.

of service supply chains. The model was studied in healthcare industries. The results indicate that implementation of effective SCM is regarded
as a powerful tool for dealing with the present challenges in this industry [9].
Song et al. (2008) specially concentrated on professional SSC in a survey and based on the perspective of professional service outsourcing
defined SSC they suggested a professional model of SSC based on literature review about SSC in which the process of developing the service
delivery is the chain core. After analyzing the traits of the SSC, a comprehensive performance evaluation system was suggested for SSC based
on analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and data envelopment analysis (DEA) models and finally a case study was conducted to select one supplier
out of five service suppliers in the field of outsourcing the human resources management of a firm to a counseling institute of professional
human resources [10].
Shahin (2010) introduced SSCM and its types using various examples; he described the meaning of customer-supplier duality to different level
of SSC and also addressed particular elements and impacts of SSCM. It is necessary to point out that this survey shows SSC is more complicated
than production SC as well as that SSCM is an analogous systems approach that is especially suitable for delivering mobile services. Generally,
SSCM has significant advantages for service organizations [3].
Boonitt and Pongpanarat (2011) apply the Q-sort technique to the scale development process in order to address the reliability and validity
problems caused by subjectivity of SSCM. Four dimensions, including demand management, capacity and resource management, order process
management, service performance management have limited numbers of scales, indicating that the scales need to be reviewed [11].
Zailani and Kumar (2011) measured SSC practices based on SSC model proposed by Ellram et al. (2004) and Lin et al. (2009). In this study
only tailors the measurement for practices such as information flow, knowledge management, capacity and skills management and cash flow
management are considered as strategically resources to the logistics service provider and proposed items in logistics industry studied [12].
Lang and Chang (2012) proposed a conceptual framework in order to study the relationship between SSCM practices and public healthcares
organizational performance that recognize the mediating effect of alliance integrated network in Malaysia. Information and technology
management, demand management, CRM, SRM, capacity and resource management which were more repeated in the past studies were selected
as SSCM practices. Findings show a certain link of SSCM practices with organizational performance [13].
Dong et al. (2012) gave a hierarchical structure for SSCPM based on classified PM dimensions by Fitzgeralds et al. (1991), and Parasuramans
et al. (1988) and SCOR model. In the following, the framework was implemented to performance measurement of supply chain in a hotel and
the indicators weight obtained using Fuzzy AHP method [1].
Sakhuja and Jain (2012) proposed an integrated conceptual framework to make a connection between the core elements of SSC and key service
operations. This general model can fit to different service industries and also provides the vision for the operational managers in service
industries to do their service activities in a systematic and planned manner to achieve organizational objectives [14].
As discovered, the SSC processes presented by Dong et al. (2012) are better in comparison to other posed processes.

3. Service Supply Chain (SSC)

3.1 SSC Definitions
The study on SSC just started in recent years. Ellram et al. (2004) studied focuses on the professional service supply chain. They proposed as the
only relevant definition of SSCM the management of information, processes, capacity, service performance and funds from the earliest supplier
to the ultimate customer [8]. The first definition about SSC has been proposed by Baltacioglu et al. (2007) the service supply chain is the
network of suppliers, service providers, consumers and other supporting units that performs the functions of transaction of resources required to
produce services; transformation of these resources into supporting and core services; and the delivery of these services to customers [9].
Cayama (2008) stated that SSCM is the science of adapting the organization, configuration, and capacity of the service delivery process
according to demand variability, and establishing a network with the best resources and service providers to deliver a service that satisfies
customers' expectations of quality [15]. Shahin (2010) explained that SSCM is an analogous systems approach that is especially suitable for
delivering mobile services such as parcel delivery and home health care [3].
3.2 Differences between SSCs and Physical Inventory Supply Chains
Services differ from physical products in several ways. Pure services are intangible, labour intensive, difficult to resell, difficult to automate,
heterogeneous, not able to be stored and transported due to production and consumption at the same time, are often perishable (unused capacity
is capacity lost forever) and have a quality dimension that is difficult to evaluate [16]. The SCM concepts and ideas have traditionally been
associated with the logistics and transportation of manufactured goods between different stages of the chain from raw material to the final
customer. The service industry presents particular characteristics that impede the direct application of the current body of knowledge. Among
these differences are [15]:


The customer is a participant in the SSC: In SSCs, the tangible and intangible elements of services are directed towards the
customer and his/her possessions, intellect, assets, or information. There are flows in both directions between the consumer and the
service providers. Since the customer represents the first link in the chain, it is important to establish effective ways of receiving the
inputs that he provides.
The SSC delivers an intangible output: When a customer buys a manufactured product, she is able to see, feel, and test it before
committing to buy. On the other hand, the customer cannot have that kind of experience with services. Because the flows within the
SSC involve intangibles, they are different from physical inventory supply chains and present new challenges.
There are no inventories between the different tasks: In manufacturing, inventories serve as a buffer to absorb variations in
demand. In SSC this buffer does not exist, and demand fluctuations are transmitted directly to the chain. In manufacturing, the

Hoda Mehrparvar *, Arash Shahin, Mahdi Karbasian


International Journal of Economy, Management and Social Sciences Vol(3), No (10), October, 2014.



different stages are joined by inventories of parts and goods in process. In the SSC, the buffers between different tasks are customers
or customers' belongings waiting in a queue. The inventory size equivalency is queue length.
Time perishable capacity: Because services are non-inventoriable commodities they cannot be stored for later use. Service capacity is
lost forever when not used. This generates a challenge for SSCM that should balance capacity, facility utilization, use of idle time, and
customer waiting.
The output quality is hard to assess before delivery: Because of the nature of the SSC, the output can hardly be inspected and
measured before delivery. It can only be assessed after the customer experiences the service. When services have already been
consumed, they cannot be serviced or reworked; and services that do not meet the requirements are difficult to replace.

3.3 Customer- supplier duality

Service chains despite of the goods supply chains often involve the customer in production process as an active participant. Recent progresses in
information technology involve the customer in production process completely and directly. The nature of the service makes a customersupplier duality that affects on the relations of SSC. Instead of production SC in which physical goods move from a nature into another nature, a
service may be regarded as an act on the peoples minds (e.g. education, entertainment, psychology), people's bodies (e.g. transportation,
lodging, funeral services), people's belongings (e.g. landscaping, dry cleaning, repair), people's information (e.g. insurance, investments, legal
services) [17]. All services act on something which is provided by the customer. In other words, customers are suppliers in all service
businesses, which is the customer-supplier duality [3].
3.4 Different types of SSCs
Customer-supplier duality implies that production flows not only from suppliers to customers, but also from customers to suppliers. Therefore,
production flow is bidirectional, which is a key factor in linking traditional supply-chain concepts to service process realities. The simplest form
of a bidirectional supply chain is for the customers to provide their inputs to the service provider, who converts the input into an output which is
delivered back to the customer. This single-level bidirectional supply chain is depicted in Figure 1.

Service customer
supplying inputs

Material or

Service provider
Service customer
Figure 1. Single-level bidirectional supply chain [7]

Things get more complicated when the service provider employs another service provider to assist with the processing of customer inputs. The
result is a two-level bidirectional supply chain. Such a two-level bidirectional supply chain is depicted in Figure 2. In two-level bidirectional
supply chains, the initial service provider is an interface between the service customer and the service supplier.

Service supplier
customer inputs

Service customer
supplying inputs
Initial service

Service supplier
providing output

Service customer
consuming output

Figure 2. Two-level bidirectional supply chain [7]

There is a third type of service supply chains that is not bidirectional, but incorporates the customer-supplier duality. This is a class of service
processes in which the customer provides inputs to the service provider, who processes the inputs and delivers them to an entity which is
different from the customer. Even if the original customers never see the original delivered output, they do receive benefits from the delivery.
This Unidirectional supply chain is depicted in Figure 3. An example is postal or package delivery, where customers deliver their documents or
packages to the delivery service provider to be spatially transformed (i.e. moved) to a desired location [7].

The firms

The firms

The firm

The firms

The firms

Figure 3. Unidirectional supply chain [7]

4. Performance indicators in a SSC

According to studies in the field of processes SSC determined that Dong et al. (2012) is more complete. Hence, the indicators are identified and
discussed in the context of SSC processes suggested by Dong et al. (2012). After reviewing the research, performance indicators related to each
of the SSC processes have been identified which are presented below. As this study done on supply chain, its necessary to determine which


Performance Indicators in a Service Supply Chain

International Journal of Economy, Management and Social Sciences Vol(3), No (10), October, 2014.

indicators on the chain is as input and which output. Because the organizations steadily tries to reduce inputs and increase outputs, indicators in
this paper have been distinguished based on the nature of input and output on SSC.
4.1 Demand management
Demand management, which is the preliminary function of SSCM, focuses on forecasting and managing customer requirements, with the
objective of facilitating this information to shape SSC operating decisions [1]. In a service flow, the functions of demand forecasting,
determination and planning are needed prior to actual service delivery. Also, the supporting functions in the SSC, which are directly related to
the product supply chain, should also be taken into consideration [9]. Indicators related this process are presented in Table 1 [18, 1, 8, 11].
Table 1. Demand management indicators
Performance indicators
Forecast accuracy
Forecasting customer requirements
Demand resources need reliability

Chopra and Meindl, 2004; Dong et al., 2012
Ellram et al., 2004
Boonitt and Pongpanarat, 2011



4.2 Capacity and resources management

Capacity management is the dedicated act to balance demand from customers and the capability of the service delivery system. The task of
capacity management is to try to achieve a balance between too much and too little resource utilization, within the constraints of the networks
and facilities of the operation [1]. Service capacity is defined as the maximum level of value-added activity over a period of time that the service
process can consistently achieve under normal operating conditions [19]. Resource utilization is a performance criterion which evaluates how
efficiently resources are utilized in the delivery of services [20]. Scheduling deals with the allocation of resources to tasks overtime to perform a
collection of activities [1]. Indicators related this process are presented in Table 2 [19, 21, 1, 2, 11].
Table 2. Capacity and resources management indicators
Performance indicators
Service capacity
Capacity utilization
Effectiveness of scheduling techniques
The ability to manage intangible resources (e.g. skills, experiences, and
knowledge) to operate at optimum service capacity
The ability to manage tangible resources (e.g. facilities, labor, and
capital) to operate at optimum service capacity

Johnston and Glark, 2008; Haksever et al., 2000; Dong et al.,
Johnston and Glark, 2008; Haksever et al., 2000; Dong et al.,
Giannakis, 2011; Haksever et al., 2000; Dong et al., 2012
Boonitt and Pongpanarat, 2011
Boonitt and Pongpanarat, 2011




4.3 Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

CRM which includes the processes that focus on the interface between the firm and its customers seeks to create customer demand and facilitate
the placement and managing of orders [18]. CRM attempts to integrate the many communication channels between an organizations units and
its customers [1]. Managing customer relationships is about establishing, maintaining and enhancing relationships with customers for mutual
benefit [19]. Indicators related this process are presented in Table 3 [22, 1, 11].
Table 3. Customer relationship management indicators
Performance indicators
Customer retention
The ability to develop long-term relationships with customers
The ability to communicate optimistic information to
The ability to establish effective relationships with customers
to the benefit of the brand loyalty
The ability to manage relationship with customer to create the
impression before and after service
Customer relationship


Bruhn and Georgi, 2006; Dong et al., 2012
Boonitt and Pongpanarat, 2011
Boonitt and Pongpanarat, 2011


Boonitt and Pongpanarat, 2011

Boonitt and Pongpanarat, 2011

Customer satisfaction
Customer loyalty
Customer profitability
Customer value

Bruhn and Georgi, 2006; Dong et al., 2012

Bruhn and Georgi, 2006; Dong et al., 2012
Bruhn and Georgi, 2006
Bruhn and Georgi, 2006




4.4 Supplier Relationship Management (SRM)

SRMs basic aim is to arrange for and manage various supply sources for various goods and services [9]. In service supply chains, suppliers
contribute directly to the production of services and usually in direct contact with customers. Thus, suppliers play an important role in
customers perception of services and customer satisfaction. A failure in the supply side may simultaneously turn into a failure in service
delivery performance [1]. Indicators related this process are presented in Table 4 [23, 24, 25, 1, 26, 27, 28, 2, 11].

Hoda Mehrparvar *, Arash Shahin, Mahdi Karbasian


International Journal of Economy, Management and Social Sciences Vol(3), No (10), October, 2014.

Table 4. Supplier relationship management indicators

Performance indicators

Evaluation of suppliers

The ability to develop longterm relationships with

The ability to maintain close
relationship with a limited
pool of suppliers
The ability to focus on key
supplier to improve the service
chain quality
The ability to develop a
partnership program with
suppliers for the benefit of the
whole service supply chain

Extent of mutual understanding and closeness for
business growth long-term perspective
Level and degree of productive and logistic
Level and degree of information exchange
Buyersupplier risk/profit sharing initiatives
Extent of mutual cooperation leading to continuous
Level and degree of operative interaction between
buyer and supplier
Extent of mutual assistance in problem solving
Supporting service delivery lead time
Quality of suppliers service level

Thakkar et al., 2007


Toni et al., 1994

Toni et al., 1994; Gunasekaran et al., 2001
Thakkar et al., 2007; Dong et al., 2012
Doran et al., 2005; Hansen, 2009; Toni et al.,
1994; Thakkar et al., 2007; Gunasekaran et al.,
Toni et al., 1994
Doran et al., 2005; Thakkar et al., 2007



Cost saving initiatives

Supplier pricing against market
Risk sharing initiatives
Utilization of service facilities, equipment and staff
The delivery efficiency of supporting services
Volume and specification flexibility
Quality assurance methodology
Ability in day to day technical representation
Adherence to a developed schedule
Ability to avoid complaints of service delivery

Feng et al.,2011; Dong et al., 2012

Feng et al., 2011; Giannakis, 2011; Dong et al.,
Feng et al., 2011; Dong et al., 2012
Feng et al., 2011; Dong et al., 2012
Dong et al., 2012
Dong et al., 2012
Dong et al., 2012
Dong et al., 2012
Dong et al., 2012
Dong et al., 2012
Dong et al., 2012
Dong et al., 2012
Boonitt and Pongpanarat, 2011


Boonitt and Pongpanarat, 2011

Boonitt and Pongpanarat, 2011

Boonitt and Pongpanarat, 2011


4.5 Order process management

Lambert et al. (1998) defined order processing as the function that entails the system which an organization has for getting orders from
customers, checking on the status of orders and communicating to customers about them, and actually filling the order and making it available to
the customer. Order processing has great importance in service businesses and improvements in this function are usually reflected in cost
decreases [9]. The order entry method determines the way and the extent to which the customer specifications are converted into useful
information, and are passed down along the supply chain [25]. Service order lead time refers to the time which elapses between the receipt of the
customers order and the delivery of a service to the customer. Also, the customer service order path determines a series of activities that need to
deliver a service [1]. Managing the cycle times of the various supply chain processes is a crucial enabler of outstanding customer delivery
performance [29]. Indicators related this process are presented in Table 5 [25, 1, 2, 29, 11].
Table 5. Order process management indicators
Performance indicators
The service order entry method
The customer service order path
Service order lead time
Total cycle time
The efficiency of process orders or reservation systems

Gunasekaran et al., 2001; Dong et al., 2012
Gunasekaran et al., 2001; Dong et al., 2012
Giannakis, 2011; Gunasekaran et al., 2001; Dong et al., 2012
Stewart, 1995; Dong et al., 2012
Boonitt and Pongpanarat, 2011




4.6 Service performance management

Service performance management can be regarded as the key function in the service supply chain [9]. Also, it plays a key function which
manages the necessary activities for the delivery of a service to the customer in the service supply chain. Because of the nature of service
businesses, the service delivery process requires both customer and producer to be present. In addition, service delivery and consumption occurs
simultaneously. These have difficulty in measuring the performance of the service delivery process [1]. Indicators related this process are
presented in Table 6 [ 20, 30, 1, 19, 2, 25, 22, 8, 31].


Performance Indicators in a Service Supply Chain

International Journal of Economy, Management and Social Sciences Vol(3), No (10), October, 2014.

Table 6. Service performance management Indicators

Performance indicators
Service flexibility (volume,
delivery speed, specification)
Range of services
Total service delivery cost


The customer query time

Post process services
Making promises to customers
Service delivery performance

Profit margin
Service value (customer perception of service value)
Employ satisfaction (satisfaction with service quality,
Physical environment and management style)
Operating ratio of actual to planned working hours
Average customer spend per visit per store
Employee referral
Employee turnover
Employee absence

Fitzgerald et al., 1991; Parasuraman et al.,
1988; Dong et al., 2012
Johnston and Glark, 2008; Dong et al., 2012
Giannakis,2011; Johnston and Glark, 2008;
Dong et al., 2012
Gunasekaran et al., 2001
Bruhn and Georgi, 2006
Ellram et al., 2004
Silvestro and Cross, 2000; Dong et al., 2012
Silvestro and Cross, 2000; Dong et al., 2012
Silvestro and Cross, 2000
Silvestro and Cross, 2000




Silvestro and Cross, 2000

Silvestro and Cross, 2000; Dong et al., 2012
Silvestro and Cross, 2000
Silvestro and Cross, 2000
Silvestro and Cross, 2000


4.7 Information and technology management

SCM is to a large extent about the management of information flow [9], because it provides the basis on which supply chain managers make
decisions. Information technology consists of the tools used to gain awareness of information, analyze, this information, and execute on it to
increase the performance of the supply chain [1]. When the speed of information flow increases, it will improve the efficiency and effectiveness
of the supply chain and help the organizations to respond to customer changing needs at a faster pace [12]. Indicators related this process are
presented in Table 7 [12, 1, 8, 11].
Table 7. Information and technology management indicators
Performance indicators
IT supply chain applications
Level of information sharing
Accuracy of the information exchanges
Timeliness of the information exchanges
Credibility of the information exchanges
Demand estimation
Using new technology for increasing channel to customers to contact the organization
The ability to create effective networks management to share information among
internal functions, suppliers and customers
The ability to track accurate information and/or data within the supply chain by using
information technology
Decision-making management based on updated information technology

Zailani and Kumar, 2011; Dong et al., 2012
Zailani and Kumar, 2011
Zailani and Kumar, 2011
Zailani and Kumar, 2011
Zailani and Kumar, 2011
Ellram et al., 2004
Boonitt and Pongpanarat, 2011
Boonitt and Pongpanarat, 2011




Boonitt and Pongpanarat, 2011

Boonitt and Pongpanarat, 2011

4.8 Service Supply Chain finance

Cash flow is a necessary process control which is need in the SSCM [8]. Johnson and Mena (2008) have changed the term proposed by Ellram et
al. (2004) from cash flow management to financial flow management to avoid the confusion between the cash flow management from finance
context and cash flow management under SSC [12]. Supply chain finance is related to optimizing the financial structure and the cash-flow
within the supply chain. Its objective is to optimize financing across company borders in order to decrease the cost of capital and speed up cashflow [1]. The total cash flow time can be measured as the average number of days required to transform the cash invested in assets into the cash
collected from a customer [29]. Once the total cash flow time is determined, it can readily be combined with profit with the objective of
providing an insight into the rate of return on investment (ROI) [25]. Indicators related this process are presented in Table 8 [2, 29, 1, 25, 8].
Table 8. Service Supply Chain finance indicaors
Performance indicators
Total cash flow time
Rate of return on investment
Flow of payments between parties

Giannakis, 2011; Stewart, 1995; Dong et al., 2012
Gunasekaran et al., 2001; Dong et al., 2012
Ellram et al., 2004



5. Discussion and conclusions

In this paper, customer-supplier duality and the different types of SSC and their differences with manufacturing of SCM have been presented.
The importance of the service supply chain performance measurement has been highlighted. Based on a literature review, indicators of SSCPM
have been discussed, and all of indicators related to any processes of SSC are given, and indicators have been classified in terms of inputs and
outputs. Categorizing indicators based on input and output will lead to better evaluation of the chain.
Although SSCM might seem complicated compared to SCM in manufacturing, it provides considerable benefits to service firms, such as
flexibility in delivery, dynamic scheduling, and process orientation. In the following, some suggestions are presented for the future research:

Hoda Mehrparvar *, Arash Shahin, Mahdi Karbasian


International Journal of Economy, Management and Social Sciences Vol(3), No (10), October, 2014.

Screening indicators according to SMART criteria using Decision making techniques (i.e. ELECTER).
Identifying service supply chains (single-level bidirectional supply chain, two-level bidirectional supply chain and unidirectional
supply chain) in servicing organizations such as hospitals, hotels, banks and so on.
Prioritizing service supply chains loops based on input and output indicators.
Prioritizing SSCPM indicators in service supply chains loops.



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