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Radionics is a method of healing and diagnosing at a distance using the unique extra-sensory
faculties of the operator supported and amplified by a physical instrument, device, geometric
pattern, energy or substance.
Radionics means to operate on principles based on Quantum Physics, not primarily upon the
physical body directly, but upon the subtle energy auric fields which are undetected by the
normal senses and but which support life and are essential for its functioning. Radionics can
be both a diagnostic and therapeutic procedure which can be used to discover the higher
dimensional energetic disturbances underlying pathology and to encourage the reappearance
of normal energetic fields which support health. It does not replace nor interfere with other
forms of medical care, but supplements them. Radionics is based on the understanding that
every persons energy patterns, frequencies, signatures, vibrations or rhythms are as unique
to them as their fingerprints, and that every part of their body, down to the cell level, reflects
these vibrations. When illness, injury, infection, stress, pollution, malnutrition, or poor hygiene
causes these patterns to become imbalanced or interrupted, then the energy is altered. This
altered energy pattern can be read from any part of the body and treated by sending
messages, with an instrument, to the body in order that the body may heal itself through the
restored flow of energy.

Radionic diagnosis and treatment are not medical procedures, but are rather of a quantum,
esoteric, or spiritual nature, tapping into dimensions that are beyond the Physical Plane. It is in
these higher dimensions that the origins of all experiences in the Physical Plane are thought
to originate. Basic to radionic theory and practice is the concept that man and all other life
forms share a common ground in that we are all bathed in the electro-magnetic and other
energy fields not only of the earth but of the entire Universe called Ether, Morphic Fields (Dr.
Rupert Sheldrake); and further, that each life form has its own electromagnetic field which, if
sufficiently distorted, will result in disease of the organism

Effectiveness is independent of the distance between practitioner and patient. Distance is not
a limitation. The patient can be with the practitioner, can be connected to a machine, or can be
many miles away.

For a brief history of radionics and a discussion of its relationships with homeopathy, refer to
Nick Franks essay published in the Radionic Journal, November 2000, available on-line. The
modern origins of Radionics are attributed to a distinguished American physician, Doctor
Albert Abrams (1863-1924) of San Francisco. He graduated from the University of California,
wrote several medical text books and became one of the most highly qualified specialists of
his day. He eventually won for himself a national reputation as a specialist in diseases of the
nervous system. Abrams made the startling discovery that diseases could be measured in
terms of energy, and he devised an instrument which calibrated dials which enabled him to
identify and measure disease reactions and intensities. From his work, called E.R.A. or the
Electronic Reaction of Abrams, came Radionics as we know it today. Leading British physician
Sir James Barr considered Abrams discoveries to be among the most significant of the day.
Not surprisingly, certain elements of the medical and scientific community attacked Abrams
work and sought to discredit him. In 1924, the year of Abrams death a committee of the Royal
Society of Medicine, under the Chairmanship of Sir Thomas (later Lord) Horder investigated
his claims. To the astonishment of medicine and science, the committee, after exhaustive
tests, had to admit that Abrams claim was proven. Radionics was further developed by

numerous and other research workers and practitioners including Ruth Drown, George de la
Warr, T. galen Hieronymus, Malcolm Rae and David Tansley.
During the 1930s in the United States, Chiropractor Dr. Ruth Drown added further dimensions
to Radionics through the discovery that diagnosis and treatment could be carried out from a
distance. In the 1940s the main focus of Radionic research switched to England and the De La
Warr Laboratories in Oxford. Instruments and techniques were refined and extensive work
was done in the field of radionic photography originally initiated by Dr. Drown in California. In
the 1960s completely new concepts emerged from Malcolm Raes research into Radionics
Instrumentation and homeopathic potency simulation. Later, the Chiropractor, Dr. David
Tansley in England, a student of Alice Bailey, introduced a new basis for Radionic diagnosis
and treatment based on the subtle anatomy (energy fields) of man, which subsequently
revolutionized the theory and practice of Radionics throughout the world.
Radionics should not be thought of only as a modern invention. Similar practices have been
used for thousands of years in the form of Shamanism, Voodoo, skrying, tea-cup reading, etc.
There are biblical references to the Urim and Thummim, which were crystals used by Moses
and the Israelites to determine the will of God.

Radionics may be of value in situations where conventional medicine has little to offer and can
be helpful in a wide range of conditions and surprising situations, including ANIMALS, SOIL,
and CROPS. Radionics is used extensively in agriculture to increase yields, control pests and
enhance the health of livestock and has even been used to discover hidden treasure or
valuable ore deposits. Radionics is also a useful supplement to other complimentary and
Subtle Energy therapies especially Homeopathy, Acupuncture and Reiki. Radionics can treat
any type of illness through the auric fields, although medical emergencies and life-threatening
illnesses or injuries should always be treated by a medical doctor.
The scope of Radionics in theory is unlimited; in practice it is limited by the sensitivity,
knowledge and expertise of the practitioner. At one level it can be used to determine the
structural and functional integrity of the body, and identify the causes of disease hidden
within. At another level, the determination of the states of the energy centers (chakras)
provides a picture of energy flows in the body and enables the practitioner to gain a deeper

insight into the reasons behind certain physical and psychological imbalances. To this may be
added an analysis of the qualities of energy within specific psychic structures. A Synthesis of
the data will reveal physical and psychological strengths, weaknesses, limitations and
capacities and thus provide patients with insights into the personal and spiritual aspects of
their nature, which can prove most useful during periods of crisis and stress. The beauty of
Radionic treatment is that it is non-invasive. It can be used to compliment other forms of
therapy, and its efficacy is such that it forms a complete system of healing in its own right.


A radionic assessment is the process by which a practitioner finds out all the factors that are
involved in the manifestations of the illness and disease the patient presents with. A radionic
analysis is NOT like making a medical diagnosis. In a medical diagnosis, the aim is to try and
find out a name for the particular symptoms-signs complex the patient is having. Only then is
treatment given according to the name of the condition.
In a radionic assessment the aim is not to categorize a condition by way of a diagnostic term
but to find out ALL the factors that have contributed to the clinical presentations of the patient.
Such factors could reside in the body physical, the etheric body, the emotional body, or the
mental body. They could even have their domain outside of these. Some factors that could
predispose a person to an illness include the environment, negative energy fields coming
from the earth (e.g. geopathic stress); adverse planetary factors (e.g. transits and bad
astrological aspects), etc. etc. These are in addition to other common factors well known to us.
Often times, factors that neither the patient nor the practitioner suspected might show up
during an assessment as the underlying cause of an illness. The aim of the radionic
practitioner is to isolate these factors, prioritize them, and then embark on their correction or
balancing the patient as we popularly refer to this procedure. Priority correction or
harmonization is the key to a successful radionic healing.


The particular form of ESP used in Radionics is often referred to as the radiesthetic faculty
through which the practitioner, by means of a series of posed yes/no questions, obtains

information about the health of his patients to which the conscious thinking mind has no direct
access. For diagnostic assessments and answers to questions (Radiesthesia). Radionics
usually uses a dowsing tool held by, or in contact with the skilled, trained operator to gather
information about the subtle energies of people, animals, plants, foods, etc. Dowsing devices
can take many forms such as:
Pendulum movements of a weight attached to a string or chain.
Changes in frictional forces or surface tension on a detector pad.
Movements of a forked twig or L-rods.
Biofeedback instruments with electrodes or transducers to amplify low level body signals.


Radionics, like Healing Touch, Reiki, and Acupuncture has been validated in hundreds of
controlled studies over the past 80 years. For those unfamiliar with Radionics, a report entitled
Practical Introduction to Radionics and Dowsing is available for $6 U.S.
Quantum Physics:
One of the cardinal Quantum principles is interconnectedness. The nature of the energetic
processes in Radionics is not yet fully understood, but there is now ample evidence that we
are all linked in some way at higher levels and dimensions of the Universe. At least ten
dimensions have been theorized not only by physicists but by ancient wisdom including
Kabbalah. It is believed that some of these levels are engaged during any kind of Subtle
Energy practice and even in cooking, eating, sex, dance, singing, chanting. Radionic healing is
not as much directed at the physical reality of the body, but rather at the invisible energy
matrices which are believed to lie behind it. Some consider these higher dimensions to be the
truer realities and the Physical Plane to be metaphorical illusory shadows. Radionics appears
to act outside of the normal space-tie matrix, as do non-local interactions such as the
Einstein-Padolsky-Rosen Experiment described by modern physics.


For the purpose of assessment and treatment, Radionics sees organs, diseases and remedies
as having their own particular frequency or vibration. These factors are expressed in
numerical values which are known as rates and older radionic instruments are provided with
calibrated dials on which such rates are sent for assessment and treatment purposes.
These figures often have a symbolic, numerological significance rather than mathematical. Our
new Causal technology supersedes specific rates, since we believe that specific frequencies
cannot reach the higher Mental and Causal planes but rather engage the lower Etheric and
Astral planes which Tansley warned us against.

These are energetic forces or entities disseminated at tall levels in the universe (mainly in the
Etheric Subtle Body) predisposing to illnesses, misfortune and tragedies (Richard Gerber in
Vibrational Medicine p. 260, Alice Bailey in Esoteric Healing, David Tansley in Chakras,
Rays & Radionics p. 15).
Dr. Tansley wrote:
Any practitioner who is focused in his or her Astral Body and works through the Solar Plexus
is heading for trouble. Focus on these lower levels means exposure to many destructive
energies especially doing work at a distance. It is essential to disassociate the Astral and
Etheric auras from the field of work and to be focused in the Head Chakra and on the Mental
Plane at the higher levels.
Unfortunately many practitioners are unable to heed this advice since they often die
prematurely of the same conditions that they specialize in treating. Many other healing
practitioners and psychics have encountered unfortunate fates related to financial, health,
legal, relationship or other issues.
Miasms can originate from archetypal or racial sources, from toxic aspects of the environment
and other people and from the human mind of the practitioner or recipient of treatment. Since
they are present everywhere to some degree, and more intensely so in highly charged or
energized situations such as therapeutic, sexual, travel, dining and in the use of Radionic
devices. It is important to be protected or shielded and to test out your protection. This is why

many practitioners and healers have been unable to heal the suffering and deprivation in their
own lives although they may have helped many others.

Basic to radionic practice is the disciplined dowsing or radiesthetic skull. In trained hands
Radionics can be used to help to restore the health of people, animals, plants and the soil
wherever in the world that need exists, and with no depletion of material resources.

A witness is an object such as a photograph, a lock of hair, a blood spot, or a fingernail
clipping from the patient, which is placed into the machine and will pick up its energy rhythm.
Using this rhythm, coded messages are sent from the instrument back to the patient to correct
imbalances discovered through the initial analysis. There is no need for the patient to be
anywhere near the machine to take place. Some patients and energy-sensitive individuals
have reported feeling subjective effects and sensations long distances from the machine.
What can a trained practitioner do with Radionics?

Assess the health and well-being of others.

Determine the primary causes of any illness or problem.

Select the optimal remedy or treatment for any problem.

Create the vibratory equivalent or any remedy or substance.

Test foods to see if they are benign and beneficial.

Assess the need of soil, plants, pets, crops, etc.

Detect harmful energies or radiations in a house, apartment, farm.

Conduct psychological assessments of clients, partners, etc.

Set up a consulting practice advertising or treating others or carry out research on

virtually any topic.


The 7 planes or subtle bodies surround and infiltrate the Physical Body in the following order:
Etheric, Astral, Mental, Causal, Buddhic, Atman. Each plane including the Physical is thought to
have within it any dimensions. Different healing modalities operate on different Bodies.
According to Gerber and others, specific kinds of remedies, rates and frequencies work by
resonance with the specific diseases, miasms or parasites and engage the lower planes
(Physical, Etheric, Astral and lower Mental), which Tansley warned us about. Causal and higher
modalities engage the Causal and Spirit Planes.
Such therapies include Crystals, Flower Essences and Oil, Gem Elixirs, Reiki and generally
operate at much higher frequency ranges (TeraHertz) rather than at specific lower frequencies.
It seems likely that there are benign and toxic windows throughout the entire frequency
spectrum which may fluctuate unpredictably. Frequent testing is thus extremely important,
even several times, during a treatment session.

Trying to test Causal Plane devices and techniques with resonance types of devices such as
Vega, Electrodermal, EAV, often gives erroneous and misleading results. This is because they
are not in the same planes. Likewise a human Dowser or Applied Kinesiologist who is not
residing in or focused on the Causal and higher planes may also get misleading results. We
have seen such misleading or false negative results when Causal Plane devices such as
crystals, gems, essential oils, Microhydrin and Crystal Energy have been tested by lower
dimension techniques and individuals.

Dowsing and Rubbing Plate Applications:
Intricate pre-coded dowsing charts now permit complex analysis and faster, more accurate
results to be achieved. These same charts can be used with a rubbing plate or muscle testing.
Dowsing charts or numbers lists now exist not only for remedy/ rate selection but also for

nutritional, dietary, psychological, and counseling uses, and acupuncture and oriental healing
methods. Included as well are such things as careers, hobbies, life directions, etc.
Psychological Radionics:
Major advances have been made in the psychological area which has traditionally been poorly
covered in radionics training. Now you can quickly scan 1200+ possible problem areas
including psychological blocks, defense mechanisms, causes of smoking, etc. Specific charts
and numbered lists have been prepared on careers, interests, affirmations, personality
attributes, abilities, compatibility testing, etc. with ongoing research on psychophysiological
mechanisms, etc. Research updates are added periodically to our catalog. As always, our
emphasis is on practical applications which will benefit you in your everyday life or serving
your clients if you are in a professional practice.


Radionics allows direct access to the creative portions of the subconscious mind and to the
interface between the personal unconscious and the collective unconscious. As such one can
gain access to an incredible amount of useful information for research and other practical
purposes. Our Institute offers training, advice, or material aids on many potential applications.
These include farming, gardening, investment, business decisions, inventing, engineering,
science, research and development, gambling, forecasting, prospecting, water divining, house
evaluation, personnel selection, finding lost objects, animal breeding, archeological
consulting, compatibility testing, management consulting, problem solving, etc.

One of the great advantages of Radionics is that it is often possible to discover potentially
serious health, family and financial conditions at an early stage before manifesting in the
Physical Plane and, by appropriate treatment, prevent them from developing to a point where
they become clinically identifiable.
Basic Principles of Radionics (copied from Vibrational Medicine for this 21st Century, page
333, by Dr. Richard Gerber:

Each disease is associated with a specific energy with unique frequency characteristics.
Disease energies are radiated from a patients body, a specimen of diseased biopsy tissue,
and even from the blood.
Human beings react to this disease frequency, especially when they are oriented to
geomagnetic West.
When facing geomagnetic West, human beings will react to disease frequencies in the body
by producing a unique abdominal reflex- a temporary change in the abdominal muscle
detectable by percussion.
Healthy humans (facing West) will produce the characteristic abdominal reflex if they are close
to or electrically wired to disease specimens or patient blood spots from sick individuals.
Disease-specimen energy frequencies are easily conducted along metallic wires (passive
Variable resistance devices (radionic instruments) act as specialized tunable electronic filters
that only allow one disease frequency to be conducted through the device circuitry at a time,
depending upon the variable tuning setting.
The radionics operator becomes psychically linked to the patient at a distance via the blood

There are a few published results of well controlled scientifically conducted studies (see Dr.
Benors book). According to Dr. Gerber, there have been case reports of patients with
inoperable brain tumors going into remission after being treated with radionic broadcast
therapy (p. 368). Drs. Tansley and McFarland claimed to have successfully treated many
patients with advanced cancer.
Some Fundamental Principles of Radionics:
By tuning in both his mind and Radionic instrument to the distant patient, the practitioner, by
applying his faculties of extra-sensory perception (something we all have to a greater or lesser
degree) is able, through observing the reaction of the detection apparatus under his control,

to determine what the underlying causes of disease are. By identifying causes which may be
hidden from clinical and more orthodox procedures, the Radionic practitioner is able, then, to
determine with accuracy the correct treatment which will eliminate this underlying element.
Since Radionic treatment takes place at a non- physical level, it cannot harm any living tissue
or produce any unnatural side effects. Radionics is concerned with healing of the whole
person which must include all dimensions. This health patient is a singular, unitary force within
the structures o man that ensures adequate and optimum functioning of the systems of the
body. The purpose off Radionic therapy is to help the individual to re-establish his/ her
optimum pattern of health.

Animal Healing and Vibrational Medicine by Sage Holloway, Sharon Callahan
An Introduction to Medical Radiesthesis and Radionics by Vernon D. Wethered (Hardcover
June 1957)
Automated Radionic Detecting Devices by Jorge Resines, Borderline Sciences, 1989
Chakras, Rays and Radionics by Dr. David Tansley, 1984
Cure of all Cancers by Dr. Hukla Clark, 1893
Cure of all Diseases by Dr. Hukla Clark
Dimensions of Radionics: a manual of radionic theory and practice for the health-care
professional by David V. Tansley 1997
Dimensions of radionics: Techniques of Instrumented Distant Healing by David Foster
(Designer), et al (Paperback May 1982)
Electronic Medicine by Bruce Copen
Energy Diagnostic and Treatment Methods by Fred P. Gallo February 2000
Energy Medicine: The Scientific Case of Bioenergy Therapies by James L., Ph.D. Oschman,
Candace Pert Ph.D.
Energy Medicine by Donna Eden, et al; Paperback

Esoteric Healing by Alice Bailey, Lucis, 1971

Geopathic Stress: How Earth Energies Affect Our Lives by Jane Thurnell-Read 1996
Harry Oldfields Invisible Universe, J&G Solomon. Thorsons. 1998
Healing With Radionics: The Science of Healing Energy by A.L.G. Dower
Healing with the Rainbow rays: the art of color energy therapy by Alijandra
Introduction to Medical Readiesthesis & Radionics by Vernon D. Wethered 1992
Intuition Medicine: The Science of Energy by Francesca McCartney
My Search for Radionic Truths by R. Murray Denning, 1998
Practical Introduction to Radionics and Dowsing
Quantum Biology: Healing with Subtle Energy by Dr. Glen Rein, 1992
Radionics & Radiesthesia: A Guide to Working with Energy Patterns by Jane E. Hartman,
Ellen Kleiner 1999
Radionics: A Compilation of Experimental Rates
Radionics: Science or Magic?: An Holistic Paradigm of Radionic Theory and Practice by
David V. Tansley (Paperback December 1982)
Radionics and Progressive Energies by Kieth Mason 1984
Radionics and Rediesthesia by Dr. Jane Harman, Aquarian Publ., 1999
Radionics and the Subtle Anatomy of Man by David V Tansley; (paperback December 1983)
Radionics Interface With the Ether Fields by David V Tansley; 1992
Radionics Interface With the Ether Fields by Dr. David V Tansley; 1975
Radionics Manual by John Williams (Paperback July 2000)
The Radionic computer handbook by Bruce Copan
The Radionics Handbook by Keith Mason, Piatjus & Co., 2001

Radionics: Science or Magic? by David V. Tansley, D.C.

Ray Paths and Chakra Gateways and the Subtle Anatomy of Man by David V. Tansley, D.C.
Report on Radionics by Eduard W. Russell 1984
Report on Radionics by Eduard W. Russell, Neville Spearman Ltd., 1975
Shaman, Healer, Sage: How to Heal Yourself and Others With the Energy Medicine of the
Americas by Alberto, Ph.D. Villoldo (Hardcover December 2000)
Shamanism for the New Age: A Guide to Radionics and Radiesthesia by Jane E. Hartman
Talismanes radiaonicos by Eduardo A. Herrero
The Dark Side of the Brain H. Oldfield & R. Coghil, Element, 1988
The Divining Heart by Patricia C. Wright, Richard D. Wright (Contributor)
The Subtle Energetic Aspects of DNA by Dr. Glen Rain, 1997
Vibrational Medicine for the 21st Century, chapter 9, by Dr. Richard Gerber, Beaer & Co.,
Vibrational Medicine by Dr. Richard Gerber, Bear & Co., 1996
Vibrations: Healing Through Color, Homeopathy and Radionics by Virginia Mac Ivor, Sandra
LA Forest
Virtual Medicine: A New Dimension in Energy Healing by Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby, Thorsons,

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