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Emotional Healing with Reiki

A Guide for Reiki Practitioners

Johannes Verheijden, Reiki Master


Emotional Healing with Reiki Johannes Verheijden, Reiki Master


Before you start



The treatment
Working hands on
Specific positions of the hands


Working with distant healings


Guided meditations


Reiki fun and games


Emotional Healing with Reiki Johannes Verheijden, Reiki Master

This is not a manual for those who dont know anything about Reiki, or about working with energy. You
will not find a description of the Reiki attunements here, nor the symbols, nor the explanation of what
Reiki, or working with energy is. There are other, far better books that cover these subjects and I feel
no need to add to that information at this point in time. This manual is for Reiki practitioners, young,
old, who have only just started or are already senior in experience. Level I, II or Master.
This manual contains ideas, observations, thoughts and experiences of thirty odd years of experience
in healing, treatments, massage, readings and guidance. Lessons taught and learned over the years;
with humble gratitude, for I am merely an instrument of my abilities and try to serve them as well as
This is not a manual about physical problems. It will mainly focus on addressing, treating and healing
emotional challenges and clutters, that often express themselves as a physical component and very
often expresses themselves as physical discomfort or pain. I am not talking about psychiatric patients
here, but about people like you and me that in their upbringing, or during their lives have experienced
situations or events that sometimes even many years later still need to be processed before they
can be left behind.
If you have any comments, additional remarks or complementary experiences that you wish to share,
please do. You are cordially invited to send them to me:
But first of all:
Many thanks Sony Godfrey for suggesting that I write this manual and encouraging me to go on after
having read it half way through. It has been an honour to respond to your invitation to undertake this
Thank you ever so much Yvonne Brewer, for coming into my life and being the dearest friend and
motivator to me, who was always prepared to go through the manual again. For continuously
pushing me to explore more of my abilities and always supporting me in every step I take.
And last but certainly not least thank you Cathy Fagant for being the extra pair of eyes I so needed to
take away my initial insecurity.

Emotional Healing with Reiki Johannes Verheijden, Reiki Master

Before you start

Before you start it is imperative to observe your client. It is one of the most important basic principles
of treatment, healing, both hands on and from a distance. From the very first moment you are in touch
with your client you observe him/her.

Look detailed at your client. Without any prejudice, or thought. Be as neutral as possible and just look.
By detailed I mean look inch by inch at the face of your client when you are talking. Take in all the
information that your client shows you, but probably will not (be able to) tell you. The left side of the
body represents the emotional being, so the left eye is more related to emotion as where the right eye
is more related to ration. So look at the interaction between the eyes: how they look, how they focus,
stare. If your client stares, ask what your client sees, what it represents, what it symbolises, what your
client experiences or what your client resonates to. How do the eyebrows move in various emotions,
do the eyes close if emotion comes nearer or not, or when the person thinks, is surprised, or painful, in
happiness or laughing.
Look at frowns, are they there all the time, or when thinking. Look at the way the face is built. Is the left
side more tensed than the right, or the other way around (think of ration and emotion). If a face is
bigger on one side, this usually means that either emotion, or ration had the upper tone for many
years. It has become a way of being to let emotion or ration have the more important say in life. This
does not mean that is bad or good, it is merely the experiences, decisions and /or survival technique
that your client has taken on. Do the eyes have tear bags below them containing old sorrow, or
recent grief. How does the face look when it is in rest? Are there any wrinkles in the face emotional
wrinkles that is, not necessarily wrinkles from age. Is the skin (too) tight, or baggy, soft or damaged
A face will tell you a million stories and every single movement and posture of the face gives you
information, tells you a little detail about your client that you can use in your treatment / healing.
But not only the face gives you information. Just a few examples to get you started:
Look at shoulders. Is the left different from the right is one pulled up higher than the other (your
client likes to be in control, but is not sure if he/she is right now for there are external elements that
can disturb this. You can often see this looking at starting television reporters ;-) ). Or are they
drooping, showing tear bags..? Is one arm resting on the backrest, suggesting that the person is
open, but really is trying to find support and holding back on information at the same time? The more
calculating type..
Look at the way the hands move. Are they tensed, floating, telling their own story, relaxed, closed,
open? Are the fingers busy, or holding tight, folded in the lap? Are the nails bitten off, or (too) well
How is your client sitting? Posture will tell you an awful lot about the person at that particular moment
and in general. Is your client sitting with arms crossed in front of the chest and legs crossed, feet down
(or poising) head down, shoulders up, eyes low, face flat without too many expression..? Or are the
arms open, legs relaxed, back straight, head up, eyes up, face lively, gesticulating, jaws relaxed and
open, voice at a normal volume, words clearly spoken, the client looking at you making contact,
Every body part will give you information that you can use to assess your client and the more
information you will collect, the better you will be able to assist your client in reaching his/her goal!
There will always be a combination of the above and that is where your observations come in! That is
where you start to combine the information your client is giving you for you to assess. If you have any
questions that you think will help your client to get closer to him/herself, ask for clarity. Clients in
general are very good in hiding themselves from things that they find difficult or painful. It is your
skills that will invite them to open up a little bit more and come closer to themselves. All in a safe
environment of course! You and your client will have to work on a basis of trust

Emotional Healing with Reiki Johannes Verheijden, Reiki Master

Sometimes you meet clients that have it all clear in their head, and are able to verbalise everything
just perfectly so you might wonder, why would this client need a treatment..? Well, having things
clear in your mind, having thought of situations and knowing what emotions came with these situations
does not mean that these emotions have been digested, or have fully found a place. Letting go of, or
accepting basic deep profound emotions are necessary for anyone to grow and develop to their full
potential. You, as Reiki practitioner can be or are a tool for many in their strive to develop their full
potential. Use is wisely and without any hidden agendas!
If you are not 100% pure in your intentions towards your client or in practicing Reiki, then stop treating
anyone but yourself until you are, or leave this path.

Your client will tell you what he/she thinks is the trouble (often a physical problem, sometimes a
personal situation). In many or few words will she/he will tell you the situation and the words will be
filled with memories, emotions, experiences and thoughts. Too many to tell them all. Too many for
your client to be able to tell or remember them all in the right order. No matter how long ago things
happened or a situation went on, it is impossible to tell second by second all thoughts, emotions,
decisions and external influences that put your client emotionally and in terms of development where
he/she is. The words will be coloured, drenched by emotions, opinions, (forced) views, (presence or
lack of) self esteem et cetera. Which is fine, for that is who this person in front of you is. Built from
millions of the smallest impressions, both consciously and subconsciously.
The words colorize the character of this person, the history of this person, where this person is at the
moment you talk to her/him. It paints who this person is, together with the gestures, the posture, the
way of breathing, clothing, way of drinking, eating, holding a cup, the decoration of his/her house, the
preferences and everything else that this person is able to show you. Everything that this person is
will be neatly balanced, no matter how odd or incomprehensible he/she might be at first. Never ever
underestimate the power of the brain nor the immense power of the need to process emotions, for the
imprint that we all have, based on thousands of experiences all will need to have an emotional way
So, between all the words and signals that are being brought to you, you need to listen between the
words, listen between the lines. What words are used more often than others, what phrases have
become synonyms for situations or the way your client handles them. What combination of words will
be used to express emotions. Where do words get stuck, or turn a person into rage or tears, or
laughter. Listen carefully for words lie even if they tell the truth. They will try to deceive, or distract
even when meant to be focussed. And not only listen, but ask questions as well. Stay focussed
yourself and be aware that words can easily take you to different roads
Your client will practically always describe the situation in such a way that he/she is the weaker, more
dependent object. He/she will come with a demand for help which by nature in almost every health
system is a subordinate role. Hardly ever will you find a client (or a caregiver for that matter) that will
propose a treatment agreement based on real equality. It is starting point with this dependency that
will automatically put you in a higher hierarchic role and you will have to be very aware of this. If
possible bring yourself up to the level of your client, where you have a demand for help and your client
has a treatment goal. You need the assistance (by focussing, opening up, going to/through an
emotion, ) of your client in order to be able to succeed. It would be very convenient if your client
could verbalise what it is that he/she wants you to do. So, you will need to cooperate! If you feel that
you are the leading person in this, you are wrong. You are the instrument that your client temporarily
uses to develop and you are there to assist him/her. Only when you level with your client will you be
able to truly help him/her. You as a person are / your ego is of no significance, but merely a channel
through which Reiki is being given.

Observations are not only done by eyesight and it is not only body language that is important. Your
clients do not come to you for groceries, but hoping expecting perhaps that you will be able to help
them. Feel how your client is with you. Tune in to your client. Intertwine with the energy of him/her.
How to do this..? Feel! Feel the smallest vibration changing in your body. Feel the slightest change in

Emotional Healing with Reiki Johannes Verheijden, Reiki Master

your breath, tingles in your head, or chest. Let your energy float to the energy of your client and let it
mingle. Feel one, without trying to influence anything and with no other reason than to assess your
client and get as much information in order to be able to better treat and heal your client.
Assess the energy that your client is sending. Taste it, like you would taste good wine. In fact the
analogy with wine tasting is rather remarkable. When you first taste wine, you primarily taste the
alcohol and all wine tastes the same. But having tasted different types of wine, you might distinguish
the different types of wine. You can distinguish a Bordeaux from a Rioja etc. After knowing more about
wines, you might taste the different fruits and herbs and kind of wood, in which the wine rested for a
few months or years.
It is the same with experiencing energy. At first you wonder if you feel anything at all. You cannot
distinguish your own energy from the energy from others. But the more you work with it, learn from it,
tune in more often, you will get a feel for the different emotions that come along with energy. The
lightness or darkness / heaviness of energy, the different wave lengths.
So at first it will be difficult to tell the one from the other, but no worries, you will be able to develop a
more sensitive antenna for different energies. Just keep on focussing and try to concentrate and tune
in to the different wave lengths of the people around you and you will find step by step - that you will
develop a fine(r) sense for lower- and eventually higher energy as well

Emotional Healing with Reiki Johannes Verheijden, Reiki Master

The treatment
Working hands on
Checking with your client
Of course it goes without saying that you make sure that your client is as comfortable as possible.
Think of temperature of the room (use a blanket if necessary). Ask if your client would like to hear
music during the treatment. All too often practitioners just put on music, but it can be very distractive
and even annoying to your client. Tell your client what he/she can choose from. Not everybody loves
to hear synthesiser music, no matter how relaxing you think it might be. Other people get really itchy
from classical music, or Indian flute, or Japanese monks chanting, or. Well you get the picture I
Is your client comfortable with incense, or essential oil, or not..? If not, do not use it. If you have your
own room where you do Reiki treatments, make sure you have the light right. Staring at the sun is not
always a pleasant experience and neon light might not be as comfortable as you think. But too dark a
room is perhaps somewhat putting off your client as well, so discuss this with him/her. Make your
client feel at home, without being too polite or pushy. You do not have to refurbish your house,
because your client does not like the colours of your wall, or dislikes the pictures you have put up.
When you are working at your clients house and you do not have your own massage table, you are
your clients guest. You can still look around for items that can assist you though, like cushions to
support the head, or to put under the knees or back, in order to make your client more comfortable.
A very good way of making your room comfortable for your client is to put a few bunches of energy
flowers in your room. One in every corner makes your room fresh and welcoming to all, without having
to have the real flowers (in case your client has an allergy)
Ask your client if there is something he/she wants to focus on during the treatment. Perhaps there are
specific issues your client wants to address. If not you could think of letting your client draw a Tarot
card, Angel card or other kind of card. There are many decks of cards available and it is always a
pleasant surprise what comes up to work with. If your client does not want to draw a card, no problem!
Personal preparation
Whether you are working on a table, a yoga mat, a blanket, or a chair, your own posture the way you
stand or sit down - is very important. If your body is tensed you will not be able to fully transfer the
energy and it will distract you from giving your treatment.
So, let us take a few moments and let us try to find out how close you are to yourself at this particular
moment and how relaxed or tensed your body is as you are reading this. Concentrate on your belly
and feel if there is tension that you can let go.
. I will wait a little while and give you the time to do this
Got it? Good! If there is tension, let it go by breathing deeply or loosen your belt, changing the position
of your pelvis, or whatever other way you want to do it. What could help, though not so elegant, is to
think how your belly feels just after you have pushed out your faeces or urinated after you really had to
go... I am sure you recognise the relaxation that comes right after that. Try to get that back when
feeling relaxed in your belly. Relax the muscles from your belly completely and breath deeply.
How are your shoulders? Check them while reading this. Are they relaxed and easily hanging down, or
are you somewhat holding them up? How is your back? Perhaps you do not even know or are aware
that there is tension in your back, but if you change the position of your pelvis and shoulders and
head, your back could feel more relaxed as well.

Emotional Healing with Reiki Johannes Verheijden, Reiki Master

Breath deeply and be aware of the tension in your body and by breathing deeply, let go all the tension
in your spine and muscles. Relax your throat, your neck, your jaws, your arms, legs. From the top
down, or from your feet up, or in random order. There is no good nor bad in relaxing first your toes and
then your eyebrows or anything between them.
Okay, now that you have a relaxed posture, ground yourself by really focussing on your feet and
imagining that there are roots coming out of the soles of your feet.
Rub your hands, or squeeze your hands to fists and let go a few times before you start. It brings out
the tension, starts up the Reiki flow and will warm your hands.
All set..? All right, then here we go taking the next step.
The treatment
If all is well and both you and your client are comfy you can start your actual treatment. Breath deeply
before you start and allow your client to do the same. Tell your client that you are starting now and if it
is the first time that your client undergoes a treatment, inform her/him what you are about to do: put
your hands above or on the clients body. I will not tell you what basic positions you ought to do, for I
assume your Reiki Master told you that. (If not, find another Reiki Master and blame me for it ;-) ).
But this I will tell you: very gently make contact with your client. If you put your hands down on the
body, do not just drop them, but land softly and slowly. The energy field of your client will emerge
your way, and your energy will look for the energy of your client to connect and it is ever so beautiful if
this first close encounter of the third kind is be a kind and gentle one. You can always become more
strict during your treatment, but it is a gift if the first hello is a kind and quiet one. Sometimes your
hand will be drawn to a part of the body of your client, almost as if the body is hungry for energy or
healing. Do not let it disturb you. Better still, lift your hands a few times about thirty centimetres and
hold them a few inches above your clients body and repeat that a few times as if to teach your client
that the energy coming from your hands is not to be bullied, but deserves respect as well. You are a
channel, not a slave and you are treating your client, but are not energetically or otherwise
submissively to your client.
Before I start to do an actual Reiki treatment I first silently welcome all and whomever is willing and
able to help me. Then I always like to iron the seven layers of the aura field first. What you do is rub
your hands and place them high at the head of your client (the crown chakra) and slowly move
towards his/her feet. When you get there, move your hands as if you gently swipe something off your
hands into a bowl (there is usually someone to hold the bowl for you). The following six times you do
the same thing, but every time you make the same movement, you lower your hands a bit, until you
are just above the person you are treating, not touching the body. With the palms of your hands you
will feel (eventually) where there are differences in temperature responding to chakra fields, where the
energy is more tight or open, where there are splinters in the aura, where it is gluey, or stinging etc. If
there are splinters in the aura, pull them out gently and put them in the same bowl where you put the
residue (or aura dust) of the energy of the aura.
When giving Reiki, do not close your eyes. Too many Reiki practitioners close their eyes when they
are giving Reiki. Although you might be more focussed on what you are sensing when you have your
eyes closed, you visually disconnect yourself from your client and will not be able to fully observe your
client. And there is so much to observe when you look closely. And of course you can just give Reiki
and do nothing else but being the channel that you are, for basically that is all you have to do But I
feel that unless your client comes to you for purely a relaxation session you ought to do the best you
can to help him/her If however, you feel that your client has problems that go over your head, do
refer them to professionals in the field of psychology or psychiatry!
It is all in your head
Many people tend to address situations with their head. We want to understand, give things a place,
see the bigger picture. And when we have it all clear in our heads, we forget that the emotions of this
whole thinking process is still in our body and needs to be released as well. We tend to forget that the
very basis of the situation might have had a deep impact to our emotional being. But in order to really

Emotional Healing with Reiki Johannes Verheijden, Reiki Master

go beyond the thoughts and to really be able to let go, your client will need to let go of thoughts and
Is your client connected to the things he/she is feeling, or very much in his/her head? Busy to trying
understand what is happening, or making a groceries list
The moment your client will turn attention towards thoughts there will be a disconnection with emotions
and feeling. If it is just to get a memory or an image of past events, that is fine. If however your client
actually starts to think, it is time for you to bring her/him back to feeling. But how will you know that
your client is in his/her head..? A few hints: look at how your client breathes. If that changes - usually
goes up, to the chest, or gets more shallow the head turns, the body moves or gets unsettling, you
will know. If your clients starts to talk rationalising you will know. So, if you sense that your client is
escaping you and turns to thinking, kindly and gently remind him/her to get back to feeling. If you
remind your client often enough, he/she will recognise what is happening and gradually will try to stay
with emotion and feeling. It will not harm though to keep reminding, although it should not become a
mantra ;-).
Answering to signals: go to it, go through it, and leave it behind
When treating your client there are several signals that your client will offer you to work with. Often ask
your client what he/she experiences and address that. Ask your client to go to the feeling, or situation
that they mention and ask for clarity if you feel that your client can go deeper. Emotions and feelings
are so complex and the game they play can be so intense. They can clutter together if not properly
addressed and they will! But the good thing is that you will be able to recognise the cluttering and will
be able to help your client.
If you put your hands on your clients belly, this belly should feel relaxed and apart from people that
work out more intensely - in fact a bit wobbly. If you push the belly slowly with your hand, you will find
a resistance at a certain point. This is where the cluttered emotion starts. A belly that is relaxed and
free from cluttered emotions can be pushed down slowly almost to the spine without any resistance. If
you feel resistance in the body, focus on this resistance and ask your client to do the same. You might
pinpoint your Reiki current with just one finger, or by holding your hand in the dead Italian position.
This is a position where you place your thumb on your index finger and middle finger. Point with your
fingertips down to the place where you will find the cluttering of emotions and hold them just above the
body. In this way you direct the Reiki very specifically to the sticking emotion. Another way of
addressing cluttered emotion is by slowly pulsing your client, holding your right hand on that specific
spot and your left hand on the chest, near the heart. While pulsing you move your client slowly from
one side to the other, like you would comfort a baby.
Ask your client what she/he is experiencing and tell to go to that situation, or feeling. Or ask what it
represents if you are not certain. At first your client will be insecure to go to the emotion. Feeling is
frightening for many people, so tell your client he/she is safe and encourage her/him to go there, to
feel it, to go deep into the feeling. If your client cannot reach it by her/himself, help your client by
pushing the clutter. It hurts normally, but do not be too gentle and bring your client to that point where
the actual emotion starts to move. You will feel when the emotion starts to move when your client
breaths deeply. Compliment her/him with that, for overcoming fear of feeling is a big step for many
people! Keep on addressing the signals your client is giving you. Guide him/her through this process,
and keep your emotional distance, but be involved! Give way to tears, shouting, swearing, even
spasms if need be and slowly keep on pulsing your client through the process. Pulsing will gently
assist emotions to come lose and find a way out.
In the midst of the process, when your client is feeling deep emotions and is (usually) crying or (at
times) swearing or sobbing or any other way of showing emotion, put your left hand at the back of your
client at the height of the heart. Tell your client that this is where she/he can get support from. Reiki
will flow intensely when you do that, for the heart needs extra support at these times and your client
will feel your hand even days after.
Not only the belly holds a lot of emotion, although it is the biggest container in the body. If your client is
suffering from stress, you can treat the head (of course) but also the upper legs, for responsibility
finds a place in the upper legs and mainly at the front. Anger is not only positioned on the left side of
the belly, but also in the calves of your client.

Emotional Healing with Reiki Johannes Verheijden, Reiki Master

The shoulders either lift or carry. If your client is a lifter, you will find that there is a lot of tension in
the shoulder muscles and usually your client will have a very tensed back as well and much trouble to
really relax. Lifting is very tiring in the long run and gives a heavy heart. If on the other hand your client
is a carrier, you will find that the shoulders are somewhat more to the front and the back is somewhat
bowed. These are the people with strong headaches. Carrying often goes on for years and years it
gives your client a kind of passive way of dealing with things. He/she is helped with getting aware that
she/he is carrying a weight that could have been put aside a long time ago and doing penance for
whatever reason is not something you will have to do for the rest of your life. Guilt over some thing or
other is a very basic emotion in carriers and it would be good to address that.
If your client has parental problems as in not getting over a deep emotional state related to his/her
parents, you will find that the back of this person will bow and if it has been going on for several years,
you will find that sometimes the back of your client will form a bump. This is rather difficult to address
at a later age, for parents can be very heavy indeed and the basis of this can be so profound that you
will not even be able to reach it in one go. There is no harm in trying several times though.
And of course the feet and the hands represent the whole body, so it would be wise to put your hands
on them as well.
You can address as many emotions as your client will allow you, but if you feel that your client has had
enough, stop. Relax, give Reiki in the normal way and do not pulse or push. Just put your hands on or
slightly above the body and let your client rest and relax and enjoy the energy and the love that you
are passing on.
Often you will find that the right side of the belly will represent emotions coming from not feeling
welcome, self esteem, feeling lonely, unappreciated, not loved etc.. These emotions usually have a
long history of building up and go back a long way and have been in the way of your client for a long
time. But that does not mean that these emotions cannot be addressed or leave the body. The left
side of the belly however has more to do with anger, fear, bitterness etc. These are the more external
emotions and will show themselves that way when addressing them. If you feel that you are not up to
handling these emotions, for people can actually start to hit or kick and let go of their anger very
profoundly before the feelings of grief are allowed to come out, do not address them, but refer your
client to someone who can deal with these emotions and is strong enough to handle them.
Specifically after heavy sessions, where a lot of emotion has been released your client will need an xnumber of days to recover. Let him/her drink lots of water, no coffee, only herbal or green tea and fruit
juice. No alcohol, nicotine or any other stimulants like chocolate, drugs etc. Your client will find that the
urine will be darker and the faeces will be different from texture and smell, but no worries these are
merely waste products that finally can leave the body. Therefore it is important to drink clear liquids
and eat healthy food! The body needs to readjust again and getting used to the new situation, but you
might find that your client feels like she/he has just lost ten or more kilograms in an hour or two J.
After releasing the belly will feel much softer, although it might feel sore for a number of days and your
client will be more emotional and either more internally focussed or in full bliss.
Specific positions of the hands
Maybe you ask yourself what Reiki has to do with all this..? Well, you can put your hands on a person
and let the Reiki flow, but you can also direct the energy flow more specifically to one point. Using
Reiki as a laser beam or a hot cup, or a gentle warm silk cloth. A few examples.
With one finger point to a chakra. Especially the third eye (spot between the eye brows), solar plexus
(at the base of the breastbone) and hara (right under the bellybutton) are very receptive for this kind of
energy flow, but you will find that the throat chakra will respond to it as well. Use either your index
finger or middle finger. You can enforce the Reiki flow by placing one finger on top of the other hand.
So, for instance your left index finger on the knuckle of the index finger on your right hand and the
index finger of your right hand on the third eye of your client.

Emotional Healing with Reiki Johannes Verheijden, Reiki Master


With your thumb down and your fingers closed your hand will become a funnel that will pour Reiki in a
gentle flow. Very practical for use on eyes, ears, all the chakras, but also to ease strong emotions if
the process of letting go is getting at bit too much. Pour Reiki to the heart solar plexus and hara and
your client will instantly feel more relaxed. You can also combine pouring with pulsing. You pour with
one and pulse with the other. In this way you combine the gentle flow of energy from pouring with the
kind invitation of the pulsing to let go.
When you put one hand on, or above your client Reiki will flow. If you put one hand on the other it will
flow more strongly. Which hand should enforce which depends on what you want to achieve If your
client is sending out a lot of energy, you better put your right hand under your left hand. If however
your client tends to withdraw more in his/her head, you should have your left hand do the job and be
enforced with your right hand.
Dead Italian
You might pinpoint your Reiki current with just one finger, or by holding your hand in the dead Italian
position. This is a position where you place your thumb on your index finger and middle finger. Point
with your fingertips down to the place where you will find the cluttering of emotions and hold them just
above the body. In this way you direct the Reiki very specifically to the sticking emotion. Unlike pouring
the dead Italian more spreads the energy over your client like sweet scented water.
Combinations of hand positions
Combining giving Reiki with basic positions coming from Quantum Touch (or polarity therapy as it was
used to called) you will get beautiful results, so I would very much like to suggest these methods to
Belly pulsing
Your client is lying on his/her back. Stand on the right side of your client. Put your left hand on the
forehead of your client and your right hand on the belly of your client. Your right thumb on the hara.
Gently rock / pulse your client for a few minutes, the way you would rock a baby and then stop and
leave your hands in their position. Then slowly lift your hands a few inches above the body of your
client and feel the flowing energy.
North pole stretch
Your client is lying on her/his back, you stand at the head. The head of your client rests on the palm of
your right hand. Your thumb and middle finger is at the base of the left and right occipital bone. Your
left hand is slightly above your clients forehead. Gently stretch the head of your client for a few
minutes, then release the stretch and let your client relax in your hand.
Collar bone and pulsing the solar plexus
Your client is on his/her back. Stand on the right side of your client. The palm of your right hand is on
the solar plexus, pulsing is gently, with your fingers pointing at the ribs. Your left hand is in a fist, with
the thumb facing down. Hold the right collar bone between your index finger and thumb. After a few
minutes you can take the left collar bone between your index finger and thumb and hold that one for a
few minutes as well. Keep on gently pulsing the solar plexus as you do this.
You might want to change the position of your right hand facing the fingers to the chin of your client
and your middle finger gently resting on the solar plexus of your client. You can massage the solar
plexus extremely gently, making little circles in a clockwise direction, while you keep on pulsing the
body. This requires some experience in pulsing
Hand and foot
Your client is on her/his back. You stand on the right side of your client. Your left hand holds the right
hand of your client. Your right hand is on the sole of the left foot of your client. After a few minutes you
can stand on the other side of your client and do this vice versa.
Hip pulsing and shoulder grip

Emotional Healing with Reiki Johannes Verheijden, Reiki Master


Your client is lying on his/her back. You stand on the right side of your client. Your left hand is on the
shoulder of your client, with your fingers pointing at the neck. Your right hand is on the left hipbone of
your client, pulsing it gently. After a few minutes you can change to the left side of your client and do
this vice versa.
Pouring Reiki in third eye and hara
Stand on the right side of your client. Your left hand pours Reiki in the third eye, your right hand pours
Reiki in the hara of your client. Your left hand is right above your client (about a centimetre). Make
sure it does not touch the third eye.
In addition to this combination you can stretch your hands and hold your right hand a few inches
above your clients heart and your left hand above your clients head.

Emotional Healing with Reiki Johannes Verheijden, Reiki Master


Working with distant healings

One of the beauties of Reiki is that you can connect with, treat and heal living beings as well as
situations from a distance! Reiki works instantly when sending, but you can also send it to the future
and/or to times that have passed by. This enables you to work both ways: and healing a person and
healing the situation that originated the emotional cluttering of your client. For your client is part of an
eco-astral-situational-karma system and just treating your client would alter things, but would not
heal the surroundings in which your client is/was/will be in. It is imperative to always look at the
broader perspective when using Reiki.
When using Reiki for distance treatments / healings be aware of your responsibility as a healer. Try to
assess the person and/or the situation you are sending Reiki to. Like before you will have to tune in to
your client and be very sensitive to what it is you are feeling, sensing, hearing, seeing (in your mind),
smelling when focussing. Your client will ask for Reiki to be sent and I feel it is your task to listen
between the lines and assess what is the actual demand for help.
There are times when you will see the aura of your client and you can work with that as well. Treat
your client as if he/she was there with you and as described before.
Many books and articles have been written on using Reiki, sending Reiki from a distance and the
various subjects that come with it. Read as many as you can on the subject, but do not believe all you
read, for there are (too) many deceiving Reiki practitioners (even Masters) who have no clue of what
they are writing and only want quick and dirty money making. Perhaps I will be crucified for this, but I
feel that Reiki Masters offering all attunements up to a Masters level in one weekend do not fully
understand the strength of Reiki, nor do they respect the people that they attune. I have a feeling that
these Masters set a number of people thinking and even put them off. Time has taught us that
receiving an attunement is something bigger and more profound than just undergoing the rituals.
To truly understand Reiki, to use it properly, to work with it, to become friends and good companions
with Reiki is something that cannot be done in just one weekend. It is not like getting your drivers
license and learn how to drive after you have it. It is a process in which you need to grow towards
expanding the use of Reiki.
When sending distant Reiki you can actually get into a person, get into a thought, an emotion, a
situation and I mean literally getting into them. Not only connect with them but feel them from the
inside out and by being inside of the blocking thought, the cluttering emotion, you can assess it.
Sometimes, whatever it is you are connecting with, will need light, or colour, or air, or even a massage,
or being cut loose, or merely kind words, or love or Communicate with it, like you would
communicate with a person. Try to find out what is needed and provide that generously and without
holding back. Do not always trust your intuition, but always trust your intention if it is true. If your
intention is not true, leave it and do not send Reiki for you are polluting the Reiki system and
disgracing not only yourself but Reiki as well.
Aura reading / healing
The more you are sending Reiki from a distance, the more receptive you become to experiencing,
seeing, feeling, sensing your client. It could well be that at a certain point you see the aura of your
client although you are not even with him/her. That can be disturbing at first, but no worries, you are
not getting insane. It is just that you are now able to tune in to your client even closer and observe
even more accurate what it is that your client is suffering from or burdened by. However, how to
interpret the aura of your client..? Well, if you see the aura of your client as a steady sort of bright or
mellow coloured egg around her/him, there is not much to worry about. If however the colours are
faint, or the aura looks really pale, you might want to send some Reiki and work with it. There are
many ways to work with auras. But again, observation is key.
Think and act three dimensional when working with auras. Look at it as a cloud of gasses / fluids/ in
different layers which is all around your client.
Now an aura can look, or feel in the following ways or combinations of them:

Emotional Healing with Reiki Johannes Verheijden, Reiki Master


1. In flairs.
The aura is like a bonfire in a storm. The colours are like flames flickering in a harsh wind. The
different flames are not damaged, but like a wet feather, just apart from each other and need
to be dried and brushed and polished. At first let your energy go partly with this flow, but at the
same time keep a cloth (or cloche) of energy ready to lay over the flairs, connecting them
together. Dry them with breath and warm wind, use R, CKR and DKM and comb each flair
gently at both sides, so that they will zip together in the end. Perhaps at that point the colours
will change, but that is all right.
2. Broken / Ripped / Torn apart
Now if this is the case, you will find that the colours are dark, the and this situation is not easy
to address. Very often serious damage has been done. Nerves that were broken or irreparable
emotional damage has been done at a very young age, or severe emotional trauma which has
lead to psychological / psychiatric trauma. You can only support a treatment done by
medication, surgery, psychological or psychiatric treatment. Do not get into playing the
therapist yourself if you have not been trained in this. Treat the aura with kindness and love
using a sandwich of SHK / DKM / SHK. Bring the different parts of the aura together by gently
waving the energy towards one and other.
3. Faint
A healthy aura looks vibrant and colourful, like a palette of colours. But sometimes you might
find that the colours are faint tired, worn off, faded which normally indicates a lack of
energy which can sometimes be taken away by providing / sending extra energy and
assessing / addressing the reason of the lack of energy. Use R and place CKR in different
parts of the aura to reinforce it,
4. (over)Heated / too cold
There are times that you encounter an aura that is (over)heated or too cold. It feels that too
much energy is coming out of the person, almost like it is burning your client, or that your
client is withdrawing energy so much from others around him/her as if she/he needs extra
energy to stay alive. The first time that you encounter this could be quite alarming, but do not
let it put you off, or get you discouraged. A ring of white roses placed around the aura of your
client should balance the energy and bring it back in place again. From there you can treat
your client either with R and CKR (if too cold) or SHK and DKM if too hot.
5. Under attack
If you notice entities in your clients aura, as if he/she was under attack, you are dealing with
emotional trauma that was caused at a very young age and not dealt with properly ever since.
Communicate with the entity use HSZSN, aimed at the entity before starting the
communication and in order to open the conversation and send it home. Guide it to the light
and let it dissolve in it. It usually is not a difficult process, but you will have to be gentle and
explain to the entity that it is hurting your client, that your client is suffering from it and that this
is not a situation that can last. Use DKM to support your kindness. You might need a few
sessions to get the final result, but be persistent and tell the entity to go and guide it to the
light. You will notice a big difference in your client once you have solved this problem that
could have troubled your client for many years. Once the entity is gone, treat the spot where
the entity was using HSZSN, SHK, CKR, R and DKM
Black spots
A few words about black spots in the aura.
Black spots can mean many things, but all of which are more serious. Your client could be grieving
deeply, or being (drug/alcohol/gambling) addicted, or having too many worrying thoughts in her/his
head (dealing with serious money problems, experiences from war zones, heavy marital problems,
severe sexual abuse, etc). These are problems that are not easily solved and you will find that you will
have to cooperate with professional therapists and will need many sessions to see (some) response
and improvement.

Emotional Healing with Reiki Johannes Verheijden, Reiki Master


However, if you continue to wash the aura of your client, by wiping, healing the damaged parts,
cleaning the aura with light, colour showers and polishing the aura you will find you will have positive
Many times you will find that you will need to direct your Reiki to the past, in order to heal the
beginning of the problem / situation. Especially people coming from war zones and with very early
experiences of sexual abuse need regressive treatment, not only healing the person him/herself, but
also the family where they come from and the situation itself. A sandwich of CKR / DKM / CKR will
bring you positive results. Make sure you connect to the past and treat from the root.
When dealing with addictions you will find that the aura is rather slimy and viscous. What you could do
is warm it up with CKR and then let your client come down using R and DKM. Then clean the aura,
wiping. This will need to be done a number of times and may not always be pleasant for your client.
You may feel resistance, but keep on doing this anyway, for you usually will find that you will get a
double message: help me get away from me.

Emotional Healing with Reiki Johannes Verheijden, Reiki Master


Guided meditations
If you have a chance to do a distance Reiki session using Skype, Facebook video, Messenger,
Google Hangout, or any other means of direct communication, you will find that it will enhance and
enforce your treatment. It is not necessary for a regular distant treatment, but if you would like to use
guided meditations (or guided fantasy as they are called as well), you will find it works out wonderfully
When doing guided meditations you will have be listen very carefully and chose your words very
selectively, in order to make it feasible for your client to completely create a situation that is tailor
made to his/her situation. Think of as many details as you possibly can, but leave all options open.
For instance if you bring your client to the sea in a guided meditation, think of everything that could
happen, be seen, heard, smelled, felt. What is the weather like? Are there clouds and if yes, are they
thunder clouds or just a veil of clouds or streets of clouds, are they far away or close by, what is their
colour etc, or are there no clouds at all and is the sun shining (a watery sun, a hot sun, is it morning or
noon or evening or night etc). What is the temperature like is it cold, or warm or chilly or
You can mention all these things in an open way, like suggestions, and if your client responds or
resonates to one of them, you can address that and take it from there. Do not push your client into any
direction. She/he will lead you, you only provide the possibilities and make way for your client to get to
that situation / emotion that he/she needs to go to in order to heal. Once you are there support your
client with CKR DKM and SHK while he/she goes through the situation and emotions that has been
blocking happiness for so long.
One guided meditation that will surely help your client is the following:
Your client is standing on top of a hill/mountain looking down. The top of the hill is the very moment
you are there. From the top of the hill/mountain your client walks down. Every time your client sees,
hears, feels, senses something that was significant in his/her life she/he places a flagpole. Just that,
you do not have to address the situation, just put a flagpole and move on. Guide your client with the
suggestions, questions of what might be there. Weather, animals, nature, but no emotions, nor
situations! You continue all the way down to the bottom of the hill/mountain, placing flagpoles along
the way. When you are at the bottom of the hill/mountain, you turn around, look up and see all the
flagpoles. That is when you start sending Reiki to all of them. Use whatever symbol you think is
necessary or all of them. After sending you walk up again to the top and see what has changed.
Of course you can do this meditation for yourself as well J

Emotional Healing with Reiki Johannes Verheijden, Reiki Master


Reiki fun and games

Group session
A group of eight Reiki practitioners will be sitting in two circles of four. An inner circle of four
practitioners holding their arms crossed so that the left hand will hold the right hand of the neighbour
and vice versa. Their own feet touching each other with the soles of their feet. Four persons in the
outer circle sitting behind the four people in the inner circle holding each other with their arms spread
and their legs wrapped around the person in the inner circle. The soles of their feet touching each
other as well. The beauty of this group session is that everybody in the inner circle and outer circle is
connected and the energy flows beautifully from one to the other.
The circle
Seven Reiki practitioners, one of which is the victim to undergo it all J.
The circle originates from Richard Gordons book Your healing hands, in which he describes the
theory of Randolph Stone. What you do is the following: one person is on the floor or on a table.
Person no. 1 holds his/her hands on both sides of the persons head, not touching it, but a few inches
from the head.
Person no.2 stands on the right side of the person and holds the left hand softly on the forehead of the
person and the right hand gently on the hara, just below the breastbone.
Person no. 3 stands on the right side of the person. Place your right hand on the left hipbone and your
left hand on the right shoulder. Gently pulse the person for ten to fifteen minutes.
Person no. 4 stands on the left side of the person. Place your left hand on the right hipbone and the
right hand on the left shoulder. Gently pulse the person for ten to fifteen minutes.
Person no. 5 stands on the right side of the person. Hold the persons right hand with your left hand
and the persons left foot with your right hand.
Person no. 6 stands on the left side of the person. Hold the persons left hand with your right hand and
the persons right foot with your left hand.
The circle is wonderful and even more special when the mantra Om is being sung!
Reiki throwing
You are standing opposite each other, or in a circle, depending with how many people you are. Rub
your hands, close your hui yin and let the energy build up between your hands. When it is the size of a
ball, throw it to the next person, who will receive it (catch it) and will with the energy that is received
will create another ball, and throw it to the next person. If in a circle, make sure you first have thrown
the energy balls to everyone, before starting again, or making new connections. Connect everyone
energetically with everyone and weave a strong web among you.
Pushing and pulling
Work in pairs. One standing behind the other, placing hands of the shoulders of the person in front of
them, but only if the person in front says she/he is ready.
The one who is at the front will firstly withdraw all the energy towards him/her and just feel the energy
of the person behind him/her. To withdraw your energy, do this simple theatrical trick: focus on a point
in the distance with your eyes and attention / energy, as if you were looking at the horizon. From there
look withdraw your focus closer towards you and closer and closer until you look at your feet or chest.
With looking closer your attention comes towards you as well and so is your energy. Go the point in
which you look inside your heart with your focus and your energy and at that point the person behind
you is allowed to put his/her hands on your shoulders. Once you feel the energy of the person behind
you, will push your focus and attention and energy to a horizon behind you all at once. Really push
your energy out and then withdraw again, pulling the energy of the one behind you towards you as if
you are vacuum cleaning his/her energy. Feel the differences. The person who stands at the back of
you should try to balance his/her energy and by doing so the two of you can play together and let the
energy interact.

Emotional Healing with Reiki Johannes Verheijden, Reiki Master


Who is who?
One friend is on his tummy while a group of other Reiki practitioners are standing aside. One Reiki
practitioner after the other puts his/her hands on the person who is lying down. Her/his task is to tell
who is putting their hands on him/her. But not by name, but by telling how the energy feels like and
what it does and who it would correspond to before giving the name. The Reiki practitioners in the
circle are not allowed to speak, until everyone had the chance to lye down and feel the hands of the
others and to try to find out who is who
Have fun!

Emotional Healing with Reiki Johannes Verheijden, Reiki Master


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