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Water Surface Profiles in GVF (Rectangular Channels ONLY)

There are 12 types of water surface flow profiles in GVF.

We need a logical classification scheme to identify these profiles.
In general, any problem of varied flow, no matter how complex it may appear, can be broken
down into reaches such that the flow within any reach is either uniform or falls within one of
the given GVF profiles.
We analyze the stream one reach at a time.
Differentiating (1), the rate of energy dissipation (with = 1) is

dH dz dy
1 d (V 2 )
dx dx 2 g dx


The last term in (6) can be written as

1 d (V 2 )
1 d q2
q 2 1 dy

g y 3 dx
2 g dx
2 g dx y 2


Also, S = - dH/dL - dH/dx, and So = -dz/dx, and substituting (7) in (6), we get

S = So +






So S
So S
= o
dx 1 q gy
1 V gy 1 Fr 2


Eq. (9) is called the Gradually Varied flow Equation. We can learn a lot about the water
surface profile by studying the terms in (9).
1. dy/dx: If dy/dx is positive, it means the water depth will be increasing along the
channel, and vice versa.
2. Numerator (So S) [ y compare to yo]:
For a wide and shallow rectangular channel, V= q/y and Rh = y and from Mannings
equation, we get for the nonuniform flow,

For nonuniform flow:

S = 53

For uniform flow:

So = 5 3

10 3

Comparing these two equations,

S yo
So y


3. For constant q and n, (10) shows that when y > yo, S < So, the numerator (So S) in
(9) will be positive. Conversely, when y < yo, S > So, (So S) is negative.
4. Denominator (1 Fr2) [ y compare to yc]:
If Fr = 1 (i.e., y = yc) , the denominator is zero and dy/dx = . If Fr >1 (supercritical, y
< yc), the denominator is negative, and if Fr < 1 (subcritical, y > yc), the denominator
is positive.
5. Summary: We note that the signs of the numerator and denominator of (9) can be
found fro any depth by comparing it with yo and yc. these 2 signs together give the
sign of dy/dx, which in turn defines the slope of the water surface.
we are now ready to study the 12 types of water suface profiles (see Fig. 2), and
eventually learn how to sketch them, based on the above analyses.
We will follow a step-by-step procedure to sketch these profiles (not found in text,
devised independently and so far, is fail-proof in getting the profile, we shall see

Fig. 2 Various types of water surface profiles, flow from left to right

STEP 1: Slope?
Question: What type of bed slope do we have in each reach?
Definition: Channel that slopes downward streamwise is positive, i.e., M, S, C and slopes
upwards is negative, i.e., A. Horizontal (H) slope is special case with So = 0.
Action: We need only to compare 2 calculated depths yo and yc, both should be
calculated FIRST before we do anything else (unless they are given in the problem). Hence,

M slope is mild if yo > yc

S slope is steep if yo < yc
C slope is critical if yo = yc
H slope is horizontal if So = 0 (obvious and will always be given)
A slope is adverse if So is negative (only one in this category and is obvious).

Therefore you only need to remember (i) and (ii), and the rest are obvious.
STEP 2: Control Points?
Question: Where are the control points (or sections) in the various reaches?
Action: You must locate all the possible controls in the various reaches. This is a bit tricky
and it is best to understand the fundamentals of control points first, then try to memorize the
locations of these points!
What is a control point? A control point is a section where there is a definite relationship
between the depth and discharge.

Why do we need control points? Basically, the equations of motion (Navier-Stoke) for opechannel flow, ecsept for uniform flow, are differential equations, and the solutions require
initial and boundary conditions to solve. The boundary conditions are specified at channel
sections, termed control point (or section).
Where are the locations and types of control points? The theories of disturbance
propagation and of channel transition can answer this question. We will not do this in detail,
but merely state some physical facts to allow us to understand the meaning of the terms
upstream control and downstream control. These conditions dictate the direction to
sketch the profile from the control point (Step 3).
There are 3 types of control points:
(1) Uniform-Depth Control (UDC): i.e., Mannings eq. (Q versus yo). Remember, all
profiles would eventually approach uniform or normal flow condition, unless there are
other controls that produce a depth other than yo. The location of an UDC is: (i) at the
upstream end of the reach in subcritical flow (with mild slope), and (ii) at the
downstream end of the reach in supercrical flow (with steep slope).
(2) Critical-Depth Control (CDC): i.e., critical depth eq. (q versus yc). The location of a
CDC is at (i) the choke of a channel transition, eg. hump, constriction, and (ii) the
downstream end of a subcritical-flow regime.
(3) Artificial-Channel Control (ACC): The location is in the vicinity of a control structure
and is known empirically. For example, , the discharge formula of a sluice gate has
the form: Q = [2g (y1 y2)]0.5. Thus the relationship is Q versus y1 y2, where y1 and
y2 are the depths upstream and downstream of the gate, respectively (since the
specific energy is the same, this means y1 is the alternate depth of y2, ref: E-y
specific energy diagram) . Note here there are 2 depths to make up the formula,
hence both y1 and y2 are control points for a sluice gate.
Why you need to know the meaning of upstream or downstream control? Basically, you want
to know what direction (upstream or downstream) to sketch from. As a rule, the appropriate
direction to begin sketching is towards the upstream for subcritical flow and downstream for
supercritical flow. In other words, you should look for the location of the control point at the
upstream reach for supercitical flow and at the downstream reach for subcritical flow.
STEP 3: Who Control?
Question: Where do we start the sketching from and how?
Action: We need to compare two depths here: y and yc (check Step 1 again and note the
difference). What is y? Think of it as the measured water depth or given depth in the reach
you are analyzing. y may be less, equal or greater than yc. If


y > yc Fr < 1, subcritical flow, and we say this is a downstream control case,
and you will sketch the profile from the control point (Step 2) towards the
upstream direction (you will get a better picture after we go through some
y < yc Fr > 1, supercritical flow. This is an upstream control case, and you will
sketch the profile from the control point in the downstream direction.

STEP 4: Which Zone?

Question: How many zones are there? And what does zone means?
Action:, Basically we are trying to assess where the profile lies (i.e., where y is) with respect
to yo and yc. There are 3 zones, consisting of the zone between 3 lines drawn parallel to
each other, i.e., the bed slope line, yo line (YOL) and yc line (YCL). If the stream surface (i.e.,

depth y) lies above both yo and yc, it is ZONE 1; if y is between these lines, it is ZONE 2;
and if y is below both lines, but above the bed slope line, it is ZONE 3. The profile must stay
inside the zone and cannot cross the 3 lines. Example, If the slope is M and the profile is in
zone 1, then the profile is called M1. We have altogether 13 types, as follows:

Zone 1

Zone 2

Zone 3


No C2 cos yo & yc lines merged

No H1 cos yo = if So = 0
No A1 cos So = negative

STEP 5: Type of Profile?

Question: What type of surface profile would you get based on Steps 1 and 4?
Action: Obviously clear, go for it!
STEP 6: Sketch NOW?
Question: Sketch now, but how?
Action: You either memorize the shape of the 12 profiles (not easy!) or you learn the
following (easier) physical explanation (can also be deduced using Eq. (9)) on how the
profile approaches or cut the yo, yc and the bed slope lines, and the downstream water
Join where?

Physical explanation on how the water surface profile join the line

water depth

Profile must approach a horizontal asymptote to the downstream water depth (i.e.,
control point) - because the velocity is progressively being slowed down with
increasing depth. Examples: M1, S1, C1.

yo line

Profile must approach yo line asymptotically - because uniform flow will only
prevail at sections remote from disturbances (read Sec. 10.1 text). Examples: M1,
M2, S2, S3.

yc line

Profile will try to cut yc line perpendicularly, theoretically that is because the
denominator of (9) becomes zero in this case. See how the profiles concave
towards yc line, as in M2, M3, S1, S2, C1, C3, H2, H3, A2, A3.

Bed slope line

Profile will try to come out of the bed perpendicularly. Examples: M3, S3, H3, C3,

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