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Thought-Provokers Survey

Part 1
1. Save this to your desktop and print a copy for recording your answers.
2. Consider each of the following statements representing the sentiments of a number of
people somewhere in the world, and then write on the line below each proposition the
first thought (no more than 3-4 words) that comes to mind. Do so as quickly as
possible avoiding argumentation or self-censorship. For example, you might respond
with anything from Wrong! to Spot on! to an unmoved Whatever If you simply
react as suggested, completing Part 1 of this exercise should take at most 10 minutes.


The philosophy and practices of capitalism (and the consumerism on which it depends)
are incompatible with the teachings of Christianity.

Wrongidea. Jesus philosophy was about love each another.


Large international corporations are being unfairly targeted with unfounded allegations
ranging from environmental degradation to labor abuses by those who simply resent
their success.

Totally disagree. A big number of International corporations are the main cause of
degradation in the environmental.

The United States is by far both the worlds greatest consumer of natural resources as
well as the leading contributor to environmental pollution.

Totally Agree.

Citizens of the Third world who do not buy or consume products generated by the
industrialized nations have become a burden and pose a growing threat to the future of

Strongly Agree

People, who regard their standard of living as a blessing bestowed on them from a
divine source, are willing to make moral concessions and compromises in order to
maintain that standard.

No Idea.

Many illegal immigrants are not really illegal: They have every right to enter the lands
that were stolen from them by the current occupiers.

No agree, no disagree, and depend of the circumstances.


Few citizens of the rich, developed nations are willing to acknowledge the danger and
hardship, the despair and humiliation, and the suffering and death their way of life
imposes on those living in the so-called third world.

Totally agree.

The fundamental purpose of government is to create and enforce laws to protect the
rights and property of capitalists.

It Is not true.

Included among the primary requirements for the success of corporate-driven

globalization are cultural homogenization, political compliance, and workforce
conformity within a narrow ethnic range.

I think that it is very true.


The fact that there are very few or no women on many boards of directors of US
corporations is evidence of the fact that women are better qualified for support roles.

Totally disagree. Women and men are in the same levels of qualified.

The term free trade is essentially code for unfettered exploitation and corporate

Totally disagree. Free trade is more than unfettered exploitation.


God did not create humans in His image. On the contrary, humans have created their
gods in their own.

Totally agree. Religious is an difficult field that sometime I dont like walk in there.

Although it is unfortunate that people continue to starve to death in the midst of plenty,
they are in fact victims of their own laziness and lack of initiative.

Im in the middle in this point. Different social-culture reason made people been success or

The only effective solution to spiraling environmental devastation is for consumers to

just say noeven though the likely consequence of doing so is severe worldwide
economic disruption.

Agree, customers make the difference.


The problem with Christianity is that so few of its members ever practice the actual
teachings of Jesus.


In order to protect the interests of the ruling elites, one of the primary functions of the
state is to integrate, peacefully if possible, violently if necessary the diverse peoples
within its borders into a common culture.

Globalization means something different. I wish one day frontiers and borders will be in the
past only.

Ever since the historic judgment against Big Tobacco, the US has facilitated its
recovery by pressuring third-world and developing nations with economic sanctions to
open their markets to American cigarettes.

Very true

The United States is the most jingoistic (extremely nationalistic) nation on earth.

Absolutely true. And people from United States believe that USA belong to them and not to
the native Indians.

If a person is not a Christian, she or he is inherently a failure in life and forever damned
in death.
False, not real.


The Iraqi claim to Kuwait is a more valid and defensible one than for instance that of
the US to Texas.

This is an oil business issue.


The majority of the homeless are out on the streets because theyre too lazy to get
one of the thousands of jobs available to them.

Provably true.

Protesting child labor in developing countries while refusing to compensate the families
of working children for lost income is a prime example of Western hypocrisy.

Big large companies have the power to avoid it but they prefer cheap labor using them.


In spite of the rhetoric, no war has ever been fought for democracy and freedom;
rather all wars have profit and power as their primary objectives.

Iraqi freedom is what came to my mind.


The notion of sweatshop labor is purely mythical: Anyone who does not care for their
working conditions, can always get a job elsewhere.

Freedom of choice doesnt means abuse of the big fish over the laborer class.

In the wake of September 11, many Americans wondered aloud, why do they hate us
so much? Unfortunately, very few are ready, willing or able to hear the answer.

Absolutely true, cause and effect. People call them terrorist because they destroy Twin
Towers and killed 6000 people but what we did over there in 10 years of war.

After completing Part 1, return to the course Website where you will find Part 2.

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