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Studying environmental chemistry and environmental problems
associated with chemical reactions. Chemistry also studied the application of
chemical knowledge to protect and improve the environment.Humans use
various sources in the environment for living, we take the food from what
grows and lives on land and water, we breathe oxygen from the water. we
use coal, oil, and other natural materials to produce energy to run factories or
- meningkatlkan factory useful for human living conditions.In this case will be
discussed environmental issues in terms of sharing, ie water pollution, water
pollution, soil pollution and some other issues related to human needs.
B. Air Pollution
Air pollution caused by the presence of chemicals in the environment
above the specified threshold.
% ppm

Nitrogen N2 78,09 780900

Oksigen O2 20,94 209400

Argon Ar 0,934 9340

Karbon dioksida CO2 0,0315 315

Neon Ne 0,0018 18

Helium He 0,00058 5,2

Metana CH4 0,00010-0,00012 1,0-1,2

Kripton Kr 0,0001 1

Karbon CO 0,00001 0,1

N2O 0,00005 0,5
Nitrogen oksida
H2 0,00005 0,5
Xe 0,000008 0,08
NO2 0,000002 0,02
Nitrogen dioksida O3 0,000001- 0,01-
0,000004 0,04

Polluted water that foreign substances enter the increased levels of certain
components may bring a result that is not in want and disturb the
1. Karbon dioxide (CO2) Carbon dioxide is classified as greenhouse gases.
Before the era of industrylization, levels of carbon dioxide in the water,
which is only 280 ppm (0.0280%). With the increasing number of burning
coal, petroleum, and natural gas resulted in gas levels rose to 315 ppm.
Today, CO2 levels increase diatmosfir of 1 ppm per year. Coal consists of
some carbon, which will about them when burned with oxygen to produce
carbon dioxide
C (s) + O2 (g) CO2 (g)
Natural gas and petroleum hydrocarbons including carbon compounds.
Combustion of natural gas and oil produces carbon dioxide and water
vapor. In fact carbon dioxide is not harmful to humans but increased
levels of CO2 in the air has increased the earth's surface temperature.
This phenomena is called the greenhouse effect, the effect of the earth's
surface temperature rises when the air CO 2 levels rise, global
temperatures could rise mencairakan temperature of ice at the poles, due
next is that sea level rise could inundate coastal cities around the world
2. Carbon monoxide (CO).
Carbon dioxide reacts with hemoglobin in the blood hemoglobin as we
know it should about them with oxygen to O2 Hb (hemoglobin oxygen)
and carry the necessary oxygen to the cells in the body.
3. Sulfur oxides (SO2 and SO3)
Sulfur oxides cause acid rain Fuels like coal and oil are usually contains
sulfur. The burning of this fuel will produce sulfur oxides
S (s) + O2 (g) SO2 (g)
Apart from fuel, other sources of sulfur oxides are the metal processing
industry is a metal ore roasting of sulfide. Sulfur oxide, when inhaled by
breathing will about them with water in the respiratory tract and cause
pain. When SO3 is exploited, then the shape of sulfuric acid and this acid
is more dangerous in the water on the Verge of SO2 limit is 0:10 ppm.
4. Nitrogen oxides (NO and NO2)
Nitrogen oxides cause smog (Smog) approximately 10% of the gas
produced NO further oxidized to form NO2. N0 gas is colorless, while the
red-brown NO2. Smog causing reduced visibility, irritation of the eyes and
respiratory tract makes the plants wither and lower quality materials.
Smog is a complex mixture consisting of various gases and particles in
liquid and solid substances. Produced proto Asbot series of chemical
reactions (ie the influence of chemical reactions ray Mata Hari).
5. Heavy polluters
Grain contaminants interfere with health and visibility. Contaminants
that may come from central power plants, industry and motor vehicles.
Other grains pollutants can alter the dust in the wind or dust such as
cement industry. Grain contaminants can interfere with breathing. Effects
depend on the large grain, chemical and chemical contaminants are
absorbed in other grains.
6. Water pollution arising Lead to brain damage. Lead from motor vehicle
gas, to produce a good combustion is to increase the efficiency of motors,
gasoline additives were given, namely bp (C2 H5) 4 or tetraetil lead. After
having a combustion motor leads to the air released in the form of lead
oxide and is a strong poison which, when accumulated in the body will
lead to permanent brain, blood and other body Organs.
7. Ozone layer depletion The ozone layer protects the earth from ultra violet
radiation. If the damaged ozone layer, the ultra-violet rays will enter the
earth surface without first filtered. This can cause the earth's surface
temperature rises, so that some ice temperature of south and north will
melt and cause sea level rise. Another result is the cause of skin cancer
and cataracts in humans damage to the plants
A. Water Pollution
1. Understanding water
Water pollution caused by the presence of chemical substances that do
not meet clean water. Declared contaminated water if there is disruption
of the water quality so water can not be used for the purpose intended,
water is divided into 4 groups namely:
1. Group A, the water can be drunk without prior treatment.
2. Group B, which is the water that can be used as raw water for drinking.
3. Group C, the water can be used for fisheries and livestock purposes
4. Group D, which is the water that can be used for agricultural purposes
be used that can
be used for urban businesses, industries and hydropower plants.
a. Dissolved Oxygen Water contains dissolved oxygen from the water
and water plants photosynthesis result of this oxygen is used for
creatures living in water
b. . Biochemical oxygen requirement Biochemical oxygen requirement
(BOD) is a measure of the amount of oxygen used in the reaction in
the bacteria oxidation
c. Dissolved substances in Natural water contains dissolved
substances originating in the minerals and salts dissolved in water
when the soil surface below the content of substances that can lead
to contaminants in the water.
1. Sources of water pollution
Source of water pollution are the most common industrial waste and
agricultural settlements.
a. Industrial Waste In general, industrial waste is the most dangerous
heavy metals like mercury. Mercury waste can be derived from the
drug industry, industrial batteries, cosmetics industry and plastic
industry, mercury into the human body through two channels:
1. Dissolved mercury compounds through the food chain from micro-
organisms and to human consumption of fish.
2. Mercury compounds from smallpox and fungsida entry to The Roots
of grass-eating animals to humans.
a. Agricultural Waste The use of fertilizers and Pesticides that can pollute
the water too much so as to cover the water surface that inhibit the
entry of sunlight and the deadly fitoflankton in water.
b. . Residential waste Residential waste pollute the water is pontensial
besides detergent phosphate detergents contain compounds that
stimulate algae and water hyacinth.
1. Water Sadah
Water containing ion or Ca2 + and Mg2 + is called sadah water.
Hard water causes foaming as above Ions sadah Precipitate soap.
Example reaction.

Ca2Ca2+2CH3 (CH2)16 COO- (aq) Ca


Due to soil pollution by various household waste, industrial,
agricultural, or waste that can not be broken down by micro-organisms
1. Household and industrial waste.
Besides disturbing scene, garbage or solid waste is also
disturbing because it covered the ground so as not to be used for
other purposes
2. Agricultural Waste
Agricultural waste in the form of the remnants of fertilizers or
Pesticides. Also Part of residual fertilizer will be washed away so
that contaminate water or lake water.
3. Waste materials that are not experiencing biodegradation
Materials such as plastics, rubber, glass, synthetic fiber and
metal biodegradated can not because the material will disturb the
water infiltration into the soil other than that the material affects
the bloodstream kedalkam amount of land that the land
One way to combat the plastic waste is to reduce its use. Reduce
its use for the plastic it is recommended to use natural materials, if
still possible. For example, traditional markets, can use your
banana leaf or leaves identity as a wrapper.
A. Substances Additives IN FOOD The food we eat every day must contain
substances that the body needs food, but good food is not enough to just
contain Nutrients, but also have interesting and tasty.
Nowadays many industries, especially in processed foods using synthetic
ingredients other than natural ingredients. Spices are classified as synthetic
materials, called food additives. Based on the functions of food additives can
be classified as follows:
1. Dyes 7. Bleach and flour Embankment
2. Flavor and aroma and 8. Acidity regulator Sense amplifier 9. Anti kempal
3. Sweeteners 10. Hardener
4. Preservative 11. Sekuestren
5. Anti oxidants
6. Emulsifiers

1. Dyes
Dyes are substances that can improve or give color to food, so food is
more interesting. Dyes can be distinguished on natural dyes, and
synthetic. Examples of natural dyes: a. Anato (orange), among others,
used for ice cream, cheese, food oils, and margarine. b. Caramelized (dark
brown), another used to Conserve anatara, jely, and canned mushrooms.
c. Beta carotene (yellow), among others, used for cheese and canned
peas.d. Chlorophyll (green), among others, are used to Conserve, jely, and
the preparation of processed cheese. Examples of synthetic dyes a. Blue
diamonds (blue), used for ice cream, canned peas, jelly and jely. b. Brown
HT (brown), used for soft drinks and liquid food.
a. Erictrosin (red), used for ice cream, canned Pears, jelly, jely and sauce.
d. Green FCF (Green), is used for ice cream and canned Pears. e.
Yellow FCF (Yellow), used for ice cream and yogurt. 2. Flavor and
aroma as well as reinforcing a sense Flavor and aroma and a sense
amplifier is a material that can provide, add or reinforce the taste and
smell of food. a. Flavor and aroma (Plavor). Flavor and aroma that
comes from the widely used ester-ester groups such as: Acetate =
Flavor Isoamil banana Flavor Isoamil valerat = apple Butyl butyrate =
pineapple-Flavor Flavor Isobutil propionic = rum b. Sense amplifier
(Flavor enhancer) Raw food or plavour sense amplifier of the most
widely used is the daily MSG MSG is known as its chemical formula is



These materials are widely used in Chinese or Japanese restaurant.

Excessive consumption of these substances cause a variety of
complaints, such as headaches, shortness of breath or tired quickly. 3.
Artificial Sweeteners Artificial sweeteners are ingredients that can
cause a sweet taste in food. This material is not or almost no
nutritional value. Examples of Artificial Sweetener may be used that
are Saccharin, cyclamate (naterium or calcium cyclamate) and sorbitol.
4. Preservative Preservative is a substance that can prevent or inhibit
Fermentation, pickling or other decomposition of food caused by
Microorganisms. Some examples of preservatives and their use: a.
Benzoic acid, sodium benzoate and potassium benzoate, such as for
soft drinks, soy sauce, cucumber in a bottle that, adan sauce. b.
Sodium nitrate (NO3 Na), for processed meat and cheese. c. Sodium
nitrite (Na NO2), for processed meat, preserved meat, and canned
corned beef. d. Propionic acid, for bread and processed cheese
preparations. 5. Anti oxidants anti-oxidants are compounds oxidized
Relatively young. Therefore, its use can prevent or inhibit oxidation of
materials to be protected. a. Ascorbic acid (or the formation of
potassium salt, sodium, and calcium), used in processed meat, broth,
and canned fruit. b. Butilhidropsianisol (BHA), is used for Preventing
eating fats and oils. BHA and BHT are also used in gasoline, oil, rubber
and materials used for food packaging.


1. Fertilizer Like other living things, plants need food (Nutrients). Of research
has been known that 16 kinds of elements should be present in plant
Nutrients. The elements are called Nutrients. a. Sources and Function
Element Hara 1. Carbon (C), hydrogen (H) and oxygen (O) Carbon, hydrogen,
and oxygen is absorbed into the plant from the air and water in the form of
CO2 and H2O. The third element is the basic constituent elements of organic
compounds in plants, such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and chlorophyll.
2. Nitrogen (N) Nitrogen Ions absorbed as nitrate (NO3-) or ammonium ion
(NH4 +). Nitrogen function among others for the synthesis of protein,
chlorophyll, and stimulate vegetative growth. 3. Phosphorus (P) Source of
phosphorus in the soil are the remains of organisms and various types of rock
phosphate. Actually, in nature there are quite a lot of rock phosphate
compound Ca3 (PO4) 2, but hard to dissolve in water so can not be absorbed
by plants. 4. Potassium (K) Source of potassium in the soil is various minerals
such as ortoklas (KA1Si3O8) and leusit (KA1Si2O6). 5. Calcium (Ca) Soil
containing various types of calcium minerals, including calcite (CaCO3.)
Calcium is useful for raising plants and stimulate the formation of seeds. Lack
of calcium causes the leaves shriveled and finally dried. 6. Magnesium (Mg)
Uses include magnesium for chlorophyll formation. Lack of magnesium
causes the color of old leaves turn yellow and brown spots appear red. 7.
Sulfur (S) Sulfur is useful to help the formation of chlorophyll formation so
that the color Of The leaves become more green. Sulfur deficiency causes
stunted growth and the plants become stunted. 8. Micro elements Micro
elements is not less important than the macro elements. Iron, for example, is
very important in the formation of chlorophyll. Without iron the plants will
die. b. Fertilizer Types 1. Natural or Organic Fertilizer Natural fertilizers or
organic fertilizers derived from plant or animal waste such as green manure,
manure and compost. a. Green Fertilizer Green manure is a young plant parts
buried above ground in order to add humus and Nutrients, especially nitrogen
b. Manure Manure in the form of dirt or liquid from cattle c. Compost
Composting is a natural fertilizer made with rot or melapukkan organic
material remains of the harvest, or garbage. 2. Artificial Fertilizers (Inorganic)
Excess fertilizer made are: a. Can be given in accordance denagn type and
amount of necessary Nutrients plants b. In general, a compound that is easily
absorbed by plants c. Transportation and practical use Lack of artificial
fertilizers, among others: a. Does not improve physical properties and
biological soil properties b. Less contain micro elements c. Can be washed in
kelapisan land that is not absorbed by plants a. Nitrogen Fertilizer We of
various nitrogen fertilizers but the most widely used are urea and ZA. b.
Phosphorus fertilizer Type of phosphorus fertilizer is widely used
superphosphate fertilizer. c. Potassium Fertilizer Potassium fertilizer is very
important because it is needed in large quantities, in general much of the
phosphorus d. Compound Fertilizer Compound fertilizer contains more than a
kind of primary Nutrients (N, P, K). e. Leaf fertilizer Fertilizers applied to plant
leaves through which the road leaves spray. 2. Pesticides In this section we
will only discuss the Pesticide used to eradicate pest plants. a. Pesticide
Types Based on the target usage, Pesticides can be divided into several
groups as follows. 1. INSECTICIDE Pesticides Insecticides are to eradicate
insects such as Grasshoppers, ladybirds, plant hoppers, and caterpillars. 2.
Fungicide Fungicide is a Pesticide to combat / prevent the growth of mold /
fungus 3. Herbicide Herbicides are penganggu Pesticides to kill plants
(Weeds). 4. Bactericidal Bactericide is a Pesticide to eradicate bacteria and
viruses 5. Nematisida Pesticides are Nematisida to eradicate pests in the
form of worms. 6. Rodenticides Pesticides Rodenticides are to eradicate
rodents such as rats. b. Chemical Pesticides 1. Group Organoklor 2. Group
Organofosfat Several compounds are toxic organofosfat thus also be used as
a Pesticide. 3. Group Karbamat Toxic compounds are karbamat groups
ditiokarbomin called ditiokarbomat acid derivatives. 4. Anticoagulation Group
Anticoagulants are substances that can inhibit blood clotting. Anticoagulation
is usually used as rodenticides (rat poison). 5. Arsenic Group Group of arsenic
is generally used as an INSECTICIDE for termite wood and soil, as well as a
fungicide to control fungi on wood. 6. Group Dipiridil Dipiridil groups generally
used as a herbicide. 7. Group Zinkfospida Used as rodenticides.

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