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Kubaton Basic Skills

By Tom Crone - Kuba Jitsu Founder and Master

Whether you are an accomplished martial artist or a novice, this informational Q & A
page will enhance your kubaton skills.
Q. Where should I keep my kubaton?
A. Attainment is the single most important skill you can have. Always have it handy. A
lanyard attached to the end can come from the pocket, the purse, or between the
mattress pads (which is where you keep your "bedroom" kubaton); your personal one
never gets left behind.

A kubaton in the glove box or at the bottom of a purse is no weapon at all.

Practice getting it in hand from a variety of approach situations.

Q. What are the basic techniques of the kubaton?

A. The important word in this question helps supply the answer - Basic

Striking, with either a Hammer Fist action or a Knife-Thrust stabbing motion.

Use your thumb to secure the end or the barrel.

Pushing against sensitive areas to repel the attacker. The sternum, the upper lip,
upper rib cage, back of the hand, etc. You can use your own kubaton on yourself
to find many more.
Pinching a thin fold of skin between your thumb and the end of the barrel (the
"Parrot Bite"), or pinching larger areas, such as the larynx or entire muscle areas.
The graphic below on the left shows in yellow some of the best pinching areas.
Try them on yourself.

Leverage against wrist and finger/thumb using the barrel and one or both hands
on each end.

The points indicated by yellow dots are

very sensitive to pinches, and can almost
act like an electric shock. The smaller
amount of skin between thumb and
kubaton, the fiercer the bite. There are
many more, and you can find them by
experimenting on yourself. Have fun!

Striking points, indicated with red dots, are

areas where there are either clusters of
nerves, bones close to the surface, or trauma
vulnerability (temple). Hitting them with
accuracy is not necessary if you remember
to practice by striking several times.
However, as soon as the strike accomplishes
its job, it's time to get away. There are very
few places on your own body where a sharp
tap with the kubaton will not produce pain.

Q. Any tips on more effective striking?

Practice taking a moderately wide stance, knees slightly bent and flexible.
Keep your non-kubaton hand in front of your body to block any retaliatory

Strike through or into your target, not at it.

Don't reach out in a loop, but strike in a tight circle or jabbing line.

Strike more than once.

The Graphic above on the right shows several good striking areas. Use them cautiously
in practice.
Q. How can I practice with a real person and not have to purchase expensive padding
for protection?
A. We sell a proprietary item, the Practice Kubaton. It is made of sturdy rubber and
helps to lower the impact.
Use magazines secured with strong rubber bands for forearm protection. Hold them up
for striking intended toward the chest or head.
Q. How dangerous is practice?
A. A good question, yet it is much like asking how dangerous pistol practice could be.
Careful practice is not dangerous. Although the kubaton is a non-lethal weapon by
intent, the word "careful" is very important. After all, it is a hard object, some with

tapered ends, and it can imperil eyes, throat and brain sensitive areas like the temple.
Sternum strikes are capable of causing the heart to react in a dangerous way. It is more
useful to practice efficient, moderately paced responses, since a real life situation will
add enough adrenalin for force and speed, and then you will need "skill" of technique
gained in moderate practice.
Q. What legal liabilities come with kubaton use?
A. That is a question for lawyers, judges and juries. The kubaton is intended for
repelling or getting detachment from assailants. Two very important words are worth
remembering - Reasonable Restraint. The same laws of your state that apply to any hard
object you would use apply to the kubaton.
Q. Are there advanced techniques for kubaton use?
A. Indeed there are. The Kubaton Basics DVD actually gives many important tips and
pointers that could be considered "advanced", since they make the defender's responses
much more effective.
There are many techniques learned by military and law enforcement people They
require a broader approach to pressure points, striking and blocking skills, leverage, and
joint manipulations. In many ways, one could say advanced techniques are more about
using the kubaton to assist in the applications of Japanese Jujitsu. Fairly soon, a DVD
on advanced training, and one for law enforcement will both be available.


Deterrence is your best defense.

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