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United States Patent [191

[451 Sept. 23, 1975

Vernon et al.


[75] Inventors: Brian J. Vernon, Timperley;

Wladyslaw H. Skoroszewski,
Manchester, both of England
[73] Assignee: Shell Oil Company, Houston, Tex.


Jan. 20, 1972

Related US. Application Data

Foreign Application Priority Data
Apr. 10, 1968

United Kingdom ............. .. 17237/68


US. Cl ...........................


Int. Cl.2 .................................... .... .. B29D 7/22


Field of Search ......... .. 425/325, 327, 328, 365,

425/367; 425/327

425/366, 367, 374, 471; 264/DIG. 8


I References Cited




10/ 1967

Kim ........................... .. 264/D1G. 47

Kalwaites ................... ., 264/D1G. 47

Primary Examiner-Robert D. Baldwin



Synthetic fibers, such as polypropylene ?bers, are

Division of Ser. No. 814,768, April 9, 1969, Pat. No.



Attorney, Agent, or FirmMartin S. Baer; Howard W.


[21] Appl. No.: 219,407



Annesser ................... .. 264/D1G. 47

Rice et al ...................... .. 425/327 x '

manufactured in a form in which the fibers are of reg

ular dimensions and substantially free from whiskery

appendant ?brils, by a controlled ?brillation method
which comprises impressing in a web of the polymer
composition at a temperature above its crystalline
melting point a plurality of grooves disposed in close
but spaced-apart relationship to the longitudinal direc
tion of the web by passing the web at said temperature
between two rollers having non-yielding surfaces, e.g.
steel rollers, at least one of which bears closely

spaced, parallel surface ridges each having inwardly

directed sides leading to peaks which are rounded off

to a small radius, the sides of adjacent ridges forming

troughs, chilling the grooved web, and subjecting the

chilled web to a fibrillation treatment including

stretching said web to orient the polymer.

1 Claim, 5 Drawing Figures

US Patent

Sept. 23,1975

Sheet 1 of2

m0Ihm o







US Patent


Sept. 23,1975


Sheet 2 of 2




The present invention is of particular interest for the

' manufacture of ?ne polypropylene ?bers, for which ap~

This is a division of application Ser. No. 814,768,

preciable potential outlets have become apparent in re

cent years in the textile industry, for example, for car
pet manufacture, but it is not limited thereto; for exam
ple, the nylons and high density polyethylene are alter

?led Apr. 9, 1969, now U.S. Pat. No. 3,672,013, issued

June 27, 1972.

' '

The present invention is concerned with the manu

facture of synthetic ?bers, including staple ?bers and

yarns and with the machinery for the manufacture from

native molecularlyorientable organic polymers from

molecularly-orientable organic polymers, particularly

which ?ne ?bers can be manufactured by the process

of the present invention.

polyole?ns and ole?n copolymers, for example, high

density polyethylene and polypropylene.


lt is known that molecularly-orientable organic poly

mers in the form of ?lms which have been uniaxially

According to one aspect of the present invention, a

process for the manufacture of synthetic ?bers com
prises bringing a sheet-like mass of a molecularly~

oriented by stretching can undergo ?brillating fracture

(herein referred to as ?brillation) along cleavage lines
running in the direction of orientation but spaced apart

orientable organic polymer composition at a tempera

ture above the crystalline melting point of the polymer

in a generally random fashion in the direction at right

angles to the direction of orientation. Fibrillation can
be induced by subjecting the uniaxially oriented ?lm to
mechanical treatment, for example, brushing or air

a pro?led polymer web having a plurality of longitudi

nal grooves disposed in close but spaced-apart relation
ship in at least one surface thereof, chilling the pro?led
web during and/or after contact with said pro?ling ele

blast treatment; such treatment is referred to herein as

?brillation treatment". It is also known to slit or score

point of the polymer and stretching the chilled, pro?led

?lm in the direction of orientation prior to said me

chanical treatment with a view to promoting ?brillation

subjectedrduring and/or after stretching to conditions

and of reducing the degree of randomness in the spac

ing of said cleavage lines. It has also been proposed, in
U.S. Pat. No. 2,728,950 to Annesser, issued in 1956, to

bers. Said pro?ling element has a plurality of closely

score unstretched orientable plastic ?lmQillustrated by

a 97:3 vinylidene chlorideacrylonitrile polymer, by
passing it between a heated, grooved scoring roller-having grooves separated by sharp ridges which score

into pressure contact with a pro?ling element to form

ment to a temperature below the crystalline melting

web to effect orientation thereof, the chilled web being

resulting in a controlled ?brillation thereof to form ?

spaced, parallel surface ridges each having inwardly di

rected sides leading to a peak, the sides of adjacent

ridges form troughs, having, for example, concavely

shaped bottoms.

Usually the sheet-like mass of polymer will be of web

form, but one mode of practicing the invention com

or cut the ?lm--and a resilient backing roll.

prises the simultaneous formation of the required web

Although the general concept of ?brillation has been

known for many years, considerable effort has been de
voted, and continues to be devoted, by those in the art
to the many problems which arise when applying this

of the polymer immediately prior to being brought into

concept to the manufacture of ?ne fibers, i.e. ?bers

of extremely small cross-section, for example, 5 to 90

tween the crystalline melting point of the polymer and

150C above it, for example, between about 150 and
300C for polypropylene. While the contact pressure

form during the pro?ling operation. The temperature

pressure contact with the pro?ling element can be be

denier ?bers, from molecularly-orientable organicpol

referred to should be less than that which would cause

ymers. in order to compete with ?bers produced by the
conventional spinneret method," the manufacture of 40 incision of the web during pro?ling, the pressure should
be suf?cient to ensure that the grooved portions of the
?ne ?bers by ?brillation must be capable of yielding ?
pro?led web are signi?cantly thinner than the humps"
bers of acceptable and consistent quality at comparable
between the grooves thereof. The bumps are formed by
or lower cost and by reliable and practical techniques.
polymer ?owing into and ?lling the troughs between
It has now been found, in accordance with the pres
adjacent ridges of the pro?ling element; the contact
ent invention, that ?ne ?bers can be manufactured
pressure should be adequate to ensure that this takes
from molecularlyorientable organic polymers, for ex
place. To illustrate the order of pressure required to ef
ample, polyole?ns and ole?n copolymers (the term

fect the desired contact with the pro?ling element it

can be stated that good results have been obtained with
contact pressures in excess of about 500 pounds per

polymer including a polymer composition) by the

controlled ?brillation of a ?lm thereof which has been
pro?led in cross-section in the manner described here

inafter. The pro?ling is such as to provide longitudi

square inch, the required pressure being readily deter

nally extending portions of the ?lm, which are the pre

mined by trial on the basis that the contact pressure

should be suf?cient to form a pro?led web capable of

cursors of the required ?bers, spaced apart by longitu

dinally extending portions of lesser thickness, which
are the precursors of predetermined cleavage paths
along which ?brillation will occur. The term con
trolled ?brillation is used to indicate a ?brillating frac


undergoing controlled ?brillation.

The present invention alsoiincludes the resulting syn
thetic ?bers and staple ?bers, yarns, and textile goods,
ropes and other cordage made therefrom.

ture (the description ?brillating fracture including

\ According to a further aspect of the present inven

what can be referred to as spontaneous splitting)

tion, machinery suitable for use in the manufacture of

along such predetermined cleavage paths to give

synthetic ?bers comprises a web~pro?ling unit and

means for uniaxially stretching a pro?led polymer web
from said pro?ling unit and for subjecting the stretched

sharply de?ned ?bers substantially free from whis

kery appendant ?brils. The term controlled ?brilla

web to a ?brillation treatment, said web-pro?ling unit

tion is used herein to provide a contrast with random
?brillation which occurs in a longitudinal direction but 65 comprising a pro?ling element having a plurality of

not along predetermined cleavage paths; in random ?

closely-spaced, (parallel surface ridges, each having in

brillation, such appendant ?brils tend to be formed

even when the film is scored or out prior to ?brillation.

wardly directed sides leading to a peak and the sides of

adjacent ridges forming troughs, for example, having


concave-ly-shaped. bottoms, and . means for effecting

pressure contact between a movingfsheetilike mass of

ing out thegpresentrproeessgiin this way,-although not

necessarily excluded, is preferably avoided. Atthe tem

polymer at? a, temperature abovefits crystallineymelting'

point-andsaid, pro?ling element." Preferably said pro?l

the selected groove pro?le can be accurately repro

perature of the web when it contacts the ridged roller

ing elem'entcomprisesa ridged roller or. thelike and .

said means for effectingpressure, contact comprises a
further ' roller or the like, theirollers vor. the like being

duced intheimpressed web, providedjthenecessary

contact, pressure is applied to,-.the web as indicated

brought together-to -form,.a nip ,through which-the

aboverAccurate pro?ling is important from the point

vof view of achieving uniformity in the resulting fine-?

sheet-like mass of polymer can be passed,rand driving

bers. As > soon, as .the required ; grooves have been

means for .rotatingthe ridged roller or the like. Ina pre- >

formed in the web,-the resulting groove pro?le can be

ferred arrangement, a ridged roller is mounted for rota

tion about.a ?xed axis andmeans, for example, a hy
draulic or pneumatic mechanism, are provided for-bias
ing the other, roller towards the ridged roller to effect

?set and the ,web. rendered handleable by. the, chilling

operation. Consequently, rapid chilling of the hot web

the required pressurecontact.

to .below itscrystalline melting point; is preferably, com

pleted ,as-soonas possible aftertherequisite grooves
have been formedtherein. The required chilling can be


-The present invention also includes [the above

described web pro?ling unit- per se; ,such a unit can be
used in combination with conventional in-linev stretch
ing equipmentlandg, if necessary, with- any known or

obtained, for'example, by the circulation .of a cooling

heat-transfer-Jiquid, for example,-water, through the

tion, a web-pro?ling unit comprisesapair of cooperat

ing rotatable rollers or the like having non-yielding'sur

ridged vroller and/or through the, backing roller. Both

rollers preferably have provision for the circulation of
:heantransfer fluid therethroughso that the surfaces of
the-,rollerslcan be maintained atqany; desired tempera
ture during operation of,the_process.=This opens upthe
possibility of effecting a differential surfacecooling of

faces, at leastwone of-said-rollers or the. like being

thepro?led web which, in some, cases,,may be used to

Suitable ?brillating equipment.-



Y i




= >Accordinghto. a. further-aspect of the present inven

adapted1to be driven and having a plurality of closely 25 .impart self-crimping propertiesto the resulting ?bers.
spaced, parallel, surface ridges each having inwardly
The web can be profiled, i.e_. impressed with said
directed sides leading to a peak and the sides of adja
grooves, oneither one or both of its surfaces. In the ,lat
cent ridges forming troughs,,for example, having con
ter case two ridged rollers (or other pro?ling elements)
cavely-shaped bottoms, and means for biasing said rol
can be used, each. of which is provided with the neces
lers-or the like towards one another to form anip. Y

sary-surface ridges of identical pitch and usually also

vWhile the process of the present invention is prefera

bly carried out using asthe-pro?ling element a ridged.

identical pro?les..-, For example, the: hot web can be

roller, for example, adrum and the webv ispressed

against-the ridged roller by a plain, :i.e-. .unridged, roller

lers which are accurately positioned with respect to the

oneanother; so that the peaks of the respective ridges

passed through thernip vformedv between two: ridged rol

(here-inreferred to as a backing roller), one may also 35

impress the web inexactly opposed positions. How

employ other forms of pro?ling elements, for example,

an- endless belt having the requisite surface ridges. The

ever, to avoid unnecessary complication'it is preferable

to form grooves in only one surface-of the web unless
?bers of particular crosssection which can only be ob

ridged roller or other-pro?ling element must have a

hard, non-yielding surface, for example, of steel; the

tained by groovingboth surfaces-are required.- Usually

backingvroller or other backing element also has anon

yielding surfacein viewof the pressures involved in the

?bers of suitable cross-section totmeet end-use require

ments are readily'obtainable-by grooving only one sur

pro?ling operation'and the need for accurate pro?ling

faceof theweb.





of the polymer web. In aconv'enientarrangement. a

The web can be of any convenient width and in gen
ridged , roller,- which is- rotated by suitable- driving
eral the width of the web will be subject only'to any lim
means, . for example, an electric motor, is disposed 45 itations imposed thereon by the z-extrusion process by
alongside a backing roller,,prov-ision being made for-ac
means of whichit is produced. It is a particular advan
curately positioning one roller with respect to the other
tage of the present invention that webs of quite large
to ensure that their axes are-truly parallel during opera
widths, forexample, up to 1 yard can be converted into
tion of vthe process. Such positioning can be achieved
a large number of ?bers, for example, upto 12,000, de
by means- of 'a hydraulic or pneumatic mechanism
pending upon the web width-and the denier of the ?ber.
which also. provides the required contact pressure on,
In this way-a larger ?beroutput can be achieved from
the hot web during-pro?ling.
' \
a single manufacturing line comprising only one web
The web to be pro?led can be formed, for example,
pro?ling unit. The hot web fed to the pro?ling element
by conventional slot-die extrusion as a ?rst step in'the
55 can have a thickness of between 25 and 200 microns,

processof the present invention, the disposition of the

extrusion ori?ce with respect to the ridged roller being,
for example, such that the hot, extruded web flows

downwardly intothe nip formed between the ridged

although webs of other thicknessare not excluded. '

In the process of the present invention, the chilled,

pro?led web, leaving the nip is stretched;vfor exam'ple,

tenfold, using suitable stretching equipmentknown vto

roller- and the backing roller, although it could also ?ow 60 those skilled in the art, with the result that the polymer
comprised therein is oriented and'the cross-sectional
web, which at thetemp'eratures involved has insuf?
area of the web is reduced correspondingly. Stretching
cient strengthto withstand even the
tensions in
can be'carried out using, for example, a-pairtof Godet
volved in'pulling a web over rolls or off a reel, can be
roll-sets with a hot air oven disposed between them
handled without'dif?culty. It will be appreciated that 65 through which therweb under tension passe'sfThe sec
downwardly onto either roller. In this way the extruded

preheating, a preformed web of polymer toqabove-its

crystalline'rnelting point prior to contacting'e ridged

ond Godet roll set is rotated faster'than the ?rst to an

roller would be a dif?cult operation in practice;v carry

the stretch. ratio. Typical ratios whichican be employed

extent which provides'the desired degree of draw, i.e.

for polypropylene are between 5: 1" and 12:1 or more;

clude the case in which the peak. is rounded off. to a

the hot "airoven can'beoperated ata temperature of

small radius or in which the tip of the peak includes a

the order of 140? to l50C.K

As a result ofv the pro?le of the stretched web a con
.trolled ?brillationthereof. will occur under suitable
conditions. In fact,- it is a particular advantage of the

small ?at portion. vThe pro?le of the ridges should be

present invention that such conditions in many in

stances can be provided bythe mechanical handling of

the web during the stretching operation. In many in
stances, for example,- with polypropylene webs, the
pro?led web undergoes a spontaneous breakdown into

such that the hot web is grooved, i.e. impressed or em

bossed, to give a cross-sectional pro?le comprising a

large plurality of spaced-apart humps, each of suit

able ?ber-forming pro?le, joined together by narrow
troughs having a thickness which may be of the order
of about I / 10 to 1/20 or even less of that of the original
web. The humps constitute the precursors of the ulti
mate ?bers and the troughs constitute the precursors of

?laments duringbpassage through the second Godet

the predetermined cleavage paths along which .the

unit; in fact some splitting can occur in the hot air oven.

stretched web will split during the controlled ?brilla

If necessary, however, the conditions under which con~

tion thereof. The ultimate ?ne ?bers can have a denier

trolled ?brillation ofrithe chilled web takes place are

of 5 up to 90; such ?bers have excellent handle and ap

provided by subjecting-the web, after stretching, to ?

pearance, and a good tenacity, for example 7 grams per

brillation treatment, which can be carried out in any


In the case of a ridged roller, the ridges on the periph

ery of the ridged roller can have a pitch lying within the
be utilized, usin'g'a conventional heavy duty twisting
machine, such as a sisal type twisting machine. prefera 20 range 0.003 to 0.050 (inches and the depth of the
.troughs between adjacent ridges can lie within the
blyJhoweverQsuch ?brillation treatment when it is re
range 0.002 to 0.02 inches. Preferably the ridges ex
' quired is effected by means of an air blast treatment ef

known of suitable manner. For example, twisting can

fected by passing the, stretched web through an elon

tend without interruption round the periphery of the

roller, but it is also possible for each ridge to be divided

acurrent of airflows at a high velocity in the direction 25 lengthwise into two or more sections by plain, i.e. un
ridged, portions of the roller surface which are stag
of ,movement of the web. For, example, good results
gered with respect to one another across the width of
have been obtained . by :feeding the stretched web
the rollers. The latter arrangement may have advan
through an aspiratorhfor example, the device com
tages when, for example, it is desired to form a yarn for
monly known asa waste collector, operated at about

gated passage of restricted cross-section through which

80. pounds per square, inch (gauge) pressure. In this 30 twisting into twine for use as such or in the manufac
ture of rope or other Cordage, since the individual ?
bers in the resulting yarn will not. be completely sepa

way one, can avoid the need for reeling-up between

stretching and ?brillation treatment since the air blast
?brillator can operate effectively at throughput speeds

rated from one another, thereby increasing the strength

equal to those at which the stretched ?lm leaves the

of the twine.

second Godet roll set; such speeds can be, for example,

35 . The present invention will now be described with ref

200 to 400 feet or more per minute.

The stretched web, upon ?brillation, yields a large
plurality of ?ne ?bers, each of which is formed by a
hump in the stretched pro?led web.
Although the description herein refers mainly to con

erence to the accompanying drawings in which:

tinuous fibers and yarns formed therefrom, it will be

understood that the present- invention can also be used

employed in the web-pro?ling unit of FIG. 1;

FIG. 3 is a side elevation of one form of web-pro?ling

FIG. 1 shows schematically the general arrangement

of equipment suitable for use in carrying out the pres
ent invention;

FIG. 2 illustrates the ridge pro?le of the ridged roller

for the manufacture of staple ?bers, for example, by

chopping into short lengths the continuous ?bers

unit in accordance with the present invention;

FIG. 4 is a plan view of the machine of FIG. 3; and
FIG. 5 is a section through a portion of a pro?led
formed in the ?brillation stage; these staple ?bers can

then be processed by conventional textile handling



If desired, the sheet-like mass of polymer fed to the

Referring to FIG. 1, the process of the present inven

tion is carried outin two successive stages, namely

pro?ling unit can comprise a plurality of hotwebs

which are united during the pro?ling operation. For ex

In the ?rst stage (A), a slot die ,extruder 1 provides a

ample, two such webs can be formed by slit-die extru

sion from polymers of different characteristics, they

may differ, for example, in molecular weight or chemi

web-pro?ling (A), and stretching and ?brillation (B).

web 2 of molecularly-orientable organic polymer com_
position at a temperature above its crystalline melting
point, which is fed between the nip formed between a

cal nature. The resulting hot webs can be fed through

roller 3 having closely-spaced, parallel surface ridges

the nip between the ridged roller and the backing roller
to become united into a single bi-component web and
simultaneously pro?led in accordance with the present

and a smooth-surfaced backing roller 4. Both rollers 3

invention. Alternatively, said individual webs can be

and 4 are of steel so as to provide non-yielding surfaces

for impressing the desired grooves into the surface of

the web 2 without cutting through the web, the latter

brought together to form a hot, bi-component web 60 being avoided by careful positioning of backing roller
4 with respect to ridged roller 3. The resulting grooved
prior to contacting the ridged roller, for example, by
web 2' passes over an idler roller 5 to the ?rst roll of
employing a multiple ori?ce die or by bringing separate
a standard Godet unit 6 which in operation provides
melts of the two polymers together in the die-head in
the necessary tension in the web to pull it through the
a region located just before the extrusion ori?ce.
Preferably the, ridges of the pro?ling element, for ex 65 nip between rollers 3 and 4. The web 2 is pulled from
the ?rst Godet unit 6through a standard heating oven
ample, a ridged roller, should have the sort of pro?le
7 by a second Godet unit 8 which runs at a higher speed
that can best be described assharp peaks, butit is to

be understood that the word sharp is intended; to in

than unit 6 so as to stretch the web 2' into its drawn



Form 2". Such stretching effects molecular orientation

apart and in alignment by the backing roller 4. An idler

roller 5 is provided in main frame 11 to assist in taking

off the pro?led web to the stretchinglstage.
draw-down ratio employed; suprisingly, in most in
In operation "of the machine shown in FIGS. 3 and 4,
stances controlled ?brillation of the drawn-down web 5 jacking cylinders 24, 25 are operated to bring the back
2" occurs during the mechanical handling which oc
ing roller 4 into the operative position-in which it is
curs during its passing through the second Godet unit
slightly spaced from ridged roller 3 to an extent de
of the web 2 and also results in an appreciable draw
down of its cross-section to an extentdepending on the

8; in fact such ?brillation can start within the oven 7 in

which stretching is taking place. In this way a spontane

ous and complete division of the web into individual ?

bers, each of drawn-down cross-section corresponding

to that of the humps of the impressed web, occurs.
However, if a complete division is not achieved in this
way the stretched web 2" is passed through an aspira
tor shown in broken lines at 9 in which ?brillation takes
place or is completed. In either case the resulting yarn
2" of individual ?bers is reeled-up on the spool 10.
FIG. 2 of the drawing shows on an enlarged scale the
kind of ridge pro?le of roller 3 which can be employed
in carrying out the present invention. As will be seen 20

pending on the desired web thickness. A hot polymer

web is then extruded downwardly into the nip between

rollers 3 and 4, while roller 3 is rotated by motor 16.

The frictional effect of the hot web passing through the
nip causes roller 4 to turn in an opposite direction to
roller 3. Air pressure is then applied to jacking cylin
ders 24, 25, for example, a pressure of 8090 psi
(pounds per square inch) in the case of the machine

used in the following speci?c .example, to bias the back

ing roller 4 towards ridged roller 3 so that the hot web
is brought into pressure contact with the ridges thereof

and thereby impressed with the required pro?le.

'The present invention is illustrated by the following

from FIG. 2, the characterizing features of the pro?le
are the peaks, the trips of which are only slightly radi
used, and secondly adimension x of the peaks which,
while providing for adequate strength, results in the
minimum land between adjacent humps of the 25
Polypropylene ?bers of an average denier of 30 were
grooved web 2, which land constitutes the precursor
made from commercial polypropylene of melt index
of the predetermined longitudinal path along which the
3.5 using machinery comprising a pro?ling unit as just
grooved web will split during the subsequent ?brillation
described and conventional stretching equipment. The
treatment. The thickness of the web 2' in this land por
pro?ling unit comprised a driven solid steel roller 10
tion can be of the order of, for example, up to 1/20 of 30 inches long and 4 inches in diameter which was pro

that of the web before grooving, and the depth of the

grooves in ridged roller 3 should be such that the mate
rial of the web ?ows into the troughs of the ridged rol

ler 3 during the grooving operation. In general, the de

vided with 240 parallelsurface ridges extending over a

6 inch length of its surface. The ridges were made by

precision grinding' to a 40 TPI v(threads per inch) Stan

dard Whitworth form, the ridges having a pitch of

nier of the resulting ?bers will be determined by the 35
size of the humps of web 2 and the degree of draw
down which takes place during stretching; both can be
varied within suf?ciently wide limits to enable ?bers of
an adequately wide range of denier to be manufactured

0.0125 inch, a depth of 0.0077 inch and'an inclusive

angle (see FIG. 11) of 55. The ridged roller was pro
vided with a shoulder on each side of its ridged area the

shoulders standing just slightly higher'than the ridges to

by the'present process. The appearance of one example 40 provide a safeguard against accidental damage to the
ridges as a result of contact with the backing roller.
of a typical grooved web 2' is shown in section in FIG.
A hot web of polypropylene 6.5 inches wide and
0.003 inch thick, was extruded from a two-inch screw
Referring to FIGS. 3 and 4 of the accompanying
extruder located above the pro?ling unit, the hot, ex
drawing, the pro?ling unit consists of a machine com
prising a main frame 11 carried on legs 12 upstanding 45 truded web falling vertically down into the nip between
from a base 13, and a subframe l4 pivotally mounted
the ridged roller and the backing roller at a speed of 30
on main frame 11 at pivot points 15. Main frame 11
feet per minute. Cooling water was circulated through
carries a steel, ridged roller 3 which is driven by an
the ridged roll to maintain it at 15C during operation,
electric motor 16 through a belt drive 17, the roller 3
50 but the backing roller was allowed to run at a higher
being mounted in roller bearings 18. Subframe 14
temperature, namely 90C. The contact pressure ex
carries a steel backing roller 4 mounted in roller bear
erted on the webas it passed between the roller was
ings 19. Both rollers 3 and 4 have provision for the cir
about 1,000 psi (as calculated on the basis of 80 psi air
culation of a heat transfer 'rnedium therethrough, the
pressure in the jacking cylinders, each of which had a

heat transfer medium entering through inlets 20, 21 55 3-inch diameter piston). The resulting pro?led web
and leaving through outlets 22, 23. Movement of sub
leaving the rollers was passed to the ?rst Godet set of
frame 14 about its pivot points 15 is effected by two

the stretching unit. The latter was operated with a

stretch ratio of 8:1 and at an oven (i.e. stretching) tem
which are pivotally anchored to base 13 at 26 and 27,
respectively, and which are pivotally attached to sub 60 perature of 145C. The stretched web was taken off at
a speed of 240 feet per minute. A complete breakdown
frame 14 at 28 and 29. Located above pivot points 28,

compressed air-operated jacking cylinders 24 and 25

29 and spanning between the two side plates 14' and

into inidividual ?laments occurred as a result of a con

14" of subframe 14 is a torsion bar 30 which is ?xed

at one end to side plate 14. The other end of the tor

trolled ?brillationof the web by the time it left the sec

ond Godet set. The resulting yarn was then reeled-up

sion bar projects with slight clearance through a hole 65 in the form of a 10,000 denier tow. The average denier
of'the'?bers was
in the other side plate 14" to allow for minor differ
ences in the rate of lift between jacking cylinders24,
The'followin'g additional data further de?ne the oper
"ation'just describedf
25. Side plates 14 and 14 of subframe 14 are kept

cluding upholstery, curtaining, carpets and safety belts,
and in the rope and cordage industry. The size and

cross-section of the ?bers manufactured in accordance


L/D - 22:1v

Temperatures along barrel, "C

compression ratio 3l:l


Die temperatures. "C


Screw Speed

13 rpm

Die width

l0 inch
0.0l5 inch

Die lip separation

Physical Properties of Product
Tensile properties measured on the
l0,000 denier tow



Elongation at break


with the invention may be selected according to end

use requirements. As previously indicated FIG. 4 shows
the appearance of one form of grooved web made by

the present process, but in practice the cross-section

thereof may be varied depending on the web thickness
before pro?ling and to a lesser extent, on the pro?ling
pressure. The thickness of the grooved web between
the humps is advantageously as small as possible, but in

Tensile properties of individual



approx gldenier

Elongation at break



general the ratiri of the thickness of the grooved web

between the humps to the web thickness before pro?l
ing may be up to about 1:20.
What we claim is:
1. A web-pro?ling unit suitable for use in the manu

In a modi?cation of the process just described, the

stretched web is reeled-up and then fed, in a separate

facture of synthetic ?bers which comprises a ridged rol

ler having a plurality of closely-spaced, parallel, surface
operation, to a sisal type, heavy duty twisting machine 0 ridges each having inwardly directed sides leading to a

operated at about 100 feet per minute in which it is

twisted into a yarn.
The process of the present invention has the advan

peak which is slightly radiused, the sides of adjacent

ridges forming troughs, the pro?le of the ridges being

such that the pitch of the ridges is within the range

tages of simplicity and reliability in operation, and it
0.003 to 0.05 inches and the depth of the troughs be
provides for accurate pro?ling and in consequence lit 25 tween adjacent ridges is within the range 0.002 to 0.02
tle or no variation in denier between the individual fi

inches mounted in a ?xed frame and adapted to be ro

tationally driven and a plain roller mounted in a mov
able frame which is pivotally attached to said ?xed

bers produced. In general, and assuming substantially

constant web dimensions which can readily be

achieved, individual ?bers produced in accordance

frame for movement with respect thereto by the biasing

with the present invention exhibit little or no variation
30 means, said movable frame being formed from two op
in denier over their lengths and no signi?cant variation
posed side members each carrying a bearing for one
in denier is found between the various ?bers formed

end of said plain roller, and a pair of piston and cylin

from a common web. Moreover, as a result of the con

der mechanisms acting respectively on said side mem

bers, said side members being connected by a torsion
bar ?xed to one side member but ?tting with clearance
they are substantially free from appendant ?brils.
in a hole in the other side member, said rollers having
The ?bers and yarns manufactured in accordance
non-yielding surfaces.
with the present invention ?nd application in many tex
tile uses, for example, in the domestic textile ?eld in

trolled ?brillation which occurs during their formation,

such ?bers may be manufactured in a form in which






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