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Charter of the Student Union at

The International School of The Stockholm Region

Accepted at the annual general meeting 20 March 2012
Updated at the extra annual meeting 14 October 2014

1 Purpose
Subs. 1

The purpose of the student union at ISSR is to provide the members of the
student union at ISSR with the chance to create a more rewarding
schooling for themselves.

2 Organisation
Subs. 1
The student unions legal name is The ISSR student union.
Subs. 2
The student union's highest decision-making body is the annual general meeting and
thereafter Union Board.
Subs. 3
The student union is politically and religiously impartial.
Subs. 4
The student union has its headquarters in Stockholm city.
Subs. 5
The student union is a non-profit organization.
3 Membership
Subs. 1
The student union is open for all students at ISSR.
Subs. 2
Membership in the student union is valid for one year of operation.
Subs. 3
The membership fee is the determined by the student union annual general meeting.
Subs. 4
Membership requirements:
- The student must be a student at ISSR.
- The student must apply for membership in the student union.
- The Union Board must approve of the application.
4 Annual General Meeting
An annual general meeting must be held the first Tuesday in February every year at
the latest.
The annual general meeting may not be held on a holiday or any other day when
ISSR is not open.
The annual general meeting must be declared at least two weeks before it is held.
All members have the right to be present, express themselves and submit proposals at
the annual general meeting.
All members have one vote at the annual general meeting.
Bills to the annual meeting must be available to members at least two weeks before
the annual meeting is to be held.
Motions for the annual meeting must be submitted to the student union committee at
least two weeks before the annual general meeting.
Annual meeting documents will be available to members at least two days before the
annual meeting.
At the annual meeting the following points are discussed:
- The meeting opened.
- Determination of the voting list.
- Election of presiding officers, meeting secretary, meeting adjusters and tellers.
- Question regarding the proper handling of the annual general meeting in
accordance with the bylaws.
- Approval of agenda.
- Presentation of annual report and financial statements.

5 Election
Subs. 1
Subs. 2
Subs. 3
Subs. 4
Subs. 5

- Consideration of bills.
- Consideration of motions from members.
- Auditors report.
- Decision regarding the outgoing board discharge.
- Election of Union Board.
- Election of auditors.
- Election of nominating committee.
- Any other business.
- Meeting closure.
A protocol of the annual general meeting must be kept.
At the Union Board's, the auditor's or a majority of the member's request an ad hoc
annual general meeting may be declared.
The people elected at the annual meeting will not enter the board until the last
Tuesday of March at the latest.
Unless otherwise specified in the bylaws, majority rules at elections.
A closed election will be held for candidate elections should anyone request it.
For candidate elections, the number of voters per member must be the same as the
number of contested.
For candidate elections the following applies:
- Should several candidates receive an equal number of votes, a second election
must be held.
- Should the second election be tied as well, the people in question will be decided
by the board through vote.
- Should this election also be tied, the candidate best suited will be chosen by the

6 The Union Board

Subs. 1
The union board elected at the annual meeting will enter the board at the handover
ceremony which will be no later than the last Tuesday of March.
Subs. 2
The union board is responsible for running the student union in the interim between
two annual general meetings.
Subs. 3
The union board is elected by the annual general meeting.
Subs. 4
The union board must submit an activities report and an economical report, detailing
the past year at the annual general meeting.
Subs. 5
The union board consists of at least five and at most nine people.
7 The handover period
Subs. 1
During the handover period, the acting board will be in charge of any activity within
the Student Union.
Subs. 2
The acting board will mentor the new board during this period.
Subs. 3
The acting board will maintain all voting rights.
Subs. 4
During this period the acting board will make sure that the new board can continue
from where the acting board left off and make sure they have access to all of the
materials that they will need.
Subs. 5
The acting board will be given their voting rights and access their position at the
handover ceremony. At this point the acting board will give away their voting rights.
7 Election Committee
Subs. 1
The election committee is elected by the annual general meeting.

Subs. 2
Subs. 3

8 Audit
Subs. 1
Subs. 2
Subs. 3
Subs. 4

Subs. 5

The election committee must consist of two to five people.

The election committee is to submit evidence to the annual general meeting for
election of the union board, accountants and new election committee for the student
Auditors are elected by the annual general meeting.
The auditors are two in number.
The auditors have the right to the accounts of all the activities of the student union.
The auditors are tasked with:
- Having insight in the student unions accounts, operations and financial
- Delivering an audit report not later than five days before the annual meeting
In the audit report the auditors must:
- Include a description of how the audit report was written.
- Bring to the attention of the annual general meeting any cases where the actions
of the union board are not consistent with the bylaws.
- Bring to attention of the annual general meeting any cases where the student
union has been, in some other respect, grossly miss run.
- Comment on whether the union board should be discharged.

9 Fiscal Year
Subs. 1
The student unions fiscal year runs between one annual general meeting to the
handover ceremony with an annual meeting in February between this.
Subs. 2
The student unions accounting follows the calendar year.
Subs. 3
The activity report must give an account of the past fiscal year.
10 Exclusion
Subs. 1
Exclusion can only occur at the annual general meeting. Exclusion can only occur if
the member is counteracting the purpose of the student union as set out in this
or purposely damages the student unions activities.
11 Authorized signatories
Subs. 1
The associations legal representative, apart from the union board itself, is elected by
the union board.
12 Dissolution
Subs. 1
Should the annual general meeting decide to dissolve the organization, that same
annual general meeting must decide what to do with the organizations assets.
Subs. 2
Dissolution requires a five sixths majority of the annual general meeting.
13 Amendments of the charter
Subs. 1
Any amendment of this charter requires a majority of three fourths.
Subs. 2
Amendments to the charter will take effect when the annual general meeting of the
protocol is adjusted, unless otherwise decided by the annual general meeting
Subs. 3
If an matter is urgent, an extra annual meeting can be called for if 2/3 of the board
accept. A weeks notice is to be given prior to the extra annual meeting.

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