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Corps Sports News

The Royal Army Pay Corps Journal

A rrangements for 1937.

Vol. IV.

Summer, 1937

No 26.

The Old Comrades Association held their

Ninth Annual Meeting and Dinner in
London on 30th ARril. A fuH account of
the proceedings appears in this issue .

4 I Belgrave Square,
London, S.W. I.

The outstanding event of the past

quarter has, of course, been the Coronation
of Their Majesties The King and Queen .
So much has been written on the pageantry
in London on May I2th that little remains
for us to say .
The Corps v,'as represented in the Procession by a detachment of one Officer and
seven W.O.s and N.C.O.s and as they
passed by this ancien t Editorial bui lding
their appearance and soldierly bearing gave
cause for the highest praise to all con cerned.

E lsewhere in this issue appears a reproduction of the Piapo score of the new
Regimental March o'f th~ Royal Army Pay
Corps. It has been so arranged that it can
be withdrawn fro111 the J ournal without

Colonel Armstrong,
By \\'ays,
Farley Green, Gui ldford.

k ind


Th e f()llowing have been a,ward ed this m edal

under Army Ord er 76 of 1937.
With Gratuity.


Golf .


Ju ly


Lawn Tennis at Roehampton .

Friday, July



J nly

3 rd

T ues. ,
Wed .,

J nl y
Ju ly
Ju ly

9 th

Summer Meeting at Wentworth.

A nnual Meeting, R.A.P.C. Officers' Club, So , Pall Mall, S. W. I,

at 2.I5 p.m.
Annual Din ner, Officers.

S.Q.M.S. R Bond .
S.Q.Ivi.S. G. Garl'ett
S.Q.M.S. J . W. Griffin.
S.Q.M.S. J . Manning.
S.Q.M.S. A. Robel'ts.
S.Q.M.S. G. L. Rogel's.
S.Q.M.S. R. Scott.
S j Sergt. C. R. Bone.
SjSergt. B. E. Evans.
Sj Sergt. S. G. Mudd.
S/Sergt. J. Plunkett.
S jSel'gt. C; H . Westoll.
Sergt. C. H. Meaden.
Sel'gt. T . M. Mills.
Sergt. G. E. C. Pentn ey.
Sergt. R. Plowman.
Sel'gt. J . Troops

We deeply reg ret to announce the death
of Lt.-Col. H. R. W. Dawson, v"hich took
place at the Queen A lexandra's Military
Hospital, l\1i~lbank, on J une 20th.


Naval and Military Club, Piccadilly.

Cricket v. R .A.O.C ., at Aldershot.


Cric ket v. Army Edu cationa l Corps at Aldershot.

Cricket v. Royal Army Chaplains Dept., at Aldershot.


Please convev to Prince Arthur the sincere apprecia ti~n of all ranks of the Royal
Army Pay Corps of the hon our accorded
to them by His .Roya l H ighness' appointment as their Colonel-in -Chief.-J . Armstrong, Colonel Commandant, Byways,
Farley Green, N1'. Guildford.

IVlost g rateful thanks for

congratu lations.-Arth ur .

J une 30th

The following telegrams were exchanged

bet\\'een the Colonel Commandant and
H.R .H. Prince Arthur of Connaught.

So, Pall Mall, London, S.W .I.

June, I937
All readers of the Journal ," ,i'11 be deeply
sensible of the g reat honour which has been
accorded to the Corps by H.M. The King
in appointing a member of the Roya l
Family to be our Colonel-in-Chief.
The appointment of :Major General
H.R.H. Prince Arthur of Connaught,
K.G., K.T., G.C.l\1.G., G.C.V.O. , C.B.,
was announced in the Coronation Honours
List on May I Ith and the Colonel Commandant in despatching a telegram of
congratulation to His Roya l Highness,
admirably expressed the appreciation of
all past and present members of the Corps .


Regt. by I2 Holes to o--Stanham and

Evers, playing well, were each 3 up on their
opponents at the turn and then had to
fight for their very lives. Four holes l ~ter
General Ho\\'ard had puIled Stanham down
to I up and lVIcDowell had pegged Evers
do\\'n to all square. Stanham was fortunat e
in . being able to take the last 3 holes to
fi1l1sh 4 up-Evers sticking manfully to his
g uns, did well to finish all square against
an opponent who was fig~ l ting him every
ya rd of the \\av.
Thompson l{ad the best of h is opponent
all the \\'ay and after being 3 up at the
turn, rubbed it in and finished 5 up.
Carter was also 3 up at the turn and
managed to retain this lead nntil the end.

The Annual Meeting of the Army Golfing Society was held at Prince's Club,
Sandwich, on April 26th and following
days. The Corps for the first time ,,,as
represented in the Generals' Cup and for
the 6th year in succession entered a team
for the Army Golf Challenge Cup.
This year those two well tried and
trusted veterans-Majors Bednall and Meek
-vve re abroad, so we had to look for new
blood, w hi~h we were able to find amongst
the probatIOner Officers novv stationed at
Aldershot. On e of them- Lieut. Thomp~on-who 1:as . ;played Golf for Wiltshire,
1S an e~penenced and powerful golfer \\'ith
a handIcap of 7 \\'ho shows promise of O'ettin?, better still.
The other-Captain Carter-is a sound
and business-like golfer ""ith a handicap of
9 The team chosen to represent the Corps,
therefore, consisted of these two and the
only. tv,;o members of the old brigade still
servl11.g at home--lVIa.i ors Eve rs and Stan11am, the former being' Captain of the team .
. W e we re dra \\'11 a g~ainst the Essex Reg t .
111 the first round WIth a starting' time of
1.40 p.m. and the knmvledge that if \Ye
,\'ere fortunate enough to w in we should
11ave to start out 011 the 2nd round at 5 p.m.
:M ajor Evers, in spite of the fact that he
had played the best round of the team on
~!l e previous day (bein g the only one to
touch money " from the sweepstake with
a nett score of 73), decided that Stanham
:ho111d play 1st String , himself 2nd,
fhompson 3rd and Carter 4t11.
As ,,ill be see11 fro111 the results g iven
b elow, ,ye succeeded in beatin g the Essex

R. C.

R._LP. C.
R. G. Stanham
A. N. E vers
D . G. Carter


General G. W. Howard
1. McDowall
R. L. Di ckenson
Capt. H. J . Laverty


It was 4 .50 p.111. by the time our last

couple in this match had come in and at
.:; p.111. we were again on the 1St Tee to
face the ~oyal Corps of Sigua ls No. I
{ nit who had been victorious over the 2nd
Team of the Royal Warwicks.
Our Captain, after his dog fi g h t in the
previous match, gave himself a few minutes
in which he said he had an extra cup of
tea (?) and Thompson played 2nd string.
We ,,,ere defeated by the Signals by 13'
holes to 9 and I think it ma y be said in
all fairness to our opponents that we v,'ere
unfortunate to lose . All members of our




Thompson had the better of his opponent

all the way from tee to green, but usually
the steadiest of putters, he found on this
occasion that he could not get his putts
to drop, with the result that he too \\'ent
dov,n , but with not such a heavy fall as
Although Evers and Carter both won
their matches t it was too much to expect
them to pull back the 13 holes already lost.
RA .P.C.
8 lVIa,jor R G. Stanham 0
5 R C. Thornpsou


Major A. N . E vers
Capt. D. G . Carter



No\v for the Generals' Cup.

Major General Musson V,,as dra\\'n to
play 1\IIajor General Thorpe in the 1st
Round, but owing to the latter General
having t o play for the Argyll and S utherland Hi ghlanders in the retired Officers '
Team, our General received a walk-over.
In the 2nd Round Major General Musson
had to meet a previous holder and a finn
favourite for the Cup this year, in the person of General Sir Walter Kirke .





A knockout competition on handicap fOl
members serving in the War Office, Aldershot and Eastern Commands is in progress.
First round results are as follows ; -.
l\Ia .ior Broadhurst beat Major Baines 2 and
Lt. Thompson beat Col. OrmsbyJ Oh11son 6 and 4. Major Barratt beat Lt.
Holman 4 and 3. Capt. Hamilton beat
Uajor Garratt 3 and 2. 1Vlajor Evers beat
Capt. Carter 7 and 5. 'Major Stanham beat
Lt. Burne 6 and 4
At the tim e of writing these notes not
one card has been received for the HalfYearly Spoon Competition. The Hon. Sec.
is \\'atching the post most anxiously, for heis nursing a card with a steady return
of nine dO'w n, and if no cards arrive, this.
card goes in at 11.59 p.m. June 30th , 1937
to enable him to win his first and probably
last spoon.

R.A .O.C.
RA .P.C .
Ma jor R G. Sta nh am 0 H. S. MitchelI (5 & 3)
Co l. 'vV. E. C. D.
l'ickthall (4 & 3)
Ma jor A . N'. Evers
R C. Thorn PSOll
1 Brig. W. N. Stokes
(3 & 1)
Lt.-Col. A. W. A.
Capt. D. G. Carter
(5 & 4)
o R M. Brydges (4 & 3)
Ma jor J. G. Woods
lVlaJ01' W. Tann er
(1 up)
Major S. F. BalTatt



It is not possible to publish the results

of the Le~g~le Competition in this issue.
Th.e st~hst1cs are now under compilation
It WIll
'be realised that th e d e1ay 1las
een unavOIdable this year on man
co~m~s. ~owever it is h-Gped that ~f~~e
all s
Club WI'11 1lave
d IS published ,
r eceI ve the final result.
Hearty cong ratulations are due to tl
three members of the Leao-ue and C le
~~ su~cee~ed in ,f3'etting th:ir places inO~~!
e~~lar Army RIfle Team in the InterSer VIces Small Bore Competition
~~'pe~ that many more names will appear il~
IS eam next year. The three members
were;S t B S .S .M. A s h el,. S gt. Cooper and
g. ruce.


M a~o r R ~. Stanham
H . S. lVIitchell
Major A. N. Evel's
Col. W. E C D
P' k h'a l ' .
R. C. Thompsoll
Bri o' I,c'Tt N 1 S(thaklved) 0
C t D G C
0 es
. . arter
Lt.-Col. A . W. A.
. (5 & 4) .
Ma jor J. G. \Noods
R IV1. Brydges
Major S. F. Barratt
1 Major v.,T. Tanll er
(3 & 2)


Other I terns.
The Buffs G.S. met at Prince's. Sand-.
,,-ich in April last. Major Stanhaill competed and must have returned from the
meeting with a very full car for he \,von
the Brickman Cup, the Senior Medal and
the Trevor Cup . There \vere one or t\,VO
other events \'\Thich other people won and
apparently the only reason they did so was
because Major Stanham ' s handicap or age
were too 10\\' and barred his entry .

This ,vas a g reat match which ended in

General Kirke just managing to win on the
last green after Genera l Musson had been
2 up at the turn of the round.

The ninth of a series of annual matches
\yas played against the Royal Army Ordnance Corps on May 19th at Fleet.
Difftculty was experienced in raising a team
and eventually the match ,;vas played with
six a side . vVe made a good start in the
mornin g by ,,-innin g two and halving one
foursome but could only win t wo o~f the
singles in the afternoon, the other four
matches all being \yon by our opponents.
. ~he m~!ch "'as played in perfect con~
dltions and was a most enjoyable one . The.
detailed scores \\'ere as fofloy\,s ;-

Had General Musson had an opportunitv

of playing through the first round it {s
probable that the experience gained in that
round would have just turned the scale.
but this being his first attempt at the
Generals' Cup, he is to be cong ratulated
on the .g reat fi ght he made against such
a redoubtable opponent. V\Te hope that he
will compete for the Cup next year \'\Then
he should have an excellent chance of
"vinnin o .



Summer Meeting.
The Annual S ummer Meeting \"ill again.
take pla<;e at the Went\\'orth Cl\lb, Virginia.
\]i,iater , Surrey and will be held on Wednesday, June 30th. Full particulars and entry
form s have been circulated .

team in varying degrees lost their putting

touch. In addition, Stanham met an opponent \\'ho played the game of his life,
\\'ho holed putts from every corner of the
g reen, and amongst other bits of frightful ness, holed out from deep rough \vith a
full mashie niblick shot in 3, when Stanham \,vas lying dead for a birdie 4

(No . 1 Unit) .
Capt. J. F. Lon gfield
Cap.t. E. S. Cole
Capt. R C. Wood
P. T. S. Brown


Another popular misconception.

"The Officer-ill-charge of Record s. "







Corps News-Officers
From "The London Gazette"
Lt.-Col. and Staff Paymr. S . A. Godfrey,
llaving attained the age for retirement, i.s
placed on ret . pay (March 18).
Maj. and Paymr. H. H. Morrell to be
Staff Paymr. Cj\darch 18) .
lVla j. and Paymr. G. W . Butler to be
Staff Paymr. ("March 19)'
Col. and Chief Paymr. R. W. Madie,
having attained the age limit for retire-ment, is placed on ret. pay (March 31).
Lt.-Col. and Staff Paymr. N . Forde to be
Col. and Chief Paymr. (March 3 I) .
Capt. and Paymr. W. Vero to be Maj .
(March 28).
Maj. and Paymr. H. J . H ollingsworth
to be Staff Paymr. (March 3 I) .
The fo llg. to be Paymrs. (on prob.) (Jan.
I ) :- Capt. I. S. H ogge, Leicester R.;
Capt. W. G. Harker, W. York R.; Capt.
H. M. Campbell, A. and S. H . ; Capt . R. T. '
O'B . Horsford, Leicester R . ; Capt. H . T.
Pepper, Welch R .; Lt. R . C . Thompson,
Wilt s. R.; Lt. (now Capt.) D. G . Carter,
King's Own R. ; Lt. R. D. Coate, Devon R.
Lt.-Col. and St aff P aymr. H. R. W.
Dawson is placed on the h.p. list on ac-count of ill-health (April 29) '
Capt. and Bt. Maj. arrd Paymr. C. D.
Vint to be Maj. and Staff Paymr. (Apr. 29) .
Maj. (Asst. Paymr.) W. Spence, having
attained the age for retirement, is placed
on ret. pay (May 6).
Staff Sergt. -Maj. P. Plowman to be Lt .
(Asst. Paymr.) (May 6).
Col. and Chief Paymr. R . A. B. Young ,
O.B. E., having attained the age for reti rement is placed on ret. pay (May 15)
Lt.-Col. and Staff Paymr. A. B . Cliff to
he Col. and Chief P aymr. (May 15)
Capt. and Paymr. S. N. Hill to be Maj.
and Staff P aymr. (May 15)
Capt. and Paymr. L. G. Daish to be
Maj. (June II).

Major (Assistant Paymr.) E. A. Rason
died 30.4.37 (at Worthin g).
(Malta) .


O 'Driscoll


17 537




The following moves, casualties, etc., of
Royal Army Pay Corps officers are notified
for information:Colonel E. E. E. Todd , O .B .E., Palestill e
to vVool\,-ich, 25 37
Colonel N . Forde, Eastern Command to
Northern Command, 31.337
Lt.-Col. W. S, Hack, North ern Ireland
Distri ct to Canterbury, 31.3 37
Lt.-Col. J. Sawers, London to A ldershot,
Lt .-Col. 1. P. Brickman, O.B.E., Shre\\'sbury to Egypt, 29337
Lt.-Col. E. W. Grant , O. B .E. , Canterbury to Eastern Command, 3 I. 3 . 37 :
Lt.-Col. H. P. Fennell, Gibraltar t o
\~T oo l w ich , 8-437
Lt.-Col. A . S. S. Herbert , Woolwich to
\~T inchester, 15 337
Major H. C. Pewsey, Lichfield to Malta,
-Ma jor W. Eadie, M.C., Eastern Com mand to London, 1.437
Major F. T. Baines, Ceylon to Wool,,,icn, 8-4.37
Major G. W. Butler, P alestine to Shre wsb ury, 193 37
Ma'ior H. J . Hollillgsworth, Warwick to
Lichfield, 26-437
::\Iajor W. lVlarshall, Eastern COlnmand t o
\~T ar Office, 1.437 .
Major lVI. Blair, Gibraltar to Scottish
Command, 24-437
Captain R . S. E llicott , Aldershot Command to Egypt, 2337
Captain H. H. Cottier, Barnet to Chatham R. Sigs., 22 ,337
Captain H . P. Lambert, Eastern Command to G ibraitar, 3337
Captain A. J. L. H opkins, Preston to
Hilsea, 20.4 .37 .
Colonel A . B. Cliff, Egypt to \Vestern
Command, 18.5.37
l\IIajor C. D . Vint, Hilsea to Western
Command, 26-4.37.
Captain G, B . Cooper (Glos'ter Regt .)
joined Wanvick, 15 .5.37 .
Lieut. (Assistant P aymL) P. Plowman
commi ssioned, 6.5.37 (Leith).

H E. chief event in the p hilatelic "vorld

dunng the past quarter has been the
issue of stamps to mark the Coronation
of their Majesties the King and Qu een. It
may safely be said that never before bave
s u ch elaborate arrangements been made for
supplying an issue of stamps to the public.
. For months orders for the new stamps
have been pouring into the office of every
dealer in London and the provin ces. Collectors were determined to order sufficient
supplies before the sets increased in value
ha ving learned a lesson from the Jubile~
series in 1935. Especially heavy were the
orders for sets of each colony posta lly u sed
'on the day of issue.
Thousands of new members have been
'a ttracted to the hobby through this issue
but wl-:ether they are genuine collectors,
sou velll r hunters or speculators time alone,
will show . The fact that the ~ verage face
value of the Cro'w n ColQny set is about six -pence means that the set is brouoht w ithin
t he means of thousands who could ill afford
to obtain the Silver Jubilee set where the
:average cost was three times as much.
Naturally prices will not rise to the sa me
'extent although postally used copies of
some of the smaller colonies may turn ou t
Among these are
a goo ~ proposition.
AscenSIOn, Fiji , British Solomon Islands
Ci lbert and E llice Islands and Viroi~
With a few exceptions the sets will remain on sale until 31st December unless
'suppl!es run out before that date. The
-pnncIpal exceptions are Canada (",here it is
,understood the one valu e (3 c.) was on sale
-for .3 \/i1eeks only) , South and South West
:Af:lC~, Southern Rhodesia
and Great
Bnta1l1. In the Rho?esia set there is already
a marked shortage 111 London and the price
.-b as advanced very considerably.
_ Most of the stamps for use in the Crmyn
'Colonies are printed in London and already
'orders have been p laced for sets bearin o-



to ~ 11 sending l !;d _ ~,tamp for my pri ce li st
of Mint. Used , and Posted direct to YOU"
.sets of Coron atIOn stamps from 6d, upward s,


Pioneer of First Day COZJcrs (rom the E m/>in,
161a, STRAND, LONDON , W.C.2.

the head of King George VI for Ascension.

St. H elena , Fiji, Grenada and Kenya and
these are expected to appear shortly. As
soon as these are issued the present
(George V) sets will be advanced in price
and so those who have not completed their
current sets should do so at the earliest
oDDortunity .
The same remarks apply to Egypt where,
on . A u g u~~ 1st, the new stamps with portraIt of K111g Farouk are to be p laced on
Some people get a certain amount of
satisfaction out of making philatelic
'freaks' . The latest craze appears to be to
p ut the stamps of fi ve reigns on one enyelope an0 send them throu gh the post,
III the behef that these will become rare.
There is nothing unique in these covers
since all st amps of Victoria and Edward
VII are no longer valid for post age. If
you include freaks in your collection by all
means buy one such envelope but do not
think their value will ever increase!

In my last notes I expressed the hope

that collectors in the Corps would get together and form an Exchange Club. Since
then a Club has been formed and already
we have twenty members. Particulars have
been sent to those w110 ,,,'ere known to be
collectors but doubtless there are a large
number who have not been notified. Details will willingly be sent to these if they
will 'write to Capt. A. L. Dunnill, Command Pay Office , 80 P all Mall , S.W.1.
Any collector can become a member on
payment of an Entrance Fee of one shilling
and this is the only expense, no commission being charged on sa les. It is hoped
to send out one packet every month. The
May and June packets are now both in circulation.

Coronation Stamps
CROWN COLONIES. 135 stamps, complete. unused ... 27/6
DOMINIONS, etc. ()7 stam ps, complete. (S.A. &
S_W.A . in bilingual pairs), unu sed...
... 30 jON FIRST DAY COVERS. Crown Coloni ('s. complete,
75/-; in blocks of 4. 15.
Dominions, etc.
complete. (S.A, & S.W .A. in bili ngual pairs)
75 1-; in blocks of 4
... 13
The Newfound land set of 11 is included in the
Dominion, etc., sets, (mint and covers).
Subject safe arrival. Pro rata refund on any
that a re lost or not day of issue. Selected cover s
on ly. no dirt y or damaged . Suppl y is li mited.
J. STEPHEN, 12, Cook Street, Liverpool , 2.





J OuRNAl -







The Corps Coronation Detachment

Ho"v does one express a million and one
thrills in a thou sand ,yords? Even before
the actual day of the Coronation Procession, our Detachment had man y thrills
and va ried experiences.

lntions we \\-ere expected to perform durin g

the Procession; round street is1ands,_
throu g h ga tes, arches, etc., all most interesting, if somewhat perplexing to th ose\\ho did n ot know London very \yell.

The members of the Detachment numbering 8, with 28 lnedals and 194 yea rs'
service, looked ve ry smart and efficient
when they ,yere g athered together for the
first time on Friday, 30th April, 1937,
\"vhen we had a preliminary drill lasting It
hours under a G uards Instructor, afterwards being inspected by the Colonel Comm andant. First Thrill- \\'earing the ne\\"
Guards' Instructor gently reprovin g an
erring S.Q.M. Sergea nt on parad e , but calling him " ir" at the same time-Guards '
discipline ind eed! Our Colonel Commandant addressed us, and said amongst other
nice thin gs "I am sure you \\-ill do \\'ell,
after all the Corps has the pick of the
Army, and yo u must do \yell". Then on
Sunday, 9th May, 1937, \ye gathered togeth er at K en sin g ton Park Camp, and the
first reception \\-as "not so good" . vVe \yere
told we were n ot on th e list for th at Camp
at all, but an i l'l~rv ie,y with th e Camp
Commandant chang:ed all that ; fortun ately
th e writer, \yho had the hon our to be O. C.
the Detachm ent, kne \\- the Commandant
\yh o--m-s tru cted his Adjutant to place th~
Detachment on his list, and t o provide
tents, hi s final jocular \yords bein g: cry-ou
had better arrange th is at once, thi s offi cer
is a boxing man"-such is fame I

Then came "the" da y , commencing with

the issue of t\yO small tablets of chocolate ,.
t\\-O lumps of suga r and eig ht milk tablets
to all processional troo ps, our ration for the
Parade at 9.30 a .m. and off \y e \ye n t to.
the place of assembl y, thence to a position
along K ensing ton Road. Even h ere the
streets we re lined with spectators but as \\-e
turned to re ach Hyd e Park Corner the
spectacle of packed stands and theering
thous?,nds met u s- Throug h the g ates and
then a baIt, H .M. The Kin g \\'as being
cro\yned, and ,ye could hear the broadcast
of the Ceremony _ Th en on once more,
throug h the cheering cro\yds, and the gaily
decorated streets , past the Guards surroundin g Buckingham Palace, along the
Mall with its large stands on each side
and millions of faces, do wn Whitehall,
round the E mbankment-here there v"ere49,000 children, and ho\\" th ey cheered-up
Northumberland Avenue and a10n o - Pall
Mall, a special cheer from those f01;unate
enough to be in seats at No . 80; we could
~~ea r t.hem, but \\"~re t oo busily occupied
~.; our dress111g" to look up_ O n toPlccachll y , \\'here ,ye reached our place on
th e. route , ~lld then a halt for 25 minutes,
durm g whIch we consumed our ration.
Crowds 9f people here , all cheering and
throwin g: down cig arettes to th e tr;opsso me of them go t enthusiastic and commenced throwing oran g es, bananas anQ
even apples down fro111 their seats in windows- .well meant, but just a bit dang;er ous.
On e faIr lady off ered the O_C. Det achment
a g:la ss of i\ine-but fr om a safe distance_
Off again, and althoug h \\-e did n ot realise
it , we \\'er e in for a real march thi s time .
U p Regent S treet. along- Oxford Street ,
past the g loriously decorated Selfridge

Just as \\-e h ad settled do\m, th e rain

commenced , and it las ted pretty ,,-ell
through out our stay in camp, ho\\-eve r \ye
all k ept ch ee rfu 1, and even lIl anag-ed to
get in some drill. The m embers ~of th e
D etachment h ad evidently put in a lot of
practice, for their mo ve ments \yere \\ell
and smartl v execnted_
On the day before the Corona tion Procession, \\-e h ad a conferellce \\-ith the
Ma rsha l of onr G ro np (No _ 1 2) \yh o took
us out in th e rain to sh o\\" u s our place of
assembly , and to tell us all abo ut th e evo-

(c oncluded on page 77)


Th e Colonel-Commandan t .
P 7LOlo by "11I1t.stra/, d Plzotocra/I," EalingIns pect ing t he Detachment in Regen ts Par:k Barracks, London .







Contract Bridge
By Lt.-Col. J. GROSE (late R.A.).
H EN Wellington rode on to the
field of Ligny and .saw Bh~cher' s
prussi"ns drawn up 1ll full VIew <?f
Napoleon's advancing army, he shook hIS
head sadly. On the same day at Quatre
Bras, Ney's advancing army could see only
sparse skirmishers along the banks and
hedges. More than once in the Peninsul~r
War the heroic Marshal had launched hIS
columns headlon o - and seen them shattered
by the thin red'" line waitin g behind ju~t
such a screen of skirmishers, and so thIS
time he paused and lost a grand opporttmitv.
The battle tactics of Blucher and
Wellington exactly illustrate the difference
between such conventions as the One- and
T wo-Club w ith their strong opening calls
of "Two" of a suit, on th e one hand, and
approach bidding systems on the other.
Those V\ ho use the latter are content to put
out a skirmishing call of "One" on almost
all occasions and to deploy their forces
<Tradually in consultation \\-ith their part~ers , while the former parade their panoply
at the outset.
Of approach bidding systems, the Losing
Trick Count* is the easiest to master and
the most satisfactory because its rules are
foun ded on sound reasoning and not on
arbitrary formulae which have to be learnt
by heart. The system is said to be complicated and slow, and certainly som~ pr.actice at it, dealing out hands and blddmg
them alone or with a friend, is necessary
before taking it into a rubb er, for the table
is apt to erupt if one of the players becomes
immersed in a protracted enumeration
whenever it is his turn to call . Besides,
if the mind has to be switched off from the
general situation and concentrated on
counting losers, the results are sure to be
cjeplorable. In fact, the system is only for
those who will take the trouble to acquire
by practice the ability t o value their hands
easily and quickly, and it is for them that
an outline of the principles is here set
down. It is g uaranteed that their mastery


Losin g Trick Count" . by F.

Courtenay a nd Colonel \iValshe.








will amply repay the time and trouble

spent on it.

To count the losers in a hand.

In No-Trumps, count 3 losers in each
suit, with one off for each Ace, guarded
King or Queen, but a Queen, to be
reckoned as a non-loser, must be balanced
by an Ace in opener's haI?-d. (?y a King
in responder's hand) unless It IS 1ll sequence
as QJx or KQx.
Example I.~x.x.x.x.x
\7 x
0 K.x.x
+Q. x.x.x
In Spades count 3 losers
(although there are 5 small cards)
In Hearts count 3 losers
(although there is but one small card}
In Diamonds count 2 losers
(one off for guarded King)
In Clubs count 3 losers in opener's hand
(N 0 Ace in hand)
but count 2 losers only if partner has
opened vv ith a bid of "One Heart" because
OK balances the +Q .
Example II.-+A.K \7K.Q.x.x OQ .J x
+J .x.x.x
With this hand, for a No-Trump opening
call, count
In Spades I loser.
Hearts I loser.
Diamonds 2 losers.
Clubs 3 losers.
Total 7 losers.
But with a suit declaration, every card
in the original caller's trump suit above 3"
is reckoned to be available for trumping
short suits, and for the original caller's
partner, when raising the suit, every trump
but one is available for ruffing .
Example III .- +x.x \7 O A.x .x.x.x
+A .K.x.x.x.x
With this hand, for a Club call, there
are 3 available for trumping the third
round of Spades and two rounds of Hearts "
so count in Spades 2 losers
in Hearts I loser
in Diamonds 2 losers
in Clubs I loser
Total 6 losers.

But for . a Diamond call, there are on ly

two available for ruffing so that only one
Spade and one Heart (or two Hearts and
no Spade) can be reckoned as non-losers
and the total is 7 losers.
. That is all there is in counting the losers
1ll a hand.
Anyone can learn to do it
almost at a glance, and it is of use to any
player even if his partner will have nothin o to do with it.
But to go on w ith the system:
T o open the bidding, the requirements
( I ) At least 2 Quick tricks .
(2) Not more th an 7 losers.
(3) A second ,possible \bid if pa,rtner
should call a minimum suit take out. The
reason for this third p rov iso w ill appear
directly .
Example IV.-+A.K .Q .x \7 Q.x O x.x.x
+Q .J.IO.X
\7Q not being g uarded counts as a loser
but with Spades or Clubs as trumps, ther~
are . only 7 losers ~s the fourth trum p is
avaIlable for trnmpmg the third round 0t
Hearts. With this hand, the Dealer should
call "One ~h~b", because if Responder
m~kes a mIlllmum take out of c'One
DIamond" or "One Heart" O pener has a
second s~itable bid of c"One Spade" ,
whereas If he we re to open w ith "One
Spade" and Responder then made a minimum take out of "Two" in either red suit
Opener would have n o convenient response:
If th e reader will now pick out from
packs of cards or printed records of hands
~ doz en hands of the strength on w hich it
IS ~sual to open the bidding , and count
~heIr lo~ers, h e will see that a hand w hich
IS quahfied for an openin o ' bid of "0
No T- ".
. b.
~ I ump
IS com paratI vely nch and rare.
~hIS do~s not prevent a No-Trump declarahon bel11g reached in conj unctlon w ith
partner, but <;m the infrequent occasions
when t~e opel1lng ~all i~s "One No-Trump",
th.e part~er ca n VIsualIse the sort of hand
WIth whlch '.le is being in vited to cooperate and bld accordingly.
Now for t_h.e 13-esponder, partner having
opene<;l th e blddmg with "One" of a suit
of whIch he, R esponder, has not <Tot <Tood
(I) With


o r 9 losers, call " One N _


(2) With 8 losers, make a minimum suit

take out or call "Two No-Trumps". These

t\VO ~alls are forcing for one round and
that. IS the reason for proviso (3) in the
~eqUlrements for opening the bidding. This
IS the esseI?-ce of all approach bidding sys~
tems for It enables partners to bid up
slowly when strong \vithout the fear of the
calling stopping prematurely.
(3) With 7 losers, make a minimum suit
take out or call "Three N 0- Trumps".
(4) With 6 or less, make a jump
tak e out, suggestin g slams.
The yard stick (call it a half-yard stick
for remembrance) is 18 losers, and so the
Responder, putting his partner (who has
?pen.ed the bidding) with 7, and having 10
1Il hiS own hand, calls "One No-Trump"
because IS - (10. + 7) ~ 1. If he has 9 losers
and cannot raIse hIS partner's suit he
still calls "One No-Trump" although he
expects tha t his side can make two
18 - (9 + 7) = 2. The opener can bid a<Tai~
if he has less than 7 losers, while if hebhas
not l~ss th~n 7, a "One N 0- Trump" declaratIOn ':Tlth a margin of safety is better
for a partlal score. Also it allows of the
opener rebiddin g his suit if his hand is
unsuitable for No-Trumps.
Sh<;mld the Responder have adequate sup~
port 111 the Opener's suit, he will raise it to
~'Tw~" w ith 9 losers in preference to callmg
O ne N 0 - Trum p" . Both these calls
warn the Opener of weakness and at the
sam.e ~ime g:ive him the chance of calling
agaIn If he IS very strong.
~f th~ Responder has S losers, his expectatIOn I.S three tricks in the best joint
declaratIOn: IS- (8+7) = 3. There is room
for consultation and Responder may force
Opener to bid again. He can do this
according to the shape of his hand eithe;
by a minmum suit take out, by a' bid of
"Tw~ No-Trumps" or, if he has good support 111 the Opener's suit, by raisin<T
"Three". This call also is forcilw for one
r_ound because it is found that w ith trump
control an extra trick can be expected,
but the call should not be made without
strong trump support, such as A.x .x.x,
'Q.J.x .x or x.x.x.x .x .
~hus the .num bers 7 and 18 are the only
arbItrary tlun gs that have to be learnt by
heart: The rest is practice and intelligence .
One Illustration will be given of ea~h.
Score, AB g ame-VZ love; dealer Z.

'y's hand:







Royal Army Pay Corps

Problem I.
O Q6.S-4


Z's hand :
+x \/A.K.lo.x OA.K.J.S.72 +Q.J
Z calls "One Diamond". A and B pass
Y counts 8 losers in Diamonds (he has
available for ruffing so. only counts I
. 'n Clubs
and OQ IS balanced. by
osel 1 ,
1- faIrly
+K) but his trump support IS on y
.aood ~nd the hand is a ~oor. one . . He would be quite un]~st1fied III fO;;1110'
especially in a minor SUIt . Y calls Two
Diamonds" .
Z has 5 losers; he adds. the 9. shO\\'n by
his partner, total 14. ~aklllg thIS from 1.8,
his expectation is 4 tn~ks. He no',\I
show his Hearts if he hkes, knowmg that
Y \<V'11
ca11 "Three Diamonds" unless
. f'd
-can support Hearts also. But Z IS a raI
"Tv,lo Spade" bid from one of the
fore ca 11s "Three
he there
Diamonds" .
Y thinks "Now my trump suppo~t h~s
become strong, partner having r~bId hIS
suit. I showed 9 losers before, I wIll show
him 8 now. He has shown 6 10sers;,~ and
8 I;1ake 14".
Y therefore calls Four
Diamonds" .
Z has - losers, and Y has shown 8 ; also
Z has sor;e intermediate cards and probably
trump control. He calls "Five Diamonds" .
Will he make it? See Problem 1.
One more illustration of the system.
Score a ame all. B deals and calls ." One
Heart"~ Z calls "One Spade". ThIS ~all
shows 7 losers (the same as an opemng
suit can) . A passes. Y has the very
weak hand show n in Example 1 :
+x.x.x .x.x \/x O K.x.x +Q.x .x.x. He
counts 8 losers and good trump support.
iBy the rule he can call "Three Spades".
But this call would force for one round,
and Z miaht call "Three No-Trumps",
show another
or ca11 "F our Spad e~ " .
any case Y knows the final declaratIOn
would have to be "Four Spades", so t~1ere
is no point in not calling "Four" straIght
off , and he does so.
It is apparent that "Fou:" is .a weak:r
response to "One" of a ma~or SUIt .than IS
"Three", and the old maXIm apphes: Do
not disturb a game call.



Old Comrades Association




O A .K.J .8.7 2
Z is playing a declarati?n of "Five
Diamonds", the bidding havlllg been:
A leads +Q. Forecast the play of ~he
hand and say what chances Z has of mak1l1g
his con tract.
Problem 11.
+7. 5-4.3. 2


O K9 6
+Q.8.3 2


\) A76

0 10

Score, game all.
Dealer B.
B, I \/. Z, I . . A, No .
and all pass.
A led
and led
led + 2.
+K fell

Y, 4

\/ K which Z took wi th t~e Ace

\) 7. Dummy trumped thIS and
T o this , B played +9, and A's
on Z's +A.

How should Z play the hands and what

are his prospects?
N.B.-AB are playing any well known
(For solution, see page 77)

The Ninth Annual General Meeting was

held at Messrs. Harrods, Knig htshilidge on
30th April, 193 7.
The Chair "vas occupied by the President,
Colonel J. C. Armstrong, C.B., Colonel
Command ant, R.A.P .C., supported by
Brigadier H . B. T oller, C.B., C.M.G . ,
Colonel W . S. MacFenzie, C.B.E., Colonel
R. A. B. Young , O.B.E., Colonel H. Duesbury and M1'. R. C. B. Sharp, J.P., Chairman of the Committee.
The Chairman in his opening remarks
said that the attendance at the Annual Dinner was expected to exceed those of recent
years and he was very g lad to see so large
a representation at the Annual Meeting.
The Hon. Secretary read the notice convening the meeting .
The Minutes of the Eig hth Annual Meeting were approved and confirmed and
sig ned by the Chairman.
The Chairman then explained that
durin g th e past year an appeal had been
made for the late King Georg e V Memorial
Fund . Taking the ,,,,ishes of the members
re the Jubilee as a precedent, the Committee had made a g rant of 2c; t o the
Memoria l Fund . This "vas app~rov e d by
the Meetin g .
In SUbmittin g the Annual Report and
Statement of Accounts for 193 6/ 37 the
Chairm an remarked that he could add little
except to !Oay that they reflected the OTeatest credit on all concerned. The ROeport
and Accounts were adopted.
The Chairman !O aid th e Committee wished
to reco gni se the great services of MajorGeneral A. 1. Musson. C.B . and Col~nel
R. A. B. Y oung , O.B.E., who had done
so much for the Association and asked
them to confirm the election of those two
officers as Vice-Presidents of the Association.
The Chairman proposed that the Committee be re-elected with Mr. Sharp as Chairman, Colonel Duesbury as Hon. Treasurer
a~d Mr. Brow ne as Hon . Secretary. Captalll Con,nor seco~ded and the proposition
was earned unammously.
M1'. Thurgood nroDosed a Vote of Thanks
to the retiring Auditors, Lt.-Col. Robson


.a.nd ,,]Vlr. Bell. .Be _said that it gave hin)

g rea t pleasure to do this as they deserved
very g reat thanks, and that the best they
could do to shew their appreciation was
to re-elect them. This was proposed and
Colonel Young suggested that the names
of the Auditors should bear a prominent
place on the front page of the Report.
The Hon. Secretary informed the Chairman
that this wo uld be done in future.
The Chairman said that the next item
on the Agenda referred to matters relating
to the Dinner and would probably lead to
some discussion as to the best means to
meet a situation which possibly required
some special consideration.
The Hon. Secretary said that he had re~
ceived notification from Messrs. Harrods
that in future it would be necessary to
increase the price of the dinner ticket by
one shilling , i .e., to 7/ 6.
After the situation had been reviewed
at some length Colonel Duesbury proposed
that the next Dinner should be held at
Slaters in Leadenhall Street.
M1'. H.
Downs seconded.
Before puttin g the proposition to the
meeting the Chairman was informed that
accommodation for the Annual General
Meeting could be arrang ed on the same
day and at the same place.
S.S.M. Cooper said that while the cost
of the Dinner is of primary importance it
seemed that as we were now g etting d
greater number of men through the schoo~s
\;ve should imbue in to them a g reater spint
of comradeship. Mr. Norris said that the
spirit of comradeship was instilled into the
men at the school but it was up to the
offices they joined to further this.
The Chairman said that it was fairly
clear th e youngsters were not supporting
us , which was a areat pity in view of the
marvellous start they had made. The cost
seemed to be at the back of it. He was
all out for a cheaper dinner and hoped all
,,"ould do what they ('ould to g et th e y oung~
sters to come in.
The proposal of Colonel Duesbury was






JOUl{NAL_ _ _ _ _ __

expense personally.
then put to the meeting and carried unaniOn a show of hands it "vas decided to
allow the Committee the power to g ~ant
Colonel Mackenzie proposed and Brigaexpenses, keeping them as low as pOSSIble.
dier ToIl er seconded that Mr. BrO\yne
Colonel Youn g . then said that he woul.d
should be granted an honorarium of /:..,25
like before the meeting 'ended, to express hIS
Mr. Bro wne, in expressing his tl:at;tks
thal~ks and those of Major-General Musson,
intimated that the work of the AssocIatIOn
for the proposition to confirm thei~' appointhad O"1'O';.\In enormously and that he \oyas not
ment as Vice-Presidents. He was shortly
able to devote as much time to its affairs
retirino and \\'ould be living in North
as he would wish. He therefore felt that
Wales~ He had ahvays had the interests
he would have to relinquish his post as
of the Association at :heart land \wou14
Hon. Secretary but had agreed to c~rr y ?n
be only too pleased to do anything he
for another year.
In the meantIme he
hoped it would be possible to find a sucThe Hon. Secretary read the n ames of
members whose deaths had been reported
The Chairman said "This is the first I
since the date of the last meeting , and the
have heard of this and I kno\\' that
members stood in silence for one minute
Mr. Browne will help us in any way. I
as a tribute to their memory.
appreciate what he has done, but he has
Mr. Sharp proposed a hearty Vote of
got to earn his living \;vhich is no easy
Thanks to the Colonel Commandant for
matter outside the Corps. Although he
presiding. This was seconded by Colonel
youn g,
and carried unanimously.
any younger and '-Ne must give the ~ost
The Meeting then closed.
serious consideration to what he has Just
told us. He has done so \yell for us and _,Ye
must not overdrive a 'w illing horse. vVe
The Ninth Annual Dinner of the Old
shall have to try and find someone else at
Comrades' Association took place at
the end of six months. I am g rateful to
Messrs. Harrods, Knightsbridg e, S.1V.I on
Colonel Duesbury and the other members
Fri'day, 30th Apri l, 1937. There was a
of the Committee for their fine \\"ork but
large muster, representative of all ranks,
there is Qnly one jman who can do- a
past and present, the number being 3 15.
secretary's job. This was bound to occur
sooner or later."
The Chair was occupied by the Pres~
dent, CQlonel J. C. Arm,strong , Colonel
Mr. Thurgood said that rumours of this
Commandarit of the Corps, supported by
had been heard and suggested that an assislVlajor-General ifusson, Brig adier Toper,
tant might be provided. It would be a
Colonels Mackenzie, Young , T odd, Rlley,
difficult matter to take over the job.
Vida1. Duesbury, Mr. Sharp, Chairman of
Mr. H. DO\NnS said that he would like
the Committee, Mr. BrO\\"lle, H onorary
to make a proposition which \\"as a little
'lll1usual. Apart from Mr. Browne having
Solicitor and a larg e number of the Officers
no time to himself, he thought they shou ld
of the Corps.
consider the position of Mrs. Browne who
The "Roll of Honour" occupied its cushad sacrificed much owin g to this reason
tomary place in front of the Chairman.
and he proposed that a suitable present to
Music Vias provided by the Nimbu~
the value of s should be given to her.
Orchestra of Ex-Service men. The g uests
This was seconded by Sgt. Lancaster and
of the evening were Mr. Bovenchen,
carried unanimously.
Deputy Under Secretary of State for War,
It was proposed by Mr. Thurgood that
Mr. Watherston, a former Director of
all out of pocket expenses be paid to memFin ance and Nfr. T. H. S. Wyllie, Private
bers of the Committee in performing their
Secretary to th e U nd er Secretary of State
duties. Members had frequently to travel
for War.
to London and their expenses sometimes
The following telegram \\'as despatched
amounted to J 5/ -. He did not feel that
to the Private Secretary to His Ma jesty.
any member should be asked to bear this




'''The Old Comrades ' Association of the

Royal Army Pay Corps, assembled at
Ran-ods, Knig htsbridg e, on the occasion
of their Ninth Annual Dinner, send loyal
and respectful g reetings to His Majesty and
wish him a long, happy, and prosperous
Teign. Sig ned J. C. Armstrong Colonel
Commandant. "
The toast of "His Majesty The Kin g "
was proposed by the Chairman and drunk
VIii th acclama tio11.
In proposing the toast of the " Old Comrades' Association" Major-General Musson
'said :-"Your Excellencies, my Lords, . . .
I am sorry, I'm afraid I had forgotten that
I was not speaking to one of my customary
audiences. I do not know whether you
are aware that I am a live member instead
of a chartered gasbag and I am therefore
able to make this or any other speech.
There is another small point and that is
that at these dinners in the past when I
gazed round at my fello\v Chief Paymasters
and the controlling body of the Association, I have been struck by the Irish,
Scotch, and other foreig n nations represent~d. It so h appens that things are improvmg for durin g the last three months
we have mana ged to get rid of two Macs
and next month a 'Young' Irishman follows. We part with these Officers with
Teg r~t; bu~ I am ri g ht in saying that after
gaelIc, donc and erse, you will be a la d to
hear a little English. I hope I ha;e conveye? to you the idea of my qualifications
ar~d Impress you with my academic personalIty; but I h ave t o confess that I no w
ieel consurned with that hesitation indec.ision, and lack of clear expre~sion
WhICh are th e principal traits of a Chief
"I am perfectly aware that there are
many kinds of English-Ancient British
as spoken by G racie Fields-the Costina
School in moments of ex~itement, and s~
on. In that class all the best claims come
irol11. Lancashire.
There is the refined
Enghsh of Telephone operators and the
English with the Ox ford accent. Talking
about Oxford we have with us to-ni o'ht
three distin ,Q, ui shed sch olars from Oxfo~c1.
All the Civil Service seem to come from
Oxford . First of all we have \\Iith u s a
'new cOl~ler. Mr. Bovenchen, who suc-ceeded SIr R eginald Paterson as the Deputy




Under Secretary of State for War. I hope

this night's experience will not fri a hten
him into not coming again . Mr. W:ther.s~n..1 who has stood me for five years and
has einerged from his retirement in a state
of. health in which I am very 0a lad to see
hIm. , .' Last, but not least, ,;-,,' e have Mr.
Wyllie, the Pennanent Under Secretary's
Private Secretary. Sir Herbert Creedy cannot be here . as he has t wo other enO'aaeb
ments f or tlllS evening and so we welcome
Mr. Wyllie as his representative.
Wyllie at Oxford obtained, prizes in Latin
and Greek verse. He should provide Latin
and Greek verses to g o with our Regimental Marches, which v,70uld be quite an unusual precedent, provided he gave us the
translation as being the only person who
really knew what the words meant.
"I have further to confess that I am
really unable to pronounce the title of this
Association. 'Comrade' is a 'word which
denotes mere commonplace. As a compliment to our g uests I may say that the Oxford dictionary did not know what it
meant, so it came to the conclusion that
'Chambermate' was its equivalent. That
sounds to me most unpleasant-the pronunciation seems to me to become bolshevik
and the meaning immoral. I prefer the
word 'friend' and I notice that the quotation on our menu cards seems to be of the
sa:m e opinion: 'Friendship is a word, the
very sig ht of which in print makes the
heart warm'. There is nothin g new in the
word 'friend' or in the association of
friends. IVlany years ago, in the early days,
I seem to remember being introduced to
the works of the Greek Philosopher,
Aristotle, who thrived about the year 350
B .C . and there was one quotation, which
was an ethic, that for man friendship was
essential to his happiness. Well now that
is perfectly true to-day; I think \\'e all
agree that trouble shared with a friend is
halved. I think that some people in the
Corps do 110t realise their responsibility to
this Association and I think there are many
who do not realise the assistance g iven by
the Association .
If they did realise
membership would be 100 % . I{ererring
ag ain to the word friend, there is another
qnota tion fr0111 J ulins Caesar, (he \\'ords
bei!l g spoken, you will remember, by Mark





' I a m n o ora tor , Brutus is;

' But , as you kil O\\' me all, a p la1l1 blunt
'That love lil Y fri end; and that th ey
kno\\' full well
'Th a t gave m e public leave t o speak o f
and th at is th e se ntiment t o have in your
hearts as I ask yo u t o rise at-id drink t o t~e
health of th e ' Old Comrades' AssocIation' ."
M r. Bro\\'ne, in respondin g , sa id:"Once more it has fallen to m y lot to
reply t o the toast of th e Association. Th .,::
past year has been a y~a ~ of. st eady pr.og ress . ~) ur fina nc ial pOSItlon IS on a satIsfactory basis. Th a nks to Colonel Duesb ury
we h ave been able to meet all calls u po n
us; but \\'e ha ve to loo k ahead a little and
the time may come \\'hen we may n ot b e
able t o g et any donations and ha ve t o rely
upon our subscriptions !o meet heavy calls
upon our resources. When we read of rearmam ent prog rammes, blockades and
mandates, n ot th e mandate, a g irl clerk
described as an appointment with a boy
friend (laug hter ), it behoves us to look
t o wh at we ha ve got and I can assure yo u
our treasurer is q uite capable of d oin g th at.
"We are pleased t o-night to have our
President back \\ith us again. (App lau se.)
\ Vc. have also .all our Vice-Presidents, t vvo
of them happ ily restored to h ealth and the
oth er t wo as they say in th e Gazettes, on
It is said
fir st appointment (laug hter).
th at an Associa tion should ah\'ays advance
and mak'e p rog ress and I th ink th a t \\'e can
satisfy ourselves ' that we a re advancin g.
That - ,ye are no\\' becoming a really important bod y , able t o d o som e good, for th e
Corps at large . is apparent. It is for th at
reason I sh ould lik e to see the youn ge r
members join. for this Association largely
exists for their benefit.
"Last year I exp ressed the h ope that,
one day, we wo uld march past t o th e tune
of 'Oh for a General of our Own'. Now
,Ye h ave one and I cong ratulate General
Musson on being the first t o hold that
important offic e.
"We have been ve ry lucky this year, as
regard s the employ ment of our members .
There have been occasionsvvhen ,ye have
been unable t o' find men for jobs; at the
same tim e we know that this h as been a



yea r of unex ampled prosperity, as is shown

by th e . fact that the number of 'people:
une1l1plo'yecl now, who want "'ork, ~s very
small. W e cot.ile). do a lot more lIT that
\yay if we had sufficient time at our disposal; but we all h~ve our ow n. occupations and this work IS only don e III a s ubsidiary wa y ; therefore, we can say. tha~,
at least, the unemployment questlOn IS
fairl y satisfactory.
"Well, th e Corps has developed of late
yea rs; when I joined the Corps, many years
a o'o we were really fine fello ws , thoug h
I ";,a'y it myself, and we fancied our chance ;.
then th e Grea t War came along and
throug h some unfortunate reason or other
"'e were not so popular. I remember a tale
beino t old of t wo fello ws coming h ome on
th e leave boat, who had n ot seen each
oth er for so me time; one said to the other,.
'I see yo u have joined up , w hat are you in "?
I thoug ht you were unfit.' . 'Th e Pay
Corps', replied the other. SaId. t~e first,
'Lord , lumme, myoId woman IS 111 your
regiment.' (Laug hter. ) That sounds funny
n ow, but it was not funn y at the time and
th at was h ow the Corps was regarded by
many; but we have altered all that and the
Corps is once more hig hl y th ou g ht of.
C'I won't de tain you lon ge r, but I would
lik e t o ask the Office H. ep reselltatives to
keep constantly in front of th em and those
in their office s the sound advice that ever y one in the Corps should be a m ember of
the Old Comrades ' Association. As time
goes on th ere is n o d oubt th a t we shall
req uire a ll the m embers possible; not for
th e sake of the s ubscrip ti on s, although
these are very welcome, but for th e infiu-
ence ,ye can bring t o bear on other matters,
if \\'e have a larg er member ship .
"I sh ould lIke before I fini sh t o repeat
a littl e of wh at the Gen era l said . We w el-co me our Vlsltors ri g ht h ea rtil y; Mr.
Bovenchen for the first tim e, Mr. W atherston , a n old friend. a nd Mr. W y llie w h o,
has beeu"'itl1 us before and who , I anI
sure, " 'ill be with us again. We "vish them
a ve ry nleasant evenin g and h ope they have
enj oyed th em selves.
"Thank you very much for being so
natient; I h ope we shall have just as fine
a g-a therin g- n ext year. Wherever we happen t o be, I hope that the same spirit of
chivalrous comradeship w ill always remain
vcith ns. "






Mr Bovenchen then said ':Tl~ere is no

the proo-ramme to 111chcate that
name on
k and I did
I \\"as going to get up t.o spea
n ot know that I was g0111g to do ISo , l
t a rro' but I do feel tlat your
a lllOmen
. h
t '
. t i Id not like to leave vVlt ou say . ed this eveng ues s v\ OU
ino' ho w much they have enJoy
in~ and \.vithout thank~ng you most S1l1~
ce; ely for your hospitalIty . I thought for
a mo~ent that one of your other g ue~t~
ouo'ht p~operly to reply; but I remem ell
M W Hie if he spoke would on y
thatkl' .!". Gr~ek ~nd although' he probably
I '
.th him
spea - 111
\yould have brought a trans atlOn ~l
. '
this P ossibly would have been 111 Lat111.
Then I thought that Mr. Wathel:s~on
should reply; but as he is a m~thematlClan
. uld have thanked you w Ith a mathe1le wo
matical formulae and as you are m Id
of the R.A.P .C., of course, you cou ?-o
be expected to understand mathematlcs
(laughter) . Therefore, by a process 0 f
elimination it remained for me to ~ay ,
thank you for a most pleasant even:ng .
G eneral Musson brought out quotah<;>ns
that sh owed that he had ha? an educatlOn
in Classics and in modern l~terature .. If ~
Y be permitted to cap h IS qu<;>tatlOns I
n:a ld say this. He said how Importa 1:t
\\ ou ship was in an A sso~la
. t 1011
0f thl"-.'
l ' d' I too fe el that there 1S a g reat deal
~~ntr~lth in another quotati on. I b~lieve it
comes from Shakesp eare and runs I.count
m yself in nothing else so haP1?Y a~, m t~e
sole remembering m y good fnend s. . VV e
to-nirrht b y meetmg _olel
1l ave been happy
f ' I " (A)
friends and making ne,v n enc ~.
1plause .)
l\Ir. Brm,vne then read messages that h ad
been received from Royal ~rm'y .Pay Corps'
offices abroad and from mdl vlduals v,ho
\"ere unable to be present .
The follo wing teleg ram \V a~ rec~i ve d
from the Pri va te Secretary t o HIS MaJesty .
" The King sincerely thanks ~h~ members
of the Old Comrades' AssoClatlOn. R oyal
Arm y Pay Corps dining tog.ether th1s e:enin a for their loy al g reet111gs and gOO?
'y~hes which His Majesty much appreClates. "
The Dinner Committee \",ere Mr . H ,
Down (President), Captain C. W. Conn or,
S.S. Major D. Syme, and S.Q .M.Se_rgts . H .
J. L ent, F. V. Mundy and G. E. N eedham .





f t h e General Comnu ttee
The quartel~b I1;'~1\ll1~Ia~1. S.vV.1. , on 7th .April,
, '
'J f Nir Sharp , t he ch alr was
was held at
1937 .. ltdl bt~1eNt~s'jncThurgo~d , th e other members
.y c' t "
J F eeh ally Mr. H. Down ~
present bem g ap ,.;:tlll . . D S' me a nd P . G .
chenel ,
. y . h C 1 ~1 H
S . S . M . s G. VV. Ql\l1t
M S H J Lent Wlt
0 on~. - .
Thompson and S. .1' . . . '
'd M r E J W
. .
D ues b ury, Ho
Bro wne Hon~H'ary Secreta ry .
The ~linutes of th e previous meetm g h avm
e ~~
dealt with, it wa,s. ~fci~\~f ~~a;d~i:d ~~mt~e o'~R~~. of
be borne by Associa tlOn
deceased memb elI s S 10
Honour" and t l e ex peuse

FL~.\~I:. a<.:coL1Jlts

for t he year el~ded 31st l\Iar ch , 193'7>

were adopted, subject t o a ltl1dlL 'ad the report fo r
The H onora ry Secretary l en 1 e< .
l' 1 t
. 1936-1937'
After dlscuSSlOn an d s 19 1 .
the yeal
~ decid ed that t his be adop ted
amendments, It wa" l '
' t l the st at ement of
and pl'lnted . to get leI WI I
b '
ccounts for' t he infOl'matlOn of the mem el S. .
a The l\gend a for t h e Genera.l Meetm g ~as ~IS'oved and after a long dl scu.s~lOn
cusse d and "appl
d Id er]
on th.e subject o.f th e annual dnnnel' , I ' dw a~t ec tl '
to lace th e mat ter on th e Agend a an 0 am le
of the members An appeal from th e Old
d p. .
eClSlOn t 'bl
' ,X7 l for assistan ce to at tend t he
Contemp 1 es OL 'V"a es
ex-ser vice review on 27th Jun~ was he ( to e ou ~ ;de the scope of th e AssociatIOn Fund ~
" Th e ballot fo r places allotted. to t he AssoclatlOf"
' . the Coronation processlOll resulted as fot o Vlew
lows '-Four seats at 15/ -, S ' Q. M . Ss
. J1. Tcl.
Madl~v and F. E . Matthews, M1'. F. H. Godsel aD '
L / Ser ;;'t. T . McA l'thur ; two seats a t 2/ 6, S. f:i .M . .
. t . J . 'S tevellson :. fi ve free
Sym e o an d S etg
N places,
dl )
SS M O. Thol'llhill, S.Q. M. S. G .. E:
ee 1ia~,
Nie~ sr~ . E. J. Vl . Browne, J. R Plu lllPS, and- v, .
W . Bm'ton .

The Man agement Co mmittee I:ave met mo n t~1 1y

and have deal t wit h sev en a pphcatlOll s for assl s~-.
ance, fo ul' bein g fro m non-m embers. G ra~lt s W~ l ~
mad.e in five cases, a nd 111 one case a gIa nt was.
obtain ed fro m anoth er fund. No grant was made
in the remainin g case.
The H onora ry Secretary read correspon e n c~ lom
Ca nada. H ouse ' ~md: Sout h Afn,ca, H ouse rel a~m g t~
the visits of t h e Co'ro nation Co ntlllg.ent? None lot
our Alliecl Corps we re in En gland m tllne fo ~' t l e
Dinner. H e stated t hat he had perso nally .. v l s~t,ebd
both t hese H ouses to see wh a t could posslbly ~
done to entertain t he th ree m ~mb el's of the ovel seas R A.P .C. wh o wer~ m t.hlS coun tr y. It was
decided, after due con sld eratlOll, t~1 at t une ,w ould
not permit of my fo rmal enter tamm ent as they
were due to retu r n home on 14t h M ay and a f.u~
programme had been a r ra nged {Ol' t he shor t peno
they were in L ondon. .
Th e Co mmittee re port , WIth reg ret! th e cleat lS o .
t he foUo,wing members since th e last lssue :-Col~n eI
C. K ennedy , a t Cheltenham , Mr . J . H . Smlth,
at Manchester , Mr. L . ' N. J enner, a.t Urmston , .Lt.Col. W . A. Bl'it ten , O.B.E. , a t ~ol'k , ~1aJ <,)l E.
A. R aso n, at W orthin g, a nd CaptaIn F. 0 Dnscol~ ,
at Malta. L etters of condolence and . wreath s, wh eH~
possible, ha ve been sen t t o the rela tIves .
(Si gned) E . J . W. BROWNE ,
Honorary Secretary _








The death occurred suddenly , at 1\'l uncaster, York, on 18th March, I 937 , of
Lieutenant-Colonel William Albert Brittell,
O. B.E., at the ag e of 50 years.
Colonel Britten was appointed a ci vilian
Acting Paymaster on 27th November, I 914,
and joined the Army Pay Departm ent as a
temporary Captain and Paymaster on I 3 th
February, I917. In January of the following y ear he became a Temporary Major
and Staff Pay master. In December, I 9 1 9
he was g ranted a permanent commission
as Lieutenant and Pay master. He was promoted Captain on I 3th February, I9 22 ,
Major and Staff Paymaster on I7th October,
I 9 23 and Lieut.-Colonel on the same date .
At the time of his decease h e ",.;as serving
in the Northern Command Pay Office ,

died, at the ag e of 52, on 2nd March, I937 ,

joined the Army Pay Corps as a private
in Aug ust, I9I4. He served in France from
I9 I 5- I 9 I8 attaining the rank of A / Serg t.,
,,,hen h~ was discharg ed to a temporary
In I920 he was g iven a permanent commission as Lieutenant and Paymaster, was
promoted Captain in 1923, and retired with
a g ratuity in I9 26 .
He ,vas in possession of the I9I5 Star,
.l3ritish vVar and Victory .iVIedals and the
Meritorious Service Medal.

The death of L. W. Jenner (No. 76 57248,

late S.S.M.) occurred on 7th March at
U rmston, Lancs.

The funeral, with military honours, took

place at York on 23rd March, the service
taking p lace at the Garrison Church and
the interment at Fulford Cemetery . The
coffin covered by file Union Jack was borne
on a gun carriag e, and an escort and firin g
p arty was provided by I 80 rank and file
of th e ISt Bn. The York and Lancaster
Reg iment, under . the command of Lieut.Colonel H. E . de R. Wetherall, D .S .O. ,
M .C. The rear detachment was composed
of 20 rank and file of the I 5/ I9 th The
King 's Roy al Hussars .
The service was conducted by the Re v.
H. F. S . Collier, C.F ., Assistant ChaplainGeneral, Northern Command, and the pall
bearers, officers of the Royal Army Pay
Corps, were as follows: Lieut.-Colonel A .
A . Cockburn, Major H. W . Taylor, Major
C. E . E lliot-Hey,,,'ood, Major J. M. MacNamara, Captain E . D. Eding er, Lieut .
G. Ross and Lieut. O. G. Plo,;vman .
Among those present were Mr. C . J . Britten (brother) and Mr. B. A . W y les
(brother-in-la w); Mr. F. Go~ den (A nn v
A uditor, N orthern Command ) , and Mr. W.
K e11dall (Assistant Army Auditor, N orthern Command) . The York Branch of th e
British Leg ion was represented by Captain
W. A. Price.

J enner enlisted in the R.F .A . in I9 0 2

and transferred to the Army Pay Corps at
Ald ershot in I903. He remained here until
he was p osted to London . District in I9 I I
and 3 years later went with the B.E.F. to
France and \Vas mentioned in Despatches.
In I92 0 he was promoted w.o.n. and was
posted to the R.A.S.C. Pay Office and in
I9 23 was pr omoted W. O .I. He went to
Sierra Leone in I 927, but \;vas invalided,
and ,vas discharg'ed in the same year.
In additi on to the I914 Star, British War
and Victory Medals, he was a,;varded the
Meri torious S ervice and Long Service and
Good Conduct Medals, and the Medaille
D'Honneur of France with Diploma .

Georg e Hodg son (7657410, late Sergt.)

died at York on 28th March, I937, aged
59 He served in the R. Artillery from
I897 to I 909 and was discharg ed with the
rank of Cor DoraI.
From I899-I 902 he
served in India .
In N ovember. I 914 Hodgson enlisted into
the A rm y P ay Corps and served throug hout
th e Grea t W ar in the Corps at York: he
proceeded to Sierra Leone in I921 returning
home in I92 2: he was discharg ed \~'ith the
rank of Serg eant in I9 2 3 .
He was in possession of the Long Service
and Good Conduct Medal.

Captain Ch arles Stanley R ay ner , wh o









Promoted Lieutenant in 1919 he served

in a special Staff appointment in Ireland
from 1920 to 1922 and it was from this
appointment that he joined t~e R.~.r .C.
on 23rd November, 1922, servlllg hIS probationary period in the Hamilton Office.
He was promoted Captain and Paymaster
on 23rd November, 19 27.
Whilst in the R.A.P.C. he served at
Hamilton Aldershot, Chatham, West Coast
of Africa: Chester, Preston and Wool\;vich
prior to proceeding to Malta.
A colleague sends this tribute :-" O'Driscoll had a genial personality
which allied with that fascinating
humo~r so usual in the native Irish,
made him a most likeable man. His
cheerful smile and ready wit often
brig htened a dull busy day."

The death of Colonel Edmund Walcott

Ne\,v land occurred at Bournemouth on
June 2nd.
Colonel Newland was the son of Captain
C. F . Nevvland, R.N. and was born on
nth January, 1858. He \NaS cor~missioned
to the 64th Foot (N. StaffordshIre Regt.)
i.n January, 1878, promoted Lieutenant
1879 and waS Adjutant from 1879 to 1882.
He \~as promoted Captain in 1885, took part
i.n the Operations in Zululand in 1888,
and transferred to the Army Pay Department in 1891. In 1901 he was appointed
Staff Paymaster, promoted Major in 19 06 ,
and Colonel and Chief Paymaster in 19 09.
In 19IO Newland was Command Paymaster, Malta, in 1912 Command Paymaster, Western Command and in 19 16
Command Paymaster, Gibraltar : he retired in 1919.
Col. Newland was mentioned in War
Despatches and awarded the C.B.E.

Major (Assistant Paymaster) Edward

Alroy Rason died at Worthing on the 30th
April, at the age of 57
He enlisted into the ranks of the R.
Artillery and served therein for over 23
years reaching the rank of Warrant Officer.
In 1917 Rason was appointed Lieut.
(Asst. Paymaster) in the Army Pay Corps,
he was promoted Captain in 1925 and
Major in 1932. He was placed on half
pay on account of ill health in December,
.193 6 .

The death occurred at Southend 011 the

21St January of Pensioner D. A. ~oo~l
roffe at the age of 62. After serv111g 111
the Wiltshire Regiment, Woodroffe transferred to the R.A.P.C. and after 22 years'
service was discharged in 19 19.
W. J. Hale (No. 130, late S.Q.M.S.)
died at Winchfield Hospital, Fleet on the
26th March, aged 82. Hale enlisted into
the Royal Artillery in Dublin on the 28th
August, 186q, and served in that Corps for
over 16 years, transferring to the Corps
of Military Staff Clerks in 1886. After 7
years in that Corps he was tr~nsferred to
the A.P .C. in 1893 and was dIscharged III
1890 with 30 years' service .
He was stationed for six years 111
Gibraltar and three years in Bermuda, and
was in possession of the Long Service and
G co:! Conduct Medal.

Captain and Paymaster Finneen O'Driscoll died very suddenly at the Military
Hospital, Imtarfa, Malta on the 17th May
last. He was 43 years of age.
He left Woolwich for Malta as recently
as the early part of this year and the nev,ls
of his death will come as a shock to his
many friends and colleagues in the Corps.
Captain O'Driscoll leaves a widm.v and
four daughters to whom the sympathy of
the whole Corps 'w ill be extended.
Captain O 'Driscoll enlisted in the Royal
Horse Artillery in 1912 and had a distinguished record in the Great War in
France and Belgium. Wounded, mentioned
in dispatches, he was promoted 2nd
Lieutenant in the Royal Artillery on the
Field. Later, as acting Captain, he was
with the Army of Occupation on the Rhine.


The Editors acknowledge with ma ny th anks receipt of th e following Journab:

" R.A.M. C. News and Gazette," Mar., April , May.
" The Wire," April , May , Jun e.
" Th e Sapper ," Ap ril, May, June.
" The Gunner," April , lVlay, June.
"R.A. O. C. Gazette," Mar., April , Ma y.
" The Wasp," March.
"The Accountant".
"R.A.V .C. Journal," May.
"A. E. C. J OUl'llal. " ! pril.








Our Chess Page

preca ut,ioua ry measure.

C(}rrespondence Chess.

21. PxP
21. PxP
22. PQKt3
22. PKt4
So far Bl ac k ha,; achieved a very cred itable defence under difficult conditions but thi s move seems
a little rash as exposing the K side. It is difficult,
h0,wever , to find other than passive alternatives.
23. KtxKt
23. BPxKt
. 24. BK3
24 PR;>;
[,' 2S. QR5
2S: BK1
; ):~ere . . . KKt2 was needed to prevent White' s
qlJ-amt l'Ound-the-mulberry-bush manoeuvre to bring
hJ S KB lIlto pl ay , which folJ.ows.
26. QKt6ch
26. KIU
27. BQ1!
27. RKt1
~. QBS
~. RK~
White wa nts to play BKt4, but if Black tries to
prevent thiS by 28 . . . KtQ1 Z9 BKt4 (just the
same) RKBl , 30 QxRch ! BxQ, 31 RxBch, etc .. with
wmrnng compensation for th~ Queen.
29. BKt4
29. KtQl
30. QB3
. And Whit~ ha.:; succeeded in his manouevre bring~ng lusKB ll1to play. Not QB2 here as this square
IS r eqUIred for the 1'00k.
30. BKts
31. RB2
31. PIU5
32. PB4
32. RR2
3~ BBS
~. KK~
34. KtB1
34. BxB
3S. QxB
3S. KtKt2
Here Black should. have played . . . QBl first,
a~ then Wlnte Il?-u st elthel' lose a tempo withdrawing
hi s. q, or submit to tl~e ~xchang~, when despite a
poslt:lOnal advantage, It IS QuestIOnabl e if he can
obta m more than a draw .
36. KtKt3
36. Q1H .
Too late;, for White has now a sacrificial line pre
pa red, which, however , Black can hardly have been
expected to foresee.

Several organizations for the .promotion

of Correspondence Tournament p4iy exist
in this country and for the moderate player
the Chess Amateur Correspondence League
(Hon. Sec., Mr. A. J. Hamblin, 282 Woodbridge Road, Ipsv"ich) is admirably conducted. Among many other activities, an
annual Tourney is run for a Silver Trophy,
and that for a Silver Queen (runner-up a
silver pawn) has just concluded.
following game was played in the :final of
this contest and includes an interesting
Queen sacrifice.
(The Chess Editor, having published in
a recent number, one of his own chess
tragedies, feels that despite its leng th, he
need not apologise for publishin o' this, one
of his happiest efforts.)
Game No. 42.
E. H. Fleat'.
1. PKA


Black .
A. J. Hamblill.
Ruy Lopez.
1. PK4
2. KtQB3
3. PQR3
4. KtB3
S. BK2

~\'Iore usual is RK1 , but this , the Won'all attack ,
has mu ch to he"said for it. The -iaea -is to open up
th e KB file , a ftel' h a.ving closed the centre bv PQS ,
as actu ally happe ns in this game, th e KR, r emaining
on its present file.
6. PQKt4
7. BKt3
7. PQ3
B. PB3
B. KtQR4
9. BB2
9. PB4
10. PKR3
Pl ayed before th e mol'~. popular PQ4 to prevent
BKKtS, and to provide a hol e for the Knight,
preparatory to PKB4.
10. KtB3
11. PQ4
11. QB2
J2,. PQS
12. KtQ1
13. KtR2
13. KtQ2
14. PKB4
As per pIal! a evised :1t mOve 6.
14. PKB~
IS. KtB2
16. KtQ2
16. PxP
17. BxKBP
17. Kt(Q2) K4
lB . KKtB3
lB. Castles
19. PQR4
19. BQ2
20. KR1
White is in no hurry and there is time for thi ~

Position after 36 . . . . QB1.

37. KtRSch
37. KR1
3B. QxRch !
Vie beheve t his sacrifi ce to be sound
variation which may follow .
38. KxQ

I ,) .







39. RB7ch
39. E:Rl
Not . . . KKt3 beca use of 40 RKt7ch E:xKt
41 PKtA ch KR5 42 KKt2 a nd mate follows In a,
move 01' so.
40. RxB
40. QKBl
41. RQB7
,\Vhite' s li ne is here rendered soun d by t he fa ct
tha t no ventil at ion is obtainable for Black down hi s
KB file.
41. QQl
42. RKB7
42. QKtl
43. RB6
Curiou sly stronger than the more n atural lookin g
QRKB1. Black mu st not be allow ed to r etu rn hi ..
Queen for a roo k a nd Knight still less fo1' two
rook s, a s White' s Q sid e pawns will b ecome exposed
to th e B lack Kt. yia RA .
43. KR2
44. RR7
' T he sam e reply w'ou ld have h eld if 4.3 . . . QR2.
44. QKl
45. PKt4
45. QK2
46. P R 4
46. QQB2
Black is helpl ess to prevent t h e break th rough .
47. PxP
47. P xP
48. B xP
48. QKt3
49. RB7ch
49. KKtl
Forced ; if . . . KRl , 50 KtB6 a nd ma te follow s.
50. RQ7
Of course if . . . QxR, mate in two by K tB6ch.
51. RR8!
51, . R esigns.
An amu sing r.oup -de-gtace. Mate can only be
po s tpo~ eclJ by enormou s ma.t erialloss and if . . . RxR.
MaLe m two as before.




7. BR6
8. BxP!
9. KtKKt5
10. RKB l
11. RxKtch
And mate next move. .An
forcill g sacrifi ces.

7. BB3
8. BxB
9. K tQ2
10. K tB l

White (1 0 m en )
White mates in t wo.
Solution to "Handica'p" position (Dr. L. S. P enrose)
This Christmas cO!1undrum is in eftect a mate in
five problem whi ch is solv 3d by :Move, 36 KtK4! (threa,t ening K tB6 Ma te) .
Black has two def.en ces.
36 . . . 13xKt, 37 QKKt3ch BKt3, 38 QQ Kt3 and
ma,te n ext move.
Or 36 . . . QxKt, 37 QQKt3ch QQ4, 38 QKKt3ch
QKKt4, 39 QxQch BKt2, 40 QxB Mate.
Thu s \Vhit e accompli shes hi s H andicap task of
matin g within 40 moves. A very beautiful li t tle


Solution to Problem No. 20 (by F. W . A ndrew)



The above POSItIOll occurred in a recent

Russian Tourney an d th e foll owin g sacrJficial line is well worth y of stud y .

On Lhe Range- ClTh at' s beLt e?' SIR-it's

just cuttin g the s'ix ring " !

1. BxP ch
A fa mi li al' sacrifi ce in such positions but t he
s ucceeding Hook sui cide is som et hi ng new, we t hin k.
1. KxB
2. KK t l
2. QR5ch
3. R xP!
Th e pawn a t K t5 j usti,fi es t hi s.
3. QxR
4. PKt6
4. QxK t P
5. KtB2
5. QxQ
6. BK2
6. KLB,)

In CIA" S ection-ClBut wh at ' s an un entitl ed pers()nn el entitled t o"?


I.1'1HY Sc ho ol- 'G ive an example of a

COR OLLARY'- " ACI I 59 is a corolla ry to ACI I 58 ".

Lat est Pro'V erb- T oo man y Cooks make a

recog ni sed mess

The Corps


unu sun Il y fine se ries of

Problem No. 21.

By W. A. Lebedeff (Lenin g rad ).








_ 1.1 ,

paraded could claim ownership of all the

g a rments which adorned them.
As the day approached there "vas some
little anxiety in the minds of those respon'sible, as to what sort of a spectacle wo uld
eventually rep resent. the Corps at so impOl-tant a function, but the hour of parade,
7 a.m., and an inspectiqn allayed all
anxiety. On t.he contrary the Corps had
surpassed it.self, for the party marched out
of Cam p a credit to themselves and to the
Corps they represented.
The Judg es Court was some 3 miles
dist ant from the Camp, and entailed a
march throug h P oona, which vvas carried
out at sucb an early hour in order to
escape the heat of the day. On our arri val
\\'e were permitted to dismiss and t o pass
a \\'ay our time as best v\le mig ht until the
h our appointed.
It may be well to say that the Judge 's
Court was a building standing back from
the road way in its own g rounds, and approach ed from the road throu g h a recessed
gate \\'ay. A tem porary platform had been
constructed in t.he g ateway from "" hich the
Address of Welcome was to be presented.
Behind the Court ran the railway lin e
from Bombay to Poona, and soon the Royal
Train was due to pass along. The Detachment voluntarily arranged themselves on
eit.her side of the line and as the train
app roached they gave the Prince his first
ch eer of welcome to P oona . It was no
h alf-hearted cheer and it brought. the Prince
t.o th e windovil of his coach.
Abo ut an hour or so later th e procession
\\'a s due at the Court and the Detachment
\\'as dra\;vn up inside the low walls whi ch
. encircled the Court Grounds and was enabled to ha ve an uninterrupted view of the
whole proceed in g . On the platform in the
g ate \yay h ad assembled the di gnitari es
chiefl y concerned in the presentation
(mostly P arsees), while the roadway ' on
eit.h er side \;\ as thron ged with black face s.
It was n ot long before a faint, far distant
murmur could be heard which g radually
swelled into a t.umultuous roar of cheering
a' th e R oya l Procession approached. The
'Prince's ca rnage stopped at the platform,

photogr:;tph \vhich accompanies

this article recalls an incident in th e
life of those melnbers of the Corps who
were destined to serve with the Detachment
in Poona, and can be reg arded as evidence
of one of th e ve ry fe w occasion s on which
the R .A. P.C. is called upon to fi g ure in a
prominent way in connection with a function of historical importan ce, the pa rticn1ars of which, so far as can be remembered,
it may be interesting to relate.
In th e circumstances in \\'hich th e Detachment existed ill Poona any un toward
incident was always eag erl y antici pated as
a m ean s 9 f varying th e joys of life which
in the mair; depended upon th e efforts of j'ts.
m elllbers .
It happened that qIl , 7tl1 November, 192 I
the then Prince of Wales was due to land
in Bombay p rep arat ory t o his tour of India ,
.and Poon a was to be his first call. E laborate
preparations both municipal and military
we re in prog ress for his reception and
welcome, but th e members of th e Detachme nt';"lere mostl y concerned \\'ith th e fact
that th e day was to be a holiday and t h ere
was a special R ace Meetin g in the aft ern oon, t o be attended by the Prince. Not
for them th e fl ourish of trumpet or martial
air, for it was doubtful whether by virtu e
'o f our uniq ue position as a Det ach ment in
India (subsisted entirely by Imperi al
F unds) the auth oriti es recog nised our
a vailability. In any case that 'w as our id ea
and th e n otion of our h av in g to parade at
all was farthest from our minds. Three
days before the arrival of th e Prin ce in
Bombay hO\;vever , a bombshell fell in the
\Va novnie Camp. Ord ers were received tll at
a party of 50 men with medals were req uired 'for parade, and t o proceed t o the
Judge's Court , where th e Prince was t o be
presented with an Ad dress of Welcom e.
The camp for the next day or tv,'O presented a spect acle comparab le alm ost to tIlE'
Ca ledonian Market for alth oug h th e 50 required h ad been detailed, it became a p rob 1em for each to regale him:elf acco rdill .2:
to reg ulati on at such sh ort notice \>.lith so
little facility at our disposal. Ga rm ents
h ad to be procured at all cost and it is
trne to say th at. ver y few of t.h ose wh o







Our important duty had been well

accomplish_ed and \Ye were ordered to return to our quarters. The march back to
camp proved a severe testing time as it wasno\\- the hottest part of the day. No band
to assist in forg etting fatigue, but that
mattered little.
Everyone seemed to
realise that perhaps our reputation was at
stake and marched va liantly. As the Camp
\\'as approached one cou ld detect in thesound of the footsteps, that feet \,"ere g e~-

th e Prince stood up, and the readin g of

the Address commenced.
The ,,-riter,
standing at a point of vantage, will nevr
forget the incident of the Parsee g entleman,
who, owin g to a combination of nervousness
and wild excitement, time and ag ain lost
his place in the readin g , shaking like a
jelly and finally reach ing the climax of
hesitation so prolonged, t hat the Prince
came to the rescue by readin g his rep ly,
This ordeal over, the Procession moved on



to a function further afield. The Detach ment however were destined to rernam
until after the return journey.
On this occasion they were formed up
in two ranks, and must have presented a
pleasin g spectacle, for as the Prince passed
by he appeared to be makin g enqu1ries as
to who and what we were. It ,,'as afterwards learnt that such ,,-as the case and
that his remarks as to our military bearing
were hig hly complimentary, and ,,-hy not?
for every breast bore meda ls g listening in
the Indian sunshine!

tin g a trifle big for the boots " 'hich con-,

tained them, and we had still to climb thehill past the Detention Barracks where wesuspected critical eyes to be peerin g at us,
for in India we had friends even in the
Detention Barracks. We reached the foot
of the hill and lo! half \\"ay up stands a
member of the Corps \\"aitill R " 'ith camera
in hand.
The \Yord is passed round, efforts are
made to chuck a chest, the pace'
qu ickens, and as we \'v ere, believe it or not,
so YOlt see us in the picture.
A .E.} .,



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COlnposed by Staff Sergean Major H. l overing, R.A.P. C.











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Published by permissIOn ~f BY and Hawkes Ltd.J London





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11 1







Contract Bridge
Answers to Problems on page 64.



ha ve cal1ed "One N 0-Trum p" over Z' s

"One Spade.")
Now ""hat is B going to lead? If he
leads a Heart, of course Z wins by throwing his 010 on it and trumping it ;n
So B must choose between
Diamonds and Clubs. He has both these
Aces in his own hand t and \ivi11 probably
choose to lead a Club up to Dummy's Q
rather than a Diamond up to Dummy's K.
A Club lead also gives Z his contract. Only
in one case, i.e., if B leads 0 A and follows
\yith another Diamond, is Z put to the
necessity of trying to locate the er J.

Problem I.
YZ have one loser in Spades, one in
Hearts and one in Clubs. Z must get rid
of the Heart loser somehow.
A has probably led from .Q.J. 10 and
others, so B holds .A, and the best chance
of makil}g Dummy's .K is not to cover
.Q which will win trick I. A cannot
see that Z is then trumping Spades and he
will next lead
,,,,hich Z \<vill trump.
The first thing for Z to try, after clearing
trumps, is to establish +K , for if A led
from .Q .J.IO.X .X , B's .A ,vil1 fall on
the third round of Spades .
So far the game wil1 have gone:
Trick. A
I . Q
. x
. x .x
07 (not 02)
3 Ox
- OA
4 Oxorx? OQ
Oxorx? 08
5 . x
. x
.Aor.xO J
First chance-If B's Ace falls, the contract is safe. for Z's V 10 can be throv,ln
If .K does not clear , it must be O'ot
rid of to prevent the opponents leading
Spades when they get in. Z leads 02 .
+ K .x
8 . erK or erA* erx





opened the bidding

vulnerable .


The Corps Coronation Detachment

(coatiaued from page 60)

On, ever on, through the Marble Arch,

along East Carriage Road, down Constitution Hil1 and to the Palace once again.
The end of our march, we thought; the
rain had jl1st commenced, but wha t cared
,iv e; but it \;" as by no means the end. We
had to take a very devious route to get the
Lining Troops into the rear, and a~tual1y
we did not reach Kensington Gardens Camp
until 5-45 p.m., very wet, but happy, as we
felt we had done our job, hoped we had
done it well, and could take our reward
in a g lass of the best.
It was an experience of a lifetime, which
none of us would have missed.
Next day we parted and rejoined our
respective stations, still a bit damp, but
""hat did that matter-we had played our
part, e'{en if it was a small part, in the
Coronation of the King-God Bless Him.
The Detachment consisted of the
following : Major C . E. Elliott-Heyvirood, York;
No. 7657376, S.S.M. C. W. Newell, Chatham, R.E.; No. 6906699, S.Q.M.S. W. G.
Jagot, Aldershot; No. 7657790, S.Q .M ..S.
E. Knight, Woolwich; No. 5508369,
S/Sgt. S. W. J. Knight. Eastern Command;
No. 1408677, S/Sgt. F. C Ulph, WooIwich; No. 7734085, Sgt. D. C. J . Adams,
Chatham, R .E.; No. 7657619, Sgt . H. A .
Stock. \Voolwich.



A has now to lead either a Heart or a

S:lub, and he can see that DUlllm y is trumpm g Clubs, so he may prefer a HeartSecond Chance. If he leads a Club, Y
trumps and leads a Heart, and Z ,." ho has
been watching the discards, may be able
to fine sse against the Queen or trv for the
drop-Third Chance.
*A probabiy has at least one of these two
as B {with .AJ passed the first round of
the bidding.

Problem 11.
At trick 4, Z leads V6 which Dummy
trun;ps. pummy then leads a trump which
~ WInS w~t~ the . Q. (There was no point
In A dece1Vlllg.hlS partner by dropping .K
on .T the (\.~e 1f he had .Q; also Iwith
KQ ongln ally as well as VK, A would





~. :.


I was talking the other day to an old
friend of mine. He describecl himself in
the course of conversation by the title
which forms the heading to this artic1e.
You will probably think that this is a queer
way for a man to talk of himself, particularly at h ome here, and even more so
when I say that my friend \yas a Warrant
Officer, \Nho had served at home and
abroad for over t\\'enty-seven years--the
last man on earth \~I ho should look upon
himself as a stranger, and to whom no
land should be strange.
But he " 'as speaking nothing but the
literal truth. Let me g ive you th e conversation .
"Yes, that's what I am . For twenty-seven
. years ' I've been a soldier, for fifteen of
them a Warrant-Officer. I did my share
'of work, I gave orders which were obeyed,
I " 'as asked for, and g ave, advice where
it \\as wanted. I \\'as, I think, well thou g ht
'O f b y my Officers, and well liked, I hope,
by the non-commissioned officers and
troopers . I could \\'alk into a hundred and
'o ne places, and be sure of finding a warm
welcome, and my friends. And no';,v--\yell ,
things aren't quite the same. I'm n ot
g rousin g , but I can't help noticing the
difference .
I didn't think , either, that
there would be quite this difficulty about
g ettin o ' into a job."
"But", I said, "your job n ow seems
-alright, and as far as I can recollect, you
haven't been out of work since you finished
a year ago. What \,vas the difficulty ?"
The Pensioner smiled. "You're a young
man yet. Just wait till you are my ag e.
There's plenty of work about, but there are
jobs an d jobs. When you g et to the wrong
side of forty, or nearly fifty , as I am, you
don't feel like starting a ne w career \\' it11
a pick and shovel. I'm fit enough. but it
-stands to reason that I can't hope to compete \y ;th men young enongb to be my




sons wlien it comes to hard manual labour,

for long hours. And besides, I'm not afraid
of hard work, but I certainly feel that I
don't want to start navvying at my time
of life. Now look here, I'll tell you exactly
what happened to me.
"When I finished, I had t\;venty-seven
years' service, all "Exemplary" character.
and a bundle of testimonials from my officers.
I was a fully qualified riding instructor,
and what I didn't know about horses
\\'asn't worth knowing.
I was fit and
stron g , and after all that service you can't
help being smart . I wasn't quite blind to
the fact that I'd have to look for a job
one day, but I wasn't in any hurry. Of
course, what I did want ,.vas to work
amongst horses, but once I got out, I
realised that,with so .few of them about,
jobs with horses are very feyv and far between. And I realised something else, too.
Tn my ' ignorance--and foolishness--I
hadn't bothered about a vocational training
course. I don't know why I didn't, but
there it \;vas, and I only hope that nobody
else who serves as long as I did finishes
without one
It didn't take me long to
fjnd out that if I'd had a month vvith a
motor, it would have been worth ten times
as much as my t wenty-seven years with the
horses. However, there it was.
"I came out of the Army for a job. What
could I do? Before I joined the Service I
drove a horse and cart , but even supposing
I had had a trade, I should ha ve forg otten
it. I had my pension, so I wasn't absolutely broke, but at the same time I had
m y \\'ife and family , and they had to be
kept in reasonable comfort, and the youngsters educa tec.1 .
I'd managed to sa ve
enou g h to set up house, after all these
y ears in quarters, and I suppose was really
well off compared w ith some of the poor
d evils who finish w ithout a pension or anythin g. Still, I had .to find a job.
"Eventually, much ag ainst the g rain, I
took a job as a navvy-you already know
what I felt about that. I wasn't going
on the 'dole' though. It was during this
spell that I really felt myself a stranger.
I was workin g amon gst men, few of them
knew anything of the comradeship of the
Army--the 'muckin g -in' spirit.
looked on me as an 'old soldier', and they
didn't meall it as a compliment . Yet I
knew that there were jobs to suit a man





like me, but I didn't g o to the- right 'pJ:aces

to find out. A t the time, .I was workino'
on a ne\\' aerodrome, pushl11g barrow-fuIs
of clay about. One day a man asked me
\"hy I didn't try to get on the W .D.
Constabulary, or one of those jobs. H e
seemed surprised \\'hen I told him I didn't
know anythin g about them, but he gave
me a bit of information about such jobs,
and put me on to a place he called the
Na tional Association. I wen t there, and in
a very short while I was back at the aerodrome as a Warden-and I don't feel so
mnch a strang er now. "
This sounded all very nice to me.
"V/e11", I asked , "what is there in this
job? Does it pay you?"
"Actually there is not an enormous
~l11ount of money in it, althoug h the \,v age
IS rea sonab ~e . But with a pension, I have
enough to lIve comfortably, without having
to do a lot of hard manual work. The
hours are much the same as they are in
any other job, I'm not cooped up indoors
and, what I think is a OTeat advantao'e'
'" age, who have
'" ,
. h men of my own
I am :WIt
been 111 the Service themselves, and with
whom I have thus much in common. Mind
!'ou, I don't say that I'd choose this job
111 prefere~ce to anything else, but I can 's ee
nO.\\I that If. I had g one the right way about
th1l1gs I I111ghJ have found something else
- but whether I should have been better
o~ I wouldn't like to say. If I "vere faced
wIth. the problem of finishin g with the
Se.rvlce ag ain, I'd make sure of three
thll1gs. I'd make it my business to save
as much as I possibly could, so that when
I came out, I could afford to look round.
Secondly, . I w ~uld make it my business,
b~f?re I ,dId 111sh , t? take the rust off my
b.1 a.11:s, a.nd try to pIck up the threads of
cIvlhan hfe before I had to take part in it,
and l ast ~y , wha tever other considerations
theI~e . I111ght be, I'd have a Vocational
Tra1l1111g Course ."
"W 0~1 Id y:ou advIse
other pensioners to
take a Job lIke this, thoug h?" I asked.
"E very time.
For a man who has no
t~ade, and n<:> other qualifications which
\\r~uld ~nd hU11 a skilled, or even semiskIl~ed .1ob, this is a g ood life. He has his
chOlce ; the Post Office, \iV.D. ConstabuI arv
- , G overnment Nlessen g ers-there are
many Government open ings for the pen-



sioner. . His job. is sure, he can stay till

he \\'ould otherWIse be past work, and he
need not ~ear competition from younger
men. I thl11k that every lon bo'-service man
sho~lld make it his business to have himself
reg Istered for this type of wo rk before he
comes out."
Well, that i ~ the Warrant Officer's story .
Other old soldIers (thi~ time it is a compliment) may draw theIr own conclusions
and take advantage of his experience.
I nser /,ed at th e 'reques t of th e Geneml

S ec r etary , NaUona l Association fOT Empl?Y ln e nt of R egular Sa.ilOTs, Soldi ers and
AZ1'In en, 14, R O'w
' ick PIC/.ce , London, S. rv.I.

Book Review.
. "The Briti~h Arn~~-Its History, Customs, Traditions and Uniforms , by P ay-Lieut. Comm ander E.

C. Ta.lbot-Booth, R. N. R. , publi shed bv Sa.mpson

Low , Ma rston & Co. Ltd ., London , pI:ice 7 / 6.
The a uthor, a.lthou gh he represents the sister
Se l'vIce, served IllS early t rainin g in a bran ch of the
lal~ d. force~, and he com es fr?m a family whose
sel : l ces al e al ~lost entll'ely mIhtary. Apart from
ha"lI1g ma de a ' ib ng stud:, of mI li tary hi story be is
t herefore well steeped in t he traditiOli s and customs
of t.he Army .
This book is not a history of the a rm y in the
generally a.ccepted m ann er , as it part.icul arl y set s
O~lt t~ p.1a ce .on r ecord the many ch.erished custom s,
tl adItlOn s, I1lcknam es and so on , wIth their origins
ra t h er t ha n co ncet;Jtratin g on the actual fi ghting
serVIces of t he regIments.
H e r~ is a collection of extreme historical in terest
The hlstory a nd founding of the army, its w eapon~
a nd un~ fo rm s throughout the years is traced in a,n
mterestll1g mann0l'. Th e different kinds of Colours
a nd Sk1.nd a rd s "re discussed, Guard-mountin O' and
t he c~relllony of trooping th e colour is d esc~ib ed .
:p'ull lIsts of t he old num eri cal titles form a n interestIng and vaIuable fea,t ure.
. E very l'egim en.t and Co.rps of the R egul ar Arm y
I.S ~I ve n , wIth ItS. batt.le honours , colou r badges .
I eguu en.tal h~n.e, m cknames , mottoes and
descnptI<?n of ItS fu ll dress, service dress and mess
d~'ess umfo r ms, and a brief sketch of it,s oriO'in
hl st.ory and various titles down th e ages.
T he boo k is. well illu strated in full co lour and in
black a nd whIte, showing R ecrim en tal and KillO"S
Colours, full d:l'~SS uniforms . ~rests , badges ra.~k
badges, medal l'Ibbolls and riecora.tiolls and so on:
Ther.e a re also pl~otographs of the actua l ca p badges
worn b y all regIments.
!\. tremendous .amount of material i packed in t o
ttn s work , a nd It cannot fail to appeal to tho s:~
who m ake a hobb y o f Service ma tters , t,o those
who are ont t.o kn ow more of such t hings , and ~o
;J.ll t ho se who are a ctua lly in the Bri t ish Army.


(The R.P. Requests the Pleasure of








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e~ ILLOS-TRAi~l).


~L.y. IJil

To be Warrant Officer Class I and appointed S.S . M.

7657468 S.Q.l\I. S. W. W . Scott, 27/ 2/ 37.
7657794 S.Q.M.S. A . D . D ' Allenger, 1/ 3/ 37.
7658155 S.Q.M.S. H. R H udson, 6/ 5/ 37.
To be Warrant Officer Class II and appointed
3434645 S; Sergt. R Becconsall, 1 / 2/ 37.
7733784 S/ Sergt.. T. H al'din g, 8/ 4/ 37.
2867327 S/ Sergt. H. Gibbs , 19/'4/ 37.
7'809652 S/ Sergt. F. W . Loveder, 21 / 4/ 37.
To be Staff Sergeant.
2,867621 Sergt. '"".1. Low , 22/ 1/ 37.
1417030 Sergt. T . Hilling, 8/ 2/ 37.
7815407 Sergt. L. McDon ald, 1/ 3/ 37.
6280394 Sergt. C. W. Langham, 1 /1 / 37 . .
7733857 Sergt. F. Offord , 1Ci/ 2/ 37.
3234243 Sergt. H . Clark, 27/ 2/ 37.
4065 Sergt. A. Kent, 1/ 3/ 37.
7717187 Sergt. A. Stew a rt, '2/ 2/ 37.
5909217 Sel'gt. A. G. H azzal'd , 5/ 5/ 37.
1417473' Sel'gt. T. \-,.,7. M. Lancaster, 6/ 5/ 37.
To be Sergeant.
3852391 L / Sel'gt. R Smit.h, 22/ 1/ 37.
1060625 L / Sergt. F. G. Watson, 2'; 3/ 37.
3178389 L / Sergt. C. Wa tson , 2/ 3/ 37.
1071601 L / Sergt. B. C. Horton , 9/ 3/ 37.
7583533 L / Sergt. G. W . H ewitt, 10/ 3/ 37.
6911328 L / Sel'gt. F. G. Thomas, 10/ 3/ 37.
6197916 L / Sel'gt. W. T. Pinkney, 8/ 4/ 37.
781996 L / SeJ'gt. T. Bewick , 8/ 4/ 37.
7880446 L / Sergt. J . McClafferty , 11/ 5/ 37.
To be Lance Sergeant.
2321299 Corporal J. Pilkington, 15/ 2/ 37.
54219 Corporal J. Russell , 26 / 2/ 37.
26552G6 Corporal:M. L . Walton, 8/ 3 /37.
1070661 Corporal R E. J ames, 9/ 3/ 37.
6341593 COl'poral C. A. Fraser, 27/ Ci/ 37.
781352 Corporal G. T. Nye, 23/ 4/ 37.
2320'652 Corporal W . H. Ould, 1/ 5/ 37.
To be Corporal.
577183'0 Private E. M. Bullous, 1/ 4/ 37.
819469 Private E. Lewis, 1/ 4/ 37.
3'17l85 PrivcLte. S. G. Ch enery, 1/ 4/ 37.
5948252 Priva.te J . F. Pettie, 1/ 4/37.
45954 Pl'iv.tte H. C. Wilson , 1/ 4/ 37.
2754173 Private. A. Kin g, 1/ 4/ 37.
6;457'624 Private J. G. Craig, 1/4/ 37.
7262048 Private E. Deeley, 1/ 4/ 37.
6398259 Priva.te J. V. Ackland, 1/ 4/ 37.
7262232 Private S. H. Smith, 1/ 4/ 37.
7884750 Private K. W. C. H on1sey, 1/ 4/ 37.
7262536 Private W. J . Kincaid , 1 / 47 / 37.
Continued in th e service' beyond 21 year's.
7657794 S.S.M. A. D. D 'All enger, until 28 / 2/ 42.
7733183 S.S.M. H. V. Scott, until 28/ 3/ 38.
7733209 S.Q ..M.S. H . G. H a ncox , until 4/ 2/ 39.
3759997 S.Q.M.S. W. L. Hunter, until 9/ 4/ 38.
7657609 S.Q.l\I.S. P. W. Smith, un til 26 / 3/ 38.
7657559 S.Q.M.S. F. Murakami , until 16/ 7/ 38.
7733350 S.Q.M.S.. H . A. Tal'l'a nt, until 31 / 3/38.
7733098 S.Q.M.S. J . R T. Norris, until 12/ 10/ 37.
7733133 S.Q.M.S. H. L . Bal'thel, un til 9-/ 6/ 38.
7'809687 S.Q.M.S. M. McDonald, until 13/ 1/ 39.
7733056 S.Q .M S. H. Corbett, until 15/ 11/38.
773'3251 S / Sel'gt. A. Wickes, until 19 / 2/ 38.
7733234 S/ Sel'gt. C. Sw-ann, until 7/ 9/ 38.
1002270 S/ Sergt C. H. Peasley, until 6/ 12/ 38.
1037999 Sergt. C. G . L ewis, until 28 /9 / 38.


7657266 S.S.M. H . Brindley, until 1/ 5/ 38.

7733151 S.Q.M.S. F. C. Barrett, until 16/ 1/ 39 .
Re-Engagements t o Complete 21 Years' Service.
5492522 Sergt. E. R Ransom, on 16/ 3/ 37.
1060625 Sergt. F . G. Wat.son, on 9/ 4 / 37.
Extension of Service to Complete 9 years with the
78R~864 L / Sergt. S. F. Troke, 2f2./ 2/37.
5616638 L j Sel'gt. T. G. A. , 3/ 3/ 37.
7'260523 L / Sergt. C. McLaughlan, 8/ 3/ 37.
830423 Co rpI. R Clal'ke-Halifax, 8/ 3/ 37.
819882 Corpl. C. Reeves, 18/ 3/ 37.
6138520 CorpI. G. F. A. 1nglis, 18/ 3/ 37.
5105757 L / Sel'gt. M. H. Cuthb ert, 3 /3/ 37 .
5617624 Pte. W. G. P. Lyn ch, 221/4/ 37.
4450136 Pte. A. D. Di ckinson , 22/ 4/ 37.
2323455 Pte. F. West, 22/ 4/ 37.
833488 Pte. T. Grant, 92/ 4 / 37.
54571 Pte. J . Smith, 22/,4/ 37.
3129303 Pte. G. A. Bartlett, 22/ 4/ 37.
838672 Pte. L. W. Parkinson , 22/ 4/ 37.
78850'48 Pte. C. J. A. Day, 22/ 4/ 37.
7262610 Pte. B. 1i. F(;nton, 22/ 4/ 37.
788542.3 Pte. F. Potts, 22/ 4/ 37.
408152 Pte. J. A. Whelan , 22/ 4/ 37.
519059 Pt e. A. E. Rousseau, 22 / 4/37.
5105791 COlpI. E. A. Jones, 3/ 5/ 37.
41450136 Pte. A. D. Dickinson, 22/ 4/ 37.
58837'59 Pte. G. B. H ansforcl , 22/ 4/ 37.
773'3066 S.Q.M.S. G. C. Dyson, 28 / 2/ 37.
7733840 Sergt. W. 13radbury, 27/ 4/ 37.
7657367 S.Q.M.S. A. R Graves , 4/ 5/ 37.
Probation ers jOined at Aldershot on 1/ 4/37.
4745165 Pte. G. H aigh, Y. and L . Regt..
5568693 Pte. W. J. Blatch, Wilts. Regt.
406978 ' Tpr. J . G. Gregson, R Scots Greys.
7261~53 Pte. J . W. Reed, RA.M.C.
2323275 Sigmn. M. J. Churchill, R Signals.
412J153 Pt.e. S. Beattie, Cheshire Regt.
4123178 Pte. C. B. Dolan, Cheshire Regt.
4388257 Pte. P . J .. Stack. Green Howarcls.
833146 Gm. C. E. R G~dlow , RA .
2612837 Gdsmn. D. Moody. Gren. Guards.
4269975 Pte. J . France, H,: Northd. Fus.
6011212 Pte. E. M. Hayes, Essex Regt.
4689432 Pte. J. L. W. Tipler, K.O .Y.L .I.
2695170 Pte. A. MacFarlane, Scots Guards.
5725523 Pte. vV. P. Raleigh, Dorset R egt.
6913088 Rfmn. H. Chtl'k , RB. , on 6/ 4/ 37.
7885497 Pte. E. J . Mundey, RT.C. , on 14/ 4/37.
Probationers transferred', 1/ 10/ 36.
5617624 Pte. W. G. Lvnch.
44501;:6 Pte. \. D. Dickinson.
4031365 Pte. F. W. H . Armitage.
2323455 Sigmn. F. West.
d33488 Gnr. T. Grant.
5.4571 Pte. J. Smith.
3129303 Fus. G. A . Bartlett.
5883759 Pte. G. B. H ansfol'd.
838672 Gm. L. W. P al'kinson.
7885048 Pte. C. J. A. Day.
7262610 Pte. B. H . Fe.nton.
7885423 Pte. F. Potts.
408152 Tpr. J . A. Whelan.
2818549 Pte. J . C. Alexandel'.
319059 Tpr. A. E. Rousseau.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - 1

ft "


Aldershot Command
Cricket.-Referring to n otes in t h e Spr ing issue,
our anticipa tions as regard s a s uccessful season and
weather have not up to t he present m atenah sed.
Of th e six match es arran ged , two were ea ncelled
owill cr to rain and of t h e r emainde r (all played
und e~ condit ions not associated with crick et) we
h a ve 10sL t hree a nd drawn one. Th ese results a re
very surpris ing in view of th e stren gt.h of our team
(on pa per at an ~ ra te)., but we a r e hopll1g to
record our fi rst v1ctory 111 th e very near futur e .
V.le w ere so rry tha,t th e match aga in st E as tern
Comm a nJ was one of th e can cell ed fix tuJ'.2s as we
were a ntieipating a plea sant ga m e at th e same tim e
m eeting old fri. end s. W e are 100k ll1 g forward to
our visit to , iVoolwlch on t h e 11t h June a nd only
h ope rain will not agai n interfere.
RiHe Section.-Th e '-'Vinter season has now end ed
a nd t h e followin a summa rises our r es ul ts:R ecord and Pav Offi ce L eag ue Winn ers (sub ject, to con-firmation) .
H a nts. L eagcle, Divs. Il a nd IV-A bout. J111dwilY
L adies' L e:tg ue-Lower half.
Owing to t h e m a ny ch an ges wh Ich have tak en
place during t h e l?as t year o.m t eam s h a \~e been. a
]jttle w eake r t h a n 111 t h e prevlO u.s years .. The ladles
failed to reta,in t he All-En gland cha mpIOnship , but
it says mu ch for 't he I~ew m emb ers t ha t t h ey w er e
a ble to carry the club lOtO t he semI -fin al.
The a nnual competitions resulted as fo llows:" Bell" Medal-S.Q.M.S . J agot.
" Daily Mail" Cel:~jfi cate:-L / Sgt. Woodthorpe .
" D aily Tele6raph Certlficat e---:-Sgt. M~adows.
" New s of the W orld " Certlfi cate-S.Q.M.S.
J agot.
In addition , d urin g t he yea r , eig ht Class "A"
Marksmen 's Badges were obtain ed a nd (we hope)
fo urteen S.M.R.C. CoronatIOn m edals.
Sgt. Coop er scored 1.00 a nd 98 .<;>1' th e .Re.gul~r
Ar my in t h e Inter-Serv ices competltlOn-thls I S Ius
fourt h successive y ear as a m ember of t h e R.egula r
A rmy team.
Since th e las t notes Mrs. Flux a nd Mrs. Thompson
have joined t he list of " po ssible" m a k er s. Are
t h ere 'many of the R an~ P .O. league t eams who
ca n say t h at rfi ve o~ th eir . memb er~ h ave scored
possibles in competltlOns thlS season .
With referen ce to p a ge 31of t h e M a rch number
of the R.oyal Am1Y P ?,y Corps J oul'1lal , ~e hope
that Chatham h ave received t h e r esult of then
with A ldershot by now!


Sergeants ' Mess Outi ng.-Th e Sergea nts ' Mess
m embers pai~ a v isit to Griffin Park on 3rd AJ? rll
on the occaSlOll of the Brentford-Man ch ester City
match. Favoured by weath er conditions , a n ideal
day was spent. The footb all was of the h.ighest
order (" Tha cudna ~xpect owt else when t City
play!" declared one of the ali en members of our
otherwi se r espectable p arty) a nd m ad e many of us
wonder what that game was which we h a d watched
for so many afternoons previously .
T ea was -ta k en in the W est End and then individu aLs (including m a rried m en 1) were left .to their
-own devices. The l)a!'ty was re assembled III w.hat
was con sidered to b e du e co urse, a gen ero us tune
allow a nce having been m a<;le for mos t form s of
recreation . One of our sem or m embers wa,s very
'full' of London . H e said how nice the ships looked
sailing up' and down .t~H~ river. He wa s only look in g through som e raillllgs a t the lighted buses on
t he Emb ankm e nt. It would h ave b een unkind to
h ave pointed out his mistake to ~im , as h e . w~ s
enjoyin g t h e outlllg a nd perh a p s dldn t know l11s
way a bout very well.
We a re lookin g forwar d to 1937 / :'8 season 1
Tennis. -Gr.e at k eenness has been sh own in thi s
branch of sport a nd in order to cater for the comp arati vely large numb er of match pla yers we. h
entered two t eam s in the Alder sh ot a nd Dlstn d
L eagu e. It is rather early in t h e season to m easure
our' chan ces in t he L eague b ut we have hopes .
In the Sel'gea,n ts' Mess L ea gue the mess tea m h as
played two ma tc,h es w itl~out losin g a set_ "'l e h ave
four of last yea r s team III S.Q.M.S. Corbett, S / Sgt.
,;>;'iilso n , Sgt. Meadows a nd L j Sgt. McLaughlan and
with Sgts. Cook an d E vans the team has been considerably strength en ed .
Vve hope to h ave .some good ~.e w s ull~er this
h eacling for the next ISsue of the Journal .
Football.- Football notes at this season of the
year a ppear out of order but it is thought n ~cessary
to r ecord! the fact tha t the D etachment Side was
s uccess ful in reaching the fin al (of the Cavalry
Brigade Junior Cup. A lthou gh beaten by four goals
to one by "c" Squ adron, Royal Scot s G reys., t h e
defeat w as not so emphatic as appea rs In pnnt.
Next season it is hoped to provide I!I0re comp etitive football by entering th e team 111 on e of
the la r ger Snorts Groups.





Costing School.-The only item of interest t h at

we find worthy of comment is tha t the res ults of
the Royal t:loclety of Ari;s Intermediate (Stage II I
Book-k eeping exa minatioll h eld in M a r ch last show
that all the s tudents w ere awarded a " First Class"
p ass, t hus adding to the splendid record a ttained by
candid a t es from this school. Once more we con gratulate those concern ed for this ex cell ent achievement.
Arrivals_-Major R G . Stanham joined for duty
on 22nd Februa ry on leavin g t h e War Offi ce.
Departures.-L j Sgt. J . J a mes was posted to
E a.ste rn Comma nd on 8th April , Lt. -Col. T. L.
Ro gers, O.B.E. , to Singa pore on 2nd March, a nd
Ca,pt. R S. Elli cott to E gypt on 1st M a rch.
\iVeJl , folk s, h ere we are a gain , full of \'im and
vigour, and itc hin g fo r work to do. Yet agai n this
D etachment has m anaged to squeeze quit e a lot of
fUll into a m ere t hree month s, a nd , if memory .will
gi\-e aid, here is t he t a le of our " woes a nd strife" .
First , as w as promised in t h e last issue of th e
" Journ al " , we entertaine el the St. John ' s Bowliug
Club to a games tOUl'u a ment in t h e Sergean ts' M ess
a nd , still adhering to tradition, complet ed t h e e vening lI' it h the usua l dra w, whi ch <Lgain enabl es the
two bodies (not corpses) to tie for first place ill
th e loca l Games L eague. Such occasions inva riably
pro\-ide the max imum amou nt of fU ll , a nd to all
non-vVokingites we offer our deep est sympat hy
when t,hinking wh at y ou 've missed . H a rd upon t h e
h eels of t hi s fun ction followed a trip to o ur very
excellent fri-ends, the m embers of th e Sergeants '
:Mess of No. 1. Compa ny RA.l\I. C. at A ldersh ot,
wi th whom we. sperit an exceedingly (not excessive ly 1) h a ppy evening , an d whom we hope to see
a.t '-'Voking in t h e very nea r futur e.
Thi s year we .inaugurated an a nnua l St. P at. rick ' s
Night D a nce, w11ich was h eld in the Mess, invita tions being .e xtended , of course, to our civili an cl) l
lea,gll es in the office. If the night of 17th March
was blur red with pa per ha ts a nd streamers, Il0t
forgetting shamrock , you ca n blame our Entert,aill m ents Committee, who, how ever, decline to accept
respouisibility for t he lack of bona fide Irishmen.
M a rk yo u, there were some real wild I r ishmen
presen t , plus a goodly number of-sh all w e .sav

te lllpora ry-I rishmen.

On th e lOtJ1 May we w ere deligh ted to be "at
hom e" to t h e m embers of the Sergeants ' M ess of
the A ldershot D etachment RA.P.C. a nd yet
a nother very pleasant evening was launch ed , spent
a,ncl1 burst ( don't mind my very mixed meta phors).
W e h ave co me to t h e co nclusion that our A ldershot
fri ends enjoyed the evening, too , this opinion being
confir med by th e m a ny h eart breaking attempts by
t he ' O.C. P arty " tha t h ad to b e made before h e
succeede d in sh e ph erding certain gentlem en of the
RA.P .C. to a hired ' bus Alder shot-bound .

As I k eep pressin g pen to pap er, so i t occurs to

me that w e h ave had a jolly h a ppy time d uring the
p ast q uarter , for th e t it-bit of our fun ctions was
undoubtedly t he Coronation D an ce given on 12th
:Ma y. vVe w er e ve ry fortun a te indeed in securin g
the services of th e b a nd of the 1st Bn. Royal Welch
Fusili ers .
In addition, t h e M ess was ' correctly




dressed with over-all effects, which lent considerauie.

impetu.s to t he .e \enin g's success . In this evening.
we really tou ch eel the hig h spot in entertainment.
a nd , let it be added, demollstration of loyalty: eyen
if some mutt did .eulogize the Sergeant :Major a nd
call for t hree cheers for " Old Bill " , what did it ,
or what do es it, matt er ? A delightful feature of '
our fun ctions has been the attendan ce of our offi cer s.
(W e belie\'e t hey enjoy a ttending . too! )
\iV ith t h e a.rri val of our present, warm w eal her
cam e t he slimm ing-bug, which to uched some of
om stal warts (a nd / o r wi"es I).
One poor chap
we wot of too k to cycling in the early h ours before .
brea kfast. Na ture, however , works in mysterious
\\-ays a nd the dflict ed ch a p in question recovered
within a week a nd now sleeps in. T ennis, too, has
become a mania. Some play tennis som e play a t
it. ; t he m a jority a re sh eer ra bbits, but everybody
ha s a ha ppy t ime whe ther hitting or missin g the
white sp her e, which , to m a ny of u s, is m er ely a
wraith .
Inci dentally, sighs of relief went up .
throu g hou t the deta chment when Sergt. Punter ,
L j Sgts . Bindlzy a nd J enkin son were " sh a ngh a ied "
on to t he te nni s committee. This has at last solved
t he probl em a.s to who is res ponsible for . rolliucr .
t he court. Th e Sergea nts' Mess, 1st Bn. Royal
, Vel?h F usilie.r s, w recently OU!' g:u:ests at a
ten m s touma m e nt a nd , though we sc ra p ed through
t{) W111 , we wonder how we s hall fa re in a return
match on a grdSS court.
Of the Co rps Dinner it is needless to write , -e xcept to tak e pride in a 90 per cent. att enda,nce from
this Detachment, a nd to tender our very si ll cer e
th a nks to t'he clinne,r com_mLttee for a splendid
evening .
Tittle-tattle,.Thanks a mi ll_ion to th e ladies of t h e D etachmen t
a nd civ ilian friends who come forw a.rd with good
g ra ce a nd prepare t h e re freshments for Sergea nt s '
}less - functions.
Sergt. potter , bei ng fort unate, was ad mi tted to .
the M.Q.R on 9th March .
All other Ranks, except a t hin red line comprising t h e S.S.M. , 1 S.Q.M.S., 1 S j Sergt. and 1 Sergt.,
are in some dau ger of proceeding Itbroad t hi s coming trooping season .
The same other ranks mentioned in the preceding
parag raph h ave now completed t h eir dental t reatment.
Private Potts is welcomed from the Sch ool. W e .
could do with more. We wish him Sll ccess in t he
Corps a nd , sh ould h e r em embe r t h e following from
a not very new song, a dvise him to p ay no h eed
to " Yo u t a ugh t m e how to love y ou , So teach m e
to forget " .
U p to now, these notes have ass um ed a h a ppy
t,one. There is, h owever, one piece of sad news ,
namely that Lieut. Colonel A. \ V. M. C. Skinner,
our R egim ental Paymaster , is a,t t h e moment oh
leave pending r etiremen t. W e are sure our r egrets
at losing L t . -Colonel Skinner will be shared by
ma,ny of the older lll emb ers of the Corps. To our
departin g Regimental P aymalSter we ,v;ish m any
happy, peaceful da,ys of well -earned res t.








Eastern Command
The Co ronation has filled all our minds durin g
-the past few w.eek s,. and the central position in
which this office IS situated ha s once agam proyed
a yaluable asset. Unfortunately , we "ere not
allow ed to retain all our office windows which for
Coro nation Day were t aken over by Coml.nanel H ead quarters . A ballot by a.ll clerks fOl'mll1g part of
t he various br-anches was helel for cert.al11 wll1dow
positions and quite. a goo~l)" number of our, offi ce
staff were fortun ate III obtalllll1g tickets. Breadasts
wel'e served in the canteen from about 5.0 a.m.
onwards and by nin e o' clock our cook (Mrs. Strong)
must h a~-e beeli sick of the sight of eggs and baco n_
The r eso urces of our canteen were sever-ely taxed ;
neyertheless t hank s to the excellent provision made
bv ouL' en er~etic Club Secretary (::Mr_ Richbell) and
the assistal~ce of volunta ry help-el's we were able
to satisfy the wa nts of some 30.0 members. of our
staff and visito :s. The CoronatIOn processIOn has
alrea,dy been fully elescri?ed elsewhere a nd .so. "e
will not weary readers with a detmled descnptlOn.
As . how ever. the RB.C. commentator forgot to mentiO;l that a ' D etachment of the Roy al Army Pay
Corps formed part of the Procession, we would like
t o give an assura:lce that .they were act ually there
a nd , what is more, that then app e~ran ce a n~ general
bearincr was of a standard of which we mIght feel
proud.o Most o~ us have since forgotten the
actual wewht of a Service nfie, but we h ave It on
good <wth~rity tllat by the time the CillT~p in K ensing ton Gardens was reached , tho s~ ca rned ty th ~
R .A .P .C. D etachment were welghmg 's ell over a
Since our la st notes were written th e promotion
of our form er A.C.P. to Colonel and Chi ef P aymaster
has been a nnounced, and we would lik e to ta,ke this
opportunity of "fferin g ~ur somewhat ?elated congra tulation s to Colonel N . Forde. In h .l s stead Lt.Col. E. 'vV. Grant, O.B.E. has now JOll1 ed. and. :ne
wish him a pleas:tnt st~ y with u s. A.nother fmmhar
ficrure is also back aga m tIllS time 111 t h e person of
"Nla jor T . Kingan, who has return ed for a spell of
A.lTivals a nd d epartures have been numerous
a mong the "Other R a nk s". and we have regretfully
said good-bye to th e fol lowlll g who haye been posted
to the stations a,s shown :-S.Q.M .S. A. V.,T. Ll ssencLen to London (RP. ), S j Sgt. /I. G. H a zzard to
York (R) , Sj Sgt. '1'. L ancaste l to Houllslo~> Sgt.
F. W. J on es to Egypt and Sgt. E. A. h.ll1g to
Cba tham. In t he case of S j Sgts . Hazzard and Lal:caster the posti.n gs .w ere consrqUeiJl .t upon t he'li'
nromotion. We congratulate th em b.oth and hope
they will find 110 di ffi cul ty 111 carrymg the extra
weight of t he crown.
l\ew comer s wel com ed to the o'ffi ce are :-S gt. L . A.
ewson from Singa pore, Sgt. F. Pond from ' Voolwich , L /Sgt. L . R. Spooner from Houn slow , L f Sgt.
G. T. Nye from H oun slow and Cp l. R Barnes from
Ba rnet ..

Sgt. E. A. Kin g and. L f Sgt. L. R. Spooner have

r ecently taken the matnmomal plunge, and w~ WI sh
th em every happiness. Neither h a ve been With .us
any length of time so we h';1ve h ~d no opportumty
of meeting the ladJ es of then chOI ce.

' Ve were looking forlw ard to the commen cement

of the present cri.::ket season With great expectatIOns,
but so far they have not been realIsed. Our first
crame-Offi cers "and VI,I. O.S v. The Rest- r es ulted in
~, win for th e form er uy 2 runs, th e scor es bein g,
Officers and W.O.s 57, The Rest 55. Th e low' scoriug
of both sid es was no,t du e to any particularly brilliant bowling feats but rather to lack of pntctice
a,moncrst the batsmen. How ever , the ga me helped
us to 100sen up and the a fternoon in the open ail'
cam e a.s <k yery pleasant change. Our second game
wa,s to have been with the 1st Bn. G renadier G ual'ds ,
but unfortunatelv this had to be callcell ed owing to
Coronation duti e"s. The third, with the Record and
P ay Offi ce, Hounslow , resu lted in a draw , the scores
bein g :- E. C. P.O . 119 for 3 (d eclared) , Houn slow
115 fo'r 6 (Lt.- Col. Robson 5 for 31) . As wIl l be
seen from the foregoing , Lt. -Col. Rob so n lS still
bowling with all his old skill , whilst Major B an'att
h ,LS quickly found his best fonn , two deli ghtful Slx es
whi ch he cracked belllg worth gOlllg a long \\"ay to
see. Our game with Aldershot had be~ n eagerly
awaited, but a heav y downpour overl1lght made
play i.mH.03sibl e . ' Ve are hopm g for betterlortune
wh en we visit Aldershot.
The H,iHe League sea-son has ju st rea..ched its COllclu sion and once agall1 we expect to find ourselves
in the low-er h alf of the table. ~hjor O. D. GalTatt
is to be congratubted upon being the . one a nd only
m ember of the team to obtam a posslble , although
OIle 01' two others came alon g with some use ful
ninety- eig hts.
Sin ce our last notes appeared a numb er of st a ff
cha.ll cres have occ urred :Ar~ ivals.-S.S.M. E. Ma,ck from INoo lwi ch,
S.Q.M.S. J. Spooner from Pert.h , P k T. 1\1. Bn tes
from Hounslow .
Departures. -Captain H . H. Cottier to Cha tham
(Si g nals) , S.S.M. W . Ev erett to Woolwl ch , Sgt. J.
Stevenson t.o Houn slow , CpI. R. L. Ba 1'1l es to
Easterll Comma nd.
An addition to the worthy holders of t he L ong
Servi ce a nd Good Condu ct iVi_edal is repo rted in the
person of Staff Sergt. G . p.entn ey to. whom our
congratu latio ns were duly acco rd ed With lVlnslCa l
Congrat ulations to Staff Sgt. H. Gibbs on his
p romotion to INarrant Rank; also to Corporal Vl.
Ould 011 his appointment to L a nce Sergeant.
INe :tre pleased to know' tha t L an ce S~rgeant F a irclough has been placed on the Marned Quarters
Trooping - Season , 1937 J3S.-S.S.M. E. Mack is
und er ord ers a nd ::3.Q.M.S. H . Gibbs and L j Sgts . R
Fairclou gh ancl W . Ould a re on the wa iting li st.
It is to b e hoped that the future will permit res urnption of the sportmg actiViti es usually associated w ith this st a tion. T entative arrangements as
r egards cricket have been made to this end.
To those who are not acquainted with t he ideal
sit uation o,{ the B arnet Offi ce I would a dd that we
are situat ed in t he heart of the countryside with
most of the Londoll amenities at onr door.




We take t hi s opportunity of w elcoming Li eut.Co lon,el IV. S. H ac k a nd family to Canterbury. It

is hoped t ha t their .stay in Cantffl:.b urywll! be
pleasan t a ll d m emorabl e. Lt. -Col. H ack has ass umed
the duti es of R egimental P aymaster in place of
Lieut.- Colon el E. VlT. Gra nt, O.RE. , who is now
at E as t ern Command
Captain J. M . A . Bra dc1ell leaves us for th e Cos ting School a nd he t a ke.s wit h him OU I' \-e ry
best wishes for a hap py a nd successful t im e a t
Promoti ons .- To Co rporal Chenery we offer CO Ilgratulation s on hi s promotion to that rank.
Social.- A Coronation Ball , run by t.h e Units of
this Gal'l'ison, \\'as heJd on t he 12th Mav in the
G arrison Gy mn _Lsium and it was not cliffi cLllt to see
n ext mOl'l1in g t ha t the dan ce was a great success.
.'\. few day s later , the ma jority of t he Offi ce Staff
w ent t.o London to view the Decoration s- at leas t
that was t he origin a l id ea. One or two found t heir
w ay to E aste rn Command and r enewed a ull
a cquaintan ces, some visited VlTest End shows and a
few saw deco ra tions. Th e we.c,ther was faid v k ind
and everyon e thoroughly enjoyed them selves: OUl'
thanks a.r e du e to. a ve ry hard working Committee
for the way 111 "hlch thiS t.yplca l P ay Offi ce Outing
was alTa.n ged.
. Spo.r t .- So faJ' we have been un able to take pad
m any form of outdoor sport, partly beca use the

w eather h a s not been of the rig ht kind and pa

because so me d iffi culty I S ex pel'1 enced in rai sincr a
team . Now that Kin g So l h as made his appeara~ce
:-sotto voce-and t he Garri son ten ni s courts look
lIl V Itl11[<:;', pe rhn ps we shall. at least
ha ve SOlllfl
Pcrry acLi vi Li es to r eport. '
. . ' Rifle Clu b.--:-Th e rifl e club has :s uffered many
I-lclssl tudes t hl last season and so we are not
feelin g too ashamed of Our very Iow placin g in the
postal l e~g u e . Th e wllltel' seem.ed to be a continu a l
p en od o f ' hi gh pressure' as far as work was concerned a nd it was with .diffi culty that t.ime wa s
f~n1l1d to compl ete fixtures at a ll. let a lon e to practIce. Mos t of th e old h a nd s crave up altocreth el'
ha d
a n d we cou nte d ourselves fortun
ate when we
seven from which to choose our team of s ix. Lo ts
of fun was h ad by t he remaind er , however. a nd
ev~n If scores we re low t ha t did not prevent t he
fil1lsh es to t he V<1nous competitions being extremely
close ,




'vVith the 1'ecel1t adve ll t of fine s unny wea ther,
fl annels, telll1lS racquets and cl'lcket bats a re beginning to show their ap pea rance outsid e the office
and 'we h\>pe\ it .will , continu-e; .fQr w.e 'at e looking for: '
ward to paymg . a n.d r ecelvlIlg VJSltS from other
offi ces, and havIllg a chance of displayin g our
prow ess (or sho NlI1g our lack of it) .
We have just opened the seaso ll 's sportincr fixtui'es with a crick:e t .. will agailist our old frienods a t _
'vVa d ey, and a tennis Will in th e 1 st round of t he
~as tel'll Command Cha llenge Cup against the Trainmg Battn. R.E. 'B ' tea m . In this match tIte
Chat ham offi ce \\'as repr esented by S.Q.M.S.
Sh.epherd wi t h Sergt. Doherty and S.Q.M.S. Ela m
with Sergt. King. OU.r pa irs won both their matches
in stra igh t sets.
o.ur vetera n, Major G. Lidsto ne, again rep resented
us III the Army Billiards Cham pionship , but once more . ha d the misfortun e of having to lower hi s flag
t.o ~llS o.ld ' bogey ' Sel'15t. Cottle of the R.oyal
Eng in eers, the eve ntual wll1ner of the Cha mpionship .
Our gallant Ma jor I S a lso to the fore in the Bowls
a nd is Capt.ain of th e offi ce club which has now become. a ffiliated. to t he English a nd K ent Co unty
Bowlll1g AssoclatlOLl s. In the county ma t ches he
is skip of a rink which won the firs t ronnd . H e and
his partner, l\Ir. Pratt, also managed to win in the
'Rail'S ' but he lost his singles m atch by the odd
The overseas li &t for the comin g season in cludes
the na me of S.Q.M.S. W . J . May and should he be.
found a berth on some 't roopel> his cheery count enance and freq uent jo kes would be missed
b v t he office st<Lff. H owever, we und ers t and that
the shareholders of the B ar Billiard s \ ssociation
are end eav ouring to pers ua de him to "sell his chanc&
in t.h e trooper " a nd remain here, as hi s daily con tribution s ar e greatly va lu ed.
Since t he publication oJ th e .l ast notes, we havehad t he pl easure of welcoming to th e offi ce 'aptain
H. H. Cot tier a nd hope t,h at hi s stay with us will
b-8 a plensa nt one .
Pte. A. D. Dickinso n a rt'i nd from t he R.. \ .P.C ..
School and we wish him every success in the Corps.
Badm int on.-The Sergeants Mess ha,ve concluded
n yery s uccessful seaso n a nd t h 8 numbers who have
pa rt icipated in t he art have incr eased dming the
winter. Many ,w ho origin ally t.hought tha t there
was nothin g in the shuttl e ga me have now changed
t. heir mind s, frequ ent ca 11s for a " breath er " bein g
J!ecessa ry .
Two successful to urn arn ents have bee n completed
- a n open doubles a nd a handicap singles which
r esulted as follow s :DonIJ les-S.S.M. Coo per a nd S.Sg t . Keml~ton.
R,unn ers u p-Sgt. H ewet,t and L.Sgt. Burden.
H a ndicap Winn el'-S .Sgt. Murphy.
Runn er np-L.Sgt. Nye.
The hand icapper wa s prese nt and the form disRlayed noted. for future handicaps.
The prog ress mad e in th e game is particu.l a rly
gratifying a nd practica lly all who took pa rt in the
tournaments have leal'l1t t.h e gam e here.
Billiar ds .-Th e Sergeants Mess have also had a
YE'r\" sll ccess fu l yea r wit.h th e ivory balls, to say
nothing of snooker. a nd the annnal ha ndi cnp for
the mess cup resulted as follows : Willner- S .Q.M.S. Bishop.
Runnel' up-Sgt. Stevenson.

Spoon s, g i\'e n on t h ~ " drop po in ts hand icap "

system were won by LI eut. (now Cap t.) Brad,d-ell
(2) , Cp!.. In g lt s . Lin tel' nncl F ear. Oth er co mpetitIon s were t.a ken by . Mr. Med e (lu cky card ) . Mr.
R eyn ard (ow n h nllcll cap) a nd Cpl. R eeves (firin g
hom sta ndll1 g po sItIO n ) .

~' h e Club Ch:tll enge Cup was cl ese n 'edJy wo n by

R eyna rcl WIth a ll ave rage In matches S1l1ce
~ hl'ls tma s of 93.11. Cp.!. Linter- who was nct ually
III th e lead for som e tim e-was a. close seco nd wiLtl

1\[1 ..



Cp!. L . Ing li s ba.s had h a rd a nd tiresome wo rk as

secretlwy a nd OUi' t ha nks a re due t,o him for thl'!
spl endId way in whi ch he carried out hi s duties
as such.









Arrivals and Departures.-Thi s heading agam
.figw:es prominently in , our news. Si nce the last
Jl'otes appeared we have welcomed , . as our ChIef,
Col6nel E. .E. E . Todd from Pa lestm.e. We hope
he will lik e hi s sta v in Woolwl ch . Pnor to Colonel
Todd 's arri\'al, we had with us Li eut.-Colon el E.
\ N. Grant (from Canterbur;' ) , for a sho rt spell
before going on to Eastern Comm a nd , ~ nd he fill ed
. 'the Chair " yacated by the departure of Bt. Colon el
Duesbury to Veptfo rd.
Li eut.: Colonel H. P . F enll ell .has a rl'lved from
Gibraltar a nd Major F. T. Bmn es from Ceylon.
In welcoming them we hope th~y, too , WIll find. com pen sation s ill being statIOned III the MetropolIs.
\Ve al'eeted Lieuten ant A. K. Hunt from York
and . at'" the same moment, extended our co ngratulat ion's on hi s promotion.
Li eut. Goode has arrived from Chath am to renew
acquaintance with the acco unting maclun es.
Privat es J. C. Alexande r, C" J. A. Day , B . _i.
Fenton , T. Grant, L . VII: .P a rkmson , A . E. Rou sseau and F. West hav e .lomed from t he Aldershot
Pay Schoo] and, have n.ot yet deCided .whet!lel: the
theoretical 01' the practIcal SId e of P ay wor k IS to
be prefened 1

Staff Sergt. B. E. E va ll s, fl:om ~al est: ne , " looked

in" en route to civi l life. \i\ te "~Ish h1111 the very
best of luck in hi s new surl'o l1ndll1gs.
Other a dditio ns to our strength are Sgt. H. H.
Pope and L j Sgt. J. Bentley w~o , we ~),re so~ry t o
say , have been admitted to R.\I . Hospital, Netley,
from J amaica and P alestHle r espectIvely.
Sgt. W. H. J ones, after a spell at
etley has
taken up duty in the offic~.
Sgt. T. F. Pond , 0': dI schar ge fl:om Hospital ,
was with us a short tlme hefore belI1 g posted to
E astem Command Pay Office.
Staff Sgt. T. H. Cottam has left 1;IS for Pr'eston:
\N e co ngratulated S.S.M. L.
r.> Alle nger .o\hd~
promotion a nd very soon aftelwal d~ , we wele I,
ding him the' ioe,;itable "au r evOlr" for York s
ad vantage .
t h ' lt
Co ngl'atula~ions are also ext,end e
e l.esu .
of the followmg:promotions.-L j Sgt. B. C. Hort~)I1 to Sergeant,
Ptes. K . HOI'Il sey, R King , E. L ewls. H . C. WIlson
to Corporal .
d G C
Awards. - Staff Cgt. C. H. Weston . L .S. ;~n
. .
'\'I ed;] l, L ISgts. W. T. C. Cole,s and E. Le~ l s , Bo~k
keepina Certificate 1st Clas Stage 11 Inter. RS.A.,
L j Cpl."'R \N. Holl and , Class I Trad e Test.
Birt il .-To L j Sgt. a ,:d MnL BlIlks-a so n, John
K enn eth , on 20th AprIl, 1937.. .
Cricket.-A t the tIme of wnt1I1g t hese notes, our
Two l)r:l ct lce o.
<;e'l SOl1 ha s no t ve t operL.
i":li Lo be aban doned . There is, how ever, a. qUIet y
op'timistic atmosphere in this section and we are fa )]
' .
.j' Ol,. ,.a 0aood '.<; umm er and the fulllllrnent 0 a
generou s lIst of outll1gs.
. ..
Billia r ds,,-Although our sportll1g actIVitIes . ~ve
been reduced to a minimum, we ontn,, ~d
durin the past winter to. carry. out the fi.xtures 111
g t'',lOn Wl'tll t h e GarrI son BIllIards
conn ec
. Leag;ue.
th '
CO Il SI. del'~b
,,, l e pleasure to report
1 t er
f sucth
cessful session in the Leag u.e and to add 1.13.., or. e
. d tim e the D etachment h a.d it.s n<1lT'.e IOscnbed
~~co~le shi eld as winners. Apart f~'om the hOl~OUl:
of aga in coming out on top , m any ev el1l 11 'S
ha,ve been spent. due lal:gel." .to the exce ll ent spor in g sp irit in which the mdlvldua.l games have been
playe d.

O.C.A. Dinner.-The office was well represe nted

-at the last annual dinner. Many old and new
acquaintances w~re made, and the hope be~,I~
expressed that WIth the decrea.sed cost o~~next yeaJ :s
djnner an even greater numb er of comrades WIll
Moves.-We welcome S. / Sgt. T.W.M. L ancaster
and family from Ea stern Com mand IHli::\. ,..congratulat.e him oil his promotion to that rank , a nd L / Corpl.
T . Smith from the School.
L jSgts. G. Nye and L. Spooner h;; ve left U.3 for
-Eastem Comm a nd.
Although events of some moment haye occurred
'since the las t issue of the " Journ al" , their interest
to members of the Corps serving at other offices is
.somewhat doubtful.
Ho.wevel', failing announcements of events of a
cataclvsmic nature. a bri ef summ a ry of casualtIes
may ~uffi ce to rai'se an enquiring eyebrow 01' to
elicit a n astonished 'Hmmm ' her e and there.
\ Ne are very glad to welcome Lieut. S. Holman ,
M.B.E. , who has rejoined the fort from serVIce m
Egypt an.d P alestll1e and who plIes the franlnug
stamp with the sa me m arked dexterIty and und e.niable enthusiasm of old .
L / Sgt. C. A. J. R (I?uke) Fr.a,zer .has recently
joined from Warwick brll1g1I1g . WIth hIm a bundle
of mu sic, a nd a \'oice already tned <?ut a nd eh clbng
fre nzi ed clapping, whistli ng, stampmg ~f feet and
other ind ication s of wholehearted apprecIatIOn. On
'the occasion of our fi rst cricket match of th e season ,
b ut unfortunately after our visitors had left, Sgt.
Frazer gave to ngue, ap plying all the req.U1slte gestures unhesitatin gly and WIth no little vIgour ; th<:l
clench ed fist (non-poli t ical) the haughty WIthdrawal
(a mere .suggestion of a backward pace) and t!le
Chiding fi llger (capricious) -one of the "Old lI1 ch spensables".
. ..
::vIr. Geo. D. Cale ot the cIvlhan staff has been
transferred to vVarwick on his promotion to.
ill and has our good wi shes . \ Ne shall mIss hIm
during the coming cricket seaso n as he kept an
a dmirab le wi cket and handled a very effectIve bat,
inclining rather to deli c~cy and low cunning t.han
to wholesale vlOlence whIch IS a popular attIt ud e at
L j Sgt. A.. P. Gilbert is married. IS not a
simple statement, It almost come<' wlth1l1. tl~e cn:tegory of cataclvsm ic events, and th.e fir st IntImatIOn
was r eceiv ed with much head- sllak1l1g , mouth openin g and other evidence of astonishment. R,allying
to the cause, however , the staff present.ed Mr . . a nd
Mrs. G i]beI~ with a clock (sa ns any ulterIor I?lOtl ve)
their good wishes, and, indi\'iduall y , thel:' sympathi es.
On \ N ed nesd a y, 26th '\J av, \\'ee nt el'taJ[~ e d VISItors
from Chath am a nd enjoved yel'y good cl'l cket. We
were defeated . the sco re bei ng:Chatha m 110 for 8.
Warley 83 all out (in every respect).
W e are - pleased to sa y .that t he extreme tip of
th e tail conta ined sOlllethlI1 g of a stmg---:the last
sp'asmodi c twitch bore semblance to a whIplash .
\Ne hop e to regale you in the next issue with
accounts of further crick et matches and the Annual
Outing which has been arranged provisionall y for
.Ju ly, and a ny other events which may occur in t he
m ea ntime.




. Whilst , th e team (Gompo.sed _of "si x, players) has

been subject to more than the usua.l number of
.changes due to postings, etc., good fortun e in finding suustitutes to f.l] vacancies has atLEllded us.
Thi s has brought to h ght much hIdden talent and
provides CL co n,f ident outlook for fut ur e efforts in the
competition .. Th;!nks <1.I;e due.. to .-a ll .members of . the
team (past a nd p;'csent) for their regular attendan ce
.at the matches ; this has, in 110 small mea,sure, co nt ributed to the successful result.
Coronation News.- "Ve glad to record that


J OU R1\i AL

S.Q.M.S. E . Knigh,t , St,~fj ~gt. F. C. U lph ,and Sgt .

H. A. Stock, of this office, were selected ' to represent th e Corps in the Co ron ation Procession. An
honour deserved ly earned a nd worthily fulfi.1led.
We congrat ulate the fo llowing on th e award of the
Co ron at ion MeJal :- Colonel B . L . Duke, D.S.O.,
.O.B .E. (Officer .i / c R. A. Records) , Colon el E. E. E.
Todd , O.B.E. , Ma jor C. G lim shaw , O.B .E ., Major
}\ . Greenwood. Lieuts . A. E. Jon es, C . .R. Haddock,
E. lHcCarthy cl nd A. K. Hunt, and Sergea.nt H . A.
Stock .

London District
Arrivals and Departures.-On 31st March we welc(}med back Lt.- Co L and Bt.-Col. H. Du esb ury from
temporary duty at Woolwich and Lt.- Col. W. S.
Hack left us fo l' Ca nterbury on the same day.
New a1Tivals are S / Sgt. C. 'V. Lunn from 'Pale stine and P te. \ iV. G. Lyn ch from A ldershot, to whom
we extend a hearty welcome.
S.Q.1Vl.S. A. R Graves was discharged to pensio n
011 4th .l\Ia.y .
Messrs. Peacock and Fu lton, Grade IV Clerks,
ha d 1.0 leave owing to the retu rn of military personnel from Palestine, but we are gla d to sa y that
fU1~her employment was f.ound for them in the
Reg imenta l Pay Office, vVoolwich , and the Command
Pay Offi ce, Eastel'll Command , respectiv ely .
Birth.-Congratu la tions to L / Selgt. and Mrs.
Cox on the birth of their son "Michael George"
<)11 20th February.
Sport.-\V e have not yet commen ced cr icket this
season but now .eagerly awaiting th e opening
match on 9th Jun e.
At a Table T enni s match with the sta ff of the
\Noolwi ch l)ost Office we lost by 13 events to 9-a great inYprove ment 011 the .resu lt of OUT last
Promotion.- Congratula.tiolJs to Co rpl. E. Deeley
on his promotion to that r ank on 1st April.
Arrivals and Departures. --Capt. Sha w-Hamilton
will be leavin g on Ju ly ht to attencl a Costing
'Co urse at Aldershot a nd is being relieved by Capt.
Ho gge from t h;Lt stat ion. VIle wish th em the best
-of luck in t heir new station s.
S.Q.U .S. Li ssend en has join ed us again from the
'Command Pay Offil:e, Eastern Co mm and , after a
long spell in hospita.l. \ iVe extend to him the usual
welcome a.nd wish him a speedy return t.o 11 ea lt h .
Corpl. Bar nes join ed on temporary _duty from
Ba1'l1et during the quarter and h as no\\' been posted
to the Coml11 a nJ Pay Office, Ea st.el'll Command.

His assistance was ,ery welcome and would ha ve

been more so had he beeJl with us dUl'in g the c ri cket
Congratulations.-To S.Q.M.S. Simpson on the
award of the Coronation medal, S / Sgt. Mudd on receivina the me cla l for 18 years " undetected",
Ae&sr~. E. P. Vllright, J. T1II11er , E. A. Burgess,
1<'. T. Fowler, \ N . Ra y 011 promotion to Gmde ill
Clerk.:; and Mi ss O' Dwyer on joining t he mnks of
establi shed female clerks.
.1\11'. Ray was posted to the Arm y Pay Offi ce,' Barnet. on promotio!l , nnd wIl l be a usefu l a.~l dltlO n t o
t heir cricket team. V.,7 e aI'e sorry to lose hIS sel'Vl ces
both in the o,ffice and on the cricket fi eld .
Drafts for Overse-as.-Th e following have been
placed on the waiting li st for overseas :--S / Sergt .
Mudd , Sergts. Spe!ICe a nd Fisher and L /Sgt.
Sports and Gen aral. -Th e cr icket season has now
opened and , weather permitting, together with the
assista.nce of the younger Cor ps m embers now serving at this station, we are looking fo rv. -ard to a.
fairly successful seaso n.
Attendance at the l'Ifie range has dropped off consid erably . in co ns' quence of a n epidemic of colds,
pressure of wo rk nnd the bus strike. The c.nly shoots
which have taken p]ace .w ere Postal League Matches,
the results of which are now awaited.
v'iTe are pleased to sav that Mr. VV. E.
(ex-S.Q.M.S.) B ell, who has 'been abse nt from duty,
seriou sly ill for nbout seven weeks, ha s a
splend id recovery a nd is now back in ha.rness again.
The Officer.' vVa rrant a nd Kon-commissioned
officers who represented the Corps 011 the Coronation procession were in pected by th e Colonel Command;1.1lt in Regents PHrk Bllrracks on April 30th.
\ Ne co ngratul ate t hem on t heir smart appea ra.nce
and on t.he r emark s of Drill Sergea.nt Teece of t h e
Grenadier Guanjs who W<1.S very pleas ed with ~he
manner in whi ch the rifl e mo vements were carned

Northern Command
Promotions, etc.-VIle welcome Co lon el N. Forde
'Who r eturn ed to t hi s office on 23rd :;\~[arch, and
"heartily co ngrat uh te him 0 11 his promotion . Congratulations are il lso extende d to S.S.M. H. R Hudson who wa s pI'0 .110t,ecl to that mnk on 6th May:
h e was t,ransferl'ed to Le ith on 17th of that 1110n'th
a.nd takes the good wishes of the office with him.
We a lso co ng rat ulate S.Q.l\LS. T . Ha rd i n~ and Sgt.
'W. T. Pinkn ev wh o were p romoted on 8th Apri l.
!. . / Sgt.. j\. E. Clarke a.nd. Sgt. D. W elch joined
thls office on the 6th and 24th April r espectively
.;md make we lcome add itions to our bill ia rd team.

L / Srrt. Clarke comes from the im enta.l Office

a nd "Sgt. vVelch has rejoin ed from P<11estine .
Obituary.-\Ne reg ret to have to repo rt the death
of Lt.-Col. and Staff P aymaster Vii. A. Britten,
O.B.E .. who pa . ed awa), sudd enly D,t York on .
18th March. A se rvi ce was held at th e Ga.rrison
Church and the interment was at FuU:ord hurc h ,
York. ~n the ~rd Ma.rch. Officers of th e RA .P.C.
at.tend ed as pall bearers, and t.h e othel' moks followed t.he coffin- the escort being provid ed by t he
1st Bn . the York <I nd L ancaster R.egim ent. Among
the many floral tributes were those sent by .1\1rs .
Britten , . Gen eral Sir 1\ lexa nd.e r \iV ard rop and







notes abo ut the same N. C.O. failinO' in the ArmyBilliard Championsilip to Sgm. S w ~n at Strensall
in April. We wer3 all certa in th~t . " " 'll'ould.
get through but he had- sOlne bad lu ck and just lost.
Bettel' luck next' time. But a new star has risen
in th e firm am ent in the perso n of our old friend
S / Sgt. Wri ght, known to th e Police and creditors
as " Shiner". Th e Billiards Committee conceived
the brilli a nt noti .m of usin g up our surplus billiards
fund s by purchasin g a cue, throwing it into the ring,
and ha\'in g a " fr ee for all ". After much cogitation,
meetings, arg umants, sugge stion s, and mutual recrimina.tion s, this , it was decid ed, should t ake the
form of a. H a ndicap Competition , and handicaps
were duly allotted. "Shiner" , very mu ch on form ,
duly walked away with the prize, and is now issuing
cha.llellges to all and sundry with particula r referenceto all ex, York billiards players.
Despite S / Sgt. Wright ' s "Billiards" it was voted
a very s uccess ful evening. Our grateful thanks ar e
d ue to our ve ry good friends the R.S .M. and Members of t he R. A.M .C . Sgts. Mess for allowing us
to use th eir Mess , not only for this Tournament,
but for all our mat ches during th e Sgts.' Mess
Billiard s L eague, without which concession we
should not have been able to run a t eam.

Officers of l::I eadql< <1l'ters, NOi th em Command , Major

Gener al 1\. I. 1\1uS30 n and II H.cers, Royal Army
P ay COI'PS, Y'iiar Offi ce, amI Offi ce rs i!nd Other
Rank s of the Command and Regin~lItal " Offi oas,
York .
M arriage.- The ma rriage took pla ce Oll 1st l\iay ,
at Gro ve Methodi st Chapel, York , of Mr. A. J . L.
Ro gers , so n of .Mr. a nd Mrs. A. F. Rogers of York ,
and Mi.s s D. O. M. Mac nnmara , daughter of Major
J . M. Ma,cnama ra , R1\.P C .. \Ne o ffer t hem halty
congra tu lations a nd best wishes for t he future.
Coronation M ed l ls .--W e are plea sed to r eport
that Colon el 1\ . Fo rd e, i'lLI ~ o r J. M. l\J.a cnama ra,
Lieut. G. \Ai. P cnll , a lld . 1I'lr. G. H a nn ey were
award ed mecla is on th e occasi on of Their Ma jesties'
Coron ation.
Rifle Notes.-_l s th e sh ooting S.e.LSO tl has now
fim shed , th er e i3 no t hing mu ch to report as regards
acti\'iti e.'. \;.,' a re lo o kill ~ forwa rd to the publication of t he r:i n"l placings in t he League tab le. hoping , of co urse, tl1<:t wc are not at the bottom .' The
consi tent shoot in g of L / Sg t . Monks was reward ed
by hi s winning t he Spoon for t he month of March
after be ing " I u,we r-up " seve ral tim es t his seaw n.
The <l\'enlge g un score of L / Sgi. Monk s in t.h e spoon
shoot.' thi .s se a:,');1 is 96.2. Despite t he efforts of
the Handi c a pp ~ l'. S.S.M. Chen el'Y has won hi s t hird
spoon tl11 s season , bei ng t he winn er for th e month
of April.
Bill iards.-::\ ot es under th is hea din g wo uld, norm all y haNe consist Ed of a brief chroni cle about the
final nla<.;ing in th e Sgt s. ~ ~ 33 S Billia rds L eague,
in whi ch L / Sg t. Cla rk e coll :cted a pri ze [01' the
highest brea k Ju rin g t he ccmpetitio n, a nd a few





Office Notes. -Congr<l tulations

were extended to
S.S.M. A. K . Hunt on hi s gazetting to A sst. Paym as t er as from 1st Nfal'ch, co upled with regret at
his departure fO I' Woolwi ch on 8th March. ~In hi s
.place we have S.S.i\I. D ' AIJ enger, from Woolwich ,
who seems to ha ve settlecl in co mfortably.
S/ Sgt. A. G. Hazza rd a rri ved from" Comma nd
Pay Office, E astern Command , on 24th :May, a nd on
the same day L / Sgt. Cozens was postE d to Command P ay Office. Yo rk.
vVe also had a;1 increa se on the Civilia n Staff on
19th A pril , whe<l ;,] 1'. E. Baisden jo;n ed from Lich,fi eld on promotion to G rad e Ill.
Office Dan Cl! .-The R ecord and Pay Office Sports
Club held a Dan ce at t he Al ban)' H all 011 3rd March.
The fun ction went wit h a swing , than k s to
t he excell ent org IIL1 ZatlOn by S.S.M. A. K. Hunt
and L / Ssts. Cozens ,. nd Cia rk e. _-\ la rge com pany was presen t, includ in g Colonel E. Jam es,
D .S.O., M. C., Officer 1/ c R eco rd s, Colon el V.'/. S.
Mackenzi e, Commalld P aym as ter, Li eu t. Colon el A.
A . Co ck b ul'lI , Regimenta l Paymaster , Ca ptain A. J.
S. Tuk e and LI eut. Ross, Regimenta l Pay Office, and
Major H. \N. Ta yl ol' and Captalll E. D. E tiJll ger,
C omm and P ay Offi ce, as well as other offi cers on the


These notes would not be compl ete without the

Co ronation news. A lthough we a r e not so fortunate
as our P all l\Iall friend s on th ese occasions, Li chfi eld did well ; t he illuminations, firework s and
sear chli g- ht display being parti cula rly good.
Th e flo od li ghting of the Cathedral and other
builclin O's , t he Gondolas and Glee Singers on Minster
Pool. a~ld t he genera l deco r ative sch em e of th e City
r efl ect O' I'eat cred it on th0 3e res ponsible, and
brought t housand s of visitors to Li clifield.
On t he 17t h May the "Corona tion Bow er " was
celeb rated in t ru e - ancient stvl e w it h the added
attraction of the de<.;ora tion s . - Th e wea th er , for a
welcom e cha nge , was glorious.
Co rona t ion ten nis and bowl s toumarnen ts were
a rra ng ed bv a local committee
Our members
t horoughl y enj oyed the games t h ~ v. played . Mr.
Pri est a nd Mr. Moss each took a cup for the quarter
fin als at Bow ls. S / SO't . Ed e <md - L f Sgt. Stewart
got. to t he se mi-~nal s 0 of t he te nn ~s doubl es bein gbeaten by t he ul tImate wllln er s. If t he tou rn ament
had been' kept strictly local we IT' i'2;ht ha ve securer!
t he cup for t he m ixed dO~lb l e s with t h os~ two very
co nsisten t playe r s, S.Q.M .S. and i'l ll' . . Ay lll1. It wa s
mo st. unfortunate t ha t Mrs. Ede wl'en chc d her knee
very badly at pra ctice a nd co uld not take payt .. [t
is !lice to see h er getting abo ut agalll but It I S a
ve r y slow job.
The tennis team is very stro ng at t he moment a nd
Vi e h,:v e beaten OUl' old friend s (h e Th eologica l Co ll e~e n nd t he Combin ed D epots Sgt .. ' M ess . An
attnl ctive fixL ure lIst ha been ar ra nged by our
h ard \\'o rkin g Secr etar y, L j Sgt. B. Hi gson , a nd it
is l?] <l. in g to note t hat the l::!llt es ha ve not been
left out.
OUI' ReO'imental P aym aster has left us for the
b ell s a nd goats of Malta; we tnlst that both he .and
Mrs. P ewsey will enjov th eir sta y at th a t sta tlOn.
\Ne extend a hearty welcome to our n ew R eg Imental
Payma st er , Major Hollin gswol'th ~n rl hOI?e he WIll
enj oy hi s stay h ere. L / ~gt . Stewal t h<l s !u st hea.l'd
t hat he is posted to SalIsbury on t he 7th June, so
t he tf n!li s tea.m will lose a sta lwa rt , but we heal'
t hat Pte. T a nner, who ha s just join ed us , is verykeen.

" Shi ner" Wright.

No rthe l'l1 Command Pny Offi ce , YOlk.

Billi ards Cha mpioil J 1936 / 37'.





st.a rf. of t he NO I th em Command. All units in the

Oal'l lSon . were represented , and quite a number of
~ he CIVl.l!lI ll staff 01 th~ offi ce attend ed with their
frIend s. For t he fil'st time several memb ers of the
Suppl em cnt<:! ry Ressn e tnrn ed up a nd tatea their
lI1 tentlO ll of att endIn g lu tu re fun ctions of a like
naL ure. If t he Edi Lo l' j" good enou gh to publish a
photo gra ph of some of t hose who werc present, it
r~ay be noticed that. few Corp s memb ers are visible.
1 hey w 3r8 all present, but t he p hotographer
afterwards regretted t hat. he was to o close to get
them i11(,0 t.he picture!
Da ncc music was played bv the band of the
15/ 19th Hu ssa rs.
Th e Second i\ nnu a l Di nn el' and Smok in g Concert
of th e Sup pleme nta ry Reserve, R.._-\ .P .C. , was held
at. t he W indmill Ho te l, York , on 28th Ap ril.
The procoodlll g.s opened at 7.38 p. 111 . wi th dinner
Wllll;h w;;s t,ho lon ghly enjo yed by a ll present, and
t he smoklll g concert Wh lCh follo wed provided vast
am usemllt all J ou ne! . Lt. Co l. A . A. Cockbu l'I1. the
R eg Imental Payma:ster. pl'esi:led, and Capta ins K
D. E dlllgel' a nd A. J . S. Tuke, a nd Lieut. Plowman
were also p: esen t . The arrangement s were ca rried
ont by lVIl'. F. H . Go ~ to n : (fo rm ed .v of t he S.R.)
a nd both he a,nd t he enterta ll1 ers a re to be congrat ul ated fo ~' pro viding a highly s u cce3~ f ul fu nction.

R eproduced by ki"d pen" iss;"" of t he "Fod.shire H ern Id' ,

At the R.A . P . C. Dance.














Scottish Command

and S.S.M. Hud son, from York ; on promotion to.

W.O .1. Both joined us during May. May their.
to ur of duty in Leith be plea sant.
Vie also welcome S .Q.M.S. B ecconsall, from
Egypt- local cricket ers will now have to look to
their laurels.

Joinings.-Major M. Blair (Gibraltar) , Lieut. C.

O' Leary (Leith ) and CorpI. ? F . Mockler (Preston )
have recently joined us. We hop::: they will enJoy
their tours of duty here.
Discharges.-Lce. Sergt. J . Davies has recen tly
been discha rged a nd we wLsh him ev ery success in
Ci vilian life.
Retirements.-vV e a re a ll sorry to lose Major W.
Spence w ho recently retired a ,~d we hop e he wi iJ
ha ve many happy years In retirement.

Major H . H. Cox is under orders for Ma lt a, a nd.

is at pre sent on embarka.t ion lea ve. vVe hope his.
stay Oll the I sla nd of th e Knig h ts wi ll be a happy
vile are a ll loo king forward to ' Summer ' (it fell:
on a vVednesday last year ) a nd to our Annu al Outing-d a te a nd destination not yet fix ed- but we hope.
to t ell you all a bout it nex t t inle-ma,yb e like the
' P ac km a n". who " vV as a t t he feeing malket and
w ha Kent a' t ha t were fou , a nd wha n ever s poiled.
~L sto rv by co nsid erin a in 'twer t ru e".


Las t QLlarter we welcomed Li eut. O'Leary to Leith

and alre:Luy we have ha d to wish him God speed
on trans fer to th e Comm a nd Office, Edinburg h. , ;\i e
w ill st ill see ll im occas iona ll y .
A welcome and co ng ra t ul a tions to Lieu t. P. Pl owm a n, from P alestin e, 0 11 promotion t o that R a nk,


R t/Jroduced by /till d jJerJll iss:ol/ of till! "J orl.s/tiTe H er a ld"

R.A.P.C. Dance, Albany Hall, York.

Northern Ireland District

ill s pi te of this we were not ' da mp ed ' a nd a good
game end ed in a n ho nou 1a.ble draw.

Social Club.--O ll. F riday, 23rd April l~~ t , '" e. eu-

j oyed a nother o f our " Ji llner a,nd th ea~ r.e, evel1ln gs

at the Queen ' s H otel a nd Emp Ire Th ea,t l e.
A t dinner we welcom ed officia lly: as new m e n~
bel' Lt -Col \N . D. N. Ro botham , NfaJor L. E.
Jam~s, M.C.. S .S .M. B. H. Clark , S.Q.M.S. J.
Mannin g and Sergean t W. A . J.o11 es, a~d co ~w eye.d
to them ou r be ~ t wi shes [o r th eIr ha,ppll1 es ,Lt thiS
At th e S '1./1 e tim e w e had to bid "Goodbye" t o
S .Q.M.S. " Sa m " \iV alk el', whose de p ar~ur.e 0'11 d l S charae creates a gap w hich WI ll not eaSIly b e fill ed.
W e ~njss hi O"ood spirits a nd heartY' laugh , as do
his R.E. and R .A.S. C. frie nd s .

Gi\'ell goo d weath e:', our fi x.t u re li st p ro mises some

goo d sport.
_\. handi cap l)illia rd toul'l1a men t held by t heR.A.S. C. Ser geants ' Mess r es ulted 111 a final h
bet ween S j S!St. Ppence r and Sgt. ivl onk s of t hIS detac hme nt. V',le all congratul a ted S j Sgt. Spencer on
bein O" t he ultim a te ....inner o r th e Cha llenge Cup put
up by th e Mess.

O.C.A. Dinner.-Lieut . E. B. Godwin , S.Q.M.S.

E G . L. Bro\\'n and Serg t. W . A. ~10n ks made the
lo'ng pilgrima ge to H arrods for thIS eve nt, and all
report the us ual success.

Sport.-This heading is almo st a new one for. u s .

and a1'1 es thro ugh t h e for~n ation \ of a G arn ~on
Staff and Depal'tm ental Cricket CI ~b , ~ f w lllcl1
Lt. -Col. Robotha m h as been elect ed Captam.
K gh t 0- our m emb ers took pa rt in t he first
m at~h ve~sust.he R.A .S. C .. a nd enjoyed a good
g ame,' but were deser ve dl y beat en.
. s t tll e R oya1 U lst er
In our second mat ch , agal11
Constabulary, we suffered wh at seemed. to b e <Lt
least halt o r BeHas t 's average a nnual r amfall, but

The Coronation.-Owing to the inter venin g distnlil es , . we wer e un a ble

to take
a nce 0 [ SOln e ,'00
_ tl
a nv adive pa;:>ation Jl1 t he cel ebr at~on" TIe~
's ei' but did our b est to do honoUI t o , le1T
Ma: es ties . One of our number, S .Q .M.S . Brown,
wa~ luckv enough to be chos~n for duty. as steward
. . tll e - Abb ey ' so f<Lr he 1:S v,eryt" r etIcent about
on to
eve rything , but we a re hopll1g a.s 1m e goes .
a lea n a little mO'r e of wh at he saw a nd d id.
o .


Southern Command

Moves.- 'N e were sorry to say goodbye to Major

H. J . Hollings worth on his dep a rt.ure for Lichifieldij
it is no t reaJly g ood by e as he often calls in a t the.
o ffi ce. has ten to cong rat ula t e him on his recen t
prom otion t o S taff P aym as t er ; he will be missed at
o ur bow ls; d c., gathe l ingci t hi s sumlner.
La nce Se rg t. A . Dawson has left us on being
posted to Clwster : we expect h e w111 find the work
mu ch less hectic th an in a regimental 0 ffi ce. Lan ce
Se rg t. C. A . J. 1. Fraser has been post ed to vVarley ; he won ' t feel strange as he wa.s previously
st,a.tioned there but he wi ll be mi ssed ve ry much
a t St.. N icholas Church where he was a, m einher of"
the choir , and took a.1l acti ve part in all funct ions
connected wit h the pa ris h. Private F. Armitage has
arri ved from the school a t A ldershot j w e hope his
stay in , i\7a rwick will be a happy one.
Miniature Rifle Club.-News of the pas t qualter must of necessity be concern ed with the one a nd
only past im e IHLn1,ely. riA e shootin g, in whi ch it_
has bee n po ~s ible to indulge in these days of aJa rms
and excursion s, when few' of us have a ny cl ear indication as to wh eth er we are coming or going. At
one tim e w e r eall y d id t hink we wer e on t he road
to r easo ll a ble success-b ut t he team 's tail would
n ot. wa.g ! so we shook ourse lves, a nd that so shook
t he hea.d that now we a re wondering if we shall be
as high on the final list as last y ear. Mystified and
bewilder ed a t erra. tic hooting , even by t he crac k
shots; brou ght, about th e discovery of a loose foresight and an untigh tened backsigh t; " There yo u
a re," ex. claim ed th e ex per t s (ta kin g no blam e un to
t hemsel ves ) , " no wond er we could not shoot. " The
fa ults a re r ectifi ed , wh ereupon the S.S.M. mak es
t hree 99" runnin g and is beate n on th e ver y last
" lap" of t h e season b y a " po ssible" scored by th e
cctEtain (which is as it shou ld be). -Wh a t w e wa nt
rea.lly is a machine in to '",hi ch we can feed targets ,
and a mmuni tion and which. after sufficient t im e
for d iges tion , will produce bt; ll s the while throwing
out a nything und er a 't en'. Ql1ite unofficial of
co u rse !
Captain 'T, Cheadle very sportingly put u p a
clo ck for competi tion, ea ch member choosin g his
h andicap ; t her e were three ti es which ha d .0 be
fired off on one uf the match !lights; the t eam was

I have no arrivals to report in this i.-sue, but the

major pa rt of t he -M ili ta ry Staff have r eceived in structiolJs to hold t hemsel ves in readiness for eit her
Foreign Se rvice or the W aiting List.
Ser g ts.
vVebber a lld Ly th.goe a re for the boa t next Troop er
and S.S.lV'-- Wilson , S.Q. !\:L S. Osbome a nd Ser gt.
Allen a re waitin g . At the tim e of goin g to press
nothing is known as to destin a tion or da t es .
Corona ti on Celebra tion s in E xeter wer e on a pa r
with t hose elsewh ere. On the Sund ay preceding
l\Iay 12th a Civic Church P arade a t Exeter Ca th edral
was held CI,t whi ch repeesentati ve bod ies of Milita ry
and semi-milita ry orga lli sat ions a ttend ed wit h th e
Mayor a. nd' Corporation. The iLlumi na tions of t he
ancient Ca(,Ledral a nd G uildhall were a n in teres ting
feat ure of t he spectacles present ed in a dd ition to
the bunting a,nd oth el' d ecol'ations which were
li bera,l ly displayed .
Rumou rs a re: ti ll current as to the move of th e
Office to mo re s uita ble accommoda tion , but noth in g
is cl eil ni (,e on this point to date.
Cong rat ula t ions a re e xtended to Lieut. Quinn on
r eceiving t he Kin g George VI Coronation Meda l
and to Sta ff Serg t. P lunk ett on joining t he ' Old
Soldi er-s ' wi t h t he awa r d o,f the Long Ser vice and
Good Con J ud Medal.
The la uours of the horti cultura.list s r esponsib le
for th e la wn at the front of t he offi.ce have been
pleasa ntly rewarded , anJ a very co-lou rf ul display of
flo,wer s meets th e eyes of t.he staB , wh en , at som e
infr.equ el1 t intervals . it is po ssible to gaze through
the fron t wi ndows. The th anks of th e st aff are
accordin g ly prese nted he rewith to those worthies for
enlive ning t he view .
The Sec r.eta ry of t he Minjature Rifle Club presents his apologies to other League Club s for this
office' s inab ility to complete th e programme. This
was du e to , a lllong oth er r easons, th e non-a vailability
of a mini at ure r an ge, one rifl e "dying on us' , and
da mage to the telesco pe. "Vi e hastily cabled for a
t elescope fro m th e F leet to remedy the la,tter disa bili ty, but it wO l.l ld appear that the Navy ha,s other
bones to pick tha n this 'urgent l'epair ' .
Th e Sec retn ry hopes to mak e a fres h start n ext
season , opt imi sti caily hoping th at pa ra graph 1 of
these no tes re Foreig n Service doe- not baulk his
a mbi.tions.





short of one of its n sua l men lbe l's t ha,t, n igh t. It

. l 'd 'ts best an d th en wh en all was abo ut over and
( I
I .
' .
ne ex, ha
usted, 1Il comes a f res h , u n t l'i ed a wl7
confi de nt individu al ; was h~ not one of t he tea:rvl~ .
" Th e clock is mi ne," says Ile, and It was so!
Yates was t h e winner a nd he well deserved h iS
su ccess fo r h e has b een beaten . on t he P?st Oil t w)
or three previous occasIOns. We undel stand t h at
on th is occasion he slept a ll t h e afte rnoon , to~k a
n erye to ni c and a ni 'ed at t he ran ge. m a t axI . to
preserve his eq uanimity; still eVen t hIS IS n ot o ffi cl al ~
So , rel uctant ly , we clo'e an other E nloyab~e.season .01
shootill g; we would lI ke to g'o on b ut v. h~~ e we I~
dulge in shoots th e slu g also In dul ges m sh oots,
nice young s uccul en t ones, :l Il U all els.e sh oots too,
t~p ; 'a no,t her t hin g also s hoots, thi S ~llne ?o~r;
RAl i'l I Have vo u seen It? Never mmd , Splln"
is h ere. Sum me l: is comi n g an d so, we k eep h op~n g,
th e m);t hica l good t ime.
Bo " ,,'s.-T h e seaso n has now commellced a nd we
are faced with a ,f ixt ure lIs t of 2.2 match es Wi t h
out side clu bs, apar t from our ow n lIl te r-sectlOJ1 a n d
cup compet itions .
. 1
So fa r we h:1\Ie played t hree mat ch es WIt l.out
r e crl'~terin g a win .ow in g to a num her of ou r player "
o V
er newcom
ers to t he ga m e 0 1' unu se d, t. 0 "o. pen
_gree~ " bowling, but .th e match es an d t n m mlIlgs
have been greatly enJ oyp.d.
\Ne have on ly had on e casualty up' to th e p resent.
-a sen ior m enl b er is - till vel' v h azy as t o wh ere
. the match was , w h at it Wil a nd If so , w hy?
'Ration::;' are s uppli ed fo r home matches at a rate




equi valen t to . th e hi gher r ate; an d ,LW,LY, a.t th e

Il ig her rat e WIth m eal ser vlce elem ent .
Th e g reen at pr esent I ~ not 111 t. he best. of C?~
clition but we are t acklin g It. 1I1 t he n gh t splrJt
- 0 a - to get it in a better condi tIO n even t ha n last
~ea~~n , when we were complimen ted by aIpth e
visiting cl ub s.
Tenn fs .- Th e weath er , so far , has not been kmd
enou gh fo r u s to star t, alt h ough our co ur t is lookin g in fin e co ndi tion . S:Q.M.S. H. J . J ordan was
appoi nted captain of thiS section fo r the prese nt
seaso n.
C 1 1V
Awards,-W e off er congratu la tIO ns to OO\l e
N. J ohn son , D .S. O., a nd. Lieute na nt Vi. A.
\Villiams, M.B. E. , on receivin g H.M . Co ronatIOn
M~~ .
GBneral.- The list of th ose pro cee In g ove rseas
dUl'in er th e com in g troopin g seaso n a nd t hose wh o
are o~ th.e wa i tin g h st was recei ved rece nt ly a nd
Wa rwick is l epr.esent ed by L a nce Sergeant Davles,
Pocklington ;Ln d Fra3er wh o appeal' on t he walt lJl g
. .
The Coro nation h;:s, of co urse b eell the ~o l e tOpiC
of conversat!o n fo r som e weeks pa st , ;l lld I.l ere In
"Varv/icll: t h e celebration.s took t he fo rlll 01 lun ch
in the P :n k for t h e chJl dr211 . sports I ll. t he
iLftel'll oo n, il ll d a bonfi re and fi rewo r ks a ni ght.
U niortun ately, rain s poilt th e latte r, . a nd It was
postponed un til Whit i\'I ond ay . T he offi ce h er e was
one of t he buil din ers ill t he tow n fl ood h g ht!ng p lan ,
;md it loo ks a t~tall y diffe rent pIa e un der ~h e
li g h ts to t,h e official pla ce I t actua ll y I S. . W~rwl ck
Ca t! e was al 0 fl oodJ lt a nn a new depal t ut e was




t he illumination of t h e ground.s in sid e, local cha ri ties

be nefi tin g by t he small charge t hat was made.
O.C.A. Dinner. -N ine m3mbe rs out o [ our total
of six tee n atte nded t h e dinne r and th oroug hl y en joyed t h emselves ; i t was ve ry p leasing to be amongst
old friend s again fo r a few hours. The Dl11n er
Com mi ttee ar e to be co ng ratu lated on th e l'es u lts
of th eir efforts .
Garden PartY.-Colonel V. N. J ohnson, D .S .O.,
Office r if c R ecords, a n d t he Office rs of t he Detach men t , RA .P .C., will be 'at H ome ' to t h e sta ff a lld
t heir famili es on Friday, 23rd JuJ y . Thi s h as n ow
become a n an nual even t , an d is eagerl y looked for wa r d to by all t he 1'< t aff.
It is h op ed t hat th e
weather will be kin cler th a n last yea r, wh en th e
event had to be postponed twice before th e w eath er
decideu in ou r IaVO L,l'.
Boxing.-Many mem bers of t h e office llHve ta k en
an in ter est in t he boxin g shows arra nged in t h e
neighbourhood t his past winter , a na t bose in p a r tic ular who h ave assisted as officia ls, etc. , are to
be cong ratul ated .
Warwick Carnival.-T his is bein g held on t he
26t h .J u ne a nd as usual t he de ta.chm en t a r e ta king
a ll act ive par t, mo re part icul arl y S.Q.M. S. J or cla n .
' Ve understand t hat Maj or H ollin gswo rt h (n ow .l,t
Lichfi el u ) a.lI a Maj or K elly a.r e ",gain ju dgin g t h e
J iLZZ Ba.nd competition- it is hoped t h at all t h e
ha nds will be in cl uded t his year ; t here was a, s li crh t
omission last year!
'. -'
Supplementary Reserve Notes.
To P ri vates H. J . S. Walkley and . ,,,,,T. G. B oydell
\\'e exte nd hearty con gratulations on bein g promo ted
to t he rank of Cm'pOl'al fro m 17t h Feb ru a ry a nd 6th
~la rd.l r especti vely . . Also to Cp ls .. G. C,. R,a p el',
E . H ll'ons an d J . H. Sq Ulres on theli ' appo m tme nt
to L ance Sel'gt. on 9t h iVIay, 4 t h Ap ri l a nd 15t h
:Jl ay.
\""Th a.t a p ity we h ave no Sercea llts ' Me1'<8 a nd
how we wi s h t h ey lived nea rer. '"
Th e trai ning season i sta rt in g a nd we sh aH be
me~tll1 g some of t,h e S.Rs d urin g t he peliod of
t rmmng. 'We t rust th ey win fin d t hi s period as
lllteresting as they d id t h e p eriod last yea l'.
St. John 's House, Warwick.
Dig nity at all Costs.
Once upon a t ime the r~ wa!.' a h ous2, a ve ry , \'er)'
old.ho Ll se,.rellow ned III a ll 1::lIIds fo r it s great bea u ty .
); ow thi S h ouse was occupied b y a Gov er nor a nd
hi s mini ste rs, a nd rig ht well were t hEi r enact men t,
ma de a nd t heir disiI.ll owances en fo rced.
Xow it cam e to pass t hat Lhe Hu lO' of t he 'o un t ry
W il S belllg acclall'necl K in g an cl all goo d li eges we re
ado l'lll ng ~h ell cfomalll s wLt h p,Lt,ri otic fl ags il ncl.
to kell s, wen'cl and wo nderf ul to be hold.
The old, old house stood a lone ill i t , lln ado l'll ed
dig nity a nd beauty.


,LtS t he day of festi vitv a. nd accJama t ion d rew '
n ear th e GO I'e rJl or saj el un t'o hi s mi nist ers " Adonl ed
lI' e must be; se nd in to t he Cap'i ta l t hat s uit able
uecora.tion be g ive n us ill orcler t hat om attitude
m a.y no t be mis ta ken by t he pop u lace. "
Thereupon a loyal a nd hum ble r eq uest was des-patc hed to t he a ncient Capita l of t he la nd. T he
!'equest was refusecl; yeL ill order t'o pacify t he .
loya l li eges a pa rcel was sent for t h ei r use. T hi s
pa r cel bein g ope ned wit h gr ea t rel-e rence was fo u nd
to contain , to t he g rea.t surp ri se o f a ll , a col12ctioll '
of em blem;; belong ing to a ncien t a nd lon o- .l ost
ci vilisations, in deed Some said certa,in of t h e n~ we re .
li ke un to t ha t garmen t a.ffected by a nort hel'll race
a nd calJ ed (it is believed ) 'sp ol'l'ans'.
Iat g reat disg ust t he lieges r etul'!led to t hei r '
tab les a nd co ntinu ed to delib erate t he q ll e tion of
th e p er so na l elemen t at a rate high er 0 1' lower
acco rding to 'w hether one or more had pa l'ta.ken of
t heir eve nin g meal or a ny meal at a ll. se \'era llv'
or in dividua lly . vo lun taril y 0 1' compul so; ily.

""Then the Goyern or h eard of t he mur m urin gs.

he waxed mi gh ty indig na.nt a nd sent fo r his i\b s ter
of Arts sily ing , " if t hou ca nst not hil ng up thi s.
wa s hin g t hat has bee n sen t unt o us t hou s hillt buy0 1' hire a s ui table em blem t hat thi s old hous3 may
n ot remai n na ked: as to wh o sha ll pily fo r thi s [
ca nnot say ."
Then was t here hea I'd t he most m ig h ty deli ber a liOlls w hich mig ht have cont inu ed t he ne-xt
I des o f Ma r ch wit hout avail h ad not the M.A.
seized npon a fe ll ow s ufferer. t ill'U st him i nto his
ch a riot a nd d ri \'en fo rt h to t he sell ers of goods and
m erch a ndi se wi thout. Th en ens ued an a mazin g
co mbing of t h e neig h bouring ll1il rts for t he diyerse
a nd va ri ed p ieces of th e req uired ado rnment: for
leag ues a rou nd t he cou nt ry was searched. labo urers
p ressed in to in s ta nt sel'\'ice a nd money dispensed
and soo n c;'t l'a \'a lls desce nded on th e old old house
fmm i'l:!l qu artE' rs wit h a n asso rt ment of lI'are,
a m,lzing t.o be hold.
Callin g ill el'en t he cooks a nd t he bottle was her
t he 1\1. A . set t hem to wo rk , direct ed well il nd tl'Llly
by a regrese ntatil' e o f t h e Ruler ' ;:; fl eet. ; day a nl1
lll ght t h Ell'e wa s hea rd t h e ham mer and sa w . t lie fl op
o f brlls h, t he pleasa nt bn n t 3r o f t hose w ho wo rk ed
a n d cll rsed at t he wo rk th ev lo\'ed. \i\Then a ll was
readv Sam so n ',vas bronght' fo rth to li ft. ' 0 ea ilv.
t hi s "ma l'I' el o f inge nuity ' into t he pla ce p re pared for
Thu s with ou t t-.he s t l'il in s of mar ti al lll u, ic. wit h.
ou t a chee l' , unn ot iced . on t he Yel'V dav befo rE' t he
g reat Celebration th e ' en lblem fl oated' out ill t he
breeze , il, fi t exp ression of t he loyn ltv wit h:1l all ci
t he dig nity o f the old. old house .
Ho nour was ;-;aLdlecl unci d ig nity rellla in e L
ER K .

Western Command

St. John 's House, Warwick.


Football.- Fo r t he fir st t im e for seYer ;)l years it
was fo und poss ibl to i'U1l a football tea.m two
lllil tc hes bein g p layed a.gai nst teams selected ' from
t.h e staffs of t h e Del)ot. T he Loyal Reo-im ent a lld
one a.gainst t he RA.S.C .
.If t.ll e te.a.m did not cover t hemsel ves
wl th glory Lt showed t. hat ent hu sia,sm a,nd th e wiJi
to win wa.s not lac kin g. It was a pleas in g sigh t to
seE' rn en w hose A rmy days n re now almost forgotte n
talo ng th en' p lace wit h t,h e " Yo u ngsters", nnd i t

i ~ rumO llred that if t,he Nlan age r of Preston Korth

E nd had not been too b usy t,o wa t ch OLl!' d i sp l a~rs
t her e m igh t hal'e b ee n a differen t ta le to te ll at
' Vembley i
Th e first, two ga mes l' suI ted in 3-1 ,,,ne! 4-2
v icto ri es a nd it was only afte r a Yery hard stru ggle
t hat th e Loy,il s su cceeded i n t urni ng t he tableg on
us bv beatilig :IS 2- 1
T ile foll ow~l g si.xteen p layers were called upo n :S / Sgt,. Om erod (Captain ), M r. H arry P rin ce . :'I I 1" .
He ns ha.w. 1\[1'. T{es woncl ha lgh, :'IfI'. 1\Jl1rp h.\, el'gL





- v\iatts, 8el'gt. ~I ehille tR.E.) , L j Sgt. ::\lcCbff erty,

L j Sgt. Street, Cpls. Blackmol'e, Copesta ke, Modder
. and .-\'stlev , :!.., j Cp] s. H an sford and Dunl1 , the
scorers being Mockler (21) , HesJ1lo11dhalgh (2), Cave
(2) and Blackmore (1).
,\le are hoping that next year ,,-e shall be able
to :1ccept t h e cha,llenges which were received from
te,llllS in ba [Ta ~ks towa,rds the end of ih e ~easo ll.
Social Activ itiEs. -Th e annllal Chri stmas Party
fo r children of Mi litary and ciyilia n members of the
staff of the Record ~nd Pay Offi e was h eld on
D ecember 18th. Tea. ,,-as in th e ca nteen (we said
. and mean ' tea') and was followed by a ll elltertainlllellt in the Gal'rison Library. L /Sgt. Billdley "as
a g rea t success ;lS ' Clown and ::\11". F reel dy vVestrope
. an admirable Father Christma s- in fact . t h e most
popular person present' Colon el Bois, ' Officer i j c
Records, l\l:ijor !-Ioward , R.P. , ~lajor Eynon , Capt.
H opk ins, Ca pt. Day ar d Lieut. .-\ Il del'so n were all
Annual Dinn er. - After a lapse of "everaJ years it
was decid ed to reviY e tile cll Etum of holdin g a n
. annual office dinner , and accordin gly, on 31st
' of J anu ary we gathered in the Statio n a nd Victori a
Hotel. a lmost the first la nd mark to be sighted on
. arriva l in Presto n. Colonel Bois, D.S.O ., :M.C. ,
I~l'esided, supported by the R egime ntal Paymitster,
~lajOl' J. S . E ynuu , 1\LC., Capt ain Hopkins, Capt.
Day a nd Lieut. P. A. Andel'Soll. , Ve had an opport.uni ty to m eet our new S.S.M.-S .S.1VI. ' Nhela n on
post ing from Lichfi eld a nd to take farewell of
S.S. ::\!. Hovvard-bound for Lichfi eld . A smoker
followed dinner and we were en t erta ined not only
by professionals, but by Cl wealth of hidd en amateur
talent, Cpl. Smith , baritone ent ertainer , S.Q.M.S.
. Craven , who told us " The Tale of his Life, Sir "
(th e things t h at man ha s clone~) , ::\Ir. Frank L evett



a nd -;\1r. J ack Sta fford who both sang so ng s. :\11'.

H a rry P rince and h is monkey were a lso present.
Chester Races.-On the 4th of Ma,y ' we y isited
Chest,er Races. 'l'be coach left SUlllners H otel (an
old \~'o rld -h o stelry) at 9.30 and after a stop at.
Frodsham , to wet our respecti "e whistles, ani \' eel
in Chester at lunch time, where we made our own
arrangemen ts , and, whatever t hey were, we all got
t horo ughly wet. At 5.;)0 we met in t he Pied Bull
for tea , a nd alllu,:;ed ourselves I!1 our ow n way (usual
RA.P.C_ style) until 7'.30 when we left for Presto n.
Some m eml.: er s of t he party were rathe r reluctant
to leave Chester , but even tua ll y we got u nder way
anci retur ned via the Mersey Tunn el, t he Litherlallcl
H otel (wh ere we called ) and Ruftord (no one seelll s
to remember exactly where in Rufford). lVTa nv wi\-e !3
of memb-ers of the Social and Sports Club- joi ned
us 011 t his outing , etlso ]\IIiss Adrema.
The next Club outin g is to Pilling on t h e bt of
June, but more of that ano n.
Arr ivals, Dep artures, etc .-Sin ce we last app ea reel
in print we have had' to welcome L j Cp!. Dunn from
th e School , L j Sgt. Street a nd Gpl. Cope:3take from
E gYl:).t, Cpl. Astley from Palestine, S . S.M. Whelan
from Lichfi.eld, f.i j Sgt. Cott am from vVoolwich and
last t ho ' not l.east, L jCpl. Hansford from the
School. We have lost L /Sgt. Bind ley to Woking
(we no t ice they have start ed gloating already ) ,
Sgt. Hoberts to Chath am , S j Sgt. Jones to pension .
S.S.fi1. H oward to Li chfield , L j Sgt. Searle to
Chath,lIP :1nd Co rporal Mock ler to Command Pa:-r
Offi oe, Edinburgh , wh er e, we und er sta nd , h e is enjoying a well -earned rest. L j Cpls. Bladmore, Smith
and Kin caid have been promoted to COl"ll)o rals,
L j Sgt. Ma cClafferty to Sergt. and we h ave to COllgratulate Cp!. Blackmore on his marri a ge at East er
and L j Sgt. Orch ud on the birth of a cla.u ght er.

Commands Abroad
m ember s. families and friends .
Trams ' transport ed u s from A bbassia to the riyer
steamer. Ap,prop riately enou gh for t,he D etachm en t
the n ame of the steamer was the "P uri tan". It
was a delightfully cool day. Lun ch was seryed on
th e boat a nd s ports were indul ged in during the
a'[tel'll oon. These sport,s were shown on the pt'ogramme a.s " chi ldren' s sports" , but races \\'ere
arrang ed for th e young and the ;l,ged. The course wa s
down a slope. In t he " young soldier ' " race (qualification less t han 21 years' se rvice) a certain Quartermaster Sergean t was po sted at th e foot of the slope
and competitors h ad to go r ound him a nd then back
to the startin g point. It, wanted :1 ce rta in amount
of plu ck to stand and await the orLsla ugh t of our
" young sold iers". Th ey're off' Down the slope
t hey charged a nd the in e vitable h a,ppened. Th e
fir st wave, hefty young co rporal s a nd sergea n ts
stl'll ck the Q. _f.S: abaft the beam and h e was ca rri ed
som e te n yards before hitting the deck. Th e wa "e
coll a psed and the 'old ' young so ldiers in t he second
wav.e were left to complete the cours e at a stead:-'
trot. The r esuJt, caused a. certaill amo un t of a lt er ation in the plans of the comm ittee as t he p ri.-;e
was originall y chocolate but th e r es ul t necessi ta l ed
a n amendment, "Fo r 'chocola,te', r ead 'bottles o[
beer '." The old soldiers' r ace (qualifi cation oy er
21 years' but under 45 years' se rvi ce) was a mu ch
steadier aff air and t he ga llant old ge ntl emen d id
not unduly bother th e staff Sergt. who had t.a ken
t he p lace of the Q.M.S. at th e foot of t h e slope.


, Vlwt a n excitin g quarter! .-lnnual Inspection,

Ban ,'ge Outi ng, hol'days, Coronation celebratio ns,
new ~ yst em s a ll d , of course, our wedding , have te
be r ecorded.
Weddings are pe rhaps t he st art of all of our
-troubles, some smaller tha n oth ers , so we will open
with a short description .
On 7th .-\pril , 1937 , S. j Sergt. V in e wa s ma rried to
)Iiss M. H iggi nso n, daughter Qf S .Q.lI1.S. Higginson.
Th e ceremo ll Y was p.eriol'med in t h e St. George'5
'Garri son Church and the church \,,;lS packed. The
proceedings went without CL hitch-perh aps the bridegroom seem ed a iittle nervous but that was quite
understandable. Th e bride look ed po itively radian t as she came up the aisle on the arm of h er fath er
who incidentally also seemed a little Il er vous.
The reception ", as h eld in th e Sel'geant s' :Mess a lld
wa s enj oyed by over 100 .guests. The wedding spirit
was very eVId ent and Jade d eyes too,k on a new
spark le. A yery jolly dance was held in t he evening .
The preliminary parade t he n ext day for the
Annual In . pectiOli by t he .A reil COJTIlll a n'der was a
'{ery different matter a nd sparkling eyes were not
so eVId ent. The actual parade a nd in spection took
place on 12t,h April 8,nd judgin g by t h e complimentary remarks from all and SU lldry we fee l that our
high standa rd of previous years hns been maintained.
The .-\.nnuaJ Outing to the BalTage WitS held on
'"' un dny , 9t h }\ (ay, 1937, and wa s attended by 150




Wedding Group.



Marr'la g eo f Sj Sgt. Vine and Miss

I n 11.oint. of fact some of t he competitors never

l'eached hlJn at all. As the "old g ua rd " ambl ed u
t he slope to .the ,fimslullg point t heir breathin~
~~ ulld ed. more !tke a n escape of gas. Many old scorc~
eJ.e_ WIped off by th e spectators in t he va ri ed remalks and shouts of encoura,O'ement 1'1
' did
le not
co apse
iof the "011CU' ll S' .' a ft er t Ilell'' '"exe rtI.ons
las t
~.Ilg,. as the Il e~~ race was the Laches' Race a lld it
,~as C" case of
up skn ts a nd at ' em"
What .,
stlmulatlll g effe ct thi s Ind
, 011 t'he o lel so Id'lers.I TI l ere<
was no t urn up for t he book as the leadin g place'
were filled by the 'youllg ' young ladies, al thouerl~
bv,I tIle '011e el' ' YOUIl.<'
I' . fastP tImes were returlleel
. '
w. . I I '
a ern oo 0n
el ~ Il eac leC III t he moullted events :md t here was
collls le,erabl e co ngestloll to witlle. s the finish of t1~'e
I ae les race.


M. Higginson.

9~ell. a nd b trul.y t,rounced. Our opponents collected

luns efOI.; tea a nd we were optimistic enou h
to suggest t hat they batted Cl, second time to eri~e
us sO~le sort of. a game . . 'W heth er our friend ]v ri~'als
~octtI~d the WIcket dunng th e tea interval is' a matel 01. co n lecture; s uffi CIent to say we were all out
,wltlull half a n hour for the magnificent sco re of 28
The tea tIm e gossIp as r egard s batting a second
tun e wa,s forced down Our throats when t he
gestecl. t hat we had anoth er knoc'- H I
y Stugutl I
't f '11
vve accep e
WI 1 a ac n y u y co nvinced that Ollr first ers
t' . _
. 0: .n. " ,
1ereI v a repeItlOn of ~he . fwst Innlll gs a nd the R . r:L
" F . d efea t,e d
11 ' b '
y a n 1Illlln gs and some odd runs.
' Now 1'01' t hat Biscui t ' was th e slo cran o f
oppon ents.
We had .a g ra nd nig ht in the Mess" I'll
co IlS]St eeI 0 ,< l11'll la
' rd s, ~ n ooker darts .sl-I'ttl e games
b aa e " I . I I f .
.' "
, "es. cn k'n , :SlOve-la. pellny , d01111110es and phat. ' The
eel~ n es~.dl spl ay.ed . was tremendo us. Th e crib a nd
sho, e-h ,1Hpelln." players were obviousl
I' hi
stnm g a,nd frequ ently r eq uired the servi!es ~~g y.
m~sseuse. Backwards and forwards th e ba~t~~
1;-~.a1ed. A severe bombll1g attack by the " Pha t"
. Ig It was neutralIsed by brilliant work by our
Dom ll1oe plato~n , who consistently risked a ll on a,
s_lIl g l~ throw- th e double blank". It was onl b
kleepm g the game open 111 this way that we ~ep~
~leTl1 at ba.y. Gleeful shouts min gled with rrroaris
~L.lllloun c~d to the world t hat in f>Ome corner ~f t h e
t ' h ad been
. . r epell ed. Our 0a l v~c 1)~,,1t Y' .1la d
be " .a laId
, el ._ 111 s . r~ ?t . tra l1l~ng fo r t he lend erin g of "Poor
?od l~oblll but, tIllS co uld ha rdly be put. into effect
,LS t e filial r esults were 24 oerames :111. The RAF
~here fore ,gl~)I'lOu ~ly failed in heir attempt to' c~p~
1~ll e the ~~ISC Ul t - llLlt. what a l1e:1r t hing ' H ard
b ck , B..A.}. A splendId evellln g and nothing would
e lllore welcome to us than Cl, further chall en ge.

Te,1 \\'a s a welcome interlu de and the bO:1t left

' b I
ru retul.
I I ,n Journ
t l ey at abo ut 6 I).HI
. . T. om
0 ,),s
fast. I C UrIllg l e .return journey and hearts beat
t ,el and fasLer -J,'/,t~l stentorian voices put an end
Ere Yo u .are" . ,'\ vely
' Ilappy
o ~ u s p e n s e Wlt.h
0 11

Coronation Day was c:debrated ill Cairo bv a

parade and march past at Gezim in t he mon;ill
and .a show at t he . am e place in the a fternoon 'm~
eV enmg, terminating with an excellen t 'firewo rk di _
m s~rgea~ts ' dMesS.-Our fUIl Ct ioll s have been ve ry
q ue ~l en] o?e , dances, et c. being held faIrly freRueny : '. 7I/e were aL home to our friends o f th e
?yal. All Fo rce on Saturd ay , 22nd May, 1937. A n
;1abo l ~~~e a nd, spl e~ld l dly worded challenge for t. he
h ISCbUl
' Y:lS r eceIved. from t hem (this chnJlen ere
8S een fl a med and IS IlOW "o n the lin e" J' tlO
1 ess)
. _
. 11 1 e
th' . l~ un con lllJ.enced WIt h a cr icket match
it f e a[te] !lOon. P erh aps one could hardly call
un especlally from our point of view as we were








Billiards.~It was with regret tlHLt we said " Au

re\'oir" to the E gyptian Sta t e Railway Cup . . This
is a grand trophy ope n to all teams III Cano ,
militar '{ a nd civilian, a nd used to occupy a prominellG
position amongst ou{, silver, vVe were drawn against
t he station H eadquarters, R .A .F., in th e first roun d
a nd , e\'er t he optimists, took the cup down with
us-a bad om en. Vole all felt th at if we could get
over this hurdl e we had a good cha nce of agai n COllt est in g the finaL Perhaps it was the different tables
lhat affected our play; suffi cient to say that th e
old g uru'd , S.Q,M,S. Black, Sergts, Tappenden and
So,werbv , won their games whi lst S,S.M. Rooker.
S j Sgt. Morris and Sergt. Jord an lost and although
level in games we were bea,t en 011 aggrega t e. H ard
lu cl,- a near thin5'
The garrison C. of K Champion sh ips commence
in the n<:a r future. ,,,le have a good number of
ent ri es from the Detachment a nd hop e to annex a
trol~ h y or two.

Rifte CIUb.-Shooting on the Open Range finished

with our Sudan Trophy shoot which too~ place on
19th March . A month's intensive tra.llllng was
arranged prior to the shoot in which an added interest wa,s the award of a cup by Captain O. P. J.
Rooney for the highest. score. This was WOll b~
S .Q.M.S. Black with the score of 79: The rest ot
the team failed to ri!'e to the occasion our score
of 519 being 44 points below last year 's figures.
On the Miniature R a nge w e have been without
the services of S.Q.M.S. P. Black whjch no doubt
affected our position in the L eague. W e have
entered a team in th3 Sergeants' Mess S.B .. Lea gue
Egypt Command and ou r first m at ch w~l?h was
against t he 1st Royal No~th~lInberland Fus lhers resulted in a win for the l' uSlhers by 7 POllltS.
Cricket.-So far. the Goddess of Luck has not
been in attendance' for we have played six matches ,
two of which have been d:rawn a nd foul' lost_

Area Commander's Inspection, Cairo.

Th e 'excitement during th e last w eek among
office rs and other ranks <,t the imm edi ate prospect
of 'sha ring t he Sgt Major 's old-tim e privilege ?f
dra wing the Higher Rate .of ratIOn allo\\'ance a d lib
led the wri.ter into the vam hope of someon e burstin g forth into verse, 01' at least v iv i 1 prose, for publication. ",re hereby , n evertheless , chall enge them .
and others , to do justice to such a t heme m ,L
s ubse.qu ent issu e !
, .
General.-vlle congratlllate M aJor G. H. W llh ams
Oll his award of th e King George VI CoronatIOn
. On 8th IVJal'ch we welcomed Lt.-Co l. B.ogel's and
S.Q.M.S . Bril!l SOITl in a breezy intedude t~ the
" daily round" fo r a few hours, off a troopshIp on
th eir : way to the F a r East , a nd would stress how
deli O' htecl we alwJ,Y:s are to see a,ny Co rps personnel
whoo CiLn get a shore here. Ju st a,sk to be piloted to
Fortress Headquarters I

We have yet to strike the winning vein which

should not -be far distant, now th at the new comers
to t he side have become ~ sed to " lo cal conditions " .
W e welcome Captains Ellicott a nd Ha,ggard to
the team .
Tennis.-Since the last notes, much tenni s has
been indulged in by all (probably due to the fa,ct
tha.t we were able to Wltness B a ron VOll Cmmm 1Il
action during the Cairo Intern a tional Championshi,Ps
at Gezira) and t h e committee has no,w a hrge chOI ce
when deciding on a " well balan ced" t eam.
W e have reoently had two friendly match e;'
against the Ezbek ieh Services CI~lb a nd each team
en joyed a decisive victo ry on theIr own courts .
DUI1n g the Whitsun Holiday s, a n American
H andicap Tournament was arranged and so num erou s
were the entries tha t only half of th e games were
completed by Whit-Monday.





Valete.-vVe ba de farewe ll to Lt. -Col. F ennell and

family on the " Dilw ara" on 4th A pril, and to Ma jor
Bla ir fin ally on 19th April. We wish them all
ha ppiness in their Hew stations.
Salvate.-We welcomed Lt.-Col. Oldham and
family , Capt. Lall1bert and Sgt. HOl'l1by recentlv
and trust they will enjoy their foUt' yea rs on th~
" Rock " .
Sergeants' Mess.-On 24th F ebruary we entertai ned the members of the RA .M.C. Sgts.' Mess at
a ve ry enjoyable games evening.
'''' e play "crick et" regularly on our dart board
and have to record that Sgts. Riddington and
Hornby scored 310 for 5 wickets on 31st March, and
S . Q.~\I.S. Mill s and S.S.M. Deacon , recently, 502 for
10 . wickets.
vVe are not suggestin g anything clever, but would
li ke to hear of rea ders' better performan ces " wit.h
the bat" .
S. S.M. Stenning enli vened the solemnity of Ollr
las t -hour of Poker Dice on 5th May by d eftl y pro du cin g " 5 Aces in olle". "Ve do not know how
frequent,! y this happells , owing to ou:' non-mis.sp ent
yo uth, but suggest that the way 111 wh ich this
occasio n was c~lebrated was singul a rly appropriate.
S.S .M. Stenn1l1g, however , sti ll maintains h e was
llnlu cky.
Cricket.-Th e Corps was hon oured in th e selection of S.S.M. Deacon to ,s kipp er the Oth er Ranks
~eam v. The Offi cer" in the garrison game w hich
lI1 aug urated the season on 25th ApriL Hi s contribution was 3 wickets for 26 run s.
Th er e followed a week's visit b y a York shire
Gents XI which was almost completely ruined by
r ain .
Despite obvioLls diffi culti es
(RA.P. C. total
st,ren.gth here, IS only 15) we decided to carry on
runnlllg a cl'lcket team with the promised aId of
two members of th e A,KC., a nd were r ewarded bv
all pxcell ent initial vi ctory on 13th May over ou\'
old fl'lends the RA, lVI. C. bv 8 wickets. Good bowlin g and keen fielding kept,' their score down to I~O
and a fin e knock of 82 by David Deacon mad e th e
rest easy.
HockeY.-Staff and D epartm en ts brot! O'ht th e
most successful season in th eir history to <:> a close
011 14th Apri l by being beaten 3-0 by the 2 j R
Norfolk Regt., new com ers and a splendid team in
the fi~Hd of th e Inter-Regimental Cup.
Ti1 eir
season s figures of-Played 62, won 42 drawn 11.
lost 9, goals rOl' 239, against 99-speak for themseh :es: and one of out' representatives did not miss
a smgle game!
. Tennis.-On 24th Febru a ry our tennis represe nta ~I ve gave us a very pleasant " planned " tournam ent
In whI ch we enjoyed a differ ent partn ership in
each set of 7 games. Mrs. NIce proved the winnin O'
lady nnd David Deacon the winning gentleman. b
On 25th March new a, rnvals and those due home
were all prese nt a t a, most enjo~r ab l e " whist -drive"
toyrn ament-cum -"at hom e" on "A" court. Th e
wIIHler. was Roger Deaco n with 15 points (out of
a pOSSIble 20) a nd runn ers-up Mrs. Deacon and
S.Q. ~.LS. Prowse ea?h with 14 points.
" II! t he senIOr tenl1lS league we have made a good
beg,lI1ll1n g WIth WillS ov er the B..N . D epot and
RA.M.C. , and a dmw with RA.S,C.
On the 25th May we were rather unlu ckil y defeated br the RA . .in the inter-regimental knock -out
competItIOn, HI whlCh we ha,d th e t emerity to enter
a team, by 5 sets to 4 . Our tea.m consisted of Lt.Col. Olcl ham and Major Askin: S.S.M. D eacon and




S.Q.NLS. Owen: S,Q.M.S. Prowse and Sgt. H01'llby ..

Th e last-lI amed a re provlllg a hot pall' and won all
their sets.
. Hong Kong Calling.-H ey nonn y nonny ~ Summ er
IS a cummul.
Green turf, dai sy challls, pretty
mmd,en s, nut bl:owu ale, leafy lanes, t he white top s
of the busm.ell s ha t s, yellow sands, peppermint
rock , the smlle 111 Grandma ' s eyes as she gingerly '
c rack~ that rheum a tIc finger , and a thousand and
o~n e SIgns and portents of the silly season in Merrie .
England remlllcl us that we are ex iles.
Here, the 10llg sweat. has just begun. Th e temperature 18 111 th e llInetles a nd the humidity around '
the hundred . Portly Warrant Officers no longer walk
t,o t he office, but lll ay be seen reclining in expensive .
100k1l1g cars, ' the.H' cheeks mcarnadln e, t heir eyes .
refiectl\re a nd their h ea,rts tr?ubled at the frightful
cost of hVlllg. III the hot still Tllghts \-'i ldows think
of remarrYll1g and hu s bands haye kind thoughts of '
absent WIves.
The last trooper d eparted on April 16th. We said goodbye to Sergeant True, Mrs. True and young .
Hal'old: V\re are sOlTy to lose them a nd hope that
the! Wi ll be po st ed to a congenia l station at Home.
No soo ney had the ' due Home next one old bov'
bngade fimshed marking off their ca.Jendars wh; n.
III walked S, Q. M. S. Bradshaw straight from Sho ,, -b~ll'yness. The di _ tingL1 i s h ~ d and charming ly eccentuc gentleman who orgal1lses :'he domestic sid e of'
th IS office at ?n ce plied him with questions, utterin O'
.gloom~ warl1ln gs as to t he cODditions of brushes~
scrubbm g, ~I S left by out-going tenants, making
ora r pronoun c: em~nts re .climate, prickly heat.
the cost of It vlll g, If marned , and probing th e,
finanCial , moral a ll ~l psychologlca.l condition of t h e
new ar l'l va l a ncl hI S famil y in one and the sa me
S.Q.M.S. Bradshaw proved more t han equal to
the t as k of l'eplYlllg. ~e smiled serenely, said '
nothmg , a nd was Immed Ia t ely seized by S.Q.M .S.
Pltth am , ou " office tenms l'epresentati ve and secre tal'Y to th e Armv ten ni s scheme Hon O' Kon O'
" It was most" opportun e of S.Q . M~S . B:::~d sh aw
to arnve a,t t Ins moment," cooed the dulcet, voi ce
of the te l1n~s sec ceta ry , for t he vel'~r next day the
a,nny al tenlllS matc h. Command v. R.egimental , was
takmg place. W o.uld S.Q:M.S. Bradshaw play?
He wou ld a nd dId , proVIng a ~owel' of strength to ,
th~ RegImenta l s~ d e. He and Ius partner, S.Q.M.S.
J\lhller , won th eIr gam es,. However , one mickle
doesn't ~ake a mu ckle, and Command, with all the,
t<1lents at t heIr chs po sal, won th e match .
The occa,s i.on was m arked by t,he final o f the Lang
Cup, a tel,IIIlS .trophy: co mpeted for annua ll v by th e
offi ce staff, CompetItors, i: ncl t hat lIlcludes every- .
one a nd anyo ne ',vho knows th e difference betw een
love fifteen and [o\-,e t hirty (just twi ce as expensive)
a re di VId ed II1tO two. sections and handi capped wit,h
a~l 1I1ge nLllty tInt I a.lmost devilish..
flOm t he lon g drawn c ut struggle, which for ruth Jes' ness rIvals the Spani sh wal', came t he genial
counte n a nc~ of S.Q,M,S, Ha,rman , and-d ar e we,
men tIOn It ?- th e chief handicapper- S.Q.M.S_
S.Q,.M.S. Pitt.ham won t he trop hy 6- 0, 6-2. The,
match, howe ver. was not so on e sided as tbe score
sugges ts. S.Q.,M.S. Harm.a n p ut up a r eally good'
fi~ht, mos t of th e games gOlllg to deu ce seye ral times,
With m a ny IOll g ra ll ies.





After ten, a nd oth er liquid r efr2shJll nt s, for whi ch

\y e h aye to t hank t h e D etach me nt Offi cer s who we re
our kind hosts , t h e cups a n d shi eld s were p resented
-t o t h e w inn er s by M rs. Smy t h , wife of our A .C.P .
T he C .P. , Colon el Light loot, mad e a sh ort sp eech
i n w hich he too k t h e opportunit y of w ishing bOil
voyage to S.Q.M.S . a nd :Mrs. ~lill e r wh o a re d ue
to sail for H om e on S.S. "Ra j putana " on :;" fay 1st .
T he C.P.s rem.I ,k s w er e l' eart~ lv endo r serl bv t h e
wh ole D eta chm ent. " Dusty " , as 'h e is affectiOl't ately
kllow n to all , h ~tS wo rked tremendou sly h ard fo r
th e D et.. chment. U nlik e so m any so cial o rs
his prese nce h as b een felt r athe r t h an hea rd , a nd
ev ery t hin g h e h as do ne ha,s beeIl ma rk ed by a, quiet
efficiency a nd tact. To Mr s. M iller w e ex t end our
very best w ish es for t he fut ure ha ppin ess an d prosperity of t h e famil y.
Hos pi ta,b le a n d generou s
min ded. she will b e m issed by everyo n e, a n d n ot
least by t h e sin gle mem bers of t h e D et achm ent w ho
h a\'e al way s been m ade so welcom e.
At th e same t im e a s we said a u reyoi r to S.Q.M.S.
M i.llel' . we \\'elco med t h e w~ves a.n d fami lies of
8.Q.IV( S . Bradsha w , Ser geant s Bu rrows a.nd Fillch ,
t h e la tte r two h g ar ri ved. in t h e Colony early
ill A p ril . "fil e' ru st t h a t t h eir sta.y h ere will be
pleasa,nt an d en ioyable.
Owing to t h e hot wea t her th e 80cial a n d s porting
a,ct ivities of th e Offi ce a re more o t' less cur t ail ed.
V,l e pla yed o ur last crick et match of t h e seaso n
a gai nst t he Chi nese R ecreation Clu b at Ca useway
B ay on t h e 21 st J a nua ry , a nd lost by 49 runs, T s ui
vVai Pui , t h e Colony tenni s cha mpion a n d D avis
Cup play er , ma kin g 118 ru ns ont of a total of 19l.
Colo nel L i gh tfoot. k nocked up a styli sh 39 a nd
1 ergeant
B urrow score d 32 fo r t h e D et achm ent.
T he m ont.hly offi ce sh oots cont inu e. Recently t h e
m ini a t ure l'an-ge h as been ref m bished a.n d coni forta,ble mats h a,v e b een provided t.o ease t h e tu mmies
. <tnd oth er po rt io ns of t he fi rel's' a na tomy , wi t h a,
r esultan t impr ove m ent in scor es. Th ere a re several
very use ful sh ots am ong t h e p erson nel a nd i f eve"
w e ' h ave to de fend t h e P [lY O ffi ce a.gain st a, for eign
a agreSSOl'. t h er e is no dou bt t h at t he a ttack ers will
b~ co nsid,e rably sur pri sed at th e a.ccu racy of th e
fi r e pow er p roceedin g from t,he A d r em a Room and
sun d ry other st r ategic posts. J nt ernational spies
a nd obsery ers pl ease n ote.
T al king of ob servers , I a m . u b consciou sly [Lwa,r e
o f t h e r.e proachful eye of m y Section L ead er fo cu ssed
on th e ba ck of m y n eck. Gentle r ea der , it is t ime
t o st op a nd start t ickin g bills.

S ince th e publicatio n of th e la st notes from Nlalaya

t h e st a tu s of th e Comma,n d P ay Offi ce. }.I[alaya , has
b een ch a n ged . To t hose of us wh o h av e seen t h e
big expan sio n in t h e M alayan Garrison a.n d th e
con seq uen t in c rea se in fin an cial m atters , it was n ot
: urp ri sin g t h at i t wa s con sid ered n ecessa ry t o
a ppoint a Chief P ayma st er as Comma,nd Paym aster
In consequ ence,
a,nd T reasury Ch est Offi cer.
Colonel T. L . Rogers , O.B .E. , a rrived in Sin gapore
o n 3rd April , 1937 , and ass um ed d uty as C. P . and
T. C.O. W e co ngratula te him on his promotion an d
hope t h at his st ay in Maby a w ill b e a pleasa nt on e.
Oth er a l'l'i va ls were Sergts. Mo d.ey , Fox , Wil son ,
L a.wson , J , M ills a nd Went .# Th ey h av e now become a,cclim atised a n d ar e fast acq uiri n g t h at know
ledge of 'M ala ya which distin gui sh es t h e " Old
. C oloni als" from t h e "New Chums".


Se rgts. ~ ew son a nd B row n h a ve depa.1'ted fo r t h e

U. K . a,Ll d have, w e h ope. fo un d st at io ns to t h eir
likin g.
Cong ra t ula t ions to S j Sergt . L [tngh am , Sergt. f.
G . Thom as a nd ~j Sgt . J ames on t h eir pr om otion to
ran ks a s s t a.t ed .
On 4t h M ,U'ch , 19,37, S.Q.NL S. Row LlIld w a~
m a,rried a t St . A n dr ew 's Cat h ed r a,] to 'Miss vVol,t lw ,
l ate of Sa.lisb u:'v . wh o h ad a rr i ved on t h e S,\l~l e
m o'rn in g on H . 'I' . Dilw a ra . T h e bride was eO'iven
a wa y by Lieu t.-Colonel H . Gol.din g , O.B.E. . a n d
1"11's. P ea,r ce a ct ed a s }.Il a t,ron of Ho nour : t h e d ut ies
of best ma n w er e carried o ut by C . Bal'l1es,
D .C. M. A fter t h e ceremon y ,t recept ion w a s h eld
a,t Col. Goldi ng's r esidence a nd t he to (l,sts us ual
to such a.n au sgicious occasion w er e h onou red ill
wh ole-h earted m a nn er. Th e ve ry best w ishes o f
th e D et achm ent for t h eir futu re li a ppin ess are te n
clered to S Q .NLS . a.nd M rs. Rowla nd.
T he coming troopin g season w ill see many ch a n ges
in t he p ersonnel of t hi s offi ce. Out of a t ot ai s t r en gth
of 3D offi cers a n d oth er r a nk s, on e t hi rd ar e du e
fo r relie f a nd t h e a rriv al of the list of reliefs is
b eing awa.itecl wit h mu ch eage1'll ess, in order th at.
t he probabl e cl1 a nees o f a ni ce ~tation m av h e co n side red .
Th e a rri val o l t h e t roc l)shi p D ilwara on 4t l~
Ma,rch , 1937 , b l'oil ght more 'families to in cr ease t he
detachm en t stren gth . Fo r t h e p resent t hey a re
located on t h e islan d of P ul a u B rani , but a s ei ght
n ew q ua rt ers a re b ein g b uil t at F o rt Ca nnin g it is
expect ed t h a t all P a y Corps fam ili es w ill b e quart e red t h ere wit hin the next few week s .
The cosmopolit a n po pulation of Sin gapo re sh o\\'ec1
its loyal ty to t h e Ki ng in no uncert ai n m a nner
durin g Coron ation Week. Th e d ecora t ions in t h e
st reet s, th e li gh t ing of publi c b uil din g a n d t h e fire wo rk s display s a n d p rocession s by va.r iou s communi ties provided ::meet a.cle.s whi ch ev en London could
not produce . Two la r ge crowns li t up' at ni gh t ou
Fo r t Cannin g reser voir wer e visib le for m il es a nd' a
sea,);chli g ht di spla y fr om th e ,sC),m e po sition w ,tS v er)'
eff ecti ve. U nfortunately , t h e principal la nt el'\1 procession by the Chin ese sect ion w as m a n ed by h ea y y
tropi cal rain, b ut even t hi s setb ack did not da m p
the ~trdo ur of t h ose t a kin g part.
The sp ortin g activities of m emb ers o f t h e deta ch m ent have b een curtailed owin g to t h e incl em en t
w eat her . T h e clerk of t h e weath e\' h a.s an unsportsm a nlike h a.bit of openin g t h e fl oodgates wh en
leiost expected a nd usu ally w h en som e fixtUl'e h as
b een arran ged. ,\Ve still k eep hopin g , h ow ev er , t h a t
som e r eall.v fin.e w eath er w ill come soo n and "dvan t itge will t h en be tak en of t h e oppo rt uni ty to l'e(ln c('
surplu s a. voirdnpois .
M J .D .

Si nce t h e last. Notes it gr ea,t d eal h as h a pp en ed

wit hin ou r D et achme nt a nd firstl y I m ust r eco rd t h e
tn1 a ic death of Captain F. O'D ri seoll on W hit Nl on day, 17t h M a y , 1937 . H e was in " h a~'ness" un t il
t h e O ffi ce closed on Sa t urd <ty , wa s ad nutted to h os pi tal on Mo nday morn in g a nd di ed sud denl y :-It
4.45 p.m . th e sa m e day.
H e w a.s buried w ith f ull militar Y h ono11rs on t he
foll owin a dilY. Th e wllole D e.t ach men t suppo rt ed
by all tl~ e Civ ilian St aff , attend,e d . Eight Ca.p tain ::
aCted a,s Pa,ll B earer s , and eigh t of th e D etachm ent
ca,rried h im to his last r est ing pl ace. Th e Com m[ln c1
P ay m ast er (Col on el Ch a rlton ) ' s up ported by M a jor
P ew sey and M a jor M or an follow ed Mrs . O'Driscoll.
M iss O' D r'; scoll and Mrs . P ewsey , :;Lnd th e






1:~m:aiI1d e r of t he D eta chment a n d the Ci\'iIia n Staff

c<l!u e( t he ma ny wl'eat hs whi ch had beell reeei \'ed
I ,he Ban d [l nd Bu g lers of t he 1st Duk e of vV elli na~
t on s l~egt. a.ttended a. nd t he F ir in g P a rt
. Od
elsco rt or 1 Offi cer a nd 108 m en wer e furnisl~~d'lb .
t l e 2ud Bn . R Ifl e Brigade.
T he wreat hs, which were bea utiful , we re se nt b
all U m ts III cl'l alta, a lld included Th e Ofli ,y
R. A .P. C., Th e W.O .s a nd N. C .O .s of the D I tcells,
P C . , 'I' h e C'IVl.Jan
e a ece1m en t ' R . ~L\....
Sta.ff of t he Offi
he .o ld Comrad es j\ ssoci ation RA P C . d th '
O~~'J'lSOIl Sergea n ts ' M ess .
, . ~ . . . , .I n
th lh e ;Ylmp~ t h y of t.he wh ole Detachment here a nd
e woe Corps, goes out to M rs. O' Dri scoll
he,r fa mIly III t heir gr ea t berea,veme nt.
a lld
D I aLso regret ,~o s t,~te th a t L t .-Colon el H. R. W .
a ws.o n who , ,tS n 1y las t not es stat ed , h a d left
Hdel slu ch sa,.d Cl1 'CLlm stances, is still ye ry ill in
. ~ sll?~ ta at MIllb a nk . Th e latest news received i~
Ja l l om comfo rt lll '"
Amidst t hese sa ct t im es t her e is h appilv m ' I t
reco rd HI .the lI g hter yein .
_. , uc 1 0


< . el s las n e ver beell surpa.ssecl Stra da R al

a p le
' t m ,e a n d m a ny other
I Illd
cl eed ,.
Ra rt s of ect hee
s. an _w ere .decorated. a t ve ry -great .ex;ense Th
l~oces~lOn of D eco ra t ed Ca r s throu gh Vallett~. an~
e p l oeesswn
111 t he Gr
d H Jf bD ecor a ted Boats
' . D g ll alsas
, ' et c
an - aI' our wer e spectaCles of b '11'
11 la n ce.
1 he troops were 011 d t
fi red a feu-de-'0' f '
u y on ?rona tlOn N igh t a nd
G ran d H b J 1 T10hm t he B a.StlOl1 S s unounding th e
a 1' our.
e R.A F squa d'
, ' d,

ftedt' ~i~,~~~~R: o:~de~h:
Ar - I
'M :
per ec lon .

rlva s.-~\I~i1. J O l' a nd 'Nhs P ewse

Mrs: . Bailey a ll d S.Q .lvl.S a Y :. , . . M . a nd
fanulles, and t he fami li es of Ser~d M r" . Col e a nd
Gra nt h ave a rri ved ilnd we exte td Ma rk s a nd Sel'gt .
welcome a nd t ru r:,t t h ey
i n t o th em a h earty
Promotion -S S 'I . m
S ay lave <1 pl easant st a.y .
.1 . H .
cott w as a
. t d
P?OIl1 e
W a rran t Off\ cer Class 1 on 27t l "
~, IJ congra tulate hi m. Unfortuna~ F eb(fu:Ll'Y a nd w e
soon. pa ckin g for his de a rt ' e y 01 us) he was

Certa in .d ea d -eyas a r e reported t O

orde red sm table cabin ets to hold tl e h ave alrea dy
!la 'f,e alread y (Ill a.n ticipa ii o n) lifted t~Iophiesf t h ey
u t ure notes.
.. .
r e 0 this
'111 Jeru ~al e )
"S M . S co t
t (now
i1C ua y a n easy wi n.ner of tl
\. .'1
- , m ~ as
Pa.lestine papel:~ please copv~ e f pn wood en spoon .
S.S.M . Lovenng wa nt t 0- k
four shots went The C~ " 1 P 1l1? W w h ere the oth er
0 Ice ha ve been ca.lled

:,~kl~g ;:t~;nec~~sa~~al~~~~lge~~;nt~O f!a.~~~t~~fe ~~~,


a.nd wish th em .~Lll th'e bes~ ~1.tlu~~rry t o lose

."', e l ecelved a hurned visit from S .S.M
Pl el s. Plowm a n en rout e to' U K
. (now Lt.)
mornlll g with us.
. e sp ent a. h a ppy

Billiards and Snooker.-'\i\7 wel.e

'm our G a rri son Mess Con et t
. m?re successful
S / Sat L
l pe 1 IOn s thl S y ear

1 0
a wren :e bea t Ser gt H
fin-a.l of t he biJ\ia~'d s and S / Sat 'Wr,~;ti n es in the
n (R. A. O. C. )
b eat Sgt . Gn1ntin t h e fin al<>of th <
V',7 e . have rece ntly ha d ; , wond e. f snoo~er. .
wa tc hlll g exhibition s of H orace
uJ , eXpel'lell ~e III
b ourn e Inm a.n. WJlO spen t a. fort l1l. gl~ l um a nd M elto Chin a.. Our standa rd sI ld It hel:.e en route
soon Impro ve- I
wond.e r ?

Ser gt Morgan co ' ld 't

plained'tha t it w as \bl~l k ~ee owndt h e ba rrel, com't ' c e up , an th en found the
bol t was still I'n
.. "
POSl Ion .
F U'll1g a t "sna p" fi. all reS of m en S / S t L
sat d _he' d .stru ck his l':ta n in th e " ;~cul !r;' a~renc~
Cl.rlcket.-Up t o th e t,ime of aoi~ng to ,vell1 th
IS Itt l.e to l'epol't in the W'W f~ "
.pl ess
o ur own lit tl D t 1
' , 0 cll ck et 111 so far as
e e ac ll11 ell t IS con cerned .


t!l e A~~:l l~!~~ltT~'i~ll ~\lI~~~~eal}t tYran t took pa rt in

tune aO'o a nd s how d I
l e season a short
t he ' , "'
k ' ll '
~ t la t they had lost none of
.1.1 s I 01 ent hu siasm .
cl S;nie g Irl . a. Com bined Sm afl U nits XI whi ch in
0 onel Cha.rlton , S .S ~I. Bail ey S , t
G ne ec
m,l,d' MA
organ ,
a. stronD" XI
. "
'" 11
S t . ~ n gelo " wh o won b
afte r a. very enjoya ble ga,m e.
y a sm a m a rgm
In t he forth coming Go ve rnor's Cu.P C
t 't'
e 1 lOn
it he C . S . U . XI fir e d. r aw n a ga in st th e Ri.fle
n ~I~e firs t. round a fter which t hey m eet t,he R \ F
e semI-fin al (d o t,h ey ?).
,..l .

Tennis.-S().J:ne.. (~iffi c

m g a t eam of six fo r t h ~, W.lS .. expel'len ced - JI1 fincl. Le ol11lll cllld '\NalTa nt O ffi ce" s
,ll1d ~ e r "e 'mt T
ernl1J s eag ue beginnin g in t h e 'fir~t
w'e ek- of bA'pril F
m atch w as pl .aye 1o'weve r ' we succe ecIecI a n d tII e fir st
t he RA
C '-" c. '1~ay o n th e deli ghtful cou rt f) f
op po n ~ n ts . i~ , P1l1 0 a , a nd ended in a win for our
a st rong positi~l~ci~;I ~I~ eCs t.h e D e1taLchmen t has h eld
1n g t i t
e omm a l1 c ea gu e b ut d
tha n
jjst. end ed we
a bi g loss d ifficul ~l~OI ~.g U ~r tea m pla,ver s o f 1936,
ours. However w e stille~I.'1ce 1n i1. sm alI U ni t lik e
a ve a tea m 1Jl t he L ea g ue


' l' ~U1~'oool~~h~ s~[~s~n



- even if . " only !ust " -nnd a lt hou a h .'

elud ed us. JI1 th e SlX matc hes la e e
Vlct ory has
maUl uudlsm,p'.ed 'tIld look f .p Yd.d t o date , w e reTh'
onva r to fut
. IS y ear w e stru ck a n inno vati
ure ,POJl1ts.
lad les pail' in t Il e " Fa lk ner Cu '" e n by en~enng t.h e
h ave competed from fi ve U . p
ompetlt.lOn . P all'S
Score a nd M rs. Hum p hl'i es nl~~sld1.~d a t present Mrs.
1I1g played fo ul' m a t ches wo th "econ.d Rlace, h a v t o play. W e would all 'be 11 r ee, wlt h fo ur more
a trophy for the COl'PS '1t
efie~ t o see th em win
The H a ndi
l e .l " t venture.
John son " C cabP
oUl'l1 a m ent for the " Ormsbyb '
up ega n on :May 25t h ' d th fi
e Jought ou t in Jun e wl ' -C 1 in
e nal will
M .C., will presen t t h e C~:l 00dneh G . H . Ch a.rltOll ,
a t the R. A .P. C C ,t po an
old an A t Home
om . A n after no
ourna ment for all ran k s w ill b p I
o~ m ~ncan
aftel: ~he fin al for t he "0. -J " eC ay ed lmmecli a t ely
t' r e Rifle..
,U t h.e 'b egmn1l1
of A ' l
. sec 1011 was fo rm ed and t h C ::> .
pI'! a
' le , .P . m a u g ura t ed
t he r>rogl'am m e I)y pu ttil~g' u
petI t IOn a mong th e m emb . p s~ vel .s~O?l1S for comsom e wooden ~ oon was ~~ s.
n addltlOn , a ha ndmi ttee , s uitabl;P decorated a~Tanged " by t he Complate wit h wiIl~ner's n alne tWheItreon
h Co rp s nbbon a nd a
fOl'm ance by'
. .
e a consistent
month 's p er
wmmng th e fir t .]
Se rgt. South des 't 0"
S Sl: ,:er spoon , a nd
with the wo ' d pI e oleat competlLlon, w alk ed off
0 en spoon.
I rom a s h a k y star t
" ra,ng the b ell " (0 ,' ;' ~ ell m embers con sistently
pipes ) w e have now ~ r~~~dt~, ~ere h eld in s t eel
sta,rted a m a gazi.n e of P.possibl ~I?!dly and h ave even
,\Ve hope furth er to demonst t .
t he L eague shooting c
la e our prowess wh en
omm ences

.00tll1g for th e second mont hl '

JJ1 pro a r ess a nd as C I
Y spoon IS now w ell
s poon ~t the 'fi t C' tt o onel Ch ad t on won hi s own
' rs a empt he 11 as p t
SHO Oll for t he mnner -up . '
' M
u up a~ y rth e r
In addi t ion t o thi s
111 O~l I a y comp~tltlOn.
nOIl-h a ndicap bas is fo'r ~vSila l e , ~!.sod g , on a
t o follow.
vel lHe a , WIth a no t her

t~I:[~on!~~~~ si~~~~iV!~~S. th~'l~!~ri~~i~ bs~111\tsp~ ~ n~l~~













Detachment Outing , Malta.

Arran gement. are bei ng hurri ed forward in con nection wi t h our Annu a l Inter-Corns J\'[a tc h y .
R.A .O.C_ . a nd t hi s yea i' th e spirit of optimism
expl'es. 2d in th e pl'eyi ous pa rag ra ph exist s, i f pos
sible, to a n e\'e n g reate r deg l'ee. Meanwhil e Messrs.
H ammond . Hu t ton a nd V eritv ma v I'est a Sllred
that th ey ' will no t be supel's-ecled- "by a nyone a tpresent stat' oned in Ma lta for thi s seaso n. at am'
Detachment Outings.-Sergea nt G l'ant was c hi E fl~
in strumcnLal in promotin g outings fol' th e Deta chm ent. On Sund av. 16th }1a v . two bus loacl s of t he
DeLa chment a ncl ' fa mili e~ \\;ent to G hain TufFi eha
and spent a l'eally fine day on th e sand s . Con g rat ul ation s, Sergean t Grant. and may we ha \'e lll a ny
Coronat ion Medals. - Co ngra t ulations to Colonel
Cha rl ton and 1Llj ) [' Mora n wh o ha \'e j ust I'ecei\'eu
their Coronation Medals.

lIu mb el'- t ak e acti" e parts in th e Sta ff a nd Depart mentals Sports Club.

Th e sma ll uni ts in t,he Ti ent sin Area f'Ol'ln ecl ,L
Rifl e Cln b in D ecember la t. and S j Sg t. St ell- a r-t
a nd L j S at. Elgood have bee;l r.e g ulal' m embers of
th e teaJl-;=' which ha s represen teel th a t club aga ill st
vHrious' shoo t ing t,ea ms in t,h e dis t ri ct. mlel hol d
firth and seconcl places l'especti vely ill ' the ma tch
ayer ages. W i th t hese .uccesses befor e us we are
quite confident of li ftin g t he Colonel L ightfoot Cu p
from th e ma nt elshelf at Sh .llIghai t,his y.ea r.
T ennis al.ld cri cket have just comm enced . and we
hope t o be able to repol't som e ~ u cces es ancl quote
a few a. verages a t, a later date_ Major C. J . H . Treglo wn and Serg t . G il ber t a re onr hop es in th e cricket
fi eld . while th e t enni s COUlts see seve ra l of tlte
Detachment wi eldin g th e racquet.
Pla ns a re well in hand , a t t he tim e o f wri t in g,
for t he l-ocal Co ronati on celebl'ation s . and Ti entsin
woul d ha rd ly Le recogni sed by the old tim er with
its ga y decora tions of fla gs and mult i- colonl ed bunting . 'Th e pro g ramm e in clud es th e Trooping of t,h e
Colour by the 1st Bn. t he La nca hire Fusiliers, ::I..
Church Ser vice. a Fun F air 1'01' th e children. a nd a.
Firework cl is ph;y. It will certa inl y pl'ol'ide a s pot
o f colour in th e otherwi e .o mewhat drab atmosph ere o'f Ti entsin.
One of our Deta chm ent h ns b een hea rd to ask
,,; hen -it is ' lik ely t o get wa llll her e. As tb e t empera tme a t th e moment is 92 in th e sha de. we can
olll y snggest th a L he kee ps wearing hi s leath er jerkin and fur ha t, for a mont h 01' so.
Vi' e mu st present our sin ce re. apolog ies to both,
~U~.. M.S. Sh epherd . wh o left us in Novemb er la. t ,
and t o S.Q.M.S. Mortell. who join ed us as hi s reli ef"
but trus t th flt th ev will excuse our ommi s:on to
r eport their res pec-til' e depa rt,llre, fllld a n iv a l. , ve
hope th at th ey lik e t heir p l'esent ll .
A .Ji' .E.


Th ere ha ving bee n no news from Tientsin for

many moon s, t he Offi ce R epl'esentative ha.s at la st
decided tha t h e w ill mal(e som e att empt to ju stify
hi s ' appointment, in addit ion to collecting sundl'Y
odd "bobs " '[01' copies uppli ed.
T he trooning sea _on 's c a!' u a lt,i e ~ ha ve now end ed
with th e depa rt He o f S.Q. iVLS . P eters for hom e,
a nd th e a rrival of S.Q.M.S. Bl'a nson as his r elief.
Our llOpe is that th e form er get a good . t ation a t.
h ome, and t hat t he latte r enj o.vs lu stay in Tient in .
Cong ra t ul at ion s t o S/ Sg t. Ste wa rt OIl his promo t,ion .
Th e a llnn nl inn ocula t,ions hayin g bee n comp12t ed ,
and t he Detachlll ent, has in g quite recov ered from
th e' eff ect ::; th ereof, we can cast our eyes tOIl'ards
the . .port in g world fo r som e news.
Owin O' to lack of numb ers . ~mo rt as a Ulll t Oil our
own j . out of th e qu e.; t ion,' lnit. one 01' t wo of our

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