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Jon Christian Ryter – New Year’s Resolution for Globalists


By Jon Christian Ryter
January 15, 2010

I don't know how old you are and, of course, you don't know how old I am. I will grudgingly
admit I'm in my sixth decade of life. I'm old enough to be one of those people you rolled your
eyes at while growing up when we told you we walked about five miles to school each day—
even during the winter, waist deep snow, in temperatures that dropped as low at -5 to -10
degrees in January and February. Only the kids who lived out in the farmlands in the county
outside the city had the luxury of riding to school on school buses. Life in Norman Rockwell's
America was much different then than life in the social progressive's version of America is

Today we live in the social progressive's politically-correct version of America where the name
Jesus Christ is banned from public speech (unless it is used as a curse word), but every filthy
word and deed devised in the perverted mind of man is protected speech under the 1st
Amendment of the Constitution, just as the equally protected constitutional right to worship
the God of our forefathers is banned as a form a racism against the abortionist, the pedophile,
and the pornographer. If you want to reminisce about Norman Rockwell's America today you
need to go to a flea market and search for old copies of the Saturday Evening Post. Or, for a
photographic journey down memory lane, look for even older copies of Look or Life
Magazine. In any of those pre-1960 magazines you will be shocked to see pictures of
Americans actually worshipping God. Sadly, that America no longer exists because the ACLU
was allowed by the federal courts to attack Christianity and sue churches for preaching what
the lawyers deemed to be a racist gospel that condemns those who violate God's ordinances to
a fiery Hell.

And the people, like Nathan's band of idol worshippers at the base of Mt. Sinai, stood with
outstretched hands begging for alms from the benevolent State, silently condoning the
corruption of government, and willing to surrender the Constitution of the United States for a
handful of crumbs from the master's table. It mattered little to them that evil politicians were
determined to legalize abortion because they, themselves, were already born and not at risk.
Nor did they fear euthanasia because they were still young and thought the party bosses
would protect then when they aged. The bureaucrats told them there were too many people
on Earth and by getting rid of the unborn and the elderly who are close to death anyway, there
would be more of everything for those who were left. Added to that, the bureaucracy fought to
legalize homosexual marriage because same sex partners don't procreate, and would do their
part to create a more manageable world.

I was raised in the upper peninsula of Michigan, surrounded on three sides by Lake Michigan,
Lake Superior and Lake Huron. Snow, during my childhood, was measured by the foot and
temperatures were based on how fast your tongue stuck to a flagpole or a railroad track. I
actually knew kids who had done both. About every 20 years or so Lake Superior, the largest

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fresh water lake in the world, would freeze over from shore to shore. In 2003 Lake Superior
froze over. In 2009, it happened again—for the second time in 10 years. That was the first
time in my recollections that Lake Superior froze completely over twice in the same decade. It
must be global warming.

On July 21, 1983 Earth experienced its coldest day on record in the history of the planet. The
weather facility at the Russian Vostok Station in Antarctica recorded the temperature that day
at -89.2°C—or, for us Yankees, that's -129°F. The coldest day on record in Siberia was Feb. 6,
1922. The thermometer hit -67.8°C. Over the last few decades the average daytime
temperature in Siberia averaged -23°C with nighttime temperatures averaging about -50°C.
Does that sound like global warming to you? As the world's largest fresh water lake continues
to freeze from shoreline to shoreline, the ecoalarmists who would have us believe that man-
induced global warming will continue to warm the world and that if current trends continue,
they said, Lake Superior will be completely ice free by 2040. Currently, winter temperatures
in the Himalayan mountains where India, Tibet and China meet hit record lows of -68F to -
90F during the past decade. None of this sounds like global warming, with unsupported
claims that ice caps are melting and the sea level rising to dangerous levels. It doesn't,
because it isn't. The ecoalarmists are citing data from "models" they created with flawed data.
The data is flawed because the ecoalarmist begins his thesis with a preconceived conclusion,
then shapes the data to make it fit what they think will happen. Data that disputes the
perceived conclusion is not only ignored, it's literally destroyed. Always missing from the
database is the sun, which both heats and cools not only this planet, but all of the inner
planets in our solar system.

When Al Gore , Jr. became a divinity student at Vanderbilt in 1971 he also became a protégé
of global warming advocate and Vanderbilt theology professor Eugene TeSelle. TeSelle was a
disciple of the Earth goddess Gaia whose disciples believe Gaia is the planetary brain of this
world. Her followers have about the same type of spiritual relation with her that Christian
believers have with God through His Son, Christ Jesus. TeSelle, a hard left pro-Sandinista
communist whose chair at the Vanderbilt School of Divinity was funded by David
Rockefeller, remained Gore's environmentalist mentor until then Sen. Al Gore sided with
President Ronald Reagan to provide humanitarian aid to the Contras in Nicaragua. TeSelle,
like Rockefeller knew world government could not be achieved until the American people
were forced to go to sleep every night with the same fears that gnawed at the stomachs of the
nations of Europe who feared they would awaken in the morning to find their nation had been
invaded while they slept.

Most Americans view Gore as the father of global warming for two reasons. First, because of
his pseudo-factual sci-fi saga, An Inconvenient Truth which uses fabricated scientific data to
suggest that carbon dioxide is the cause of global warming when, in fact, carbon dioxide is the
element that manufacturers both the air we breathe and the water we drink. Curtail carbon
dioxide and the horrors the ecoalarmists promise us that carbon dioxide would cause what
will happen in a world devoid of carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is the food that plants
consume. The byproduct the plant secretes is oxygen. Oxygen combined with hydrogen
creates the water we drink and the air we breathe. And since the far left ecoidiots convinced
the US Supreme Court that carbon dioxide is a harmful chemical that must be regulated, it
doesn't take a Capitol Hill genius with an IQ much bigger than his waist size to realize that
ultimately the whole world is going experience starvation, drought and a lack of breathable
air. Which, of course, they will blame on—you guessed it—global warming and carbon

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Second, Gore and former US Senator and Clinton Administration Undersecretary of State for
Global Warming (now Climate Change) Timothy Wirth were the authors of the Kyoto
Protocol that will cripple the United States economically by imposing draconian
environmental regulations on America that will have all but banned the use of fossil fuels to
fire the engines of industry by imposing massive fines on those industries which exceed their
carbon emission quotas. Those fines will ultimately be paid by the consumers who used the
energy or bought the commodities produced with what the Utopians view as 19th century
energy. The globalists, with Barack Obama pushing to implement the Kyoto Protocol at
Copenhagen in December, were disappointed that they could not resolve the issue and walk
away from Copenhagen with a signed treaty. However Obama doesn't appear to be smart
enough to realize that in the mind of the European and Asian Utopians all carbon reparations
are going to be paid by the United States since working class Americans—Black, White
Hispanic or Oriental—are the rich people Obama's redistribution-of-the-wealth plan is
targeting. The impoverished people Obama campaigned for when he spoke of redistributing
the wealth of America were not the poor minorities in Montgomery, Alabama or Detroit,
Michigan. The impoverished people are the jobless consumers of tomorrow in China,
Indonesia, India, Brazil, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

As the greed gurus of radical environmentalism, who expect to become billionaires from
buying and selling "carbon credits," headed off to the Global Warming Summit that was held
in Copenhagen, Denmark from Dec. 6-18, 2009 suddenly found their "climate credibility"
attacked by a large majority of the world's climate scientists who were suddenly paying
attention to climate change once the financial agenda of the ecoalarmists became clear—
including many of the climate scientists whose names were cited in the ecoalarmist literature
as advocates of global warming. Not only did the legitimate scientific community denounce
the hypothesis of the radical ecoalarmists, they challenged their claims with reams of
documentation to scientifically dispute the unsubstantiated claims of the ecoalarmists who
insist, because they will it, the debate is settled and it's too late to dispute their "facts." Global
warming, they insisted, was a fact. Only it isn't. Since the mid-1990s, the world had been in a
cooling phase.

On Aug. 19, 2009, Don Easterbrook, a geologist at Western Washington University in

Bellingham gave a speech in which he said we have just entered a 30-year cooling phase.
Addressing the American Geophysical Union's annual meeting in August, Easterbrook said
that "...the most recent global warming that began in 1977 is over. The Earth has entered a
new phase of global cooling."

The evidence, compiled by hundreds of climate scientists, agree with Easterbrook's view.
Further evidence in the form of email communiqué, refuted by Obama Administration
Climate Czar (and former Clinton EPA Director) Carol Browner rejected claims by scores of
reporters who have read and copied the emails that were hacked from the Climate Research
Unit of the University of East Anglia where global warming advocates at the university
admitted they had altered climate data which did not back up their claims of global warming.
Furthermore, among the hacked data were several strategies on how to freeze out, or
discredit, scientists who disagreed with the climate scientists funded by environmental
groups or big oil which has a vested interest in curbing what they believe is a non-
replenishable commodity that is rapidly running out.

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When the emails surfaced, Sen. James Inhofe [R-OK] demanded an investigation saying the
emails confirmed his long-held view that the climate claims of Al Gore and others were not
supported by any factual scientific climate data—particularly since all of the real climate data
indicates that the planet has been cooling since 1977. (Of course, since the GOP is minor-
minority in both Houses that they don't even have the clout to demand a roll call to see who is
presently in the chamber, Inhofe's demand was merely a meaningless Congressional Record
entry with no power to compel anyone to do anything.)

The evidence of climate cooling has become so conclusive that even before the Copenhagen
Global Warming Conference convened, the name was strategically changed from the
Copenhagen Global Warming Summit to the Copenhagen Climate Change Summit. I guess
when you want to sell carbon credits, global cooling can be as carbon dioxide-intensive as
global warming. And carbon dioxide has to be the cause and the United States has to be the
villain for the largest and most devastating transfer of wealth in the history of mankind to
take place. The reason? The barons of business and princes of industry, the World Trade
Organization and the World Bank, which redefined the nature of wealth in 1995 during the
Clinton years in terms of human capital rather than financial capital, are creating tomorrow's
consumers—the overpopulated have-nots of the third world who have nothing and need
everything—especially jobs and discretionary income with which to purchase the
commodities rolling off the newly created factory assembly lines in their countries.

Changing the term "global warming" to "climate change" was a wise diversion on the part of
the greed-mongers who were now scrambling to find a plausible explanation how the carbon
dioxide atrium affect of global warming was now triggering the coldest temperatures in over
500 years. The climate scientists who have been stifled by the media and by the universities
and foundations that finance all of the climate research have finally found their voices. And,
those voices are now being heard loudly and clearly over the Goreite shouts that the debate is

Prior to 1492 all of the world's brightest scientists insisted if a ship sailed beyond the horizon,
it would fall off the edge of Earth. When Christopher Columbus didn't fall off the edge of the
world, the scientists insisted he simply hadn't sailed far enough to fall off. Polish astronomer
Niklas Koppernigk (known to the world as Copernicus) proved that man's known universe
was not geocentric (Earth-centered) but was, in fact, heliocentric (sun-centered). Copernicus'
peers did not hail his discovery as an advancement of scientific knowledge. They not only
ridiculed him, the scientists of the day appealed to the Pope to condemn Copernicus for
heresy. Faced with a choice of recanting his theory or facing excommunication and being
burned at the stake, Copernicus publicly withdrew his scientific finding and apologized to the
Church for his heresy. Keep in mind in these instances, it was not Columbus or Copernicus
who were wrong. The "establishment" scientific community was wrong not because their
research suggested, by a preponderance of the evidence, that they were right, but because as
far as the establishment was concerned, without their examining any real scientific evidence,
the debate was settled. They simply refused to consider anything that would force them
debate the merits of their point of view.

Scientists today insist that man is a product of evolution. There are thousands of textbooks
written on the subject. Yet, with the millions of written words explaining how this species
evolved from that one, there has never been a single transitional fossil found that shows a
mutation from one species to another. The "scientific theories" on evolution, like Gore's

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climate fallacies, begin with a conclusion rather than a premise. The laws governing the
establishment of scientific proof have never been applied to the theory of evolution, nor to the
theory of man-induced global warming.

As shocking as this may seem, evolution requires a much greater leap of faith than
creationism. Think about it. The idea that nature (which is completely inanimate) could, and
would, selectively isolate specific plants and animals and set them on an evolutionary spiral to
advance life suggests that nature (Gaia) has both an intelligence and a master plan. Like the
ecoalarmist who created the global warming models, the evolutionist constructed an
imaginary phylogenetic model to support an evolutionary linkage between the various life
forms. Yet, with the existence of over 500 million prehistoric fossil records which can be
physically examined, there is not a single fossil that supports the factless supposition that any
species evolved into some other species.

Evolutionary "science" and climate "science" were fictitiously manufactured by wealthy

foundations with a utopian, global agenda. Christians believed that all basic humans rights
are God-given, thus they are inherent. If God is a myth, then the inherency of human rights
are also a myth. Climate science textbooks, written by the Ph.D's who are funded by the
foundations of the barons of business, the princes of industry and the masters of the New
World Order, like the books dealing with evolutionary science, begin with a conclusions based
on fabricated premises. Anyone who believes that flatulating cows, sweaty old men with
irritable bowel syndrome who inhabit a world with too many people, young and old, are the
primary cause of global warming deserve the fate that is in store for them. The rest of us, who
clearly understand that we are being illegally manipulated by crooked politicians who are
being legally bribed by greedy thieves and liars, don't.

When we sufficiently reduce carbon dioxide, the world's deserts will double or triple in size,
rainfall will cease, the abundance of food growing in the world's farms will experience the
dust bowls of the 1930s, and mass starvation will begin. When that happens, the ecoalarmists
will jump on their soap boxes and shout they warned us this was coming, but we didn't listen.
And the carbon taxes will increase to get rid of even more of that nasty carbon dioxide. And of
course, then, the rest of us will die—and Earth will join the rest of the dead planets in their
silent journey around the sun in our solar system.

Anyone with a rudimentary understanding of the orbital mechanics of the solar system knows
that planetary heating and cooling of the inner planets, particularly Venus, Earth and Mars,
are caused by solar eruptions that cyclically increase and decrease the temperatures of the
inner planets in our solar system. Advocates of global warming who insist that flatulating
cows and sweaty fat old men with irritable bowel syndrome raise the ground temperature on
Earth, deliberately ignores the fact that flatulating cows and sweaty fat old men with irritable
bowel syndrome don't exist on Mars or Venus—which means the claims that humans cause
global warming is just so much bovine excrement from flatulating cows. In point of fact, the
ecoalarmists who claim that mankind is responsible for 99% of global warming simply ignore
the fact that Venus and Mars both experience the same heating and cooling cycles
experienced by Earth. All of the temperature fluctuations in the solar system are caused by
solar cycles that vary from 11 to 231 years in duration.

There's a sinister reason for claiming that carbon dioxide is the culprit behind global
warming. David Rockefeller, the patriarch of the Seven Sister's oil clan, like old John D., Sr. is

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convinced that oil is a fossil fuel (which means since there are no more dinosaurs and
prehistoric fauna to decay), that we are running out of oil. Thus, raising the price of crude oil
to force people use less of a commodity they need but increasingly can't afford is smart
business. Standard Oil has been doing that in small degrees since 1870, and in a major way
since the formation of OPEC in the 1970s. From 1950 to 1960 oil remained static at roughly
$2 barrel. Five nations (Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Venezuela) formed OPEC in
1961. The price of oil rose to $3 barrel. With the help of environmentalists and the far left
Congress beginning in 1977, the Seven Sisters began closing both oil wells and refineries in
the United States. US oil companies bought every oil lease available on Alaska's North Slope
but did not develop any of them. Planned shortages were on the way. Oil rose to $30 barrel.
While the Seven Sisters own half of all of the oil pumped from all of the active wells in all of
the OPEC countries except Venezuela and Iran, which simply nationalized the US oil
interests, the Standard Oil Seven Sisters under its Exxon flagship, not only owns 50% of all of
the oil pumped from the under the sands of the Saudi Peninsula, it also owns a large
percentage of the oil being pumped in Siberia in a partnership deal with Russian Lukoil.
Exxon is now also refining the oil from Kazakhstan's Baku oil fields which John D. Rockefeller
could not get from Tsar Nicholas II in 1880.

The oil strike near the Caspian Sea, which was controlled by Baron Alphonse Rothschild and
the Swiss munitions maker Alfred Nobel was the largest oil strike in the world at that time.
The estimated oil reserves in the Baku Oil Field dwarfed the combined reserves of Standard
Oil in the United States. (That would change when oil was struck in Texas and Oklahoma—
and. today, with the latest oil discoveries of a massive pool of oil locked in shale under
Colorado, Utah and Wyoming. Geologists estimate the extractable oil in that site is three
times the total oil available under the Saudi Peninsula.) In 1880, Rockefeller was convinced
that oil existed only in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Kazakhstan, Sumatra and Java.

Today, we know oil is a global commodity with the largest oil find to date discovered in a joint
IPO by Exxon and China Oil in the Pacific Ocean, stretching from the Hawaiian Archipelago
to the Mariana Archipelago. This is the most important oil strike since crude oil was first
discovered at Oil Creek, Pennsylvania in 1862 and in the Baku Oil Fields in Russia in 1873—
and it dwarfs all of the oil found in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge [ANWR] Alaska and
the recent discovery of oil in the western United States. The problem with the rising price of
crude and gasoline has nothing to do with shortage of oil. It never did. It has always been due
to the belief of the Rockefellers that oil is decayed dinosaur carcasses and decayed prehistoric
fauna. Not even finding more oil under the oceans of the world than they have found on land
has discouraged that thinking.

It's this twisted utopian Rockefeller thinking that influenced the far left conviction that there
are too many people on the planet. Eventually, David Rockefeller, who funded the
distribution of the 1968 Paul Ehrlich book, The Population Bomb, that expounded the
erroneous views of an essay written by 18th century botanist Thomas Robert Malthus in 1798.
Malthus, living in a world which had no knowledge of 20th century architecture or
agriculture, was convinced that as the population grew, it would simply spread out—building
single family dwellings across the landscape—devouring all of the farmland as the population
grew. Malthus estimated that by the year 2000. Without adequate farmland, there would be
not be enough food in the world to maintain even a fraction of the population that would exist
by that time, and what population that survived the wars fought for what food was left would

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ultimately die of starvation. David Rockefeller made sure that Ehrlich's book was placed in
every secondary school, college and university in the country.

Malthus wrote his essay two decades before the industrial revolution and a century before the
development of chemical fertilizers which increased crop yield...and with enough population
growth to increase God's natural plant food—carbon dioxide—that spread forestation,
increased rainfall and made a richer atmosphere for all living creatures to breathe Malthus
was convinced these hordes of unwanted people would die from mass starvation.

Thus, Utopians and other ecoalarmists who believe that Ehlrich wrote a factually researched
book instead of merely plagiarizing Malthus' flawed 18th century data, are doing mankind a
favor by aborting the unborn at the onset of the chain of life and euthanizing the old who
today drain the resources needed by the rest of us to survive. Malthus had an excuse for his
flawed logic. He couldn't see the future. Ehlrich has no excuse since he lived in the future
Malthus could not see.

And David Rockefeller, the wealthiest man in the world, had even less of an excuse for his
participation not only in the propagation of Ehlrich's fiction, but also in his successful effort
to finance the public relations campaign that ultimately resulted in the legalizing of the killing
of the unborn in the United States. That effort resulted in the withholding of birth from what
now appears to be over 69 million babies in the United States (49 million victims of abortion,
and 20 million babies not born because one or both of their theoretical parents were victims
of abortion).

In 1995 the developed nations performed 25.6 million legal and 19.9 million illegal abortions.
(This is an abortion rate of 35 per thousand women aged 15 to 44.) Asia (excluding China),
performed 26.8 million abortions. There are no abortion statistics for China. Catholic Latin
America performed 4.3 million abortions. If the rate of abortion for 1995 was relatively
constant over the three decades since abortion was legalized in the United States, then the
world may well have closed its eyes to the murder of three billion one hundred sixty-six
million, six hundred thousand unborn babies worldwide since 1973.

They would be the babies which the Gaia crowd thought had no financial value to mankind
since they would simply grow up and consume too much of nature's rapidly dwindling
commodities. (The 69 million missing babies in the United States are the reason Social
Security is bankrupt, and why Medicare is bankrupt. The pro-abortion social progressives
who view population as a plague on their pristine planet failed to realize that as society ages,
an aging work force needs to be not only replaced with a younger work force, but more
important, it needs to be replaced with a larger work force than that which is retiring.

Again, we can thank David Rockefeller, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Rockefeller Brothers
Foundation, the Carnegie Trust, the Ford Foundation, the Scaife Foundation, and the Pew
Trust for the people shortfall since they led the funding to legalize abortion. Shortsightedly,
the constructionalists of Utopia failed to realize that the shortfall of workers would also
produced a shortfall of taxpayers. Today we have an untenable imbalance between the
number of people either in the work force or who are willing and able to work, and those who
have paid into the Social Security system for 40 to 50 years and are entitled to both a pension
and for medical care for which they've paid the "premiums" throughout their entire adult life.
The Democrats in 1964-65 stole the Social Security Trust Fund which was supposed to

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invested in high yield bonds. They replaced the money they stole with IOUs at 2% interest,
draining the Social Security Trust to finance the generational Welfare State. No interest has
ever been paid on the money they stole.

What part of the Social Security OASI Trust Fund that Lyndon Johnson didn't squander on
the generational welfare recipients of his Great Society, Ronald Reagan saved by cutting a
deal with Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan [D-NY] , House Speaker Tip O'Neill [D-MA] and
economist Alan Greenspan (who ultimately replaced liberal Fed Chairman Paul Volcker (now
an adviser to Obama). Reagan, with the help of Moynihan and O'Neill created the National
Commission on Social Security Reform.

Reagan tasked Greenspan with the impossible chore of creating a plan to keep Social Security
solvent for at least 75 years. Greenspan told Congress they would have to triple the OASI tax
to generate enough of a cash reserve that, with interest, would keep Social Security solvent
until 2060. Reagan signed the legislation into law. Included in Public Law 101-508, Title XIII,
Sec. 13301[a] was a stipulation that "...notwithstanding any other provision of law, the
receipts and disbursement of the Federal Old-Age Survivors Insurance Trust and Federal
Disability Insurance Trust Fund and shall not be counted as new budget authority, outlays,
receipts, or deficit or surplus for purposes—(1) the budget of the United States Government
as submitted by the President, (2) the congressional budget, or (3) the Balanced Budget and
Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1895." Under that law, all OASI surpluses were required to
be invested in high yield government securities to guarantee the growth of the fund. All OASI
funds were immune from the greedy fingers of federal politicians who never saw a dollar they
could not spend before the ink on the greenback was dry enough to pocket.

One of the most talked about fables in Washington, DC was that co-presidents Bill and Hillary
Clinton, with the help of Clinton's financial guru, former Goldman Sachs co-chairman, and
Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin balanced the budget, paid off a chunk of the national debt,
and created a cash surplus that President George W. Bush squandered to wage a personal
vendetta against Saddam Hussein for trying to assassinate his daddy. You've heard lots of
Washington Cinderella stories. Well, this is the Pinocchio story. Rubin was hailed as the most
brilliant financial genius in Washington. who was theoretically able to pay off a large chunk of
the nation debt with tax dollars even as the United States was experiencing an exodus of US
factories as over 15 million US tax-generating jobs were leaving the United States via the
swinging door in Brownsville, Texas. Yet, with unemployment rising, tax revenue
plummeting, Rubin was able to manage what little tax revenue remained so well that not only
was he able to balance the budget, but create a surplus as well.

As is usually the case in Washington, DC, someone ultimately revealed the financial sleight-
of-hand Rubin used to balance the budget. Rubin, it seems, simply wrote out a new IOU and
"borrowed" $667 billion from the Social Security OASI Trust Fund to balance the budget. No
genius. No magic. Just a typical inside-the-beltway political sleight-of-hand. When several
newspapers friendly to Clinton admitted in 2006 that the sleight-of-hand had actually taken
place, they minimized its significance by noting that President Reagan and/or George H.W.
Bush {depending on who was telling the story) also "borrowed" $100 billion from the OASI
Trust Fund during his/their administration. (Since Reagan did not believe any government
agency or President had the authority to touch the Trust Fund, the story lacks credibility.)
The Clinton Administration claimed the Trust Fund was solvent and contained some $2.4

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trillion. Rubin emptied the OASI coffers. All that was left in the Trust Fund were worthless
IOUs which Congress promised to repay.

There's the problem. Congress' promissory notes are worthless because the Fed has run out of
buyers for its debt and it lacks the money to repay the OASI funds it appropriated since 1965.
Social security recipients are paid with current Social Security receipts. Based on the Clinton-
Rubin transferring the OASI funds to the general treasury, "D" day—deficit day—arrives in
2017. Unless Uncle Sam finds from 45 to 60 million new middle class taxpayers overnight to
fill the deficit when the balance of the Baby Boomers retire, FICA taxes on all US citizens—
including current Social Security recipients—will quadruple.

The problem, as the Rockefellerites have insisted for years, is that there are too many people
in the world. They envision a more pristine, idyllic world with no more than 500 million
people. However, the planned reduction of the population over the years through abortion
created a demographic imbalance that the richest men in the world failed to foresee—an
imbalance that would upset the economic equilibrium of the industrialized nations. The
slaughter of 49,589,993 innocent babies combined with 20 million children they will never
have in this country created a population shortfall of approximately 69 million taxpayers who
are now direly needed to replace the 59.7 million Baby Boomers— who will be retired by 2017
and receiving government benefits rather than paying taxes.

A couple days before the Senatorial Christmas break, the far left progressives allied with
moderate Democrats whose votes were purchased, won a bribery-corrupted, nasty vote-
buying "winterfest" gift that allowed White House occupant Barack Hussein Obama to declare
an Obamacare victory, and make what could be construed as a New Year's Resolution to keep
Social Security and Medicare from going bankrupt for at least the next decade {which, of
course is 50 years short of the guarantee Reagan got from Moynihan, O'Neill and Greenspan
in 1983). Obama did not win one additional day over the Clinton-Rubin "D-Day" timeline. But
Obama won something Clinton could not ge[t] through Congress. Obama won the right to kill
the unwanted at both ends of the age corridor.

Obama's victory claims, of course, were designed to bring the elderly voters back into the
Democratic fold in November so they can vote for the Democrats who, in HR-1, the American
Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, legislated into existence the regulatory team that
will oversee the euthanasia of America's double-dippers. (Double dippers are seniors who
receive Social Security benefits and are Medicare recipients, too. Euthanizing them is like
getting two birds with one stone.)

The rationing of healthcare to the elderly and to those with catastrophic or terminal illnesses
for which recovery is unlikely (such as old age), takes place in every nation which provides
some form of universal healthcare such as: Afghanistan, Argentina, Austria, Australia,
Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Cuba, Costa Rica, Cyprus, Denmark, France, Germany
[the first nation in the world to provide universal healthcare], Greece, Iraq, Iceland, Ireland,
Israel, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Oman, Portugal, Russia,
Saudi Arabia, Spain, Sweden, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Ukraine, and the United Kingdom will
also take place here—even without Obama's public option in HR 3590, the House and Senate-
passed Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act [PPACA] since the healthcare legislation,
when merged with the House version, will reduce the age at which Americans will be
obligated to participate in Medicare to age 55. While that option is voluntary today, and while

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the legislation will be signed into law without Obama's public option, it is important for
people to understand that once legislation becomes law, they can be amended two ways. First,
by writing regulations which circumvent the original intent of the law, and second, by
innocuously amending specific words within specific phases without ever mentioning, by
name, the law being amending, or the full text of the section, subsection, or clause being

Unless you know the specific language of whatever section, subsection or clause when you
read the legalese in the bill, you won't have the slightest idea what is being changed. For
example, in Sec. 3 of HR 3590, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, there appears
to an extension on the first time home buyer credit for certain people working outside the
United States. Changes in the Internal Revenue Code that theoretically allow this credit
appear in HR 3590, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. No mention is made of
the original law where this authority was granted, or what changes will occur when HR 3590
becomes law. (The law being amended is the Corporate Estimated Tax Shift Act of 2009).

The exclusion from Gross Income of Qualified Military Personnel under Sec.4(a) in its
entirety, says: "In general, Subsection (n) of section 132 of the Internal Revenue Code of
19876 is amended—(1) in subparagraph (1) by striking "this subsection) to offset the adverse
effects on housing values as a result of a military base realignment or closure" and inserting
"the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, and (2) in subparagraph (2) by
striking "clause (1) of". (b) Effective Date—The amendments made by this act shall apply to
payments made after Feb. 17, 2009." Don't you feel relieved to know that change was finally

But even more, don't you wish that when people announced their New Years' Resolution the
only thing that came out of their mouths was that they pledged to take off 25 lbs, or that you
were determined to quit smoking, or get a better job, invent a better mouse trap...or simply be
a better person and contribute more to your home, your family, your neighborhood or your
nation. I'd much rather Obama's New Year's Resolution was that he was going to clear the air
about his citizenship status, and that he resolved to produce his real birth certificate.

[Order, Jon C. Ryter's book, "Whatever Happened to America?" It's out of print, and
supply is limited.]

Jon Christian Ryter is the pseudonym of a former newspaper reporter with the
Parkersburg, WV Sentinel. He authored a syndicated newspaper column, Answers From
The Bible, from the mid-1970s until 1985. Answers From The Bible was read weekly in many
suburban markets in the United States.

Today, Jon is an advertising executive with the Washington Times. His website, has helped him establish a network of mid-to senior-level
Washington insiders who now provide him with a steady stream of material for use both in
his books and in the investigative reports that are found on his website.


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