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Recent ac ies. a Actividades recientes. a El contro de atencién de esta unidad lo constituye un tiempo verbal inglés que todavia no conoce. el tiempo que habitualmente se denomina present perfect continuous. En el caso de que se pregunte si le restan todavia muchos tiempos verbales ingleses por estudiar, cneontrara un resumen del estado de la cuestion en esta area en Srammar, donde se presentan los tiempos verbales que ya ha aprendido junto a aquellos que todavia no conoce, Le sorprendera agridablemente advertir los progresos que ha realizado en lo que va de curso Ademas, entre otras cosas, en la presente unidad oiré el acento de una persona nativa de Nueva Zet informacion acerca de saleunos paises del Pacitico y del sudeste de Asia en los que se habla ingles a scecion de la. y reeibira Consejos para el aprendizaje. En recientes unidades, usted se ha ido enfrentando a ejemplos de inglés “real” que cada vez tienen mayor cntidad, por ejemplo, al escuchar a personas nativas de diversos paises de habla inglesa en la seccidin de Accents of English o al leer extracts de novelas en fa seccién de Extra reading Aunque al principio no le parezea tan facil aproximarse a estos textos como a otros elementos del curso, debe tener en cuenta varios aypeetos eon respecto a ellos ~ Son importantes porque ejemplifican el uso cotidiano de ta te separado (en la vida real no se habla o se escribe utilizando solo un tiempo verbal. por ¢} ~ Estin escogidos teniendo presente — Van acompanados de notas aclaratorias y de tradueciones siempre que es necesario. y retinen aspectos linguisticos estudiados por plo). 1 nivel del curso, Asi pues, aunque ten considérclos como un ejercicio dtil a la vez que un desafio. No se desani contianza en sf mismo, a usted que leer o escuchar tales textos varias veces antes de comprenderlos en su totalidad. y observara como gradualmente aumenta st Observaciones. Para hablar de actividades recientes, se utilizan a menudo las palabras since y for. Repase lo que ya conoce acerea del tuso de estas palabras en las piiginas 790, 791, 794 y 795. En la unidad 33 practics cl tiempo present perfect, que se emplea, entre otras cosas, para hablar de hechos recientes. Tye made some coffee. He hecho algo de cafe: He has just left. El acaba de salir Tal vez quiera refresear su memoria revisando las paginas 670 y 671. No obstante, en el apartado de Introduetion de la presente unidid podri ver algunos nuevos cjemplos del uso de este tiempo verbal antes de iniciar el estudio del present perfect continuous cn las siguientes paginas. us x] Speaking and listening Introduction. Angela is working in the computer room at Sunshine Travel, when Mr Jones comes to see her. He seems a little excited ~ Listen to the cassette, following the first version of the text. ~ Listen again, following the second version Read the second version aloud, pul Introduction, Mr Jones: Angela Angela: Yes? Mr Jones: Have you heard the news? Angela: What news? Mr Jones: I've just heard it on the radio. A British rocket is going to travel to the sun! Angela: A British rocket is going to travel to the sun. Mr Jones: Yes. 1 hi mm the radio a few moments igo. They interviewed the captain. ... Yes. Well, the captain Well, anyway, the or the commander ewer said: “Good be very danger- or the commander Angela: “Weve going at night.” Mr Jones: “Because we're going at night heard it before. Angela: Yes. Not long ago, actually. I think it was yes- terday afternoon. Mr Jones: Who told you? Angela: You did. Mr Jones: Did 1? Angela: Yes. Mr Jones: Oh, sorry. Angela: That's OK. It’s quite a good joke. Mr Jones: Yes. Yes, it’s the best joke I’ve heard recent “Because we're going at night. Angela: Did you want to speak to me about something? Mr Jones: Mmm? ... Oh, yes. Angela: What was it? Mr Jones: I've forgotten. Um ... Oh, what was it? I was thinking about it a few minutes ago. Angela: Was it important? Mr Jones: Yean’t remember. I think so. Oh, never mind. Il come back to me. And when it comes back to me, I'll come back and tell you You've Angela: Fine. ‘Mr Jones: 1'll come back later. “Because we're going at night.” That’s very funny. g A British rocket is going to travel to the sun. 14 UNIT 55 Introduction. Angela: Yes. Not *+** ago, actually. I think it was yes- tarday soessesee, ‘Mr Jones: Who told you? Angela: +=» did. ‘Mr Jones: Angelat Mr Jones: Did *? Angela: Yes? Angela: Yes. Mr Jones: Have you heard the ‘Mr Jones: Oh, sorry. Angela: What +++? Angela: That's OK. It's quite a good» ‘Mr Jones: Wve just heard it on the *+*+*, A British Mr Jones: Yes. Yes, it’s the +++ joke I've heard recent- rocket is ++#+» to travel to ++» sun! ly. “Because we're going at «+++»." Angela: A British «sve» is going to *+#++* to the Angela: Did you want to speak +» me about some- ‘sun. thing? Mr Jones: Yes. Uheard it on the =+**+ a few moments Mr Jones: Mmm? ... Oh, yes. see. They interviewed the captain. ... Yes. Angela: What was «+? Well, the *+5++5+ ... or the commander ..._ Mr Jones: Wve forgotten. Um ... Oh, what +» it? T was Well, anyway, the interviewer +++: “Good thinking about it a »+» minutes ago. weve with the trip. But won't it be very Angela: Was it eusesese0? seesceese?” And the captain... or the — Mr Jones: Lean’t remember. [think ++. Oh, never mind. saenenne ‘No, it won't be dangerous tll come back +» me. And when it comes at eee” see to me, Pll come ++ and tell you. Angela: “We're going ++ night.” Angela: Fine. Mr Jones: “Because we're going at *+++*." Yes. You've Mr Jones: 1'llcome back *+++*. “Because we're **+=* at heard it before. night.” That's ++ funny. Practice. ‘ak sat excitado(da), You know these expressions about recent events: emocionado(da) rocket rokw cohete recently interview ——_/'inta'vju:! entrevistar meen commander { K2mands!/ (OK) comandante ee ‘ko'mendar/ (US) atew | momen | azo just: He has just left. (UK) He just left. (US) Translate these sentences from the dialogue. . Have you heard the news? ve just heard it on the radio. heard it on the radio a few moments ago. It’s the best joke I've heard recently. I was thinking about it a few minutes ago. Answers on page 1152 ‘The Speaking and listening section in this unit has these arts: Recently. Recientemente. All morning. Toda la mai How long? {Cuinto tiempo? Every day for two weeks. Cada dia durante dos semanas. as

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