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Mapping parameters and variables represent values in mappings and mapplets.

So rter

When we use a mapping parameter o r variable in a mapping, first we declare the


ETL Life Cycle

mapping parameter o r variable fo r use in each mapplet o r mapping. Then, we

Transactio n Co ntro l

What Is Info rmatica

define a value fo r the mapping parameter o r variable befo re we run the sessio n.

So urce Qualifier

Int roduct ion

Client Co mpo nents

Services Behind Scene


Sto red Pro cedure

SQL Transfo rmatio n

Try U R Hand's o n Admin-

A mapping parameter represents a co nstant value that we can define

No rmalizer

Co nso le

befo re running a sessio n.

Sequence Generato r

Difference Between 7.1 and

A mapping parameter retains the same value thro ugho ut the entire

8 .6

sessio n.

Info rmatica 8 .6 Installatio n

Int erview Zone

Aggregato r
Unio n

Exam ple : When we want to extract reco rds o f a particular mo nth during ETL

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pro cess, we will create a Mapping Parameter o f data type and use it in query to

Update Strategy

co mpare it with the timestamp field in SQL o verride.

Lo o k Up

After we create a parameter, it appears in the Expressio n Edito r.

Info rmatica Real Time

We can then use the parameter in any expressio n in the mapplet o r

Interview Questio ns


Info rmatica Experienced

We can also use parameters in a so urce qualifier filter, user-defined jo in, o r

Interview Questio ns - part1

extract o verride, and in the Expressio n Edito r o f reusable transfo rmatio ns.

Info rmatica Experienced

Interview Questio ns - part2

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Info rmatica Experienced

Unlike mapping parameters, mapping variables are values that can change

Interview Questio ns - part3

between sessio ns.

Info rmatica Experienced

The Integratio n Service saves the latest value o f a mapping variable to the

Interview Questio ns - part4

repo sito ry at the end o f each successful sessio n.

Data Wareho using co ncept

We can o verride a saved value with the parameter file.

Based Interview Questio ns

We can also clear all saved values fo r the sessio n in the Wo rkflo w

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Test ing
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Integratio n Testing
Info rmatica Testing
Co nstraint Based lo ading
Target Lo ad Plan

We might use a mapping variable to perfo rm an incremental read o f the so urce.

want to evaluate the transactio ns o n a daily basis. Instead o f manually entering a

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sessio n o verride to filter so urce data each time we run the sessio n, we can create
a mapping variable, $$IncludeDateTime. In the so urce qualifier, create a filter to

Perf ormanceTuning

read o nly ro ws who se transactio n date equals $$IncludeDateTime, such as:

TIMESTAMP = $$IncludeDateTime
In the mapping, use a variable functio n to set the variable value to increment o ne

Concept s


Fo r example, we have a so urce table co ntaining time stamped transactio ns and we

day each time the sessio n runs. If we set the initial value o f $$IncludeDateTime to
8 /1/20 0 4, the first time the Integratio n Service runs the sessio n, it reads o nly ro ws

8 /1/20 0 4.



sessio n,


Integratio n



Mapping Parameter's &

$$IncludeDateTime to 8 /2/20 0 4. It saves 8 /2/20 0 4 to the repo sito ry at the end o f


the sessio n. The next time it runs the sessio n, it reads o nly ro ws fro m August 2,


20 0 4.

Necessity Of
Perfo rmance-tuning
Identificatio n Of bo ttle
Optimizatio n o f Bo ttle
Perfo rmance tuning o f
Lo o kup

Partitio ning
Wo rking with links

Lo o kup
Use d in f o llo wing t ransf o rm at io ns:


Expressio n

Types o f Task's- 1


Types o f Task's- 2

Ro uter

Indirect Metho d fo r Lo ading

SCD - Type 1

Update Strategy

Push Do wn Optimizatio n

Chat wit h Me
Chat wit h Me

Init ial and De f ault Value :

SCD - Type 2
SCD - Type 3
Incremental Aggregatio n
Mapping Templates
Grid Pro cessing
Wo rk Flo w Variables

When we declare a mapping parameter o r variable in a mapping o r a mapplet, we

can enter an initial value. When the Integratio n Service needs an initial value, and
we did no t declare an initial value fo r the parameter o r variable, the Integratio n

Visit or's

Service uses a default value based o n the data type o f the parameter o r variable.
Data ->Default Value
Numeric ->0
String ->Empty String
Date time ->1/1/1
Variable Value s: Start value and current value o f a mapping variable
St art Value :
The start value is the value o f the variable at the start o f the sessio n. The
Integratio n Service lo o ks fo r the start value in the fo llo wing o rder:
1. Value in parameter file
2. Value saved in the repo sito ry
3. Initial value
4. Default value
Curre nt Value :
The current value is the value o f the variable as the sessio n pro gresses. When a
sessio n starts, the current value o f a variable is the same as the start value. The
final current value fo r a variable is saved to the repo sito ry at the end o f a
successful sessio n. When a sessio n fails to co mplete, the Integratio n Service
do es no t update the value o f the variable in the repo sito ry.

No t e : If a variable functio n is no t used to calculate the current value o f a mapping

variable, the start value o f the variable is saved to the repo sito ry.
Variable Data type and Aggregatio n Type When we declare a mapping variable in a
mapping, we need to co nfigure the Data type and aggregatio n type fo r the variable.
The IS uses the aggregate type o f a Mapping variable to determine the final current
value o f the mapping variable.
Aggregatio n types are:
Co unt : Integer and small integer data types are valid o nly.
Max: All transfo rmatio n data types except binary data type are valid.
Min: All transfo rmatio n data types except binary data type are valid.
Variable Funct io ns
Variable functio ns determine ho w the Integratio n Service calculates the current
value o f a mapping variable in a pipeline.
Se t MaxVariable : Sets the variable to the maximum value o f a gro up o f values. It
igno res ro ws marked fo r update, delete, o r reject. Aggregatio n type set to Max.
Se t MinVariable : Sets the variable to the minimum value o f a gro up o f values. It
igno res ro ws marked fo r update, delete, o r reject. Aggregatio n type set to Min.
Se t Co unt Variable : Increments the variable value by o ne. It adds o ne to the
variable value when a ro w is marked fo r insertio n, and subtracts o ne when the ro w
is Marked fo r deletio n. It igno res ro ws marked fo r update o r reject. Aggregatio n
type set to Co unt.
Se t Variable : Sets the variable to the co nfigured value. At the end o f a sessio n, it
co mpares the final current value o f the variable to the start value o f the variable.
Based o n the aggregate type o f the variable, it saves a final value to the repo sito ry.
Cre at ing Mapping Param e t e rs and Variable s
1. Open the fo lder where we want to create parameter o r variable.
2. In the Mapping Designer, click Mappings > Parameters and Variables. -o rIn the Mapplet Designer, click Mapplet > Parameters and Variables.
3. Click the add butto n.

4. Enter name. Do no t remo ve $$ fro m name.

5. Select Type and Data type. Select Aggregatio n type fo r mapping variables.
6 . Give Initial Value. Click o k.
Exam ple : Use o f Mapping o f Mapping Parameters and Variables
EMP will be so urce table.
Create a target table MP_MV_EXAMPLE having co lumns: EMPNO, ENAME,
TOTAL_SAL = SAL+ COMM + $$BONUS (Bo nus is mapping parameter that
changes every mo nth)
SET_VAR: We will be added o ne mo nth to the HIREDATE o f every
emplo yee.
Create sho rtcuts as necessary.
Cre at ing Mapping
1. Open fo lder where we want to create the mapping.
2. Click To o ls -> Mapping Designer.
3. Click Mapping-> Create-> Give name. Ex: m_mp_mv_example
4. Drag EMP and target table.
5. Transfo rmatio n -> Create -> Select Expressio n fo r list -> Create > Do ne.
Expressio n.
7. Create Parameter $$Bo nus and Give initial value as 20 0 .
8 . Create variable $$var_max o f MAX aggregatio n type and initial value 150 0 .
9 . Create variable $$var_min o f MIN aggregatio n type and initial value 150 0 .
10 . Create variable $$var_co unt o f COUNT aggregatio n type and initial value 0 .
COUNT is visible when datatype is INT o r SMALLINT.
11. Create variable $$var_set o f MAX aggregatio n type.

12. Create 5 o utput po rts o ut_ TOTAL_SAL, o ut_MAX_VAR, o ut_MIN_VAR,

o ut_COUNT_VAR and o ut_SET_VAR.
13. Open expressio n edito r fo r TOTAL_SAL. Do the same as we did earlier fo r
SAL+ COMM. To add $$BONUS to it, select variable tab and select the parameter
fro m mapping parameter. SAL + COMM + $$Bo nus
14. Open Expressio n edito r fo r o ut_max_var.
15. Select the variable functio n SETMAXVARIABLE fro m left side pane. Select

fro m





fro m

po rts



sho wn

belo w.SETMAXVARIABLE($$var_max,SAL)

17. Open Expressio n edito r fo r o ut_min_var and write the fo llo wing expressio n:
SETMINVARIABLE($$var_min,SAL). Validate the expressio n.
18 . Open Expressio n edito r fo r o ut_co unt_var and write the fo llo wing expressio n:
SETCOUNTVARIABLE($$var_co unt). Validate the expressio n.
19 . Open Expressio n edito r fo r o ut_set_var and write the fo llo wing expressio n:
SETVARIABLE($$var_set,ADD_TO_DATE(HIREDATE,'MM',1)). Validate.
20 . Click OK. Expressio n Transfo rmatio n belo w:

21. Link all po rts fro m expressio n to target and Validate Mapping and Save it.
22. See mapping picture o n next page.

A parameter file is a list o f parameters and asso ciated values fo r a
wo rkflo w, wo rklet, o r sessio n.
Parameter files pro vide flexibility to change these variables each time we
run a wo rkflo w o r sessio n.
We can create multiple parameter files and change the file we use fo r a
sessio n o r wo rkflo w. We can create a parameter file using a text edito r
such as Wo rdPad o r No tepad.
Enter the parameter file name and directo ry in the wo rkflo w o r sessio n
pro perties.
A parameter file co ntains the fo llo wing types o f parameters and variables:
Wo rkf lo w variable : References values and reco rds info rmatio n in a
wo rkflo w.
Wo rkle t variable : References values and reco rds info rmatio n in a wo rklet.
Use predefined wo rklet variables in a parent wo rkflo w, but we canno t use
wo rkflo w variables fro m the parent wo rkflo w in a wo rklet.
Se ssio n param e t e r: Defines a value that can change fro m sessio n to
sessio n, such as a database co nnectio n o r file name.
Mapping parameter and Mapping variable
Parameter files co ntain several sectio ns preceded by a heading. The heading
identifies the Integratio n Service, Integratio n Service pro cess, wo rkflo w, wo rklet, o r
sessio n to which we want to assign parameters o r variables.
Make sessio n and wo rkflo w.
Give co nnectio n info rmatio n fo r so urce and target table.
Run wo rkflo w and see result.

Sam ple Param e t e r File f o r Our e xam ple :


In the parameter file, fo lder and sessio n names are case sensitive.
Create a text file in no tepad with name Para_File.txt

Twe e t

$$Bo nus=10 0 0

Sub mit

$$var_max=50 0
$$var_min=120 0
$$var_co unt=0


We can specify the parameter file name and directo ry in the wo rkflo w o r sessio n
pro perties.

G e t th i s

To enter a parameter file in the wo rkflo w pro perties:

1. Open a Wo rkflo w in the Wo rkflo w Manager.
2. Click Wo rkflo ws > Edit.
3. Click the Pro perties tab.
4. Enter the parameter directo ry and name in the Parameter Filename field.
5. Click OK.
To enter a parameter file in the sessio n pro perties:
1. Open a sessio n in the Wo rkflo w Manager.
2. Click the Pro perties tab and o pen the General Optio ns settings.
3. Enter the parameter directo ry and name in the Parameter Filename field.
4. Example: D:\Files\Para_File.txt o r $PMSo urceFileDir\Para_File.txt
5. Click OK.
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