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Good morning to the honourable judges, precise timekeeper,

teachers, all my fellow contestants and friends. Today I am going to

tell you a story about an autobiography of a parrot.
Good morning! Good morning! sounded a wonderful parrot. Isnt it
nice to have a parrot in your home? Well, first let me tell you about
this clever intelligent bird.Hmm..Hmmm thats me. You consider us,
the parrots, as the most beautiful of the birds. That is very true
but our beauty is second only to the peacock. Many people admire my
beautiful green body or my curved yellow beak. My body is very clean
and smooth. The feahers are well kept by me. This beak is very
useful to break all the hard nut shell and I can eat the food easily.
Yummy, yummy.
Others admire the golden band around my neck. It is like an
expensive necklace. Most humans like to teach me how to
talk.Sometimes the words are very difficult to say but we must try
hard to learn, right? I have indeed an ability to speak and sing but
not in Academy Fantasia. But I can only speak the words that I have
been taught and nothing more. If you ask me any question, I will
repeat only the same words. Boring , right? Humans like to provoke
me to talk. I am not angry because not many animals or birds can
talk. Isnt it wonderful? That is why the saying Repeat like a parrot
came about. Ha.. Ha... It describes someone who repeats things
without knowing its meaning.
I was born in hole on the side of a big tree. I came out of an egg and
then I saw my mother. Wow! She is a beauty. I hope I will be pretty
as her too. Do you think so? She fed me with fruits, nuts and grains.
So tasty and I wanted more. Everyday she will find food to feed me
until I was able to fly. Talking about flying, I was embarassed when I
took my first flight. I fell down and well, it hurt but my mother

encouraged me to try again and again. She was the most patient and
loving mother I had ever had. Thank you mother.
Later she taught me how to find food for myself. Then it was time
to leave my mother. It was a sad day and I remembered it till now.
When I left my mother, I was flying about to get my food, and I was
one day caught in a net by a boy. He

sold me to a fine young

gentleman. He keeps me in a cosy nest and cage till now. He is my

master who taught me how to talk and I am able to tell you the story
of my life right here. I hope you like my story as much as i love to
share with you.

Assalamualaikum wbt..serta Salam 1 Malaysia. Terima kasih

tuan pengerusi majlis, para hakim yang arif lagi bijaksana, penjaga
masa yang sentiasa bersedia, guru guru serta kawan kawan
seperjuagan sekelian.
Semut. Kerjanya menghimpun makanan tanpa henti. Siang malam
pagi petang dia berusaha tanpa rehat. Belum pernah dilihat seekor
semut terbaring keletihan. Dia hanya diusung oleh teman-temannya
apabila dia mengalami kesakitan ataupun setelah mati. Selebihnya ia
akan bekerja, bekerja dan bekerja. Tahukah anda, semut boleh
menghimpun makanan untuk bekalan yang amat lama sedangkan
usianya tidaklah lebih lama daripada banyaknya bekalan makanan yang
boleh dihimpunnya itu.
Semut-semut penganyam adalah tukang jahit yang mahir. Mereka
menyambung daun-daun dengan menariknya daripada dua bahagian
dan menjahit daun-daun ini bersama. Dengan cara ini, mereka
membuat rumah yang baik untuk diri mereka. Semut mempunyai jenis
yang lebih banyak daripada hidupan-hidupan yang lain.

Daripada setiap 700 juta semut yang dilahirkan ke dunia, hanya

terdapat 40 kelahiran manusia. Dengan kata lain, jumlah semut-semut
di dunia ini adalah jauh lebih tinggi daripada manusia.
Kehebatan sifat-sifat semut tidak berakhir di sini sahaja. Walaupun,
berjuta-juta mereka tinggal bersama, mereka tidak mempunyai
sebarang masalah di antara mereka, tidak ada kekeliruan atau
kecamukan. Mereka hidup di dalam kehidupan yang begitu terancang
di mana setiap mereka mematuhi peraturan.

Semut mempunyai 500,000 sel saraf yang termuat dalam 2-3

milimeter tubuh mereka. (Harun Yahya)
Istimewanya Makhluk Allah Ini.
Cuba perhatikan kehidupan masyarakat semut. Teknologi, kerja
gotong-royong, strategi ketenteraan, jaringan komunikasi yang maju,
hierarki yang rasional dan cerdik, disiplin, perencanaan kota yang
sempurna dan pelbagai ciri lain yang amat istimewa untuk di ambil.
Semut berkomunikasi dengan isyarat kimia iaitu semiokemikal zat
kimia yang digunakan semut untuk tujuan menetapkan komunikasi
(Feromon). Semut yang paling berbahaya adalah semut bulldog hitam
dari Australia, bisanya mampu membunuh manusia.

Semua spesies semut, yang jumlahnya mencapai kira-kira 8.800

spesies, mencari makanan dan membawanya pulang dengan cara yang
berbeza-beza. Dalam spesies-spesies tertentu, semut berburu
sendirian dan membawa pulang makanannya masing-masing. Spesies
lain berburu berkelompok dan membawa serta menjaga makanannya

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