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H Ni
(Under Decision No..../Q-HFPT dated .../.../2014)
Course name: Data Mining
Course code: AID401
Level: Bachelor
Implementation period:
From .../.../2015 to .../.../2015
Group leader: Trn Th Trung
1) Main objectives and goals of the course
* Upon the completion of the course, students can have
a) Knowledge:
* Understand Data Mining concepts and techniques, through active study and presentations
b) Skills:
* Be able to apply Data Mining techniques to solve Data Mining problems;
2) Course Textbook(s)/ Resources:
a) Main books
* Jiawei Han, Micheline Kamber, and Jian Pei, Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques, 3rd edition,
Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2011 (745 pages)
* Ian H. Witten, Eibe Frank and Mark A. Hall, Data Mining: Practical Machine Learning Tools and
Techniques, Third Edition, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2011 (665 pages)
* Stphane Tuffry, Data Mining and Statistics for Decision Making, John Wiley & Sons (UK), 2011
(716 pages)

04.02e-BM/DH/HDCV/FU 1/2






Data Preprocessing

3) Implementation plan in details

Introduction to course. Outline of a Data

Mining project (business goal (Chapter 2 &
3 Textbook 2), team setup with business
minded person + data science person +
optional engineers), data source
preparation, data pre-processing, choose 2
models/ways to process data (Chapter 4
Textbook 2), do the processing (Chapter 4
Textbook 2), compare result & interpret the
result (Chapter 5 Textbook 2), answer
business question). Introduction to project.
Assigning projects to students.
Practice: Helping each group of students
set up their project and acquire data for
their project; Ask student to present in the
next lecture about a topic in Data
preprocessing, with demonstration from
their own project
Student present Data preprocessing
(Chapter 2 Textbook 1, Chapter 2 Textbook
2, Chapter 3 Textbook 3) teacher
comments , on one of the topics of: Data
exploration and understanding, Data
preprocessing, Data cleansing, Data
integration, Data transformation, Data
reduction, Normality Testing.
Student demonstrate their presented
knowledge on doing/result of
preprocessing of their data in their
projects. Teacher comments

04.02e-BM/DH/HDCV/FU 1/2


Student's task before class

Teacher's Material

Student's task after class

Read Course Syllabus and

Course Implementation Plan.
Read List of Projects.

Course Implementation
Plan. Slide for
Introduction to course
and outline of Data
Mining project. List of
Projects. List of
Students. List of
questions to give to
student group 1.

Student group 1 read and

prepare in group for
presentation of Data
preprocessing. Other read
about Data preprocessing to
contribute/debate in
presentation session and
working on assigned project.



ion 1)

Student group 1 read and

prepare in group for
presentation of Data
preprocessing. Other working
on assigned project.

ion 1)


List of Student groups.

Prepare place for
uploading student
presentation, and
grading it. List of
questions to aks in the
presentation. List of
questions to give to
student group 2.

Student group 2 read and

prepare in group for
presentation of Data
preprocessing. Other read
about Data preprocessing to
contribute/debate in
presentation session and
working on assigned project.


Data Management and Processing Platform

04.02e-BM/DH/HDCV/FU 1/2

Student present Data preprocessing

(Chapter 2 Textbook 1, Chapter 2 Textbook
2, Chapter 7 Textbook2, Chapter 3
Textbook 3, Chapter 4 Textbook 3) teacher
comments , on one of the topics of: Data
understanding, Data preprocessing, Data
cleansing, Data integration, Data
transformation, Data reduction, Normality
Testing, Domain knowledge in commercial
data, and the topic must be different than
in previous Presentation.

ion 2)

Student demonstrate their presented

knowledge on doing/result of
preprocessing of their data in their
projects. Teacher comments

ion 2)

Teacher introduce about Data

Warehousing (Chapter 3 Textbook 1)

Student group 2 read and

prepare in group for
presentation of Data
preprocessing. Other working
on assigned project.

List of Student groups.

Prepare place for
uploading student
presentation, and
grading it. List of
questions to aks in the

Read about Data Warehousing,

and work on assigned project.

Slide for Data

Warehousing. List of
Students. List of
questions to give to
student group 3.

Student group 3 read and

prepare in group for
presentation of Data
management and processing
software. Other read about
Data management and
processing software to
contribute/debate in
presentation session and
working on assigned project.

Read about Data
Warehousing, and work on
assigned project.

Practice: Helping each group of students

store data/choose platform for data
management and analysis for their project;
Ask student to present in the next lecture
about a topic in Data cube and Software
for Data Mining


Student present Software/Platform for

Working with data (Chapter 10 Textbook 2,
Chapter 5 Textbook 3, and any others
platform of interest) teacher comments.

ion 3)

Student demonstrate their presented

knowledge on using a platform on their
data in their projects. Teacher comments

ion 3)

Student group 3 read and

prepare in group for
presentation of Data
management and processing
software. Other read about
Data management and
processing software to
contribute/debate in
presentation session and
working on assigned project.


List of Student groups.

Prepare place for
uploading student
presentation, and
grading it. List of
questions to aks in the
presentation. List of
questions to give to
student group 4.

Student group 4 read and

prepare in group for
presentation of Data cube.
Other read about Data cube to
contribute/debate in
presentation session and
working on assigned project.

Student present Data Cube (Chapter 4

Textbook 1) teacher comments.

ion 4)


Student demonstrate their presented

knowledge on data cube on their data in
their projects. Teacher comment.

ion 4)




Review of Machine Learning tools for Data Mining


04.02e-BM/DH/HDCV/FU 1/2

Teacher introduce about Frequent Pattern,

Association & Correlation (Chapter 5
Textbook 1, Chapter 4 & 5 Textbook 2)
Practice: Helping each group of students to
choose 2 methods/models/tools for their
project; Ask student to present in the next
lecture about a topic in Supervised &
Unsupervised Machine Learning technique
for Data Mining
Student present Classification (Chapter 6
Textbook 1, Chapter 6.2 Textbook2,
Chapter 11 Textbook 3) or Association
Rules (Chapter 4.5 Textbook 2, Chapter 10
of Textbook 3). Teacher comments.
Student demonstrate their presented
knowledge on classification/association on
their data in their projects. Teacher



ion 5)
ion 5)

Student group 4 read and

prepare in group for
presentation of Data cube.
Other read about Data cube to
contribute/debate in
presentation session and
working on assigned project.

List of Student groups.

Prepare place for
uploading student
presentation, and
grading it. List of
questions to aks in the

Read about Data Mining

techniques that had not been
introduced in previous
Machine Learning course (e.g.
Frequent Pattern, Association
& Correlation). Working on
assigned project.

Slide for Data Mining

techniques that had not
been introduced in
previous Machine
Learning course (e.g.
Frequent Pattern,
Association &
Correlation). List of
Students. List of
questions to give to
student group 5.

Student group 5 read and

prepare in group for
presentation of Data Mining
techniques such as
Classification, Association
rules or other techniques.
Other read about Data Mining
techniques such as
Classification, Association
rules or other techniques to
contribute/debate in
presentation session and
working on assigned project.


List of Student groups.

Prepare place for
uploading student
presentation, and
grading it. List of
questions to aks in the
presentation. List of
questions to give to
student group 6.

Read about Data Mining

techniques that had not been
introduced in previous Machine
Learning course (e.g. Frequent
Pattern, Association &
Correlation). Working on
assigned project.
Student group 5 read and
prepare in group for
presentation of Data Mining
techniques such as
Classification, Association rules
or other techniques. Other read
about Data Mining techniques
such as Classification,
Association rules or other
techniques to contribute/debate
in presentation session and
working on assigned project.
Student group 6 read and
prepare in group for
presentation of Data Mining
techniques such as Clustering,
Neural Network or other
techniques. Other read about
Data Mining techniques such as
Clustering, Neural Network or
other techniques to
contribute/debate in
presentation session and
working on assigned project.







Advanced Topic: Graph Mining & Social network analysis


04.02e-BM/DH/HDCV/FU 1/2

Student present Clustering (Chapter 7

Textbook 1, Chapter 4.5 Textbook 2,
Chapter 9 Textbook 3) or Neural Network
(Chapter 8 Textbook 3) teacher comments.

ion 6)

Student demonstrate their presented

knowledge on clustering/neural network on
their data in their projects. Teacher

ion 6)

Teacher present about graph-mining

techniques, and social network analysis
(Chapter 9 Textbook 1)


Practice: Helping each group of students to

read on specific graph-mining topics that
support their projects.


Student present Graph Mining (Chapter 9

Textbook 1). Teacher comments.

ion 7)

Student demonstrate their presented

knowledge on graph-mining in their
projects. Teacher comment.

ion 7)

Student present Social Network Analysis

(Chapter 9 Textbook 1). Teacher
Student demonstrate their presented
knowledge on social network analysis in
their projects. Teacher comment.

ion 8)
ion 8)

Student group 6 read and

prepare in group for
presentation of Data Mining
techniques such as
Clustering, Neural Network or
other techniques. Other read
about Data Mining techniques
such as Clustering, Neural
Network or other techniques
to contribute/debate in
presentation session and
working on assigned project.

List of Student groups.

Prepare place for
uploading student
presentation, and
grading it. List of
questions to aks in the

Read about graph mining and

social network analysis.
Working on assigned project.

Read about graph mining and

social network analysis.
Working on assigned project.

Slide for graph mining

and social network
analysis. List of
Students. List of
questions to give to
student group 7.

Student group 7 read and

prepare in group for
presentation of graph mining.
Other read about graph mining
to contribute/debate in
presentation session and
working on assigned project.

Student group 7 read and

prepare in group for
presentation of graph mining.
Other read about graph
mining to contribute/debate in
presentation session and
working on assigned project.

List of Student groups.

Prepare place for
uploading student
presentation, and
grading it. List of
questions to aks in the
presentation. List of
questions to give to
student group 8.

Student group 8 read and

prepare in group for
presentation of social network
analysis. Other read about
social network analysis to
contribute/debate in
presentation session and
working on assigned project.

Student group 8 read and

prepare in group for
presentation of social network
analysis. Other read about
social network analysis to
contribute/debate in
presentation session and
working on assigned project.

List of Student groups.

Prepare place for
uploading student
presentation, and
grading it. List of
questions to aks in the

Read about text-mining and

web-mining. Working on
assigned project.





Advanced Topic: Text Mining & Web Mining



Advanced Topic: ECommerce and Online



04.02e-BM/DH/HDCV/FU 1/2

Teacher present about text-mining & webmining techniques (Chapter 10.4 Textbook
1, Chapter 9.5 & 9.6 Textbook 2)


Practice: Helping each group of students to

read on specific text-mining & web-mining
topics that support their projects.


Student present Text Mining (Chapter 14

Textbook 3) teacher comments.

ion 9)

Student demonstrate their presented

knowledge on text-mining in their projects.
Teacher comments

ion 9)

Student present Web-Mining Mining

(Chapter 14 Textbook 3, Chapter 10 & 11
Reference Book 1) teacher comments.

ion 10)

Student demonstrate their presented

knowledge on web-mining in their projects.
Teacher comment.

ion 10)

Guest speaker 1 present E-Commerce and

Online advertising. Teacher comment.


Read about text-mining and

web-mining. Working on
assigned project.

Slide for text-mining &

web-mining techniques.
List of Students. List of
questions to give to
student group 9.

Student group 9 read and

prepare in group for
presentation of text-mining.
Other read about text-mining to
contribute/debate in
presentation session and
working on assigned project.

Student group 9 read and

prepare in group for
presentation of text-mining.
Other read about text-mining
to contribute/debate in
presentation session and
working on assigned project.

List of Student groups.

Prepare place for
uploading student
presentation, and
grading it. List of
questions to aks in the
presentation. List of
questions to give to
student group 10.

Student group 10 read and

prepare in group for
presentation of web-mining.
Other read about web-mining
to contribute/debate in
presentation session and
working on assigned project.

Student group 10 read and

prepare in group for
presentation of web-mining.
Other read about web-mining
to contribute/debate in
presentation session and
working on assigned project.

List of Student groups.

Prepare place for
uploading student
presentation, and
grading it. List of
questions to aks in the

Read about E-Commerce and

Online advertising. Working on
assigned project.

Read about E-Commerce and

Online advertising. Working
on assigned project.

Contact of guest
speaker 1, slide of
guest speaker 1, list of
questions to ask guest
speaker 1. List of
questions to give to
student group 1.


Student group 1 read and

prepare in group for
presentation of application of
Data Mining in E-Commerce
and Online advertising. Other
read about application of Data
Mining in E-Commerce and
Online advertising to
contribute/debate in
presentation session and
working on assigned project.

ion 11)

Student group 1 read and

prepare in group for
presentation of application of
Data Mining in E-Commerce
and Online advertising. Other
read about application of
Data Mining in E-Commerce
and Online advertising to
contribute/debate in
presentation session and
working on assigned project.

List of Student groups.

Prepare place for
uploading student
presentation, and
grading it. List of
questions to aks in the
presentation. List of
questions to give to
student group 2.

Student group 2 read and

prepare in group for
presentation of application of
Data Mining in E-Commerce
and Online advertising (on topic
different than previous
presentation). Other read about
application of Data Mining in ECommerce and Online
advertising to contribute/debate
in presentation session and
working on assigned project.

ion 12)

Student group 2 read and

prepare in group for
presentation of application of
Data Mining in E-Commerce
and Online advertising (on
topic different than previous
presentation). Other read
about application of Data
Mining in E-Commerce and
Online advertising to
contribute/debate in
presentation session and
working on assigned project.

List of Student groups.

Prepare place for
uploading student
presentation, and
grading it. List of
questions to aks in the

Read about Economics and

Financial Analysis. Working on
assigned project.

Student group 3 read and

prepare in group for
presentation of Economics and
Financial Analysis. Other read
about Economics and Financial
Analysis to contribute/debate in
presentation session and
working on assigned project.
Student group 4 read and
prepare in group for
presentation of Economics and
Financial Analysis (on topic

Student present E-Commerce and Online
advertising (self research materials, may
contain Chapter 7 Reference Book 1).
Teacher comment.

Student present E-Commerce and Online
advertising (self research materials, may
contain Chapter 7 Reference Book 1).
Teacher comment.




Advanced Topic: Economic

and financial data analysis


04.02e-BM/DH/HDCV/FU 1/2

Guest speaker 2 present Economics and

Financial Analysis. Teacher comment.


Read about Economics and

Financial Analysis. Working on
assigned project.

Contact of guest
speaker 2, slide of
guest speaker 2, list of
questions to ask guest
speaker 2. List of
questions to give to
student group 3.

Student present Economics and Financial

Analysis (self research materials, may
contain Chapter 18, 19, 21 Reference
Book 2). Teacher comment.

ion 13)

Student group 3 read and

prepare in group for
presentation of Economics
and Financial Analysis. Other

List of Student groups.

Prepare place for
uploading student
presentation, and



Student present Economics and Financial
Analysis (self research materials, may
contain Chapter 18, 19, 21 Reference
Book 2). Teacher comment.

ion 14)





Advanced Topic: Search engine, link analysis, and

ranking algorithms


04.02e-BM/DH/HDCV/FU 1/2

Guest speaker 3 present Search engine,

link analysis, and ranking algorithms.
Teacher comment.

Student present Search engine, link

analysis, and ranking algorithms (self
research materials). Teacher comment.

read about Economics and

Financial Analysis to
contribute/debate in
presentation session and
working on assigned project.

grading it. List of

questions to aks in the
presentation. List of
questions to give to
student group 4.

different than previous

presentation). Other read about
Economics and Financial
Analysis to contribute/debate in
presentation session and
working on assigned project.

Student group 4 read and

prepare in group for
presentation of Economics
and Financial Analysis (on
topic different than previous
presentation). Other read
about Economics and
Financial Analysis to
contribute/debate in
presentation session and
working on assigned project.

List of Student groups.

Prepare place for
uploading student
presentation, and
grading it. List of
questions to aks in the

Read about Search engine, link

analysis, and ranking
algorithms. Working on
assigned project.


Read about Search engine,

link analysis, and ranking
algorithms. Working on
assigned project.

Contact of guest
speaker 3, slide of
guest speaker 3, list of
questions to ask guest
speaker 3. List of
questions to give to
student group 5.

ion 15)

Student group 5 read and

prepare in group for
presentation of Search
engine, link analysis, and
ranking algorithms. Other read
about Search engine, link
analysis, and ranking
algorithms to
contribute/debate in
presentation session and
working on assigned project.

List of Student groups.

Prepare place for
uploading student
presentation, and
grading it. List of
questions to aks in the
presentation. List of
questions to give to
student group 6.


Student group 5 read and

prepare in group for
presentation of Search engine,
link analysis, and ranking
algorithms. Other read about
Search engine, link analysis,
and ranking algorithms to
contribute/debate in
presentation session and
working on assigned project.
Student group 6 read and
prepare in group for
presentation of Search engine,
link analysis, and ranking
algorithms (on topic different
than previous presentation).
Other read about Search
engine, link analysis, and
ranking algorithms to
contribute/debate in
presentation session and
working on assigned project.

Student group 6 read and

prepare in group for
presentation of Search
engine, link analysis, and
ranking algorithms (on topic
different than previous
presentation). Other read
about Search engine, link
analysis, and ranking
algorithms to
contribute/debate in
presentation session and
working on assigned project.

List of Student groups.

Prepare place for
uploading student
presentation, and
grading it. List of
questions to aks in the

Read about Topic analysis and

applications. Working on
assigned project.


Read about Topic analysis

and applications. Working on
assigned project.

Contact of guest
speaker 4, slide of
guest speaker 4, list of
questions to ask guest
speaker 4. List of
questions to give to
student group 7.

Student group 7 read and

prepare in group for
presentation of Topic analysis
and applications. Other read
about Topic analysis and
applications to
contribute/debate in
presentation session and
working on assigned project.

ion 17)

Student group 7 read and

prepare in group for
presentation of Topic analysis
and applications. Other read
about Topic analysis and
applications to
contribute/debate in
presentation session and
working on assigned project.

List of Student groups.

Prepare place for
uploading student
presentation, and
grading it. List of
questions to aks in the
presentation. List of
questions to give to
student group 8.

Student group 8 read and

prepare in group for
presentation of Topic analysis
and applications (on topic
different than previous
presentation). Other read about
Topic analysis and applications
to contribute/debate in
presentation session and
working on assigned project.

Student present Search engine, link
analysis, and ranking algorithms (self
research materials). Teacher comment.

ion 16)





Advanced Topic: Topic analysis and applications

(for example in Medical)


04.02e-BM/DH/HDCV/FU 1/2

Guest speaker 4 present Topic analysis

and applications. Teacher comment.

Student present Topic analysis and

applications (self research materials, may
include Chapter 12 of Reference Book 1).
Teacher comment.



Student present Topic analysis and

applications (self research materials, may
include Chapter 12 of Reference Book 1).
Teacher comment.

ion 18)






Advanced Topic: High performance computing, stream data

mining, and large-scale data mining


04.02e-BM/DH/HDCV/FU 1/2

Teacher present about streaming, large

scale & high performance data mining
(Chapter 8 Textbook 1, Chapter 9.2, 9.3
Textbook 2)

Student present streaming, large scale &

high performance data mining (Chapter 8
Textbook 1, Chapter 9.2, 9.3 Textbook 2,
Chapter 8 & 9 Reference Book 1) teacher

Student present streaming, large scale &

high performance data mining (Chapter 8
Textbook 1, Chapter 9.2, 9.3 Textbook 2)
teacher comments.


ion 19)

ion 20)

Student group 8 read and

prepare in group for
presentation of Topic analysis
and applications (on topic
different than previous
presentation). Other read
about Topic analysis and
applications to
contribute/debate in
presentation session and
working on assigned project.

Read about streaming, large

scale & high performance data
mining. Working on assigned

Student group 9 read and

prepare in group for
presentation of streaming,
large scale & high
performance data mining.
Other read about streaming,
large scale & high
performance data mining to
contribute/debate in
presentation session and
working on assigned project.
Student group 10 read and
prepare in group for
presentation of streaming,
large scale & high
performance data mining (on

List of Student groups.

Prepare place for
uploading student
presentation, and
grading it. List of
questions to aks in the

Read about streaming, large

scale & high performance data
mining. Working on assigned

Slide for streaming,

large scale & high
performance data
mining. List of
Students. List of
questions to give to
student group 9.

Student group 9 read and

prepare in group for
presentation of streaming, large
scale & high performance data
mining. Other read about
streaming, large scale & high
performance data mining to
contribute/debate in
presentation session and
working on assigned project.

List of Student groups.

Prepare place for
uploading student
presentation, and
grading it. List of
questions to aks in the
presentation. List of
questions to give to
student group 10.
List of Student groups.
Prepare place for
uploading student
presentation, and
grading it. List of

Student group 10 read and

prepare in group for
presentation of streaming, large
scale & high performance data
mining (on topic different than
previous presentation). Other
read about streaming, large
scale & high performance data
mining to contribute/debate in
presentation session and
working on assigned project.
Submit project work and
prepare for final examination.


04.02e-BM/DH/HDCV/FU 1/2

topic different than previous

presentation). Other read
about streaming, large scale &
high performance data mining
to contribute/debate in
presentation session and
working on assigned project.


questions to aks in the


4) Training activities:
a) Theory
- Total: 15 slots (slot = 90)
b) Tutorials
- Total: 15 slots
c) Self-study
- 2 hours/day
- See Implementation plan in details -> Student's task before/after class columns
d) Consultation
- CMS, email, face-to-face
5) Usage of Information Technology in/during the course
a) Provide information or materials through the internet.
b) Use online materials
c) Information exchanged between Lectures and students
-,, email
6) Soft skills and personal development throughout the course
a) Presentation skills: 2 presentation, graded by teacher and possibly be other students, per
b) Team work skills: all presentation and project work are done with team
c) Other skills : none
d) Content for personal development : none
7) Assessment Scheme:
a) Ongoing assessment (OA):
2 Presentations (20%)
1 Project (40%)
b) Final examination (FE):
1. Date: Apr / 2015
2. Total weight: 40%
3. Structure:




04.02e-BM/DH/HDCV/FU 1/2

No. of


ion Office




Data Preprocessing
Data Management &
Processing Platform
Machine Learning
Tools for Data



1 mark
each que



Graph Mining &

Social Network
Text Mining & Web
Data Mining for ECommerce and
Online advertising
Economic and
financial data analysis
Search engine, link
analysis, and ranking
Topic analysis and
High performance
computing, stream
data mining, and
large-scale data




d) Final result (FR): FR = 0.6 OA + 0.4 FE

e) Completion Criteria: Final Result >= 5 and Final Exam Score >=4
8) List of attending Lectures:

Trn Th Trung

Teaching Role


Approved by:
(Campus Director)

Considered by:
(Academic Division)

Built by:
(Academic Department)

Name: Nguyn Khc Thnh


Name: Nguyn Khc Thnh


Name: Trn Th Trung

Date: .../.../2014

04.02e-BM/DH/HDCV/FU 1/2





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