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Center for Bioethics

N504 Boynton
410 Church Street
Minneapolis MN 55455
Fax: 612-624-9108

Dr. Susan Berry

Chair, IRB Executive Committee
University of Minnesota
D528 Mayo Memorial Building
420 Delaware St. SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455-0392
January 18, 2015
Dear Sue:
It has been over a year since I wrote to you asking the IRB Executive Committee to investigate
misconduct in Protocol S154.3.002A, An Open Label, Flexible Dose, Long term Safety and
Efficacy Study of Bifeprunox in the Study of Schizophrenia. The site investigator for the
University of Minnesota Medical Center, Fairview was Dr. Stephen Olson. As you know, a
research subject gave credible evidence of serious misconduct in the study in two televised
reports by KMSP News last year.
I am writing to ask for a response. The last communication I received suggested that the matter
would be discussed at the April 2014 meeting of the IRB Executive Committee. Could you
please inform me of the results of any investigation that has been conducted?
Yours sincerely,

Carl Elliott MD PhD

Professor, Center for Bioethics
cc Michael Oakes, Brian Herman, Debra Dykhuis, James Nobles

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