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Legend FanFiction

Synopsis: Takes place after the first book ending. Day and June have escaped the Republic
and Los Angeles and they are on the train towards Las Vegas. But Days leg wound is getting
worse and they are nowhere near civilization. Will June save Day? Will the most wanted
criminal of the Republic remain alive?
Chapter 1
June opened her eyes when she heard a soft moan coming from Day. He was staying across
her in the wagon, his head against the wall. His face was wrapped in pain, his blonde hair was
wet with sweat and his breath was ragged.
Are you okay? June asked.
She knew that Day was far from fine, but this was the only thing she could say. Seeing him in
so much pain was making her heart ache and she felt even worse not knowing what to do.
Yeah. Ill be fine.
It was only a whisper coming from Day, but June heard it and tried to think what to do. She
had some medical skills, which she had learnt at Drake but she didnt have any equipment.
June sighed and looked again at Day. He tried to open his eyes and she saw so much pain in
those blue oceans that her heart hurt even more. She looked around and spotted the boxes
arranged in the back of the old wagon. In those were stuff needed by the military forces in Las
Vegas and, with a little bit of luck, maybe in one of them was a first aid kit. Gauze, some
alcohol and a needle to make some stiches would be useful.
Not wanting to leave any fingerprints on the boxes, she took the gloves that were part of her
uniform and put them on. Then, she got up and moved towards the boxes.
What are you doing? Came a whisper from Day.
I need a first aid kit. Your leg is getting worse and I figured that Id find something in these
Let me help you.
June turned back immediately and she put her hands on Days shoulders to stop him from
moving. Then she noticed he was shivering and he was running a fever. Probably the wound
was getting infected.
Stay still. Dont move or youll make that leg even worse. I can handle it.

Day sighed and closed his eyes. June took a blanked that they stole before theyd gotten on
the train and wrapped it around the boys shoulders. She couldnt believe that this boy
standing in front of her and looking so fragile was the Republics most wanted criminal. He
was looking so innocent and young.
You must concentrate, she told herself and went to open the boxes.
After a few unlucky ones, June found a small and old first aid kit. She was so happy that she
wanted to scream, but she reminded herself that there was work to be done. She didnt save
Day from his execution just to let him die from an infected wound. June went by Days side
and kneeled over, putting a hand on his forehead. He was burning up.
Day. Day, look at me. You need to take two of these.
Day slowly opened his eyes and looked at June, trying to concentrate.
He was so tired that he couldnt talk. He only wanted to sleep and never wake up. He didnt
wanted to feel so much pain. He wanted to meet with mom and John.
Day, stay with me! Dont you dare go to sleep!
June knew that he snapped Day out of his thoughts and that now he concentrated on her.
Thankfully, he was a little bit more awake. She handed him two pain pills that shed found in
the kit and a bottle of water from their provisions. Day swallowed them happily and then he
started to relax a little bit.
Now Im going to clear that wound of yours and stich it, okay?
June knew that the only way to keep him awake was to talk to him. The only answer she got
was a soft moan, but it was enough.
This is going to hurt.
She took the rubbing alcohol and she took a deep breath. After that, she poured the liquid on
Days wound, keeping a hand over his mouth to suppress his shout. When June took her hand,
she could see the pained expression on Days face and she was almost crying. But she had to
be strong.
Now, with the wound cleared, she told Day that shes going to stich it. Day only nodded,
trying to breathe through the pain as June quickly stitched the wound and applied gauze over
it. Then, she bandaged his leg, trying to cause him as less pain as possible.

Its done. You can rest now, Day.

She started cleaning up, when she heard a whisper coming from Day.
Where are we, June?
Were a long way from Las Vegas, it will take several days to get there and maybe a lot more
to find the Patriots. I still cant believe that they decided to hide in a military city.
If I dont make it, promise me that youll be safe.
Days words terrified June. He wasnt going to die. She wouldnt let him. He was the legend,
the only person the Republic couldnt get their hands on and shed make sure that a leg wound
wouldnt take him down.
Dont talk like that. Youll survive, you always survive. The Republics citizens need you.
I need you, Day.
Days heartbeat accelerated as he heard those words coming from Junes mouth. He wouldnt
have ever expected this to happen. She, the girl who he kissed, the one who set him up and
gave him to the Republic, the one who saved him from death, needed him. And Day knew that
he needed June more than anything. Even after all she had done, he felt drawn to her.
He tried to smile, to hide the pain from her, but it was almost impossible. His face grimaced
and he let out a sigh, resting his head on the cold metal of the wagon.
Thank you, June, he whispered as he drifted into a dreamless sleep.
June smiled as she watched Day sleep and she took another blanked and rested it on him.
Then, she took a peak outside the wagon. It was night and they were certainly out of Los
Angeles. The train was moving very slow and she wondered how much it will take to get to
Las Vegas. There were only 269 miles to go. June sighed and tried to take in all the details she
could find outside. Unfortunately, she couldnt see anything, it was pitching black. She could
only see a halo of light far away behind them that was probably Los Angeles.
For the tenth time over the night, June wondered what will happen to Day and her when they
get to Las Vegas. What will happen to them if they are caught? Is she a wanted criminal like
Day? She couldnt believe that the system in which she believed so much turned out to be so
sick. The Republic was like a disease.
June couldnt stop asking herself why would they hide Days test results and turn him into a
lab rat. He had a perfect score, just like her, but he didnt deserve what she deserved. The
system was so corrupted. And all of Days misfortune came from the fact that he was from
Lake District. If Daniel wouldve been born in the Ruby District, maybe hed been also a

celebrity, like her. And if she wouldve been born in Lake, then shed be the lab rat. All of this
was so screwed up.
She sighed again.
It was only a whisper but June heard it loud and clear. She turned to face the beautiful boy
resting on the floor. She couldnt get enough of his beauty, of his perfectly shaped face and
even the imperfections, like the eye one, seemed beautiful on him. Even though he was in
pain, Day could make a room shine only by standing in it. June smiled and sat next to Day,
resting her head on his shoulder. She felt his arm dragging her closer and his lips touching her
hair. She immediately relaxed. Even though, he was hurt, June felt very safe around Day.
June, sleep. Everything can wait until tomorrow.
She sighed again and closed her eyes, inhaling Days scent and letting herself slip into a
dreamless sleep. The next that was going to be a long one and they needed to be ready.

Chapter 2
June woke up to the sound of the rain. The train was moving slowly and she wondered when
theyll get to Las Vegas. Not that she wanted to be in a military city with a hurt Day. June
looked at the boy who sat across her and saw that his face was a little bit more relaxed, even
though she could see the pain lines around his eyes and mouth. Even in pain and asleep, Day
was handsome and June knew why she was so attracted to that boy in the first place. He was
intelligent, handsome and had a good heart. She remembered the moment when Day helped
her after the fight with Kaede. He was so kind to her, even though he didnt know her at all.
She saw Day shift and then he opened his eyes, looking at her. They were a little bit glassy
and unfocused, but still stunning.
How are you feeling? She asked, moving a little closer to him and putting a hand on his
forehead. He was running a fever.
Better, I think, he replied, surprised by how sore was his throat. In fact, he was really
feeling a little bit better; the pain in his leg was reduced slightly.
June took a bottle of water and passed it to Day, sensing that he was thirsty. He took it grateful
and drank it quickly, enjoying the cold water.

Thanks for everything, June, and Im sorry that now youre whole life is ruined because you
helped me escape.
I dont want to work for a corrupt Republic. I want to be on the good side, even though that
means that Ill leave my life behind. In fact, who did I have back there? Only Thomas who
killed my brother.
June regretted her words immediately after she said them. She was Days face darken with
pain and knew that it was a sensitive spot for him. Thomas was the one who shot his mother
in the head right in front of him and she couldnt imagine how much it hurt him. But it was
her fault. If she didnt throw herself forward without thinking, maybe Days mom wouldnt
have been killed, as well as his brother. If she had analyzed more carefully the photos made at
her brothers death scene, maybe she would had found out sooner that Day wasnt the one
who killed Metias. It was only her fault.
Day tried to remain calm after hearing Thomas name, but the memories from the night his
mother was shot came flowing into his mind. He could remember her shocked face when she
saw Day after five years. He could still see the happiness in her beautiful eyes. Day could
remember the moment when Thomas pulled the trigger and how the bullet killed his mother,
how it shot her right in the head. His heart hurt. He had lost all his family besides his little
brother. God knew if he was still alive or not.
Yeah, well, lifes not fair, Day said, not knowing what else to tell June.
Yes, thats right. Anyway, Im so sorry that I left behind Ollie. She tried to make
That was your dog? Day was glad that June changed the subject of their chat.
Yup. I had it for a long time and I loved Ollie so much. He was so playful and every time I
got home he started playing with me. Im sorry that I left him behind.
I wish I had a pet, but yknow, its food over anything else, he joked and was relieved to see
that June smiled.
Let me look at that leg of yours, June said and sat next to Day, taking off the bandages.
She was surprised to find out that the wound was looking better. It didnt heal, not even close
to it, but it didnt look like it was an infection. The wounded zone was still red and puffy but
much better than last night. She changed the bandages quickly and glanced at Day, who was
looking outside. The sun started to rise.
Hey, Day?

Yeah? Day looked at June, wondering how she could look so good after running through
Los Angeles and after getting him out of Batalla Hall. It was impressing.
Dont you think that it would be better to postpone Las Vegas for a while? Just for your leg
to heal.
I need to find the Patriots and to find Eden. It cant wait. I cant wait.
I understand that you need to find your brother, but you wont be useful in this condition.
June was right, but Day didnt want to admit it. Hes their lab rat. What theyre doing to
him is worse than hell.
She understood what he said. After all, Eden was the only member of Days family that was
alive. If she was him, she would also run and save her brother.
Besides, if we get off the train now, we dont know where well be. I dont know whats past
those fences, Day said.
June looked outside at the mesh fences. They were keeping something away from the
Republics train tracks. Maybe there were free cities outside those, somewhere in those fields.
They were never told what lied beneath those fences.
She wanted to approve when the train suddenly stopped. All her senses were in alert mode.
She hoped that there was only an engine problem. June looked at Day, who tried to get up and
put a hand on his shoulder to keep him down.
Days and Junes only hope was that the train wasnt stopped by the Republics agents.

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