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Faculty of Political Science

Cuciurean Raluca Roxana


The End and the Beginning

Coordinating Professor:
Asist.univ.dr. Brndua Nicolaescu

The End and the Beginning

Year 2115 Humanity, by now, has found a habitable planet just 13 light-years away and
a plan to travel into space to reach out to it and colonize it became a reality, 20 years after an
elite of the worlds scientists, physicians, astrophysicists, philosophers, anthropologists and
sociologists got together and devised a plan to send a part of humanity in space to colonize
planet Lazarus 2215 in a spaceship, in order to assure that the life that began on Earth must not
meet its end on it. Because of the drastic climatic changes that Earth was going through, due to
the Third World War that saw a full fledged nuclear war between the United States and its allies
from the NATO, China, Russia and the newly formed United Caliphates of Middle East, some of
the brightest scientists from 25 countries began to select people from around the world for the
most important journey in space humanity has ever known.
The nuclear war created holes in Earths atmosphere that will allow humanity to live on
mother Earth no more than 10 years. The sad part of this space journey is that it will only allow 1
million people to be brought on a ship that will depart for planet Lazarus 2215 to colonize and
inhabit a new home for our mankind.
The construction of the ship began in 2095, when there were already signs that mankind
could no longer avoid another war at a global scale, perhaps THE war that will end mankind as
we know it. For the past 100 years, the situation on Earth has worsened year after year because
war has spread all over the world, due to religious and geopolitical conflicts, which left behind 1
billion people dead that spread pandemics that, in their turn, killed another 1.5 billion people.
But there seemed to be hope for humanity when, in 2110, the leaders of the three main
superpowers at war with each other, USA, Russia and China, met at the biggest and most
important Summit of all time in Moscow, at the invitation of Russias President, where a
consensus and peace treaty were negotiated among all the worlds countries to end all the
ongoing wars, help each other in building a new world and defeat the United Caliphates of
Middle East.
It must be noted that, in the last 100 years, the Middle East countries united themselves
into a caliphate, one by one and, in 2105, they created the United Caliphates of Middle East. The

countries of Middle East, together with all the countries from Northern Africa took no ones side
and stated that they are standing alone against the oppression and persecution of the Occident.
The United Caliphates of Middle East came to be so powerful that it became the fourth
superpower in the world, besides the United States, Russia and China. They were run by
extremists and all extremists joined them from all over the world, from all religions and races,
since the leaders of the United Caliphates welcomed anybody who wanted to kill anyone that
opposed their goals and ideas of ruling the world. In this way, a new religion was born, one that
united all the bad elements of all the religions on the planet into one, a religion based on hatred,
destruction, oppression, tyranny and persecution. Because of what the Middle East has become,
half the Muslim population fled to other countries since 2100. This new religion had only one
purpose : to destroy the rest of the world and them becoming the one and only power. If this was
not possible, then they swore to bring the end to all mankind and they were all going to go down.
The discussions at the Moscow summit were going on the right path until the president of
Russia killed the president of the USA. The Moscow Summit was a plan devised by Russia and
China to leave the United States leaderless and to take advantage of the weak position the United
States found itself into. Russia declared war upon the vulnerable and leaderless United States but
when it came for China to stand together with Russia, China backed down and declared that only
Russia is to be blamed for the assassination of the USAs President and Russias subsequent
declaration of war on the USA. This fact determined Russia to declare war on China also. China
expected the USA to make the country an ally but the USA did not do so because they
investigated the assassination and found out that China indeed reached an agreement with Russia
to kill the USAs president, until China switched sides and betrayed Russia.
After 5 years of unmatched worldwide tension, Russia attacked USAs NATO allies in
Europe and conquered Poland, Ukraine, Romania and all the Balkan Peninsula. They fought with
the United Caliphates of Middle East for Turkey, but they lost the country. Subsequently, the
United States saw themselves dragged in a devastating and unwanted war, with their most
important allies, The United Kingdom, Germany, France and Italy, being in the position of being
conquered by Russia. China and the United Caliphates of Middle East involved themselves into
the war, each with its own purposes, desires, motives and ambitions.
This new situation gave advantage to The United Caliphates of Middle East because the
main ongoing battle was taking place between Russia and the United States, so almost no one

paid attention to them so they waited for the perfect moment to intervene and win this war, when
Russia and USA were weakened and devastated by the loss of humans, money and territory.
They will strike then and their attack would be fatal to both countries, as the final blow would be
conquering both countries. In this new form as they ruled 70% of the world, China was going
down fast, without much effort.
Year 2115 marked also the beginning of the end for the most part of the mankind that
remained on planet Earth. The war was fought between the countries that had the most dangerous
nuclear weapons and a point was reached when whoever used the nuclear weapons first, would
win, but will also bring destruction upon humans. Everyone knew this option, however, they
were reluctant to use it. And then, something totally unexpected happened. Because they came to
realize that, if the nuclear weapons would be used, planet Earth would begin its final countdown
towards its destruction and extinction of humankind. In an unexpected turn of events, USA,
Russia and China reached an agreement that would bring peace upon the three sworn enemies.
The whole world celebrated this victory of reason and understanding that, despite our
differences, we are one, no matter what race or religion we are, what ambitions or desires we
have, we do not deserve to go quietly into the night. But the evil could not be contained.
United Caliphates of Middle East swore that, if this scenario would become true, then
they will rather disappear from the face of the earth than see peace and the world ruled again by
the three countries. So, on 15th December 2115, they fired their nuclear weapons against the
USA, Russia and China, without warning. This fatal move was not deemed by them as being
possible because they did not have knowledge of the fact that United Caliphates of Middle East
possessed nuclear weapons. But they did and the three most important countries in the world
were on their knees, standing at the mercy of the extremists.
The ending of the world has begun. It was acknowledged the fact that the nuclear
weapons effect on Earth and its humans is devastating, as they made 3 huge holes in the planets
atmosphere that will make life on Earth extinct in maximum 10 years. The remaining 1 billion
people no longer had the strength and time to rebuild the fallen world nor come up with a
solution to restore the atmosphere so they waited for their final moments in the ruins of the old
world, but holding hope that at least those 1 million brothers will find a way to continue the
journey of mankind into deep space and to find a new home that was denied to them.

After 20 years of researching, building, planning, organizing and, ultimately, finishing the
most elaborate plan humankind has ever witnessed, a spaceship was sent into space, comprising
of 1 million people and all of mankinds secrets, hopes and dreams, determined to start a new life
which will resemble only a bit the life we had on Earth for 50 000 years since behavioral
modernity began, far from the hell that our civilization is now, a civilization which dragged the
beautiful and miraculous planet Earth into dirt and ruin, a planet which was brought on its knees,
a second away from its inevitable but entirely avoidable death.
The spaceship was named Hope and the mission was named Relicuus (latin future,
surviving, rest of, yet to be). The most important aspects of the mission were : What rules
should we follow ? What kind of government should we have ? How we can organize people in
such a way to not repeat the fatal mistakes that brought us here in the first place ? Can we create
a perfect world, in which humans have absolute respect for one another, do not have the impulse
to kill and do not have a craving for power ? Can diseases be left on Earth and, in starting a new
life in a new world, the humans will be perfectly healthy ? The brightest scientists the world has
ever known thought they had an answer to all of these questions so the mission was given the
green light and the most interesting chapter of mankind has begun, leaving behind the saddest,
most tragic and the final one.
The Hope spaceship was programmed to reach planet Lazarus 2215 in 2215 after 100
years of space travel. The spaceship was a modern day Noahs Arc, but this time, this arc
would contain every single thing that will allow 1 million people to live 100 years in an artificial
yet very close to nature environment : oxygen, water, fields of corn, wheat, rye, sunflower and
every kind of vegetables and fruits and homes for every man and family. Everything a man
would need in order to survive and procreate, when its turn would come.
The form of government that was agreed upon was a liberal democracy, where the most
important elements are : to defend and increase civil liberties against the encroachment of
governments, institutions and powerful forces in society, to restrict or regulate government
intervention in political, economic and moral matters affecting the citizenry, to increase the scope
for political and intellectual freedom of citizens, to question the demands made by vested interest
groups seeking special privileges, to develop a society open to talent and which rewards citizens
on merit rather than on rank, privilege or status and frame rules that maximizes the well-being of
all or most citizens. The only thing that was left out was religion, the basis of most of the

conflicts that happened on Earth. It was decided that religion would not bring benefits to this
new world. The every citizen has the right to candidate for office, for a spot on the General
Council, the supreme office, composed of 150 members, which rules over the spaceship.
After a hundred of years of research, scientists, sociologists, anthropologists, political
scientists and psychologists came to the conclusion that liberal democracy was the perfect form
of government. And, in an environment like this, it has more chances to be implemented
correctly and be understood, followed, accepted and applied by the people selected to populate a
new world. These people had the features that made them a perfect candidate to inhabit a new
world. They were tolerant, intelligent, understanding of anothers needs, perfectly healthy to live
a long life and procreate, with good genes and open-minded.
The General Council would meet in weekly sessions and the sessions were broadcasted
all over the spaceship, for transparency, so that every citizen of the spaceship would be aware of
the decisions that are being taken. If someone disagrees with a decision that has been taken, a
request to expose his point of view in front of the Council is made and, if it is a justifiable one,
then it is accepted.
I am writing this as one of the last people that embarked on the final journey of
humankind. It is the year 2215 and there are only five days left until we meet our new home. The
planet is now observable and it is the most beautiful image we have ever witnessed. It looks
nothing like our Earth, but maybe that is a good thing.
We were born on Earth but we were not meant to die there. We have escaped evil,
traveled further than in our wildest dreams, we witnessed the death of our brothers and sisters,
mother and fathers and that must be a reminder of our faults, our vices, our tragedies and our
dark past, but it also has to be a constant reminder of evil man can achieve and what miracles
hes capable of. We raised like a Phoenix from our own ash and we will rise above every obstacle
we will have in front of us from now on, as we are stronger, wiser, kinder and, most important,
we are a family that will step together in the good unknown.

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