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Tackling of Problematic Soil and Brackish Water in Pakistan and

Improvement in the Efficiency of Urea and CAN Fertilizers

Naqushband Muhammad1, Niazi Tariq Muhammad 2, Mehmood Khalid3 , and Dr. M. Ashraf Dogar4
Research Officer, 2 Head of Department ,3 Senior Manager , 4 Senior Manager NFC Institute of Engineering and Fertilizer
Research, P.O. Box No. 38090 Tel 0092-41-9220355-7 Fax 0092-41-9220360 Faisalabad Pakistan.;;

The quality of groundwater in the Indus Basin varies from fresh to hazardous. In many areas it has high carbonates,
bicarbonates and pH, which creates sodicity when applied to the soil. The situation of groundwater-quality is
deteriorating fast due to rapid growth of tubewells in the private sector. Another major constraint of agriculture
in Pakistan is the huge area affected by soil-salinity and sodicity. The salt-affected soils exist on about 25 percent
of canal command areas. Soil salinity and sodicity is a serious problem of Pakistan agriculture and is the main
constraint in the higher agricultural productivity. Due to shortage of nitrogen content in our soils, Pakistani
agricultural fields require nitrogenous fertilizers. Because of high pH of our soils and tubewell water, hot and dry
weather, low content of organic matter and less microbial activity, there is a problem of urea losses and less
availability of alkaline fertilizers. R&D NFC IE&FR addressed the issue and tackled it by introduction of VC-10 to
handle the brackishness of water, salinity/sodicity of soil and efficiency enhancement of urea and CAN fertilizers.
If VC-10 a revolutionary product of NFC is multiplied all over the country, not only 40% quantities of urea and CAN
fertilizers can be saved for next crop but also subsidy given on urea can used as incentive for adoption of VC-10 at
some subsidized rates without deteriorating the soil environment and import exchequer.
Keywords: Problematic Soil, Brackish Water, Sodicity, Alkalinity, VC-10, Tailoring, Subsidy

The problems of soil salinity and tubewell water brackishness have severe impacts on the productivity of
our agricultural lands. This will continue to worsen the situation and lowering overall production of
agriculture sector. Another warrant for our agriculture is that the losses of urea and worsening of soil
condition by CAN fertilizer will continue to economic losses of scarce nutrients as a whole. Fresh water
resources on Earth are limited. Over 97 percent of the worlds water is sea water with an additional two
percent locked up in remote ice caps and glaciers. Saline groundwater and saline inland seas further
reduce the amount of usable water. As a result, less than 0.5 percent of the Earths water resource on
land is available for direct human consumption, agriculture, or industrial use. The worlds population
growth, improved living standards, increased demands from agriculture and industry, and declining
quality of existing resources stress this fragile resource (LBG-Guyton Associates, 2003). It is evident
publicly that there is a shortage of river water for irrigation purposes. Due to higher pumping of ground
water, water level is lowered to an alarming level giving low quality of water from underground reserves.
Due to abundance of Na contents in the soil, the problems of sodicity and alkalinity alongwith other
salinity issues, our soil dont react to produce the potential yields of crops genetic material. This again
tend to lower the productivity of our soils and farm lands even other factors of production are efficiently

Problems of High pH Soils and Effects of Salts on Soil Structure


pH is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a

substance. The range of pH for most soils is from 4
to 10 (Figure 1). The pH scale is logarithmic,
meaning that a change in one numerical pH unit
equals a 10-fold change in acidity or alkalinity. For
example, a soil with a pH of 8 is ten times more
alkaline than a soil with a pH of 7. pH is translated
as "potential hydrogen". It is the way we calculate
the amount of hydrogen ions (H) and hydroxyl
ions (OH). A pH of 7 is defined as neutral. This
means that there are equal amounts of the H and
OH ions. The pH of soil, sometimes is referred to
as "soil reaction" that is a measure of the acidity or
alkalinity of the soil.
Alkaline soils typically have characteristics and impacts like accumulation of excessive salt in irrigated soils
can reduce crop yields, reduce the effectiveness of irrigation, ruin soil structure, and other soil properties;
common salts may include calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, sulfate, chloride, carbonate, and
bicarbonate; high exchangeable sodium, high pH, and low calcium and magnesium disperses clay soils;
generally when soil pH is above 8.5 it indicates sodium problems; infiltration through the surface and root
zone can be severely impacted in alkaline soils; drainage in the soil is required to allow the alkaline salts
to leach below the root-zone; since saline soils increases the osmotic potential of soil water, plants have
difficulty in absorbing water. Bicarbonates (HCO ) can be common in irrigation water. The presence of
substantial amounts of bicarbonates will cause the calcium to precipitate, especially in high pH and low
moisture soils. What happens? Sodium increases relative to the available calcium. It is worth noting that
bicarbonates are toxic to plant roots, reduce plant growth, and inhibits phosphorous and micronutrient
Table 1

General guidelines for interpreting soil pH.

Soil pH
Less than 6.0
6.0 to 7.5
7.6 to 8.2

Above 8.2


Recommended action

Acidic. May indicate the presence of

reduced iron or sulfur compounds, or
contaminants in soil.
Near neutral. Ideal pH for most crop
Moderately alkaline. Normal soil pH
range for Utah. Should pose no
significant problems for crop growth
Highly alkaline. May be causing plant
growth and water infiltration
problems. Soil may be sodic (contain
excess sodium).

Monitor pH every 3 to 5 years, or more frequently if

problems develop. If pH continues to decline below 6.0
lime additions may be needed
Monitor pH every 3 to 5 years as part of a regular soil
testing program.
Monitor soil pH every 3 to 5 years as part of a regular soil
testing program, or more frequently if problems develop.
Test soil for sodium adsorption ratio
(SAR) and, if necessary, treat soil for an excess sodium
problem. Treatment may include the application of
gypsum. Other options are also available. Contact your
local County Extension Agent for further assistance and

(Source: Gale, J., et al., 2001)

Management of alkaline soils is a challenge, because the salts affect plant growth, soil structure, and water
percolation. Salts can be leached through the profile by irrigation. The problem is that if the irrigation
water contains more than 50 ppm of sodium, it could impact soil structure. This is dependent upon how
much free calcium (Ca ) and magnesium (Mg) ions are in the water or soil.

Problematic Soils of Pakistan

Buringh (1979) calculated from various available data that the world as a whole is losing at least ten
hectare of arable land every minute, five because of soil erosion, three from soil salinization, one from
other soil degradation processes and one from non-agricultural uses. The problem of soil degradation is a
serious threat to the welfare of mankind. It is generally agreed that the future food needs of increasing
population will be met by directing the efforts of all concerned towards: improving the level of
management of soils already under cultivation, and by bringing under plough the potentially arable soils
which are presently uncultivated. Soil salinity is a major impediment in achieving increased crop yields by
either of the above approaches. It is recommended that urgent measures be taken to combat
desertification in the irrigated lands by preventing and controlling water logging, salinization and
sodication by modifying farming techniques to increase productivity in a regular and sustained way.
(United Nations 1977)
The major constraint of agriculture in Pakistan is the huge area affected by soil-salinity and sodicity. The
salt-affected soils exist on about 25 percent of canal command areas. WAPDA carried out extensive
salinity-survey, covering 16.42 mha area in the Indus Basin during 1977- 79, which indicated that 11
percent of abandoned soil-profiles were saline and 27 percent were saline-sodic and sodic. The Soil Survey
of Pakistan also conducted a detailed survey of about 6 mha salt-affected soils. Saline, saline-sodic and
sodic soils were recorded on 10.7, 86.5 and 0.2 percent area, respectively. Both these surveys indicated
that saline-sodic soils shared the major proportion of salt- affected soils. A large part of salt- affected soils
of the country are sodic. Generally gypsum is applied to reclaim sodic soils, for which ample amount of
fresh water is needed for leaching of salts. At present, non-availability of fresh water is making the soilreclamation by this method a difficult proposition. (Kahlown and Gill. 2004)
The distinguishing characteristic of saline soils from the agricultural standpoint, is that they contain
sufficient neutral soluble salts to adversely affect the growth of most crop plants. For purposes of
definition, saline soils are those which have an electrical conductivity of the saturation soil extract of more
than 4 dS/m at 25C. (Richards 1954)
The chief characteristic of sodic/alkaline soils from the agricultural stand point is that they contain
sufficient exchangeable sodium to adversely affect the growth of most crop plants. For the purpose of
definition, sodic soils are those which have an exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) of more than 15.
The electrical conductivity of saturation soil extracts are, therefore, likely to be variable but are often less
than 4 dS/m at 25 C. The pH of saturated soil pastes is 8.2 or more and in extreme cases may be above
10.5. (Abrol. et. al.1988)
A laboratory column study of sodic soil reclamation was carried out using two soils high in exchangeable
sodium percentage (ESP) and cation exchange capacity (CEC), Three amendments (CaS04. 2H2O,
CaCI2.2H2O and H2SO4) were used singly and in combination to test their effectiveness and efficiencies
with respect to amount of amendment, lime and leaching needed. As a single amendment, H2S04 is more
effective than CaS04 and results in a more desirable ESP profile than CaCI. (Prather, et al. 1978)

Brackishness of water- Salinity and Sodicity/alkalinity Hazards


Brackish water is defined as water containing total dissolved solid (TDS) concentrations of between 1,000
and 10,000 milligrams per liter (mg/l) (Ashworth and Hopkins, 1995).

Salinity hazard: A salinity problem related to water quality occurs if the total quantity of salts in the
irrigation water is such that the salts accumulate in the root zone to the extent that crop yields are
adversely affected. The salinity level of an irrigation water can be determined directly by evaporation of
a known quantity of water and measuring the residue of dissolved salts that remain. The results are often
expressed in parts of salt per million parts of water (mg/l). An indirect and a more common method of
determining the salt content of an irrigation water is to measure its electrical conductivity (EC). The
greater the conductivity, the greater is its salt content. EC of irrigation water is expressed in deci Siemens
per metre at 25 C (dS/m), superseding the old millimhos per centimetre (mmho/cm). Irrigation water has
a wide range of total salinity. Most surface irrigation water, whose source is snow-fed rivers, has a total
salinity of less than about 0.5 to 0.6 dS/m. Groundwater in the semi-arid and arid regions has generally
higher salinity and may vary from less than one dS/m to more than 12 to 15 dS/m. Sea water is highly
saline with an average total soluble salts content of about 35 g/l corresponding to an electrical
conductivity of about 50 dS/m. The higher the total salinity of an irrigation water, the higher is its salinity
hazard for the crops if the soil and climatic conditions and the cultural practices remain the same. Soil,
crop, climatic and cultural factors which promote accumulation of soluble salts in the root zone are
inimical to the utilization of high salinity water for irrigation. (Paliwal, 1972; Manchanda, 1976)

Alkalinity hazard: The adverse effect of irrigation water quality on soil physical properties is associated
with the accumulation of sodium ion on the soil exchange complex which imparts instability to the soil
aggregates and whose disruption followed by dispersion of clay particles results in clogging of soil pores.
Sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) of the irrigation water defined by the equation below,

with concentration of ions in millimol (+)/1, has, for a long time, been suggested as a measure of the
sodicity/alkali hazard of irrigation water (Richards, 1954). For SAR values greater than 6 to 9, the irrigation
water could be expected to cause permeability problems in soils which contain swelling type clay minerals.
Excess exchangeable sodium causes the stable soil aggregates to disperse and impart poor air/water
permeability only in the absence of excess electrolytes. In nature generally, as the salinity of the waters
increases, the SAR also increases. Thus most irrigation water that has a high salinity hazard also has a high
SAR but such water does not have a sodicity (alkali) hazard. Thus it is extremely doubtful if SAR or adj. SAR
alone could predict the sodicity hazard of an irrigation water. On the other hand, when appreciable
quantities of residual sodium carbonate (RSC) are present, the total salinity of water is often low to
medium and rarely more than 2 dS/m. Under conditions of low to medium total salinity, water having high
residual sodium carbonate (RSC) can have an appreciable sodicity hazard. The residual sodium

carbonate content (RSC, meq/l):

RSC = [HCO3- + CO3- -] - [Ca+ + + Mg+ +]
= {HCO-3 /61 + CO- - /30} - {Ca+ + /20 + Mg+ + /12}
which must not be much higher than 1 and preferably less than 0.5. The Residual Sodium
Carbonate (RSC) formula is a quick test to determine if irrigation water can reduce free calcium
and magnesium in the soil. RSC is calculated by subtracting the water's calcium and magnesium
from its carbonate and bicarbonate. A negative value indicates little risk of sodium accumulation

due to offsetting levels of calcium and magnesium. A positive value indicates that bicarbonates
and carbonates will reduce free calcium and magnesium in the soil, thereby creating room for
sodium to accumulate. The concept of residual sodium carbonate appears to relate better to the
sodicity problem in the field. However, further research will lead to better predictive approaches
for judging the suitability of water for irrigation.

Brackishness of Water in Pakistan

The quality of groundwater in the Indus Basin varies from fresh to hazardous. In many areas it has high
carbonates, bicarbonates and pH, which creates sodicity when applied to the soil. The groundwater
abstraction from the public and private tubewells is about 6.05 Mham, of which 1.23 Mham is from public
tubewells and 4.81 MAF is contributed by the private tubewells. The present area of the Indus Basin with
groundwater having salts less than 1500, 1500-3000 and more than 3000 ppm is 8.13, 1.94 and 6.4 mha,
respectively. The situation of groundwater-quality is deteriorating fast due to rapid growth of tubewells
in the private sector. According to an estimate, there are 5,65,000 tubewells pumping groundwater in the
Indus Basin. Alone in Punjab, there are about 5,00,000 tubewells operating, 70 percent of which are
producing water of saline-sodic quality (Kahlown and Gill. 2004) and the number of private tubewells has
increased from about ten thousand in 1960 to about five hundred thousand in 2000. These ground waters
have different types of salts, which deteriorate the soil accordingly (Masood and Gohar, 2000).
The sodic groundwater containing high amount of sodium, carbonates and bicarbonates enhances
sodicity in soil, deteriorates the soil- permeability and hydraulic conductivity of soil (Haider et al. 1976,
Ghafoor et al. 1997). Soon after the installation of Salinity Control and Reclamation Projects (SCARPs), the
farmers pointed out that tubewell irrigation had made their soils hard. This deterioration of soil was due
to high SAR and RSC in irrigation water. More than 70 percent tubewells pump unfit water, and
indiscriminate use of such water has made large irrigated areas unproductive (Javaid et al., 1997). The
analysis of 41134 water samples from tubewell of different SCARPs in Punjab indicated that more than
fifty percent unfit water-samples were due to high Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR) and Residual Sodium
Carbonate (RSC) (Table-2). But on the other hand, farmers do not have any option other than using
groundwater due to the shortage of fresh water. Therefore, for the adequate use of huge groundwater
resources, innovative and sustainable technologies need to be introduced.
Table 2

Quality of Tubewell-Water samples in Punjab


No. of Samples






Unfit due to:


Source: Soil Fertility Research Institute, Punjab, 1981-96

Possible Solutions for problematic soils and brackish water in Pakistan


It is desirable to lower soil pH to increase the availability of some plant nutrients. Acidification may be
required on soils that are high in free carbonates; these have a pH of around 8.4 or above. The principal
agents used to lower soil pH are elemental sulfur, sulfuric acid, aluminum sulfate and iron sulfates (ferrous
sulfate and ferric sulfates). Ammonium sulfate, ammonium phosphate and other ammonium containing
fertilizers are also quite effective for reducing soil pH when soils receive sufficient water (rain and
irrigation) (Geoff Hughes-Games, 1991).
To reclaim and bring problematic lands under cultivation, one of the basic essential inputs is good quality
water that is already short in the country. With the canal-supply, the reclamation of huge salt affected
area is nearly impossible. Moreover, for the reclamation of sodic soils, the application of a suitable
amendment with excessive leaching is needed. Gypsum is generally applied for the reclamation of sodic
soils, but it needs ample quantity of freshwater for leaching of salts (Haq, 1966 Waheed, 1971,
Muhammad and Khaliq, 1975). Sulphuric acid has also been tried as a soil-amendment, but it could not
get popularity among farmers due to the problems associated in its handling and application (Overstreet
et al. 1951, Hussain and Mian, 1983). These bottlenecks discourage the farming community, in general,
to take up reclamation of saline sodic and sodic soils when the application of a soil-amendment is involved.
The results of research conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of sulphurous acid generator in treating
the sodic water and application of treated and untreated water in various combinations for reclaiming the
abandoned soil; describes the positive impact of treated water on soil permeability, pH, salinity, sodicity
and crop-yield of abandoned soil and concludes with some recommendations while it is well assumed that
the application of sulphuric acid as an amendment could not get popularity among the farmers, as acid is
extremely dangerous to handle (Kahlown and Gill. 2004).
Sulphuric acid has also been used to amend water quality and can be applied directly to the soil or in the
irrigation water. It rapidly neutralizes the sodic constituents of water or reacts with lime in the soil to
produce soluble calcium. On an equivalent basis, however, the effect is nearly the same as that of gypsum.
Being corrosive, handling of sulphuric acid presents problems which must be overcome through proper
application techniques (Abrol. et. al.1988).
Cyclic use strategy of canal and tube well water was standardized for rice-wheat and other rotations. Crop
yields were minimum with tube well water alone and sulphuric acid was found inferior as reclaimant
(AARI, web pages). Bradford and Letey (1992) reported that cyclic use strategy produced higher simulated
yield than the blend strategy.

According to a research report of NIAB Faisalabad Pakistan 1997, research was conducted to overcome
the problems of gaseous loss of urea-N as ammonia by using the blend Urea-Nitrate-Phosphate prepared
by the scientists of NFC Fertilizer Research Institute, Faisalabad under laboratory conditions compared to
urea as a control variable (500 mg N/Kg of soil incubated at 26 oC for 28 days). It was observed that
cumulative ammonia losses in case of urea nitrate phosphate were 40% less as compared to that of urea.
Experiment conducted to study the changes in soil pH as a result of fertilizer treatment showed that pH
(soil:water, 1:2) in case of urea nitrate phospate remained considerably lower for about 10 days which
could be regarded as a main reason for reduction in ammonia losses from this fertilizer blend ( NIAB 1997).

Solution Identified and Addressed- Development of VC-10

To cope up this situation, many efforts were made at NFC - IE&FR. Detailed work is done at our
Institute regarding the Urea losses. NFC IE&FR tailored Urea into acidic compounds which
considerably reduces the pH and ultimately reduces the losses of Urea. NFC developed a special
compound named VC-10, which is being used from the last 8 years. Results achieved indicated
the saving of Urea upto 30-40 %. To enhance the efficiency of Urea and CAN fertilizers R&D
experienced many trials at their contact farmers farm with appreciable consequences of saving
Urea & CAN Upto 40 % mostly with a maximum of 50 % rarely. If this practice is replicated to the
whole agriculture economy, the demand of Urea or CAN be reduced up to 40 % , so the pressure
on Nitrogen resource base can be reduced at farm and agriculture sector level positively along
with cutting down the import exchequer of Urea fertilizer.
Pakistan is facing the serious problems of brackishness of water and soil sodicity and salinity. For
the reclamation of sodic/saline soils, NFC-IE&FR carried out series of experiments to tackle the
problems of soil and water. R&D tailored the sulfuric acid and the results revealed that a new
liquid soil reclaiming agent could be developed which is based on organic N. VC-10 can be used
an acidifying amendment, as well as , a nitrogen fertilizer. VC-10 can greatly reduce the corrosive
action on human tissue without neutralizing any of the acidity of Inorganic acids, therefore the
microbes/ bacteria in soil, organic matter and soil porosity is not affected; The chemical bonding
of this compound results in a product with excellent properties, which can offer the grower a tool
that can be used as an acidifying amendment. Characteristics of Experimental Product are given

Physical Properties
Matter state


Corrosive nature

Tolerable to human tissues. A mild skin irritation may occur after

prolonged skin contact.
Harmful if contact with a cut or scar on skin and eyes


1.6-1.7 kg/lit

Chemical Analysis
Organic N


9 10 %
28 30 %


Use plenty of water to flush the affected area.

Protect eyes with goggles. Contact to doctor at the earliest.
Recommended to wear rubber protection equipment i.e., foot wear, gloves etc.

Pleasing Benefits of VC-10


VC-10 is acidifying amendment, as well as a nitrogen fertilizer.

VC-10 virtually climate the corrosive action on human tissues with minimal
neutralizing of acidity of Inorganic acids.
It is recognized as a fast, effective soil reclaiming agent for sodic soils.
It reacts immediately with no free time in the soil.
It can be broadcasted on the soil as a pre-plant application, injected as a side
dressing application, water run and can be used in drip irrigation systems.
It can readily mix with phosphoric acid and liquid zinc sulphate.
It can be used to control high bicarbonates in irrigation water.

Agronomic Interests of VC-10

VC-10 adjusts the high water pH and high bi-carbonates, thereby adjusting the soil pH and eliminating
toxic Sodium level and high salts in soil. The regular application of VC-10 will bring the water alkalinity
down to a more acceptable average pH of between 6.5 and 6.8. By lowering the water pH, the soil pH falls
accordingly, and the nutrients bound at high pH range in the soil become soluble. With the use of VC-10,
a considerable amount of Urea / CAN saving is confirmed. 10 kg of VC-10 is sufficient to treat the one bag
of urea, 15 kg for CAN fertilizer and 30 kg of VC-10 can be used to amend the problematic soil annually.
To lessen the effects of alkaline tubewell irrigation water, 5 kg of VC-10 per irrigation can be used for some
initial irrigations and then lowering the VC-10 dose 3 kg to 1 kg per acre per irrigation.

Intensity of Problem in Pakistan

The total geographical area of Pakistan is 79.61 m ha, cultivated area is 22.04 m ha and total cropped area
was 22.45 m ha in 2012-13 (PBS NFS & RESP 2013-14).
Pakistan total production of urea in 2010-11 was 4.99 m ton. While that of CAN was 0.196 m ton. The
import of urea in 2010-10 was 1.195 m ton. Urea fertilizer offtake was 5.992 m ton. In 2011-12 and 5.374
m ton in in 2012-13 while that of target in 2013-14 is 6.442 m ton. To bridge the gap between demand &
supply, about 0.9 m ton of urea was imported during 2012-13. The price of urea in international market
was about Rs. 2500/- per bag of 50 Kg which forced the Govt. to provide subsidy around Rs. 18 billion to
equate the price of local and imported urea in domestic market during 2012-13. An unbudgeted subsidy
of almost 35 billion rupees was estimated to be provided to urea manufacturers in the form of subsidized
rate of feedstock gas in that period. Energy situation is still not satisfactory indicating need of continuous
import of urea estimated at least 1.5 m ton during 2013-14. In order to achieve the crop production targets
an offtake of 4030 thousand nutrient tons is projected for the year 2013-14 (ADP 2013-14 Agriculture &
Food Security).
Pakistan is facing an acute shortage of good quality irrigation water to raise crops. Ground water used as
a supplement source of irrigation is mostly of poor quality owing to high EC, SAR or RSC. About 6.79 X 1010
m3 ground water is pumped, out of which 70-75% (suppose 75% i.e. 5.09x1010m3) is hazardous for
irrigation on the basis of the criteria of the Department of Agriculture, Punjab. Continuous use of low
quality water without the application of amendments could make soil saline or sodic. At present 6.67 m

ha soils are affected to different levels and types of salinity and sodacity out of which nearly half are under
irrigated agriculture. Area irrigated purely by tubewell 3.94 m ha in 2012-13 while mixed with canal water
was 7.86 m ha. During 2013-14 estimated availability of 142 MAF irrigation water comprise 5.2 MAF of
ground water.

Situation Analysis with VC-10 Treatment

To handle the situation, the requirement of VC-10 for problematic soil will be about 0.4945 m ton and for
problematic ground water about 1.527 m ton. In case of increasing the efficiency of urea and CAN
fertilizers, there is a possibility of saving 40% of these fertilizers with the use of only 0.773 and 0.0605 m
ton of VC-10 for urea and CAN respectively with a cost of 36.7 and 2.8 billion rupees. The quantity of urea
and CAN fertilizers saved is estimated to 51.54 million bags (2.58 m ton) and 2.69 million bags (0.134 m
ton) respectively.
Table 3

Critical Analysis of VC-10 Use in Pakistan

Bags / acres to be treated

Dose per unit
Quantity of VC-10 for treatment
Total Expenditure to treat all

Fertilizer Quantity Required

if VC-10 is to be used
VC-10 Requirement
If efficiency 40%
Cost of treating the fertilizer
with VC-10
Saving of Fertilizer

Urea Fertilizer

CAN fertilizer


Ground Water

6.442 m ton

0.336 m ton

6.67 m ha

5.09 X 1010 m3

128.840 m bags
10 Kg / bag
1.2884 m ton
60.125 B Rs

6.72 m bags
Kg / Bag
0.1008 m ton
4.7039 B Rs

16.48 m acres
Kg / acre
0.4945 m ton
23.0746 B Rs

77.304 m bags

4.0312 m bags

0.77304 m ton

0.06048 m ton

36.333 B Rs


B Rs

51.536 m bags


m bags

50.9 m. acres
30 Kg / acre
1.527 m ton
71.266 B Rs

Table 4 Overtime Subsidy on Urea Import Pakistan

Subsidy on Urea Import
(Billion Rs.) Pakistan













Table 5

Source: National Fertilizer Development Centre

Total VC-10 requirement- Pakistan

0.77304 m ton

0.06048 m ton

Problematic Soil

Ground water

0.4945 m ton

1.527 m ton

Grand Total

2.85502 m ton

The import of urea in 2012-13 was 761 thousand ton and in 2013-14 was 1155 thousand tons. The subsidy
given on urea was 50.5 Billion Rupees in 2011-12 and 12.7 Billion Rupees in 2012-13. An unbudgeted
subsidy of almost 35 billion rupees was estimated to be provided to urea manufacturers in the form of

subsidized rate of feedstock gas in that period. Energy situation is still not satisfactory indicating need of
continuous import of urea estimated at least 1.5 m ton during 2013-14. Pakistan can save 2.58 m ton
(51.536 m bags) of urea and 0.134 m ton (2.688 m bags) of CAN fertilizers for use in next crop. No need
to import urea and can prevent burden of import exchequer. Subsidy given on urea can be transferred for
purchase of VC-10 on concessional rates.
As demand for urea will be reduced to 40%, no chance of price hike, urea import burden and manipulated
shortage. Urea input natural gas can be saved for future production of urea at longer period of time for
sustainable agriculture and food security assurance of our coming generation. Pakistan import more or
less one m ton of urea every year, a VC-10 pilot plant of about 700 ton per day capacity will be sufficient
to produce 0.2 m ton of VC-10 per year.

Tackling of four fold obstacle of salinity and sodicity of water and soil to the agricultural productivity of
Pakistan, the technology innovated by NFC may be popularized on urgent basis for the environmental
safety of our soil capital, saving of import exchequer of urea fertilizer and efficient improvement of urea
and CAN fertilizers by 40 %. Governmental intervention is needed as an earliest option for betterment of
Pakistan agriculture.

Abrol. I.P., J.S.P. Yadav and J.S.P. Yadav 1988. Salt-Affected Soils and their Management FAO SOILS
BULLETIN 39. Soil Resources, Management and Conservation Service FAO Land and Water Development
Division Rome, 1988.
Ashworth, John, B. and Hopkins, Janie, 1995. Aquifers of Texas: Texas Water Development Board Report
345, 69 p.
AARI. Web pages. Ayub Agricultural Research Institute, Faisalabad, Pakistan. Achievements Soil Salinity
Res. Station, R.Y.Khan. Email :
Bradford, S., and J. Letey. 1992 Cyclic and blending strategies for using non saline and saline waters for
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Buringh, P. 1978. Food production potential of the world. In: Radhe Sinha (ed.). The World Food Problem;
Consensus and Conflict. Pergamon Press. pp. 477-485.
Gale, J., R. Koenig and J. Barnhill. 2001. Barnhill MANAGING SOIL PH IN UTAH February 2001 AG-SO-07
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Robert L. Gilliland, Vice-President and Director, Cooperative Extension
Service, Utah State University, Logan, Utah. (EP/DF/02-2001).
Geoff Hughes-Games, 1991. Prov. Soil Specialist RESOURCE MANAGEMENT BRANCH Ministry of
Agriculture and Food Phone: (604) 556-3102 1767 Angus Campbell Rd. Email: Order No. 638.100-1 Agdex: 535 May 1991 Abbotsford, BC


Haider, G., G. Hussian, and M.S. Tabassum. 1976. Effect of High SAR of Tubewell Water on Soil Condition
and Plant Growth. MREP Pub. No.57.
Haq, I. 1966. Reclamation of Saline Sodic Soil by Amendments. M.Sc. (Hons). Agri. Thesis, University of
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