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An Original Laurel Lane Knits Design.

Copyright 2012 Jean Fleming

Striped Toddler Vest in Bulky Knit

This child's vest works up quickly in chunky yarn. Worked in separate pieces and seamed together, with the
collar knit on after joining the shoulders. Our free size is for a 3/4 year old, you can find a hooded version as
well as this version for ages 3 thru 8 for purchase in all of our online stores.

Striped Toddler Vest

Lion Brand Super Bulky: I used "Hometown USA", approx. 10 oz., 170 yds.
Size 13 straight and size 15 needles straight and circular.
Pattern is written for: Child 3/4 yrs old. Chest Measurement Finished:
27 " Finished Length: 15 "
Gauge based on Stk. Stitch: 2 sts = 1 inch 3 rows=1 inch
Abbreviations and Stitch Glossary:

main color
contrast color
cast on
bind off
k or p two stitches tog as 1
right side
wrong side


stk st:
grtr stitch:
seed st:


stockinette stitch, k one row, p

one row
slip, slip, knit the slipped sts. tog.
garter st., knit every row
pass two slipped stitches over the
k one stitch and then p the next
st on the first rw on the next rw
you k the p and p the k sts.
slip, slip, k the slipped sts. tog.

1. Insert the left needle from back to front into the horizontal strand between
the last stitch worked and the next stitch on the left needle.

2. Knit this strand through the front loop to twist the stitch.

Designer's Notes:

When changing colors, twist yarns on the wrong side to prevent holes in
the work. Use separate balls of yarn for each color. Please experiment with your colors. I denote where
I changed colors, but don't let that mandate your choices.....HAVE FUN WITH COLORS!!!!!
Striped Toddler Vest

Front: bottom edge, with mc and smaller needles CO 28 sts.

Work in seed st. for 6 rows, (2") ending with wrong side row.
Change to larger needles and work in stk. st. , alternating 2 rows of each color, until

piece measures, from the beginning, 9 "

Underarm Shaping

Using main color only, BO 1 st at the beginning of the next two rows , work across.
26 sts.

Work even until

piece measures 13 "

Neck Shaping:

Continuing in Pattern, work 9 sts., slip 8 sts. onto holder for the center front. Join
second ball of yarn and work remaining sts in pattern. You will be working both
shoulders at the same time.

Next Row: Continue with the established pattern and work both sides at the same
time with the two separate yarns.

RS: Decrease 1 st at the neck edge on

each side. 8 sts. on each needle.


Work both sides even, until piece measures

15 " from the beginning, ending with a

wrong side row. Leave these sts. "live", do not BO, you will be joining them later to back


With mc and smaller needles CO 28 sts.

Work in seed st. for 6 rows, (2") ending with wrong side row.
Change to larger needles and work in stk. st. , alternating 2 rows of each color, until
piece measures, from the beginning, 9 "

Striped Toddler Vest

Underarm Shaping

BO 1 st at the beginning of the next two rows , work across. 26 sts.

Work even until piece measures 15" ending with a wrong side row.
Neck Shaping:

RS: Onto a dpn, k7, ssk,

slip 8 sts. onto holder for the center back, using a separate
dpn, k2 tog, k remainder of sts. 8 sts. on each needle.

Finishing: Join the shoulder seams with 3 needle BO by having the shoulder sts on
separate needles and hold them closed with the right sides together. Insert a 3rd
needle in the first st of each needle and knit the 2 sts. together. *Insert needle in the
next st of each needle and k the 2 together, pass first st over 2nd on right hand needle
to BO; rep from * until all sts are BO.

This one slants to the right on the knit side.
1. Insert the left needle from back to front into the horizontal strand between
the last stitch worked and the next stitch on the left needle.

2. Knit this strand through the front loop to twist the stitch.

Striped Toddler Vest


The collar is worked back and forth using a circular needle (do not join) to
accommodate working around the neck. Place the 8 sts held for the front neck onto the
circular needle, placing a marker in the center, so you will have 4 sts. on each side of

Row 1: Join MC

knit the 4 sts that are on the left side of marker you just placed,
pick up and knit sts evenly along the right neck edge, knit across 4 sts from the back
neck holder, place a marker, knit the remaining 4 sts. from the back neck holder, pick
up and knit sts evenly down the left front neck, knit the original 4 sts on the needle,
ending at the front center marker. Drop that marker and turn work.

Row 2: p, making sure not to join the collar into the round, and turning at the end
of the row at the front neck opening.

Row 3: (Increase Row): Knit to within one st of back neck marker, m1, knit 1, slip
marker, knit 1, m1, knit to end: 2 additional sts.

Row 4: p
Row 5: (Increase Row): Knit to within one st of back neck marker, m1, knit 1, slip
marker, knit 1, m1, knit to end: 2 additional sts.

Row 6: p


Sew side and seams. Attach buttons or appliqus, if desired. I

crocheted a 25 stitch chain, using size H hook, to make the little tie I attached on the
Please feel free to sell any completed items made from my designed patterns. I do ask that you
do not copy, reproduce, sell and/or distribute the patterns in any form. These designs are
copyrighted and protected by Federal Copyright Infringement Law.
Knitting and crochet help is available at

Striped Toddler Vest

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