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So described in Chapter 1 and 2 data allow to simulator

1. Position in 3D cell with having 8 coordinates and depth of each corner

2. Calculate Area of Faces of cell for transmissibility's calculations.
3. Calculate NTG, Pore Volume, Initial water Saturation ( detail will be discussed in
Initialization chapter).
4. Position the faults and define they permeability's.
This all except water saturation is static parameters . But simulator is used for
dynamic purposes so then we need do describe the properties of changing
They are
1. Pressure of gird block
2. How much grid block rock can compress vs pressure
3. Saturation of each phase in grid block
4. Static Property of each phase like viscosity, formation volume factor, dissolved
gas-oil ratio, bubble point versus pressure ( as eclipse 100 is isothermical we
assume that temperature is constant)
5. Dynamic properties - how Fast one phase flow versus reference phase versus
saturation of reference phase
1. To tell simulator pressure of grid block you need to supply table for each
Equilibrium region (EQLNUM) giving at least to depth and according pressure ( bar
for metric system, 1 bar = 0.986 Atm=14.504 Psi(field) ) like in example below.
400 70
500 90
This example shows that on depth 400 m pressure will be 70 and on depth 500 m
my pressure will be 90 bar
Having two points Eclipse then can linearly extrapolate pressure for not given depth
for example the pressure for depth 700 m will make 130 bar (pic1)

Exercise 1.
In excel build graph and get linear trend with that trend check pressure for 700 m.
2. Rock Compressibility
When i start to make my models one of my major question why do simulator needs
rock compressibility. This question was open till i wrote my 1 material balance
program . So i will try to explain it brief and simple.
For each reservoir there 4 drivers ( the forces that help oil to get to the surface) and
all of them calculates by eclipse
1. Depletion drive- energy comes from expansion of volume of oil due to dissolve
2. Segregation Drive- energy comes from expansion of Cap drive
3. Water drive - energy comes from outcoming water ( aquifer or injected)
4. Expansion drive - energy comes from expansion of rock. to calculate this you
need to supply rock compressibility

The dimension of rock compressibility is 1/bars or bar -1 and mean how much rock will
change in volume if pressure drows to 1 bar.

So why should we pay attention to this small value ???

NOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Rock compressibility parameter is one of those who

effects to Average reservoir pressure . And this is one of tuning parameter
during history matching.

3. Saturation of each phase in grid block ( detail description in Initialization chapter)

First of all at any time Sw+So+Sg=1
Where Sw - water saturation
So- oil saturation
Sg - gas saturation
Before Going to initializations lets make brief introduction for behave of Fluid in pore
This is very important to any reservoir engineer to understand physical process in
the pore and forces which allow flow in pore media

One of most important forces is capillary pressure

Speaking in general capillary pressure (PC) is a force which is opposite to
displacement force.
Capillary pressure is the function of pore radius, tension forces of phases, wetability
of phases
The main thing you need to know about it is that for each type poro medea with
increasing displacement force at the end the will be irreducible saturation of phase
which you try to displace.
Swc- Saturation of water connate.
The question you might have in your head could be why there is no Soi( Saturation
of oil connate) this is because, when oil start to penetrate to oil cap and as it lighter than water ,
the oil starts to displace water and in this case displacement force will be
Archimedean force of oil and capillary pressure of oil which try to stop oil going up.
For best example lets do the following
Lets take cap and imagine that it is pore if you will pore oil(vegetable for ex) and
then pore water you will have two-phase immiscible system. If you seal cap on top
and reverse it you will have the model of pore during formation of oil cap the oil
start to displace water . But due to big pore our capillary force will be very small and
oil will displace water almost for 100%.
So how simulator calculates capillary pressure of water-oil phases

PC= (rw-ro)*0.098*H
PC is capillary pressure in bars
Rw- formation water density, g/cm3
Ro-formation oil density, g/cm3
0.098- gravitation constant
H- oil water column high , m
So after simulator now PC he can calculate Sw from the capillary pressure table you
supply as part of input data how the example below shows pic 2

We supply to simulator lab data base on which simulator gets trend showed on
Now simulator can build Table 1 were Swc is 0.391
He calculates PC and after he can find required Sw from table 1
NOTE!!!!!!!!!!!! Changing Swc value( in our example 0.391) can impact on
changing reserves in place . This can be used during matching reserves in
sim model to geological model
After Simulator know Pressure of Block and Water Saturation he can calculate
saturation of other Phases

4. Static Property of each phase like viscosity, formation volume factor, dissolved
gas-oil ratio, bubble point versus pressure ( as eclipse 100 is isothermical we
assume that temperature is constant)
To run 3 phase you need to tell simulator how each of your 3 phases behave in
different pressure.
The exact data for our test run will be described in more details
in general you need to supply simulator density at standard conditions, formation
volume factor , solved gas ratio , viscosity and other parameters to be able simulator to
calculate following
Bubble point pressure
Define Free phases in cell
Define saturation of each free phase
Define volume of dissolve phase ( gas)
Viscosity of phases for calculating mobility of phase

5. Dynamic properties - how Fast one phase flow versus reference phase versus
saturation of reference phase
To enable simulator Calculate multiple phases flow, you need to supply relative
permeability's curves
In general it is lab data but you need to understand what it consist of
As far as i remember Special core analysis a made in following steps
1. Saturate core sample with oil
2. Inject water
3. You measure input volumes of injected water ( base on it you can calculate
average saturation of water in core )
4. Measure output volume of oil and water ( base on it you can calculate fraction o
relative permeability of each phase)
So the relative permeability table is table were you give saturation of injected phase
and fraction of initial phase and injected phase pic3

In this graph
Sw - water saturation
Krw - Relative permeability's of water
Krow - Relative permeability's oil- water
Pcow - capillary pressure of oil-water phases
During special core analysis you also get other MOST important parameter is Sor Saturation of oil residual.
This parameter means how many of "lost" oil is in pore . "Lost" means that you will
never be able to recover it .
In my example almost 20% of pore volume is 'Lost" oil
NOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Form this graph you can get Sweep efficiency factor
Sweep efficiency is maximum recovery factor you can get from this type of rock
saturated with this type of oil and calculates by following formula
In my example the maximum Rf i can get is 64%
From this data Eclipse can calculate fraction flow, total mobility, permeability ratio
of each phases in each time step taking in to account that eclipse knows pressure
and saturation.(pic4-6)
on pictures
kro-water permeability
Krw - water permeability

mw- water reservoir viscosity

mo oil reservoir viscosity


pic 5

pic 6

So next chapter will be brief DATA file section description and we will build the
model without wells for now with data set (petrel project) available on my thread.
Chapter 4

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