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kundalini is the Sanskrit word for a force / energy, which, for all people
equal, in the lower area of the spine increases its output. the (several
millennia back-reaching) teach Indian assumes that it rests in the rule
(rolled) and only with creative people is a bit more active. but even in this
relatively dormant state it feeds all our physical and mental aktivitaeten it
was moving, thinking, perception, libido, emotions, concentration. it is the
medium, which acts by our will on our koerper (and thus to the material
world). whenever we decide example, to move, rises just before the
execution of our plan to aktivitaet the kundalini in order for it to give us the
strength. although there is no name in Western culture for this energy
(significantly) and we do not practiced fact, they perceive at all, but anyone
who once noted readily recognize that each excitation and everyone driving
force refer from this region of his body her. kundalini takes its aktivitaet
not only whenever it is needed, but can be awakened and aware and
without immediate application. then it rises palpable way up to the head, in
channels in (and loud literature also next to) the spine. while it begins
traversing successively the individual chakras and brings the associated
with them intellectual abilities and characteristics. kundalini reaches the
crown chakra, enters a state that can be described as
enlightenment. although today the west physical health and mental peace as
the only benefit of yoga apply, was originally the resurrection of the
kundalini, the actual target, ie the connection of both ends of the spine. the
Indo-European word "yoke" and "yoga" have the same origin ... kundaliniyoga under the direction of a qualified teacher is perhaps the best way to
raise the kundalini (and to learn with the immense power that they
represents in permanently awakened state, deal), but also the use of
cannabis can a temporary revival shutter release (which is probably also
take advantage of the saddhus draw from him). A revival means of
cannabis occurs within 20 minutes and holds one to two hours to , This
experience can arouse the curiosity, the question to this new function of his
body, causing him to learn to control them properly using kundalini-yoga. .
they probably can it also make it possible in everyday life easier access
them, so better self-motivate yourself and focus so that cannabis use
stimulating effect on the kundalini required to obtain a couple of the
preconditions to be fulfilled: - good marijuana must come to use, and not
cheap hashish, which accounts for only dull. - the must-noise condition
differ significantly from the previous state, ie: it must not have been
smoking weed all day to be (which anyway reasons from others advise
against), and it has plenty of marijuana for application come. - you have to
be undisturbed and avoid any distractions (television, gespraeche other

people). you have to can be sure that you will not be disturbed in the next
two to three hours and not "work" to have to, because only then can Allow
it that the mind is back down in his aktivitaet and you sink into his
subconscious (what the actual effect of cannabis is). - also may be the
cannabis-induced famine ("eating flash") is not silent. Only if you need this
not give way, do you his mental and physical agility full scope over the
duration of cannabis intoxication maintained. which is a prerequisite for the
awakening of kundalini. otherwise there is a tendency to mental and bodily
waste lag (which, unfortunately, mostly as effect of cannabis itself is
misunderstood). - you have the simultaneous consumption of opiates,
sleeping convey or dispense alcoholic because they aktivitaet all the mute
of kundalini. - music like many people are used to meditation (and there are
various methods for different purposes), in this case, but is strongly
inadvisable. everything produced in our subconscious loops (as the regular
rhythms and melodies of most music do) keeps us from experiencing from
our own internal operations. you should not even hear immediately before
music, best all day not. rather than on the yin side of things (grinding,
torcados), we use here the yang-side (irregular, unpredictable lightning
CHANGES). below describes how someone could proceed, which (by
decades of government disinformation unimpressed and all regulatory
prohibited and punishable threats of defiance) decides to try to awaken his
kundalini using cannabis.This is off by one year through introspection as
suitable recognized and literature teachers and largely completely
unaffected. so he's probably perfectible, but apparently not fundamentally
wrong. It differs from classical meditation in lotus or sitting zazen once that
he used cannabis. it follows that cannabis lowers the blood pressure and sit
in the upright therefore cause nausea can occur quickly, that lying to spend
the first half hour whole.This allows to define the haende without any
exertion on breast and belly, put on that are conducive to the
energiefluessen and perhaps the process of awakening the kundalini
accelerate. the position lying also permits covering oneself, which
conserves body heat and also is useful. (from the use of cannabis follows
the way, also, that you have given a time window that it is important to
effectively use.) after enjoying so good marijuana (without the supply of
tobacco), put it up immediately reflected on the ruecken, cover it and close
my eyes. the haende one place (under the blanket) on the (vertical) midline
of the body, the left between the pubic bone and the navel, the right to the
breast. be bent can the legs or extended, however, should the toes do not
touch (because of the meridians that end there). depends on many factors
may now taking place eroeffnung of exposing access temporarily aengste
the subconscious by cannabis be confusing and stressful. which is possible
to handle within a few minutes, however, if you will not be distracted (and

easier the skilled one is). later than after 15 minutes begins to set a gefuehl
deep serenity. In this phase, or even earlier, you can now order start
yearning to pour out of the hands (or between them) that energy, called ki
in Japanese (Chinese chi). the ki flows from a point on the center of the
handflaeche, equally from both hands or, if you want, at a out and back in
with the other. here is the right the warm, giving, and left the kuehlende,
receiving. ki is closely related to the sake linked: if you yourself can
immediately feel it or not, there is enough of the will, let it flow, and vivid
imagination (which serves the sake quasi instructions) as (hot and maybe
red) flows from the handflaechen. With a little practice and patience (and
confident) arises after a short time already a feeling of warmth, a, at the
hands themselves, and put on the, on which they lie. (Ki is probably a longwave modulated infrared radiation. Hands must not lie directly on the skin,
a tshirt in between not bothers. However, thick clothing or a thick
bedspread already. in autogenous Training is the way, the same achieved by
imagining, the hands would warm and heavy.) so if you placed the haende
and imagines how the ki flowing between your hands a bow describes
through the belly, it does. his flow is both noticeable, but often also
audiable in the felling namely, where it instantly stimulates
darmperestaltik. Noticeably, it is just by a feeling of warmth in the hands
that penetrates quickly and deeply into the belly. usually arises soon a
tingle in the handflaechen one that can increase in their mid to any
significant pressure and gefuehl of heat.because through them ki in the
koerper flows, is (in this technique) the position of the right hand bigger
meaningful to as the left: but to place them properly is simply because a
wrong position within seconds at the relevant agency pain in an
uncomfortable pressure, to a stabbing, effect. the right agency can also be
recognized that the fast and deep penetrating warmth and is absorbed
there. it is important to find for oneself and for the current situation right
hoehe (along the midline of the body). this may be during the rush / trance
states, namely Change, what you should then respond. rather than on the
(mostly described as fixed points, but really well dynamic and individual)
location of the chakras to take Ruecksicht, must here be recommended, just
take care whether it is pleasant and "right" touch. it is important to try:
between throat and navel there will be on the central axis of the body
somewhere a point which feels much more pleasant than any other ... (if the
energy is very strong, it can happen by the way, that the hand
spontaneously by itself jumps to the right and put the finger cling
there). After a short time you can then watch something new: the lower
case back, the muscles of itself tense and remain fixed in this taut
condition. This fixation is involuntarily, you have to do anything to keep
them running. it spreads and moves the case back, and soon belly, along the

top. This muscle fixation is different from a normal tighten the muscles in
multiple sense: it happens by itself, it costs no energy and is not
tiring. although it remains long (10-20 min) and maintained the hull (and
later the neck) fixed in a straight attitude, it is not a muscle spasm and is
not painful. it never affects the breathing or even the heart. so you can
indulge without worry and watch this interesting state how tense (in a
pleasant example) is getting stiffer and. which must not be aware ahead, but
let it happen merely one. the important thing is that the case back is straight
and lies flat. the spine must namely a possible straight line form, so that the
kundalini (the same high migrates to the muscle anspannung, but initially
not easy to distinguish in it) can pass through. this is the sense of this
fixation ... this event not only costs no energy, they are even some: in
ruecken it feels now increasingly so, as if current would flow through
him ... would you want to stop this process can get up at any time and
SHAKE. thus solves one each load immediately, difficulty in full without
any. Another difference is too normal muscle anspannung that the fixation
along a (at right angles to the spine running) boundary surface high
wanders the case back, which actually has no anatomical correspondence:
the rueckenmuskeln run by the entire length of the spine. merely to strain
your lower half is arbitrary not to do. and yet they are clearly involved, and
in compensation to the abs. the diaphragmatic remains unimpressed and
allows normal breathing. The climb up the muscle fixation, and
synchronously with it the kundalini is not continuously vonstatten, but
jerky in small jumps. increased as a starting point for any further then serve
twitching in the body, especially in the case back, where the energy is
strongest. like little flashes shrugs it there, so what feels as if you always a
little frightened. every fast the voltage in the case back then at the same
time a little further up. also a strong, fascinating thought ("brainstorm")
may increase tension and trigger such leaps. symptoms (but rather triggered
by unterkuehlung than by disease) favors this jump up very well. The hull
is thus increasingly fixed by this muscle anspannung and held in a straight
position. with her (and probably as a cause, not as effective) moves a
second stress condition up the spine that has nothing to do with the
muscles: the kundalini. it feels like electrical current that koerper flows
through the, and / or as a burn. . This experience is pleasant and energizing,
and it can great curiosity and enthusiasm fired when they experienced for
the first time (and otherwise) and about the conditions that are normally fed
by him, can you describe the kundalini: it's like a long-lasting scare without
cause, such as fight or flight readiness without anger and fear, like a orgasm
without sexual component, or as an aha-experience without actual
content. it is, as a motor that runs at high speed in idle, empty / clean
willingness / ability, which are located in the quiet can only manifest

spiritual that the kundalini can thus pave their way through the case
back must be straight the , it reaches the neck, the position of the head is
significant: he should be held no later now straight and upright. any other
attitude can prevent an unpleasant feeling of congestion and pressure of
lead, or the passage at all. So the head must be on the same level as the rest
of koerper lie, and not on a pad. so that the kundalini, the neck happen, it
will, as previously, the whole case back, fixed by a muscle-lock and kept
straight. like (with closed eyes actually visible) "shining stream" she pours
then in the head and meets up (almost splashing) on the inside of the
schaedel uncover. by moving the head can be changed this "Charge
point". one should seek a position that is comfortable. (And, strictly
speaking, there is still the crown chakra, which will be durchstroemt. And
more particularly taken is not even that the end point of the journey ...) in
this phase it may make sense to transfer to the lotus position, as can be in it
now come to an unpleasant pressure in my head. in the lotus position but
with upright head held (chin up), not done that. while it is not so important
whether the legs are folded correctly, however much that ruecken back and
neck straight. Such a change of position, the energy in the case back to get
through ansinken, but, once again, we just and peaceful Sitting, abruptly to
the previous hoehe fast. koerper his consciously relax completely while
climbing the combination of muscle fixation and kundalini can be the way,
keep trying. both of which are characterized drop temporarily in their
aktivitaet that is kundalini but soar again within a few seconds, and as a
rule, higher than before. Although this is not necessary (because the muscle
fixation sooner or later anyway decreases by itself), but instructive, because
it gives us the kundalini much as is possible to recognize the muscle
voltage-insulated event, because it remains upright, even if all the muscles
are relaxed. has kundalini reaches the head, the muscle fixation has fulfilled
its mission and falls off by itself. that happens, as the climb along a plane
which is at right angles to the spine, sometimes even in a spiral shape. later
than now (so relaxed with all the muscles) is also the one who makes this
experience for the first time, realized that they not only can be imagined:
while you keep the subtle ki also merely for warmth or can do from feeling,
and, if one mental image of his torrents served as a guide, you can always
ask where the boundaries between autosuggestion and reality are that
kundalini is a totally unique experience. climb it can indeed be prevented,
but (usually) are not aware of enhanced or accelerated.the involuntary
effect on the body alone (the muscle fixation) confirmed already that
something new and strong is at work here that you can impossible imagine
merely. the thoughts are now encouraged, to one that is probably not
otherwise be attained, and it occupies a lofty viewpoint, is about to hire
instead of stuck in the middle of them (fixed). it is now possible, many

aspects of his life at the same time to connect ("consciousness expansion"),

or its attention on a particular thing with great force to focus
(concentration). In this state you can get deep insights and valuable insights
about themselves and their environment. he represents the actual use of the
whole exercise is, and he can Induce a fundamental change in our view of
the world and our determination therein. Another interesting observation
that can be made in this connection is that migrate through the tense
koerper waves. places to myself (stretched out) on the page where the hand
a the head propped and the other resting on the buttocks. in this straight,
stretched pose captures the muscle tension and the legs. The whole body
like a rope is then stretched, like a taut rope, it can now be traversed by
waves.Involuntary twitches, which as described above, especially in the
case back, take, their output, they are now spreading like waves on a water
surface, quickly in all directions from. these waves are reflected at the ends
of the body (fuesse and head) and then go through it again in the reverse
direction.which can repeatedly go back and forth until they expire. (This
effect is even Noticeably when lying on the case back, he is lying down on
the page but clearly, because it can swing koerper free.) it seems (even or
always?) events to give the outside of our Coming body trigger such
waves. which is evident from the fact that they eg sometimes (like a
radiating) along a straight line through batting an arm and a leg by hitting
or adjacent human succession ... should to notice that the respiration in the
state of awakened is kundalini greatly slowed must have a that does not
worry: the stronger the aktivitaet the kundalini, the less breathable
needed. in any case it is advisable deep in the belly breathing (which is
more effective and the number of required breaths lowers), since (if one
uses breathing techniques not special) any movement to build the tension a
little bothers. the state of the awakened kundalini and unleashed the
humanities can be used for a deep meditation (or is it). after one to two
hours, the voltage shall, in case back again (if they are not already aware of
interrupts), and it returns to its normal state back. the rise of kundalini is (if
wrapped in a blanket or not) associated with warmth that can be felt
especially in the hull (the literature is even talk of great heat). this warmth /
heat is clearly noticeable (by a thermometer but not measurable because the
measures only heat conduction, no waermestrahlung) and has healing
effect. after this experience is one refreshed, full of energy and mentally
alert. The revival of kundalini can also be done permanently and then is a
serious cause lenge to addressing the instructions of a champion helpful if
not essential (the literature speaks of months of insomnia and
restlessness). a permanent revival, however, apart from the cases where this
happens spontaneously, probably only be achieved through kundaliniyoga. how many people will spontaneously awakened kundalini

permanently, no one can really know, because lack of knowledge it is

probably mostly as interpreted mental stoerung and "treated" with
drugs. because what is nervousness, ADHD, insomnia, chronic anxiety,
hysteria, alcohol and drug addiction, and yes, even sex addiction, other than
the unvermoegen that control kundalini and channel (into meaningful and
satisfying aktivitaeten)? ignorance, coupled with a medicine, it promotes
that you Transfers the responsibility for his well-being and its cure
principle and totally other, probably leads often means that you completed
a drug expected and gets the state as the affected. sleeping and sedative
suitable to and represent a huge market. who has since still learning his
kundalini to master, if possible, even with the (why?) illegal
"drug-'cannabis? but a spontaneous revival of kundalini beats not
completely random to, but affects people with a certain willingness to Live
(for example, by a stroke of fate, after todesnaehe or otherwise be Lster
mental mature) stronger to take yourself in hand, so people who pride,
despite greatest illusions and partly stored. hence the procedure as
described above is experiencing a revival no guarantee. personal
responsibility, self reflection and help ... but continue to exercise a revival
of kundalini means of cannabis is certainly a voruebergehender state
without immediate lasting effects ... but it can not be ruled out that
someone who experiences this condition often excited to learn and
appreciate him when he met him he live in daily, no more than nervousness
and stress feels dull your senses and investigated, but as increased
alertness, increased sensitivity detects and increased awareness, cultivated
and exploited. The kundalini is neither divine nor demonic / satanic. it is a
normal function of the human (and likely occurrence in different clearer
each vertebral) body interaction with his environment a (probably
electromagnetic). "normal" with does not mean that everyone is constantly
aware of experienced or even knows, but that it is active at any time in
each. it is not a "sexual power" as it is sometimes called. sure it feeds the
sexual drive and the organsmus, but no more than you, move, think and
feeds feel. it is the humanity known for thousands of years, not exclusive to
any religion or ideology linked, and that they part of the "new age"
movement is to be regarded as problematic because it is politically
exploited ... (From the use of cannabis follows the way, also, that you have
given a time window that it is important to effectively use.) after enjoying
so good marijuana (without the supply of tobacco), put it down
immediately, case back to the, blanket and to close my eyes. the haende one
place (under the blanket) on the (vertical) midline of the body, the left
between the pubic bone and the navel, the right to the breast. be bent can
the legs or extended, however, should the toes do not touch (because of the
meridians that end there). depends on many factors may now taking place

eroeffnung of exposing access temporarily aengste the subconscious by

cannabis be confusing and stressful. which is possible to handle within a
few minutes, however, if you will not be distracted (and easier the skilled
one is). later than after 15 minutes begins to set a gefuehl deep serenity. In
this phase, or even earlier, you can now order start yearning to pour out of
the hands (or between them) that energy, called ki in Japanese (Chinese
chi). the ki flows from a point on the center of the handflaeche, equally
from both hands or, if you want, at a out and back in with the other. here is
the right the warm, giving, and left the kuehlende, receiving. ki is closely
related to the sake linked: if you yourself can immediately feel it or not,
there is enough of the will, let it flow, and vivid imagination (which serves
the sake quasi instructions) as (hot and maybe red) flows from the
handflaechen. With a little practice and patience (and confident) arises after
a short time already a feeling of warmth, a, at the hands themselves, and
put on the, on which they lie. (Ki is probably a long-wave modulated
infrared radiation. Hands must not lie directly on the skin, a tshirt in
between not bothers. However, thick clothing or a thick bedspread
already. in autogenous Training is the way, the same achieved by
imagining, the hands would warm and heavy.) so if you placed the haende
and imagines how the ki flowing between your hands a bow describes
through the belly, it does. his flow is both noticeable, but often also
audiable in the felling namely, where it instantly stimulates
darmperestaltik. Noticeably, it is just by a feeling of warmth in the hands
that penetrates quickly and deeply into the belly. usually arises soon a
tingle in the handflaechen one that can increase in their mid to any
significant pressure and gefuehl of heat. because through them ki in the
koerper flows, is (in this technique) the position of the right hand bigger
meaningful to as the left: but to place them properly is simply because a
wrong position within seconds at the relevant agency pain in an
uncomfortable pressure, to a stabbing, effect. the right agency can also be
recognized that the fast and deep penetrating warmth and is absorbed
there. it is important to find for oneself and for the current situation right
hoehe (along the midline of the body).this may be during the rush / trance
states, namely Change, what you should then respond. rather than on the
(mostly described as fixed points, but really well dynamic and individual)
location of the chakras to take Ruecksicht, must here be recommended, just
take care whether it is pleasant and "right" touch. it is important to try:
between throat and navel there will be on the central axis of the body
somewhere a point which feels much more pleasant than any other ... (if the
energy is very strong, it can happen by the way, that the hand
spontaneously by itself jumps to the right and put the finger cling
there). After a short time you can then watch something new: the lower

case back, the muscles of itself tense and remain fixed in this taut
condition. This fixation is involuntarily, you have to do anything to keep
them running. it spreads and moves the case back, and soon belly, along the
top. This muscle fixation is different from a normal tighten the muscles in
multiple sense: it happens by itself, it costs no energy and is not
tiring.although it remains long (10-20 min) and maintained the hull (and
later the neck) fixed in a straight attitude, it is not a muscle spasm and is
not never affects the breathing or even the heart. so you can
indulge without worry and watch this interesting state how tense (in a
pleasant example) is getting stiffer and. which must not be aware ahead, but
let it happen merely one. the important thing is that the case back is straight
and lies flat. the spine must namely a possible straight line form, so that the
kundalini (the same high migrates to the muscle anspannung, but initially
not easy to distinguish in it) can pass through. this is the sense of this
fixation ... this event not only costs no energy, they are even some: in
ruecken it feels now increasingly so, as if current would flow through
him ... would you want to stop this process can get up at any time and
SHAKE. thus solves one each load immediately, difficulty in full without
any. Another difference is too normal muscle anspannung that the fixation
along a (at right angles to the spine running) boundary surface high
wanders the case back, which actually has no anatomical correspondence:
the rueckenmuskeln run by the entire length of the spine. merely to strain
your lower half is arbitrary not to do. and yet they are clearly involved, and
in compensation to the abs. the diaphragmatic remains unimpressed and
allows normal breathing. The climb up the muscle fixation, and
synchronously with it the kundalini is not continuously vonstatten, but
jerky in small jumps. increased as a starting point for any further then serve
twitching in the body, especially in the case back, where the energy is
strongest. like little flashes shrugs it there, so what feels as if you always a
little frightened. every fast the voltage in the case back then at the same
time a little further up. also a strong, fascinating thought ("brainstorm")
may increase tension and trigger such leaps. symptoms (but rather triggered
by unterkuehlung than by disease) favors this jump up very well. The hull
is thus increasingly fixed by this muscle anspannung and held in a straight
position. with her (and probably as a cause, not as effective) moves a
second stress condition up the spine that has nothing to do with the
muscles: the kundalini. it feels like electrical current that koerper flows
through the, and / or as a burn. . This experience is pleasant and energizing,
and it can great curiosity and enthusiasm fired when they experienced for
the first time (and otherwise) and about the conditions that are normally fed
by him, can you describe the kundalini: it's like a long-lasting scare without
cause, such as fight or flight readiness without anger and fear, like a orgasm

without sexual component, or as an aha-experience without actual

content. it is, as a motor that runs at high speed in idle, empty / clean
willingness / ability, which are located in the quiet can only manifest
spiritual ... so that the kundalini can thus pave their way through the case
back must be straight the , it reaches the neck, the position of the head is
significant: he should be held no later now straight and upright. any other
attitude can prevent an unpleasant feeling of congestion and pressure of
lead, or the passage at all. So the head must be on the same level as the rest
of koerper lie, and not on a pad. so that the kundalini, the neck happen, it
will, as previously, the whole case back, fixed by a muscle-lock and kept
straight. like (with closed eyes actually visible) "shining stream" she pours
then in the head and meets up (almost splashing) on the inside of the
schaedel moving the head can be changed this "Charge
point". one should seek a position that is comfortable. (And, strictly
speaking, there is still the crown chakra, which will be durchstroemt. And
more particularly taken is not even that the end point of the journey ...) in
this phase it may make sense to transfer to the lotus position, as can be in it
now come to an unpleasant pressure in my head. in the lotus position but
with upright head held (chin up), not done that. while it is not so important
whether the legs are folded correctly, however much that ruecken back and
neck straight. Such a change of position, the energy in the case back to get
through ansinken, but, once again, we just and peaceful Sitting, abruptly to
the previous hoehe fast. koerper his consciously relax completely while
climbing the combination of muscle fixation and kundalini can be the way,
keep trying. both of which are characterized drop temporarily in their
aktivitaet that is kundalini but soar again within a few seconds, and as a
rule, higher than before. Although this is not necessary (because the muscle
fixation sooner or later anyway decreases by itself), but instructive, because
it gives us the kundalini much as is possible to recognize the muscle
voltage-insulated event, because it remains upright, even if all the muscles
are relaxed. has kundalini reaches the head, the muscle fixation has fulfilled
its mission and falls off by itself. that happens, as the climb along a plane
which is at right angles to the spine, sometimes even in a spiral shape. later
than now (so relaxed with all the muscles) is also the one who makes this
experience for the first time, realized that they not only can be imagined:
while you keep the subtle ki also merely for warmth or can do from feeling,
and, if one mental image of his torrents served as a guide, you can always
ask where the boundaries between autosuggestion and reality are that
kundalini is a totally unique experience. climb it can indeed be prevented,
but (usually) are not aware of enhanced or accelerated. the involuntary
effect on the body alone (the muscle fixation) confirmed already that
something new and strong is at work here that you can impossible imagine

merely. the thoughts are now encouraged, to one that is probably not
otherwise be attained, and it occupies a lofty viewpoint, is about to hire
instead of stuck in the middle of them (fixed). it is now possible, many
aspects of his life at the same time to connect ("consciousness expansion"),
or its attention on a particular thing with great force to focus
(concentration). In this state you can get deep insights and valuable insights
about themselves and their environment. he represents the actual use of the
whole exercise is, and he can Induce a fundamental change in our view of
the world and our determination therein. Another interesting observation
that can be made in this connection is that migrate through the tense
koerper waves. places to myself (stretched out) on the page where the hand
a the head propped and the other resting on the buttocks. in this straight,
stretched pose captures the muscle tension and the legs. The whole body
like a rope is then stretched, like a taut rope, it can now be traversed by
waves. Involuntary twitches, which as described above, especially in the
case back, take, their output, they are now spreading like waves on a water
surface, quickly in all directions from. these waves are reflected at the ends
of the body (fuesse and head) and then go through it again in the reverse
direction. which can repeatedly go back and forth until they expire. (This
effect is even Noticeably when lying on the case back, he is lying down on
the page but clearly, because it can swing koerper free.) it seems (even or
always?) events to give the outside of our Coming body trigger such
waves. which is evident from the fact that they eg sometimes (like a
radiating) along a straight line through batting an arm and a leg by hitting
or adjacent human succession ... should to notice that the respiration in the
state of awakened is kundalini greatly slowed must have a that does not
worry: the stronger the aktivitaet the kundalini, the less breathable
needed. in any case it is advisable deep in the belly breathing (which is
more effective and the number of required breaths lowers), since (if one
uses breathing techniques not special) any movement to build the tension a
little bothers. the state of the awakened kundalini and unleashed the
humanities can be used for a deep meditation (or is it). after one to two
hours, the voltage shall, in case back again (if they are not already aware of
interrupts), and it returns to its normal state back. the rise of kundalini is (if
wrapped in a blanket or not) associated with warmth that can be felt
especially in the hull (the literature is even talk of great heat). this warmth /
heat is clearly noticeable (by a thermometer but not measurable because the
measures only heat conduction, no waermestrahlung) and has healing
effect. after this experience is one refreshed, full of energy and mentally
alert. The revival of kundalini can also be done permanently and then is a
serious cause lenge to addressing the instructions of a champion helpful if
not essential (the literature speaks of months of insomnia and

restlessness). a permanent revival, however, apart from the cases where this
happens spontaneously, probably only be achieved through kundaliniyoga. how many people will spontaneously awakened kundalini
permanently, no one can really know, because lack of knowledge it is
probably mostly as interpreted mental stoerung and "treated" with
drugs. because what is nervousness, ADHD, insomnia, chronic anxiety,
hysteria, alcohol and drug addiction, and yes, even sex addiction, other than
the unvermoegen that control kundalini and channel (into meaningful and
satisfying aktivitaeten)? ignorance, coupled with a medicine, it promotes
that you Transfers the responsibility for his well-being and its cure
principle and totally other, probably leads often means that you completed
a drug expected and gets the state as the affected. sleeping and sedative
suitable to and represent a huge market. who has since still learning his
kundalini to master, if possible, even with the (why?) illegal
"drug-'cannabis? but a spontaneous revival of kundalini beats not
completely random to, but affects people with a certain willingness to Live
(for example, by a stroke of fate, after todesnaehe or otherwise be Lster
mental mature) stronger to take yourself in hand, so people who pride,
despite greatest illusions and partly stored. hence the procedure as
described above is experiencing a revival no guarantee. personal
responsibility, self reflection and help ... but continue to exercise a revival
of kundalini means of cannabis is certainly a voruebergehender state
without immediate lasting effects ... but it can not be ruled out that
someone who experiences this condition often excited to learn and
appreciate him when he met him he live in daily, no more than nervousness
and stress feels dull your senses and investigated, but as increased
alertness, increased sensitivity detects and increased awareness, cultivated
and exploited.The kundalini is neither divine nor demonic / satanic. it is a
normal function of the human (and likely occurrence in different clearer
each vertebral) body interaction with his environment a (probably
electromagnetic). "normal" with does not mean that everyone is constantly
aware of experienced or even knows, but that it is active at any time in
each. it is not a "sexual power" as it is sometimes called. sure it feeds the
sexual drive and the organsmus, but no more than you, move, think and
feeds feel. it is the humanity known for thousands of years, not exclusive to
any religion or ideology linked, and that they part of the "new age"
movement is to be regarded as problematic because it is politically
exploited ... (From the use of cannabis follows the way, also, that you have
given a time window that it is important to effectively use.) after enjoying
so good marijuana (without the supply of tobacco), put it down
immediately, case back to the, blanket and to close my eyes. the haende one
place (under the blanket) on the (vertical) midline of the body, the left

between the pubic bone and the navel, the right to the breast. be bent can
the legs or extended, however, should the toes do not touch (because of the
meridians that end there). depends on many factors may now taking place
eroeffnung of exposing access temporarily aengste the subconscious by
cannabis be confusing and stressful. which is possible to handle within a
few minutes, however, if you will not be distracted (and easier the skilled
one is). later than after 15 minutes begins to set a gefuehl deep serenity. In
this phase, or even earlier, you can now order start yearning to pour out of
the hands (or between them) that energy, called ki in Japanese (Chinese
chi). the ki flows from a point on the center of the handflaeche, equally
from both hands or, if you want, at a out and back in with the other. here is
the right the warm, giving, and left the kuehlende, receiving. ki is closely
related to the sake linked: if you yourself can immediately feel it or not,
there is enough of the will, let it flow, and vivid imagination (which serves
the sake quasi instructions) as (hot and maybe red) flows from the
handflaechen. With a little practice and patience (and confident) arises after
a short time already a feeling of warmth, a, at the hands themselves, and
put on the, on which they lie. (Ki is probably a long-wave modulated
infrared radiation. Hands must not lie directly on the skin, a tshirt in
between not bothers. However, thick clothing or a thick bedspread
already. in autogenous Training is the way, the same achieved by
imagining, the hands would warm and heavy.) so if you placed the haende
and imagines how the ki flowing between your hands a bow describes
through the belly, it does. his flow is both noticeable, but often also
audiable in the felling namely, where it instantly stimulates
darmperestaltik. Noticeably, it is just by a feeling of warmth in the hands
that penetrates quickly and deeply into the belly. usually arises soon a
tingle in the handflaechen one that can increase in their mid to any
significant pressure and gefuehl of heat.because through them ki in the
koerper flows, is (in this technique) the position of the right hand bigger
meaningful to as the left: but to place them properly is simply because a
wrong position within seconds at the relevant agency pain in an
uncomfortable pressure, to a stabbing, effect. the right agency can also be
recognized that the fast and deep penetrating warmth and is absorbed
there. it is important to find for oneself and for the current situation right
hoehe (along the midline of the body). this may be during the rush / trance
states, namely Change, what you should then respond. rather than on the
(mostly described as fixed points, but really well dynamic and individual)
location of the chakras to take Ruecksicht, must here be recommended, just
take care whether it is pleasant and "right" touch. it is important to try:
between throat and navel there will be on the central axis of the body
somewhere a point which feels much more pleasant than any other ... (if the

energy is very strong, it can happen by the way, that the hand
spontaneously by itself jumps to the right and put the finger cling
there). After a short time you can then watch something new: the lower
case back, the muscles of itself tense and remain fixed in this taut
condition. This fixation is involuntarily, you have to do anything to keep
them running. it spreads and moves the case back, and soon belly, along the
top. This muscle fixation is different from a normal tighten the muscles in
multiple sense: it happens by itself, it costs no energy and is not
tiring. although it remains long (10-20 min) and maintained the hull (and
later the neck) fixed in a straight attitude, it is not a muscle spasm and is
not painful. it never affects the breathing or even the heart. so you can
indulge without worry and watch this interesting state how tense (in a
pleasant example) is getting stiffer and. which must not be aware ahead, but
let it happen merely one. the important thing is that the case back is straight
and lies flat. the spine must namely a possible straight line form, so that the
kundalini (the same high migrates to the muscle anspannung, but initially
not easy to distinguish in it) can pass through. this is the sense of this
fixation ... this event not only costs no energy, they are even some: in
ruecken it feels now increasingly so, as if current would flow through
him ... would you want to stop this process can get up at any time and
SHAKE. thus solves one each load immediately, difficulty in full without
any. Another difference is too normal muscle anspannung that the fixation
along a (at right angles to the spine running) boundary surface high
wanders the case back, which actually has no anatomical correspondence:
the rueckenmuskeln run by the entire length of the spine. merely to strain
your lower half is arbitrary not to do. and yet they are clearly involved, and
in compensation to the abs. the diaphragmatic remains unimpressed and
allows normal breathing. The climb up the muscle fixation, and
synchronously with it the kundalini is not continuously vonstatten, but
jerky in small jumps. increased as a starting point for any further then serve
twitching in the body, especially in the case back, where the energy is
strongest. like little flashes shrugs it there, so what feels as if you always a
little frightened. every fast the voltage in the case back then at the same
time a little further up. also a strong, fascinating thought ("brainstorm")
may increase tension and trigger such leaps. symptoms (but rather triggered
by unterkuehlung than by disease) favors this jump up very well. The hull
is thus increasingly fixed by this muscle anspannung and held in a straight
position. with her (and probably as a cause, not as effective) moves a
second stress condition up the spine that has nothing to do with the
muscles: the kundalini. it feels like electrical current that koerper flows
through the, and / or as a burn. . This experience is pleasant and energizing,
and it can great curiosity and enthusiasm fired when they experienced for

the first time (and otherwise) and about the conditions that are normally fed
by him, can you describe the kundalini: it's like a long-lasting scare without
cause, such as fight or flight readiness without anger and fear, like a orgasm
without sexual component, or as an aha-experience without actual
content. it is, as a motor that runs at high speed in idle, empty / clean
willingness / ability, which are located in the quiet can only manifest
spiritual that the kundalini can thus pave their way through the case
back must be straight the , it reaches the neck, the position of the head is
significant: he should be held no later now straight and upright. any other
attitude can prevent an unpleasant feeling of congestion and pressure of
lead, or the passage at all. So the head must be on the same level as the rest
of koerper lie, and not on a pad. so that the kundalini, the neck happen, it
will, as previously, the whole case back, fixed by a muscle-lock and kept
straight. like (with closed eyes actually visible) "shining stream" she pours
then in the head and meets up (almost splashing) on the inside of the
schaedel uncover. by moving the head can be changed this "Charge
point". one should seek a position that is comfortable. (And, strictly
speaking, there is still the crown chakra, which will be durchstroemt. And
more particularly taken is not even that the end point of the journey ...) in
this phase it may make sense to transfer to the lotus position, as can be in it
now come to an unpleasant pressure in my head. in the lotus position but
with upright head held (chin up), not done that. while it is not so important
whether the legs are folded correctly, however much that ruecken back and
neck straight. Such a change of position, the energy in the case back to get
through ansinken, but, once again, we just and peaceful Sitting, abruptly to
the previous hoehe fast. koerper his consciously relax completely while
climbing the combination of muscle fixation and kundalini can be the way,
keep trying. both of which are characterized drop temporarily in their
aktivitaet that is kundalini but soar again within a few seconds, and as a
rule, higher than before. Although this is not necessary (because the muscle
fixation sooner or later anyway decreases by itself), but instructive, because
it gives us the kundalini much as is possible to recognize the muscle
voltage-insulated event, because it remains upright, even if all the muscles
are relaxed. has kundalini reaches the head, the muscle fixation has fulfilled
its mission and falls off by itself. that happens, as the climb along a plane
which is at right angles to the spine, sometimes even in a spiral shape. later
than now (so relaxed with all the muscles) is also the one who makes this
experience for the first time, realized that they not only can be imagined:
while you keep the subtle ki also merely for warmth or can do from feeling,
and, if one mental image of his torrents served as a guide, you can always
ask where the boundaries between autosuggestion and reality are that
kundalini is a totally unique experience. climb it can indeed be prevented,

but (usually) are not aware of enhanced or accelerated.the involuntary

effect on the body alone (the muscle fixation) confirmed already that
something new and strong is at work here that you can impossible imagine
merely. the thoughts are now encouraged, to one that is probably not
otherwise be attained, and it occupies a lofty viewpoint, is about to hire
instead of stuck in the middle of them (fixed). it is now possible, many
aspects of his life at the same time to connect ("consciousness expansion"),
or its attention on a particular thing with great force to focus
(concentration). In this state you can get deep insights and valuable insights
about themselves and their environment. he represents the actual use of the
whole exercise is, and he can Induce a fundamental change in our view of
the world and our determination therein. Another interesting observation
that can be made in this connection is that migrate through the tense
koerper waves. places to myself (stretched out) on the page where the hand
a the head propped and the other resting on the buttocks. in this straight,
stretched pose captures the muscle tension and the legs. The whole body
like a rope is then stretched, like a taut rope, it can now be traversed by
waves.Involuntary twitches, which as described above, especially in the
case back, take, their output, they are now spreading like waves on a water
surface, quickly in all directions from. these waves are reflected at the ends
of the body (fuesse and head) and then go through it again in the reverse
direction.which can repeatedly go back and forth until they expire. (This
effect is even Noticeably when lying on the case back, he is lying down on
the page but clearly, because it can swing koerper free.) it seems (even or
always?) events to give the outside of our Coming body trigger such
waves. which is evident from the fact that they eg sometimes (like a
radiating) along a straight line through batting an arm and a leg by hitting
or adjacent human succession ... should to notice that the respiration in the
state of awakened is kundalini greatly slowed must have a that does not
worry: the stronger the aktivitaet the kundalini, the less breathable
needed. in any case it is advisable deep in the belly breathing (which is
more effective and the number of required breaths lowers), since (if one
uses breathing techniques not special) any movement to build the tension a
little bothers. the state of the awakened kundalini and unleashed the
humanities can be used for a deep meditation (or is it). after one to two
hours, the voltage shall, in case back again (if they are not already aware of
interrupts), and it returns to its normal state back. the rise of kundalini is (if
wrapped in a blanket or not) associated with warmth that can be felt
especially in the hull (the literature is even talk of great heat). this warmth /
heat is clearly noticeable (by a thermometer but not measurable because the
measures only heat conduction, no waermestrahlung) and has healing
effect. after this experience is one refreshed, full of energy and mentally

alert. The revival of kundalini can also be done permanently and then is a
serious cause lenge to addressing the instructions of a champion helpful if
not essential (the literature speaks of months of insomnia and
restlessness). a permanent revival, however, apart from the cases where this
happens spontaneously, probably only be achieved through kundaliniyoga. how many people will spontaneously awakened kundalini
permanently, no one can really know, because lack of knowledge it is
probably mostly as interpreted mental stoerung and "treated" with
drugs. because what is nervousness, ADHD, insomnia, chronic anxiety,
hysteria, alcohol and drug addiction, and yes, even sex addiction, other than
the unvermoegen that control kundalini and channel (into meaningful and
satisfying aktivitaeten)? ignorance, coupled with a medicine, it promotes
that you Transfers the responsibility for his well-being and its cure
principle and totally other, probably leads often means that you completed
a drug expected and gets the state as the affected. sleeping and sedative
suitable to and represent a huge market. who has since still learning his
kundalini to master, if possible, even with the (why?) illegal
"drug-'cannabis? but a spontaneous revival of kundalini beats not
completely random to, but affects people with a certain willingness to Live
(for example, by a stroke of fate, after todesnaehe or otherwise be Lster
mental mature) stronger to take yourself in hand, so people who pride,
despite greatest illusions and partly stored. hence the procedure as
described above is experiencing a revival no guarantee. personal
responsibility, self reflection and help ... but continue to exercise a revival
of kundalini means of cannabis is certainly a voruebergehender state
without immediate lasting effects ... but it can not be ruled out that
someone who experiences this condition often excited to learn and
appreciate him when he met him he live in daily, no more than nervousness
and stress feels dull your senses and investigated, but as increased
alertness, increased sensitivity detects and increased awareness, cultivated
and exploited. The kundalini is neither divine nor demonic / satanic. it is a
normal function of the human (and likely occurrence in different clearer
each vertebral) body interaction with his environment a (probably
electromagnetic). "normal" with does not mean that everyone is constantly
aware of experienced or even knows, but that it is active at any time in
each. it is not a "sexual power" as it is sometimes called. sure it feeds the
sexual drive and the organsmus, but no more than you, move, think and
feeds feel. it is the humanity known for thousands of years, not exclusive to
any religion or ideology linked, and that they part of the "new age"
movement is to be regarded as problematic because it is politically
exploited ... places to myself (stretched out) on the page where the hand a
the head propped and the other resting on the buttocks. in this straight,

stretched pose captures the muscle tension and the legs. The whole body
like a rope is then stretched, like a taut rope, it can now be traversed by
waves. Involuntary twitches, which as described above, especially in the
case back, take, their output, they are now spreading like waves on a water
surface, quickly in all directions from. these waves are reflected at the ends
of the body (fuesse and head) and then go through it again in the reverse
direction. which can repeatedly go back and forth until they expire. (This
effect is even Noticeably when lying on the case back, he is lying down on
the page but clearly, because it can swing koerper free.) it seems (even or
always?) events to give the outside of our Coming body trigger such
waves. which is evident from the fact that they eg sometimes (like a
radiating) along a straight line through batting an arm and a leg by hitting
or adjacent human succession ... should to notice that the respiration in the
state of awakened is kundalini greatly slowed must have a that does not
worry: the stronger the aktivitaet the kundalini, the less breathable
needed. in any case it is advisable deep in the belly breathing (which is
more effective and the number of required breaths lowers), since (if one
uses breathing techniques not special) any movement to build the tension a
little bothers. the state of the awakened kundalini and unleashed the
humanities can be used for a deep meditation (or is it). after one to two
hours, the voltage shall, in case back again (if they are not already aware of
interrupts), and it returns to its normal state back. the rise of kundalini is (if
wrapped in a blanket or not) associated with warmth that can be felt
especially in the hull (the literature is even talk of great heat). this warmth /
heat is clearly noticeable (by a thermometer but not measurable because the
measures only heat conduction, no waermestrahlung) and has healing
effect. after this experience is one refreshed, full of energy and mentally
alert. The revival of kundalini can also be done permanently and then is a
serious cause lenge to addressing the instructions of a champion helpful if
not essential (the literature speaks of months of insomnia and
restlessness). a permanent revival, however, apart from the cases where this
happens spontaneously, probably only be achieved through kundaliniyoga. how many people will spontaneously awakened kundalini
permanently, no one can really know, because lack of knowledge it is
probably mostly as interpreted mental stoerung and "treated" with
drugs. because what is nervousness, ADHD, insomnia, chronic anxiety,
hysteria, alcohol and drug addiction, and yes, even sex addiction, other than
the unvermoegen that control kundalini and channel (into meaningful and
satisfying aktivitaeten)?ignorance, coupled with a medicine, it promotes
that you Transfers the responsibility for his well-being and its cure
principle and totally other, probably leads often means that you completed
a drug expected and gets the state as the affected. sleeping and sedative

suitable to and represent a huge market. who has since still learning his
kundalini to master, if possible, even with the (why?) illegal
"drug-'cannabis? but a spontaneous revival of kundalini beats not
completely random to, but affects people with a certain willingness to Live
(for example, by a stroke of fate, after todesnaehe or otherwise be Lster
mental mature) stronger to take yourself in hand, so people who pride,
despite greatest illusions and partly stored. hence the procedure as
described above is experiencing a revival no guarantee. personal
responsibility, self reflection and help ... but continue to exercise a revival
of kundalini means of cannabis is certainly a voruebergehender state
without immediate lasting effects ... but it can not be ruled out that
someone who experiences this condition often excited to learn and
appreciate him when he met him he live in daily, no more than nervousness
and stress feels dull your senses and investigated, but as increased
alertness, increased sensitivity detects and increased awareness, cultivated
and exploited.The kundalini is neither divine nor demonic / satanic. it is a
normal function of the human (and likely occurrence in different clearer
each vertebral) body interaction with his environment a (probably
electromagnetic). "normal" with does not mean that everyone is constantly
aware of experienced or even knows, but that it is active at any time in
each. it is not a "sexual power" as it is sometimes called. sure it feeds the
sexual drive and the organsmus, but no more than you, move, think and
feeds feel. it is the humanity known for thousands of years, not exclusive to
any religion or ideology linked, and that they part of the "new age"
movement is to be regarded as problematic because it is politically
exploited ... places to myself (stretched out) on the page where the hand a
the head propped and the other resting on the buttocks. in this straight,
stretched pose captures the muscle tension and the legs. The whole body
like a rope is then stretched, like a taut rope, it can now be traversed by
waves. Involuntary twitches, which as described above, especially in the
case back, take, their output, they are now spreading like waves on a water
surface, quickly in all directions from.these waves are reflected at the ends
of the body (fuesse and head) and then go through it again in the reverse
direction. which can repeatedly go back and forth until they expire. (This
effect is even Noticeably when lying on the case back, he is lying down on
the page but clearly, because it can swing koerper free.) it seems (even or
always?) events to give the outside of our Coming body trigger such
waves. which is evident from the fact that they eg sometimes (like a
radiating) along a straight line through batting an arm and a leg by hitting
or adjacent human succession ... should to notice that the respiration in the
state of awakened is kundalini greatly slowed must have a that does not
worry: the stronger the aktivitaet the kundalini, the less breathable

needed. in any case it is advisable deep in the belly breathing (which is

more effective and the number of required breaths lowers), since (if one
uses breathing techniques not special) any movement to build the tension a
little bothers. the state of the awakened kundalini and unleashed the
humanities can be used for a deep meditation (or is it). after one to two
hours, the voltage shall, in case back again (if they are not already aware of
interrupts), and it returns to its normal state back. the rise of kundalini is (if
wrapped in a blanket or not) associated with warmth that can be felt
especially in the hull (the literature is even talk of great heat). this warmth /
heat is clearly noticeable (by a thermometer but not measurable because the
measures only heat conduction, no waermestrahlung) and has healing
effect. after this experience is one refreshed, full of energy and mentally
alert.The revival of kundalini can also be done permanently and then is a
serious cause lenge to addressing the instructions of a champion helpful if
not essential (the literature speaks of months of insomnia and
restlessness). a permanent revival, however, apart from the cases where this
happens spontaneously, probably only be achieved through kundaliniyoga. how many people will spontaneously awakened kundalini
permanently, no one can really know, because lack of knowledge it is
probably mostly as interpreted mental stoerung and "treated" with
drugs. because what is nervousness, ADHD, insomnia, chronic anxiety,
hysteria, alcohol and drug addiction, and yes, even sex addiction, other than
the unvermoegen that control kundalini and channel (into meaningful and
satisfying aktivitaeten)? ignorance, coupled with a medicine, it promotes
that you Transfers the responsibility for his well-being and its cure
principle and totally other, probably leads often means that you completed
a drug expected and gets the state as the affected.sleeping and sedative
suitable to and represent a huge market. who has since still learning his
kundalini to master, if possible, even with the (why?) illegal
"drug-'cannabis? but a spontaneous revival of kundalini beats not
completely random to, but affects people with a certain willingness to Live
(for example, by a stroke of fate, after todesnaehe or otherwise be Lster
mental mature) stronger to take yourself in hand, so people who pride,
despite greatest illusions and partly stored. hence the procedure as
described above is experiencing a revival no guarantee. personal
responsibility, self reflection and help ... but continue to exercise a revival
of kundalini means of cannabis is certainly a voruebergehender state
without immediate lasting effects ... but it can not be ruled out that
someone who experiences this condition often excited to learn and
appreciate him when he met him he live in daily, no more than nervousness
and stress feels dull your senses and investigated, but as increased
alertness, increased sensitivity detects and increased awareness, cultivated

and exploited. The kundalini is neither divine nor demonic / satanic. it is a

normal function of the human (and likely occurrence in different clearer
each vertebral) body interaction with his environment a (probably
electromagnetic). "normal" with does not mean that everyone is constantly
aware of experienced or even knows, but that it is active at any time in
each. it is not a "sexual power" as it is sometimes called.sure it feeds the
sexual drive and the organsmus, but no more than you, move, think and
feeds feel. it is the humanity known for thousands of years, not exclusive to
any religion or ideology linked, and that they part of the "new age"
movement is to be regarded as problematic because it is politically
exploited ...

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