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Viola Odorata Queen Charlotte

The well-known plant with wonderfully fragrant flowers.

Viola Odorata 'Queen Charlotte' is a small, mound-forming perennial. It
has heart shaped, dark-green leaves and in spring, bears dainty, single,
deep violet flowers on upright stems above its foliage. Viola odorata is
often referred to as The King of Violets The flowers, of the deepest
violet colour are grown for their perfume.
Violas are very easy to grow, tolerant of most soil types. They are perfect
for partial shade and once established multiply extremely quickly! They
serve a multitude of uses: as a groundcover under shrubs or trees, in
borders and rockery, in baskets, containers and tubs.
Sowing: Sow in late summer/autumn and late winter/late spring. Stratify
the Viola odorata seeds by placing them in a cold frame outdoors during
the winter. If no cold frame is available, you may place the seeds into the
refrigerator in a plastic bag full of damp sandy soil. Leave the seeds in the
refrigerator up to 12 weeks or until the following autumn.
Choose a semi-shaded area for planting the seeds. Prepare the soil in the
area you have chosen by adding manure or compost to the soil and
working it 2 to 4 inches into the soil. Plant the seeds either in spring, four
to six weeks before the last frost of the season is expected, or in autumn.
Autumn climate usually isnt very harsh, in any case these plants can
even bear very prolonged freezing, therefore they can be grown in the
garden during any season. Push the seeds into the soil to a depth of 1/2

inch to 1 inch and space the seeds 4 to 8 inches apart from one another.
Water the seeds twice a week.

Amaranthus Tricolor Illumination

Amaranth (Amaranthus) is an easy-to-grow annual that thrives in full sun

and during warm weather. The plants grow 1-1/2 to 6 feet tall and bloom
in a variety of colours, including gold, red or orange, depending on the
species. The more common amaranth reaches a mature height of 1 to 2
feet. Amaranth is intolerant of shade, wet soil and frost, and prefers
warm, well-drained soil. The flowers grow on long, straight stems and
have a lengthy blooming time, from the middle of summer until frost. The

flowers dry very well and retain their colour for an extended period of
time. Amaranth is also resistant to diseases and insects.
Many Amranthus species are are cultivated as leaf vegetables, cereals,
or ornamental plants. Amaranthus primarily serves as an annual
ornamental. Amaranthus leaves and seeds are edible with nutritional
PROPAGATION: Seeds may be started indoors at a 70- to 75-degree
temperature, in pots or flats filled with finely sifted compost made of twothirds sandy loam and one-third leaf mold. When the baby plants are an
inch or so high, they may be planted separately in 3-inch pots using the
same soil mixture as used above, though it should be passed through a
coarse sieve. Seeds may also be sown directly outside as soon as it is
warm enough to sow.

Cranberry Vaccinium Macrocarpon)

The cranberry bush (Vaccinium macrocarpon) is a low-growing evergreen

shrub with leathery leaves and bright red berries. This low spreading bush
can look attractive in any garden. It has evergreen leaves which turn
bronze and then a rich red colour through autumn and winter. This will
produce a very high quality culinary fruit which has an excellent taste.
Sowing : Sow at 18-22C (64-71F) for 2-4 wks, move to -4 to +4C (2439F) for 4-6 wks, move to 5-12C (41-53F) for germination

Did you know that cranberries are one of the healthiest fruits and have
anti oxidant properties.
Cranberries contain proanthocyanidins (PACs) that can prevent the
adhesion of certain of bacteria, including E. coli, associated with urinary
tract infections to the urinary tract wall. The anti-adhesion properties of
cranberry may also inhibit the bacteria associated with gum disease and
stomach ulcers. Recent scientific research shows that cranberries and
cranberry products contain significant amounts of antioxidants and other
phytonutrients that may help protect against heart disease, cancer and
other diseases.

Puya Alpestris

Sapphire tower is an amazing plant that will make people stop by your
garden or will brighten up your living room. Intensive blue colour is
difficult to describe.
The large clumping rosettes of spiky grass-like foliage are handsome in
their own right, and look good year round in a xeriscape garden. Then
comes a 5 foot tall flower spike that explodes with metallic blue blossoms.
Watering: Generally during the period of vegetatational rest it isn't
necessary to water our perennial plants, which in many cases lose their
aerial part. We suggest watering these plants only from time to time, but
we must remember to wet the soil deeply using 2-3 glasses of water
every 1-2 weeks.
Fertilization: In the spring lets remember to fertilize our perennial plants,
using a slow release granular fertilizer, to add in one solution every 3-4
months. If desired we can also use a liquid fertilizer for flowering plants,
to mix with the irrigation water every 20-25 days.
Sowing: Surface sow the tiny seeds on moist compost and keep warm.
Germination is erratic

Vaccinium BlueBerry

Fast growing cultivar with berries that are sweet, large, firm and aromatic
and loaded with antioxidants. Outstanding yields up to 10 lbs when
mature. Tolerant to drought and frost.
Position: Full sun or partial shade. Soil: Moist or well drained, acid soil.
Hardiness: Hardy.
Sowing:Seeds should be soak in water for 24 hrs. After soaking, pack the
seeds with moist sterile material, put the mix in a closable plastic bag and
cold stratify them for six weeks. Sow the seeds on the surface of an acid
peat seed sowing mix at about 22C. They normally will only germinate
with light. Keep the mix humid but not too wet and dont let it dry
between watering. Germination should take about 20-30 days, but
sometimes takes another 12 months. When the seedling starts to
germinate prick them out and put them in a good potting soil.

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