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Proposal (pg.

English Language Library
This proposal adresses the problem that the English Club would like to see some improvements
made to the English Language Library.
Positive aspects
I would like to mention first, that our English books and our films have a big popularity among
students. Over the last months we have welcomed 21 new members, which means that the club
maintains its great appeal to the students of the college. The Club has a quiet area of self study,
where students can always find themselves comfortable. There are computer programs for
language practice which stand in good stead for us.
First of all, as our Library is opened only on working days, we could enlarge its program for
weekends and change the time schedule from 9am-6pm to 9am- 8pm. Secondly, we could buy
English books for beginners as we have no books for them and so we will increase our variety of
readers. Also, as all the English-language films are very old, it would be advisable to add new
ones that will attract more college students. As for the area for self-study, it has an
inconvenience- the chairs are uncomfortable, so I would recommend to replace them.
Finally, I think our Library needs to be strongly supported because many of our college students
are spending most of their time here, preparing the homework, reading many rare articles that
they cannot find home on internet and of course, here they can always find help when they need

Article (pg.69)
Global Warming
The impact of global warming and climate change in my country Moldova is less dramatic than in
other parts of the world where sea level is threatening islands in the oceans, the Mediterranean
coast is drying and the glacier are melting more quickly.
There are many other environmental problems here that are not linked to global warming, and
much more economic, social and political challenges.

After the splitting of the Soviet Union, my country inherited natural resources depleted by
unsustainable usage, a huge volume of toxic waste from heavy industry, radioactive waste storage,
the consequences of the Chernobyl catastrophe near Moldova, depleted chernozems, and polluted
The signs of climate change are apparent: increase in the number of hot days, extremes of
temperature, an overall reduction in atmospheric precipitation (although with a drastic rise in some
areas), together with an increase in rainstorms, catastrophic floods and droughts, forest fires and
desertification. Moldova also has serious problems with drier climate, natural disasters,
waterlogging, salinization and deterioration of soil quality, availability of water resources, water
quality, food security, problems like reduced diversity of flora and fauna. The consequences of
these trends are having a negative impact on agriculture, forests, water and other sectors, as well as
on peoples health and safety (infections, cardio-vascular diseases, heat stress).
Some researchers believe that a tropical climate will reach Moldova, and that the subtropical zone
already present will further expand. The amount of precipitation continue to increase in winter and
decrease in summer and autumn, thus raising the risk of droughts. So Moldova, with its economy
predominantly based on agriculture, is the country most vulnerable to climate change in Eastern
In Moldova, the summer of 2010 saw rainstorms and associated floods along with fires related to
the abnormally high temperatures. The absolute air temperature recorded in the second part of June
peaked at +36C. In addition, around 300% of the normal monthly precipitation fell in June: a
record in the last 124 years.
Warming has led to increased productivity by boreal forests, but against that there has been an
increase in hazardous forest and peat fires, a disruption of the stability of ecosystems, replacement
of some species, a growing probability of population explosions among forest pests, a negative
impact on the production of wheat, the crop that is the basis of the countrys food security. Wine
growing, also an important economic activity, also experience the negative effects of climate
change. These changes caused climate-induced migration of our Moldovans to EU countries that
know to cope better in this problem.
Over the last decade changes in the depth of snow cover and the irregularity of snowfall have been
observed in our country. It is now more common for snow to fall in November-December and then
again in February after extremely strong frosts in January. The snow sometimes melts and then
falls again in
March. Strong cold spells in late spring have also become more common.
We need to do actions in order to adapt to climate change, actions that are requiring political
support and legislative provision: expansion of forest area, reduction of risk of forest fires,
improved protection, restoration and use of forests, modernization of irrigation systems,

introduction of drought-resistant species and varieties, constructing underground water reservoirs,

more efficient use of available water resources, of fuel and energy resources, implementation of
energy-saving measures, development of adaptation to extreme weather events and urgent
response capacities.
If only the climate of Moldovans cooperation will warm up more quickly than the climate of the

Essay (pg. 69)

The advantages and disadvantages of using computers as a way to communicate
Nowadays, millions of people are staying in the front of a computer. New technologies are making
our lives easier both professionally and in everyday life.
We work at the computer, we communicate with the help of the Internet. When we are not able to
be with each other we stay in touch through the exchange of written words, live written
conversation, live visual conversation, and get advantage of many other options. For people who
are separated from loved ones and cannot afford or are unable to travel, computer communication
is a wonderful and useful tool in both personal and business settings. We are finding more rapidly
the information needed saving our time, energy and money. We can relax watching TV online or
playing on-line games.
But we need to see the reverse of the medal. Its use requires to warn everybody about the potential
dangers and negative aspects of it.
It is not, however, an equal substitute for face-to-face conversation in all circumstances. When online communication is used instead of real communication, the speaker is not developing the social
skills which are so necessary in the workplace as well as in successful relationships.
It creates a state of dependency. Everyone of us has a basic need to learn, to achieve, to complete
our entourage and the self-esteem that arises from these realizations. This is why computers create
this dependency they do for us all this in a highly efficient and satisfactory way.
It is a risk factor for health. People staying in front of it are blinking less and are forcing their
eyesight, this leads to a higher predisposition to conjunctivitis and myopia. Those who are
spending too much time are likely to become obese, get varices and suffer cardiovascular diseases.
Someone said "in a few years, men will be able to communicate more effectively through a
machine than face to face." That may be true, but it seems to me it will not be a better world.

Contribution (pg. 69)

About work in my country
Dear friend,
I am writing to contribute to your book about working patterns around the world.
First of all, I would like to say that our country faces economic problems, being classified as "lowincome". Thats why many people able to work remain unemployed.
Many of our Moldovans begin by working at their favorite place, doing what they really like, but
tend to change jobs often, because they search a better paid job, even if it is not what they wanted.
They emigrate in order to be paid more and to succeed by achieving their dream- a well-paid job.
That causes separated families, children lacking parental support, and a big old population left to
Me personally, I know a very good teacher with 20 years of experience, working now as a servant
in Italy. She is happy to have a decent paid job which allows her to live and to help her
grandchildren to survive.
As for young specialists, they have no hope for their career in their own country, so they apply for
programs abroad and never come back. Here I can mention the case of one of my best friends that
has finished 1 year of internship and left Moldova for U.S. where she is working as a bartender
now. She cries every night because she wants back to her family, but she knows - if she decides to
go she wont be able to handle by herself in Moldova.
But there are people that still think the situation in Moldova will change if all her citizens will
return back home. Those are working as lawyers, politicians, journalists, entrepreneurs, freelancers, and doctors. Also, there are non-profit organizations that organize programs which
stimulate returning back home of young-adult population. That will contribute to a better life for
them and their families here, at their home.
To finish, I need to say that not only in our country but all over the world there are problems like
this, the difference is that here they are much more evident than abroad.
I hope you will take my letter into serious consideration.
Yours respectfully

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