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Sahajataa - The concept of effortlessness!

When practicing yoga, we must practice effortlessly. If we are pushing too hard, trying
to achieve the unattainable with excessive force, then we are not practicing yoga.
Yoga is always practiced effortlessly!
I hope, the following five points would clarify it a bit more,
1. Purushartha
Effortlessness is not inaction. That is a misconception
...and trying to achieve or pursue an objective forcefully or passionately, crusading
full-throttle, firing on all-cylinders, completely exhausted, burnt-out, fatigued and
worn-out is not Purushartha either!
Purushartha, as they say, is not about just putting Efforts but putting Efforts the Right
The right efforts are RIGHT only, if performed effortlessly that is, with ease, with
Therefore, Purushartha is a disciplined and persistent approach to achieve something
with mental ease and calmness, focus and objectivity, and most importantly,
absolutely effortlessly.
2. Physical Body
Speaking physiologically, effortlessness during physical exercise and yogic practices
is very significant for rapid progress, which is so elaborately explained through the
concept of easy stretch, stretch reflex and developmental stretch.
If a muscle is over stretched or bounced excessively up and down during any kind of
physical workout, it may cause strain or even tearing of muscle fibers causing pain
and loss of elasticity. Muscles are protected by a mechanism called the Stretch
Reflex. If the muscle fibers are stretched too far (causing strain), a nerve reflex
responds by sending a signal to the muscles to contract. This keeps the muscles from
being injured. On the other hand, if the stretching is done correctly in relaxed
condition (that is without causing strain), which is called Easy Stretch, after holding at
that level for a few seconds, the muscle can be subjected to what is called
Developmental Stretch without any pain or discomfort. Developmental stretch fine
tunes the muscles and increases flexibility.
Over several years of my yoga practices, I have realized that only through an
effortless practice the developmental stretch could be affected, which is a direct
indicator of improvement and progress in yoga.
When practicing effortlessly, we produce most of our energy (ATP) through aerobic
route. Anaerobic route kicks-in only when we try beyond that limit. We must keep
checking for any sign of abnormality; as unbearable or abnormal pain, abnormal
breathing or breathlessness, anxiety or restlessness, excessive perspiration, etc.
indicate a distinct loss of effortlessness.

3. The Mind
The Mind stays calm and quiet when working effortlessly. It maintains its subtlety,
objectivity and equanimity. As soon as effortlessness is lost, the mind too loses its
calm, focus and objectivity, for; these are the qualities of a subtle mind
Working effortlessly means keeping the autonomic nervous system (ANS) balanced.
The sympathetic nervous system is stimulated only during a stressful situation, which
throws the ANS off balance, which is a direct indication of losing effortlessness.
4. Evolution
Speaking spiritually, there can be no spiritual advancement without the right efforts.
One may think that he is going full steam ahead, but actually may not be making any
progress, as far as his destination on the path of self-development is concerned.
Effortlessness is essential for a speedy and efficient improvement and selfdevelopment.
Therefore, maximum benefit from yoga-sadhana, including meditation, is attainable
only if practice is effortless or sahaj.
5. Life
In our day to day life too, we see so often that if effortlessness is maintained, then
even in difficult and challenging situations we feel quite at ease and comfortable and
at most of the times, less miserable, less unhappy, irritable or anxious.
Things that come effortlessly provide the best and long-lasting feeling of
contentment. What we pursue and achieve forcefully doesnt come easy and wont
give a long lasting feeling of satisfaction and contentment.
The best things in my life have just fallen in to my lap with Gods grace, literally
If you have learnt to accept what comes to you effortlessly and not ask for more
means that you have tuned-in with the Speed of Your Life!, then you can eat and
digest your meal properly and enjoy your food, sleep well, enjoy your surroundings
and companion and truly feel the happiness.
Wish you happy exploring.

Compiled by - Nimesh Shah

Yoga and Natural Lifestyle Consultant
Certified Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultant
Diploma in Yoga (recognised by Yoga Alliance International)
Studied at Wellpark College of Naturopathy, Auckland, New Zealand

Vadodara, Gujarat, INDIA

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