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Cell group notes

w/c 17th January 2010


What ‘secret’ skill or ability do you have that most people don’t know about?


Ask each person to think of three things to give thanks for: a person who has blessed
you this week, something you have received or enjoyed this week; and some way in
which God has spoken to you. (Some bits of paper and pens might help). Then ask
everyone to share what they are – and then ask 2 or 3 people to lead a prayer of
thanksgiving. Find a song or two to continue in praise – eg ‘Blessed be your name’ and
‘There is a redeemer’.


We’re continuing with 1 Cor 12 this week - find 1 Cor 12:12-31.

Pray for the Lord’s to speak, and then ask someone to read out the passage.
(Remember that the issue that Paul was dealing with here was a church going overboard in its use of the
gift of tongues, and leading to divisions between those who thought of themselves as ‘1st class truly
spiritual Christians” and “2nd class earthbound Christians”.)

1. Paul makes a bold statement that in effect says that the church (the Christian
community in Corinth) is Christ – v 12. How is this true, and what are the
implications of it?
2. If you were to pick a part of the body to represent your part in the body of Christ
what would it be? Why did you choose that?
3. Which do you think is the greater danger for us – wishing to be something else, or
failing to see that other people’s different gifts are as important as ours?
4. How much do we experience the truth of being so connected that we share the
troubles and joys of others?
5. What team(s) are you part of in the church? Who are you learning from, and who
are you training up to succeed you and multiply what you do?
6. How could you do to help “the body” function more effectively this week?

Lastly, I mentioned that we need each other to help identify the abilities, spiritual gifts
and ministries (see v 28 for this mixture of ‘gifts’) because we are often the last to
recognise them.
Take a piece of paper and stick one on the back of everyone in the group – and then
move around and write (with a pen which won’t go through the paper!) on each other’s
piece of paper what you think their strengths, gifts and abilities are. When you’ve
finished, everyone can read what others have put. Then pray for one another so that
you live out the live of the body of Christ to the full.


Break into threes and remind each other of the three people on your contact list whom
you are praying for to meet Jesus. Pray for one another to be Christ to them when you
meet, and for your friends’ hearts and minds to be touched by the love of God.

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