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2013 IEEE 10th International Conference on e-Business Engineering

Emerging of new service-oriented approach based on

the Internet of Services and Internet of Things.
Mikhail M. Komarov
Department of innovations and business in IT
National Research University Higher School of Economics
Moscow, Russia

Maria D. Nemova
Department of innovations and business in IT
National Research University Higher School of Economics
Moscow, Russia

full of static content and could be seen as an extension of

offline media, such as print and TV. This version of the web
was able to provide information to users in a broadcast model
of information distribution. The next evolution of the web
brought about web 2.0 or the social web which is characterised
by users communications, contributing and collaborating.
Web 2.0 has empowered users and consumers of the web to
shift from being passive consumers of content and information
into active producers of content and information. It allows
users to equally participate in the production of content
creation and in sharing that content with a wider audience
online. Web 3.0 means that our things, our belongings will
have the power to learn, intuit and decide.
It is our future in terms of our life, it is our tomorrow in
terms of how fast is technological progress integrating new
devices into our life.
Technological concept by Marcelo Dias de Amorim was
proposed during the FP6 project and includes the description
of the Web 3.0 as Internet of Things when all the things
communicate with each other and with the user [1].
Another technological concept in terms of software
methods is the concept by Tim Berners-Lee (director of
W3C) where he defines the Web 3.0 as the Internet where
user can read-write and execute in terms of execution at the
internet he means semantic web and web-services.
Concept by Sramana Mitra is something between
technology and philosophy her formula is this: Web 3.0
results from combining content, commerce, community and
context, with personalization and vertical search. Or, to put in
a handy phrase: Web 3.0 = (4C + P + VS). By "context," She
means the reason you're surfing the Web. Looking for a job is
"context," as is planning a trip or shopping for clothes.
Fundamental to context is the user. And when you fuse a
specific user with genuine context, you wind up with truly
personalized service [2].
And very philosophic concept is the concept by Ted Hoy
(former vice-president of the Digital river company) [3]. As
part of cloud computing, user applications are being
transformed into rich Internet applications. Instead of
pedestrian computing functionality like conducting online
searches with words Web 3.0 offers users a richer
application tier with far more logic. The breakthrough is when

Abstract- The article is viewing basic notions of the Internet

of the Future: Internet services, Internet of things and cloud
computing. Due to advances in technology and the rapid growth
of online services, social networks and mobile applications a
significant number of new and inventive web-based service
models have been introduced. There are many discussions and
definitions of the Web 3.0, some resources claim to work
according to that concept definitions. Although online resources
and services are having an impact on more traditional way of
doing business, there are new technological issues raised by the
Internet of Services and Internet of Things aspects with their
influence on customer interactions. In this paper also resources
for Internet of Services customers are explained. Author is
focused on the applicability of Internet of Services and Internet
of Things for the business purposes under the new concept
social web of things as another step of globalization.
Keywords. Internet of Things; Internet of Services; cloud
computing; web 3.0; social web of things.



The Internet has become an integral part of the lives of

millions of people, and this number is constantly increasing.
The network coverage is extending, the number of gadgets
that can be connected to this network is increasing. The
Internet is also changing under the influence of new
technologies and concepts. Today there is a tendency to the
Internet of Things, the Internet of Services, cloud computing,
and Web services. In terms of current technological progress it
is necessary to remind that almost 20 years ago there were
only few people around the world carrying the cell phones.
Nowadays we have cell phones everywhere as not a luxury
thing but a necessity. This mobile era which is called the
Web 3.0 era evaluates with the marketable support of
innovation and higher necessities. The new technology has the
capability to supply more real-time in turn. This information
comprises location, weather, traffic, local business and visits a
store frequency. This also provides new service-oriented
industry openning.

WEB 3.0

The Web 3.0 concept has many different meanings, but all
of them consider using information by the machines Web 1.0,
or the information web, was straightforward enough. IT was
978-0-7695-5111-1/13 $26.00 2013 IEEE
DOI 10.1109/ICEBE.2013.66


the technology itself is aggregated from the client and put on

the Web. In this environment, software-as-a-service models
will be able to be developed and deployed much more quickly
and cost effectively because the infrastructure for development
(particular software code) will live in the clouds.
In a Web 3.0 world, the way users experience the Internet
will once again be different. Because content and applications
will live up in the "cloud," users will be able to experience the
Web on a phone, or move from device to device, instead of
being limited to a PC. Advancements in usability will be key
point and will need to catch up in order for this new
multiplatform paradigm to succeed - same hardware parts, but
different software parts, which will be in the clouds.
Over the last decade, the service sector has become the
biggest and fastest-growing business sector in the world. Our
economy is service-oriented and to continue growth services
should be easily available and should be more productive.
There are different descriptions of different types of services
in terms of software engineering, in terms of business, in
terms of web and the Internet which are described at [4]. As it
was shown during the TEXO project [5] which main goal was
to develop new business models for the Web and which
targeted on the development of an open platform for the
development, distribution and provision of services, there was
need for the marketplace of services like goods and during that
project was proposed special TEXO marketplace as an
essential place to go for finding services and solutions. There
are special roles in global service delivery: service gateway
which makes services available; service aggregator which
composes services into value added services; service broker
which bills value added services; service channel which
delivers value added service using customer specific channels.
But there is a need to make all this processes automated and
that is where the Internet of Things concept should help. With
the development and integration of the new IPv.6 we have got
possibility to integrate all of our devices and things into the
same global network. Thus we will have companies with
different business-models, based on the data from the Internet
for their production facilities with the use of Internet of Things
As it is written in [6], with the development of cloudoriented architecture there will be big change in interaction
between users and machines. A cloud-oriented architecture
(COA) is a conceptual model encompassing all elements in a
cloud environment. According to Jason Bloomberg, of
ZapThink, the development of a global cloud-oriented
architecture is an essential block of the Internet of Things, in
which anything that can be identifies including people,
coffee machines, park benches and just about any other
random item you can think of can be tagged and connected
through the Internet or a similar wide-area network. A cloudoriented architecture is related to both service-oriented
architectures (SOA) and event-driven architectures (EDA) and
is a combination of two other architectural models: the
resource-oriented architecture (ROA) and the hypermediaoriented architecture. A ROA is based on the idea that any
entity can be assigned a uniform resource identifier (URI) is a

resource. Thus it includes not only infrastructure elements

such as servers, computers and other devices, but also WEB
pages, scripts, multimedia information and virtual reality all
together. So as it comes from [7], we should consider resource
as any component of an application that needs to be used or
addressed (physical objects and WEB data).
As in [8], the vision of Internet of Things can be seen from
two perspectives Internet centric and Thing centric. The
Internet centric architecture involved Internet services being
the main focus while data is contributed by the objects. In the
object centric architecture [9], the smart objects take the center
stage. In order to implement the full potential of Cloud
computing and cloud-oriented architecture as well as
ubiquitous sensing, Cloud at the center seems suitable. This
not only gives the flexibility of dividing associated costs in the
most logical manner but it is also highly scalable which is
important in terms of global services support. Service
aggregators can offer their services with the use of data from
the devices using a storage Cloud; service brokers can provide
their software tools. The main idea of the Cloud Internet
centric perspective is quite simple user or customer should
not be involved in a process of data analysis, data distribution
or data visualization. The same should apply to application
developers, as they should easily connect resources from the
Cloud (devices, data, visualization etc.) and provide at the end
complete application. Everything will be done inside the
Cloud and customers will get only services they ordered. A
key concept of having standard algorithms and protocols at the
Cloud for all the devices from the Internet of Things (like
standards for widgets on the WEB) will definitely make new
era at the Internet of Services implementation.


There are new trends in terms of synergy between Internet

of Services and Internet of Things aimed on natural way of
offering new services within integration new smart things
into our life. The new concept social web of things
represents the synergy of two aspects [10]. Implementation of
social web of things is aimed to represent the new generation
of web technologies, which will allow existing and emerging
smart things to connect through a centralized resource
(similar to current social networks), upload their data,
exchange information with each other and provide it to the end
user. The service should be built as an open platform with
everyone having an opportunity to make a contribution by
either developing low-level applications to gather data from
new types of devices or building high-level graphical widgets,
thus changing the way the information is presented to the user.
Possible architecture of the social web of things consists of
both services and things (Fig. 1).
The social network metaphor gives the user an
understanding that the network is connected to many things
and services, and it also provides a user interface that people
are familiar with. With the social network interface you also
have the possibility to scale the interface, which is very
important when you have hundreds of connected things and


There are also challenges which come with the new concept
data protection and personal data protection. It is necessary
to follow the United Nations regulations and policies in terms
of human rights protection at the Internet and personal data
protection as a part of it. There is special Internet governance
Forum (IGF) introduced by the United Nations which is also
focused on policies at the Internet and some rules for the
personal data protection at the Internet.

Fig. 2. Different actors have different roles in the development and use of
service-based applications. To some extent, end-users are a type of service

Fig. 1. Possible architecture of social web of things.



It may be noted that solution architects use the service

library to find existing services, which they can use as
standard blocks in order to create service-based applications.
They may also use descriptions of services which are available
in the service library to complete a set of building blocks. If
they need a service that is not available in the service library,
they can issue service metadata that describe the service
interface. Then the developers will implement the necessary
services. Service developers are implementers of simple
services. They implement new services (hard coded) using
programming languages. However, a simple service may
include some functionality of other existing service.
For this purpose the service library can be analyzed and the
necessary services that may be involved in new services can
be found. In addition, the developers can use the service
library in order to analyze the impact that the proposed change
in one service can have on other services.
Service integrators collect solutions from currently developed
and existing services. Service Integrator is a special type of
service composer. Service integrators are those who create
complicated services, while the end-users are those who use
the services created.
Different roles can use different service models. For
example, business-analysts (for example, system architects)
who are less interested in IT-levels of technical details can
provide the service as a building block with a high level of
information on the service. For service integrators complete
information on the service may be more important than the
service presentation. For end-users, as they are interested in
the content of the service during its use, it is important to have

The Internet of Services Community brings together

researchers, technology vendors, service providers and end
users into the generation forming a service revolution the
internet services. The internet service community seeks to
develop technical specifications and software, to explore
prototypes, to introduce corresponding concepts and
commercialize the experience.
Service development brings together architects, developers
and service integrators. Solution architects and service
integrators are involved in services development. The end
user, which is a special type of service users, is not involved in
the process of service development. Although, to certain
extent, this type of service users is able to compose the service
at runtime. Creation in the internet of services the use-case
diagram that demonstrates the objects and their role in the
development and use of service-based applications [11].


timely displayed service data on the device. Display of the

service during its run-time by means of graphical presentation
for different service users with different devices is a challenge.

main Internet Governance principles of access to the

information, human rights protection quite often are not
followed on all 3 levels of Internet Governance: supranational,
national and community level, for those who had to move
from one country to another saving their lives refugees.
From the Universal declaration of Human Rights:
(a) Freedom of opinion and freedom of expression,
including freedom of communication (article 19).
(b) Everyone is entitled to realization of the
indispensable for his dignity and the free
development of his personality (article 22).
(c) Right to work with free choice of employment
und just and favourable conditions of work
(article 23).
(d) Right to education (article 26).
(e) Right to take part in cultural life, and share in
scientific advancement and its benefits (article
Even though refugees have their own special status, they
are not able to continue using their (b),(c),(d) and (e). One of
the examples is that there are many governmental services and
international services provided in some countries in their
native languages or sometimes in internationally commonly
used languages only. The main change introduced into disaster
recoveries and refugee camps from what was 20-30 years ago
and now there are new necessities - not only place to live,
water, food and medication but also access to the Internet and
access to the set of services provided through the Internet for
the refugees to help them quickly adapt to the current situation
and place where they are at the moment. It happens also
because of global spread of mobile devices and PCs. There are
many examples around the world when citizens leave their
home countries because of nature disasters and civil wars and
move to another countries becoming refugees without
knowledge of the language, laws, regulations and cultural
aspects of the hosting country.
Also, there are climatic and environmental migration
issues which standing as a situation, which couldnt be
overcame in the present time. Moreover, its level will increase
due to failure of national and international policies to solve
emerging ecological issues, such as irrational use of natural
resources, degradation of forest, land, and drinking water,
industrial development without regard to ecology. Because of
these reasons people throughout the world, especially in poor
countries, where it is impossible to challenge natural problems
by them, go to the countries with better climate and probably
better economic development and social standards.
The second point is a problem of the equal recognition.
This is the situation which all states faced with, and basic
needs of migrants, basic rights and freedoms of refugees,
should be protected equally with rights of citizens. Special
issue is the needs of internally displaced people: their
standards of protection shouldnt be lower than in case of the
cross-border migration. Internet due to its supranational nature
should give opportunities for using cross-border instruments


A key factor in business models is the target audience. The

business model shall identify the target audience and provide
users with the right information at the right time. The
emergence of mobile Internet is the turning point. Just as the
emergence of 3D internet, the Internet of Things, and, finally,
the Internet of Services. Combination of these innovations will
lead to the emergence of a new Internet.
Different researchers propose different business models for
the Internet of Services because a single model has not been
developed yet. The following models are widely used in other
business sectors:
the added value model;
the promotional model (the best model used to gain profit
from free applications);
the model of freemium (freemium is the word invented from
free and premium. The model works as payment for use
of full version of the product, previously used for free in light
try-and-buy model (a kind of the model of freemium).
Value-added service (VAS) is a popular term for nonessential services or, in other words, for all services beyond
standard voice calls and fax transmissions. Future business
models for the Internet of Services will focus on partnership,
providing services through business networks (value added by
the 3rd party).
Model-driven development is a style of software
development where models are the main development
artifacts, which are used to generate code and other artifacts.
In this case, the model is an abstract description of software
that hides information on certain aspects in order to provide a
simplified description of other ones.
However, the idea to apply the methodology of model
driven development for creation of services on the Internet of
Services is a relatively new idea. It focuses on service
development, which includes methods and tools for creating
services as introduced in [12]. The thesis more specifically
focuses on controlled models and composite methods for
service development. Selo Sulistyo offers in [11] a method for
developing services and for providing an integrated
functionality in the form of a new service, which mean the
new service as a service for the Internet


It is also important to notice that it is not IPv6 which

influences on the world and our life, but services which go
globally with the use of the Internet and data distribution by
the smart devices from the Internet of Things and Internet of
Services. Global services change relationships between the
people and companies with the use of Internet, which makes
them globally spread and IPv6 technically helps to go further
globally by allowing integration of most our belongings into
the Internet which will provide strong impact on our life. The


for information support without regards of the state and

Refugees should be provided with the information and due
to the changing situation they should be granted with the
Internet access at the refugee camps and also there should be
introduced initial, basic set of services provided through the
Internet available for the refugees as well as for the migrant
coming to the country. Service-developers should also
consider people with disabilities as potential users and it is
important to provide same quality and efficiency for them.
This topic influences community level of the Internet
Governance as there should be local content development
support to inform refugees and migrants about traditions, laws
and regulations and some cultural aspects of the local
community. It influences national level of the Internet
Governance as the government should subsidize Internet
Governance in the country private sector to develop and
support basic set of services for the refugees and migrants.
And it also influences supranational level of the Internet
Governance as the basic set of services should be universal for
all the countries.
The development of Internet of Services helps to overcome
the socio-cultural problems of forced migrants: illiteracy, lack
of knowledge of languages, and the inability to assimilate. It
also helps local people in the host countries to understand the
different concepts of human rights, developing socio-cultural

operating system installed in the device. In addition,

customized embedded devices, such as mobile phones, are
promising devices for the display of interfaces of services
available to the end users via the Internet of Services.
The International Telecommunication Union reported that
at the end of 2010, there were about 5 billion mobile cellular
subscribers worldwide [16]. The increasing popularity of
mobile devices and embedded network devices states
expectations of the near total pervasive computerization of
One of the problems of developing applications for
customized and embedded devices is the functionality of
specific devices and their configuration. Often, when it comes
to displaying the service, it must be adapted to a particular
device. For example, there are many different models of
phones, thats why it becomes almost impossible to create a
single version of the application that will be able to function
properly for all phone models. This problem exists on the
server side, as well. The service provider also has to
personalize the service for each specific device model. In
other words, special functions for the software of the
embedded systems must be created.


As the Internet of Things is just being created, in the

coming years there will be new types of jobs and even new
industries that did not exist till the present. Who will create all
smart things? What will stop the hackers capable of turning on
and off lights in a million homes in the future? When the
Internet of Things produces an ocean of new data, where will
we store it? And how will we use it? Will the new
technologies make our world better, or will they destroy the
remnants of our confidentiality, informing others of
everything we do? In which programming language should
new applications be created, and should we create a single
platform for the things connected to the Internet? A more
holistic approach to the IT-industry is required in order to
understand this. The internet has changed our lives and the
internet will change us again the future.


The main problem of services development on the Internet
of Service is that things in the concept of the Internet of
Things can implement services using different technologies, as
well as using different programming languages. We need a
methodology that can develop service-based application
services, which would be provided with the use of different
technologies. Furthermore, for service applications the
following issues shall be settled: how applications may be
presented as a new service and how service applications will
be introduced in different devices with different capabilities
and different configurations. It is assumed that the new PMGpro (present/abstract, model, generate and provide) method
will answer all fundamental questions [13-15].



For the first time in the history, the largest number of

people around the world works in it. In order so that this
growth continued, the services have to become more
accessible, and must be performed on a larger scale. Judicious
use of information technologies can greatly help in achieving
these goals. Various companies and research institutes began
to study various aspects of the service industry to determine
what services can be implemented via the internet. This new
and well thought-out vision of services gives rise to the next
In the concept of internet services, innovative technical
developments manage the creation of new channels of services
delivery, implying the creation of new business models. The
Internet of Services uses SOA (Service-Oriented Architecture)
approach, since the services are easy to implement, to use and
to sell. In conjunction with Web 2.0 technologies, the Internet


Embedded systems are of great importance in the concept
of the Internet of Things. In this case, the embedded systems
include all kinds of microprocessor devices that are able to
manage the programs. In the context of the Internet of
Services, the embedded systems provide simple services that
have been developed by software developers. The examples of
such systems are mobile phones, microprocessor-based
sensors and executive systems, controllers, household
appliances with embedded microprocessors, as well as various
entertainment systems. It is not necessary to have the definite



of Services is expected to enhance the quality of innovations

service. As a result, the Internet of Service will become a
cornerstone for the next generation of the Internet - Web 3.0.








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