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Structure of the virion

All herpes viruses are morphologically identical.

They have a large double stranded DNA genome. The VIRION consists of an icosahedral nucleocapsid of
about 100 nm in diameter, which is surrounded by a lipid bilayer envelope. Between the capsid and the
envelope is an amorphous layer of proteins, termed the tegument.
The envelope that surrounds the nucleocapsid is derived from the inner nuclear membrane of the host cell.
Virus-encoded glycoproteins are incorporated into the virion envelope and are visible as "spikes" that project
from its surface.

Activitatea terminologica IV: interventia specializata / oficiala; standardizare - organisme;

planificare lingvistica; politica lingvistica;
Virology is the study of viruses.
Viruses are (virus IS A) complexes of nucleic acids and proteins that have the capacity for replication in
animal, plant and bacterial cells.
The virion IS A mature virus particle.
Viruses come in two basic types
those that have a genome of DNA

those that have a genome of RNA.

Viruses consist of a nucleic acid (either DNA or RNA) associated with proteins encoded by the nucleic acid.
The virus may also have a lipid bilayer membrane (OR envelope => SYNONYMY) but this is acquired from
the host cell, usually by budding through a host cell membrane.


nucleic acid


structural proteins



Many viruses encode a few structural proteins (those that make up the mature virus particle (or virion)) and
perhaps an enzyme that participates in the replication of the viral genome.
Viruses infect all major groups of organisms: vertebrates, invertebrates, plants, fungi, bacteria but some
viruses have a broader host range than others.
Viruses range in size from less than 100 nanometers in diameter to several hundred nanometers in length in
the case of the filoviridae.




acid genome

+ / - envelope

Protective protein

All viruses contain a nucleic acid genome (RNA or DNA) and a protective protein coat (called the capsid).
The nucleic acid genome plus the protective protein coat is called the nucleocapsid which may have
icosahedral, helical or complex symmetry. Viruses may or may not have an envelope.
An icosahedron is a Platonic solid with twenty faces (figure 3A) and 5:3:2 rotational symmetry.
The nucleic acid is packaged inside the capsid shell and protected from the environment by the capsid.








Naked icosahedral e.g. poliovirus, adenovirus, hepatitis A virus
Naked helical e.g. tobacco mosaic virus. So far no human viruses with this structure are known
Enveloped icosahedral e.g. herpes virus, yellow fever virus, rubella virus
Enveloped helical e.g. rabies virus, influenza virus, parainfluenza virus, mumps virus, measles
Complex e.g. poxvirus
The internationally agreed system of virus classification is based on the structure and composition of the
virus particle (virion) (Figure 7). In some cases, the mode of replication is also important in classification.
Viruses are classified into various families on this basis.

nucleic acid


or doublestranded

or segmented

linear or circular

Nucleic acid
single-stranded or double-stranded
non-segmented or segmented
linear or circular
if genome is single stranded RNA, can it function as mRNA?
whether genome is diploid (such as in retroviruses)

Virion structure
symmetry (icosahedral, helical, complex)
enveloped or not enveloped
number of capsomers
Virusul este o particul submicroscopic, care este format dintr-o teac, sau nveli cu rol de protecie de
natur proteic, numit capsid i un material genetic. Materialul genetic poate s fie ADN, fie ARN.
Capsida este nveliul proteic al miezului unui virus cu rol de protecie i atasarea virusului de celule int ,
care se dezvolt din uniti proteice numite protomeri, protejnd astfel acizii nucleici din miezul viral de
aciunea distrugtoare a enzimelor care se gsesc n fluidele fiziologice.
Nucleocapsida este formata din capsida si acidul nucleic viral. Acidul nucleic este nconjurat de capsomere
(numrul, forma i dimensiunea sunt determinate genetic) , apoi capsid i nveliul peplos format din
anvelopa i nveli extern.
Acidul dezoxiribonucleic are o structur de dublu helix
Din punct de vedere chimic, virusurile sunt constituite din nucleoproteide. La un nalt grad de
puritate ele pot cristaliza.
La virusul herpesului capsida este prevzut cu prelungiri proteinice (capsomeri) care acoper toat
suprafaa virionului.
ADN-ul are o structura de dubla elice celebra structura pusa n evidenta de Watson si Crick si pentru care
cei doi, mpreuna cu Maurice Wilkins au luat si ei Premiul Nobel n 1962. De cele mai multe ori aceasta
structura este desemnata sub numele de double stranded, am putea spune, cu doua filamente. Spre
deosebire de ADN, ARN-ul are o structura one stranded cu un singur filament.
nveli proteic
Nucleocapsida constituit din:
miez (core) de acid nucleic care este, de fapt, genomul viral, protejat de un nveli proteic numit capsid
Virusurile formate numai din nucleocapsid se numesc virusuri neanvelopate.
Virusurile care prezint pe lng nucleocapsid i un nveli extern lipoproteic derivat din sistemul
membranar al celulei gazd (peplos sau anvelop), se numesc virusuri anvelopate.
Genomul viral

Este constituit dintr-un singur tip de acid nucleic:

fie ADN,
fie ARN
(niciodat ambii), care conine ntreaga informaie genetic necesar replicrii virusului i care reprezint
suportul infeciozitii acestuia.
Molecula acidului nucleic poate fi:
simplu spiralat (ss) sau dublu spiralat (ds),
liniar sau circular,
continu sau segmentat.
Descriere - Virusurile se caracterizeaza prin dimensiunile lor foarte mici (intre 12 si 300 nanometri). Ele sunt constituite
dintr-un singur acid nucleic, ARN sau ADN, inchis intr-o capsida (capsula de proteine), intregul - numit nucleocapsida, fiind
inconjurat la unele virusuri, de un peplos (al doilea invelis, compus din lipoproteine).

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