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Hannah Lois Tidalgo

December 8, 2014
People when asked to describe what love is often answer these 2 very common
phrases: TRUE LOVE WAITS and LOVE IS BLIND but try to think about it, how do you exactly
know its true love if in the first place, you are blinded by love itself? So really, what is love?
Love is a powerful force that makes the world go round. Its a verb, an action of some
sort. Its when a damsel in distress is rescued by her knight in shining armour and a princess
awaken by true loves kiss from her very own prince charming. It gives you that exquisite feeling
of happiness that somehow increases the dopamine in your blood streams leaving you to feel
high well, according to Hollywood, that is.

However the question shouldnt be what is love, rather, WHO IS LOVE? Over 2000
years ago, someone came down from heaven to save mankind from himself. He rescued us
from our own recklessness and showed us how to live the life our Creator has given us. He
gave and showed to us the highest form of love in order for you and I to enjoy this life which is
SACRIFICE. Im talking about no other man than Jesus. Jesus himself is LOVE. Why? Because
He is the manifestation of Gods love for us. In John 3:16, it says For GOD so LOVED the
WORLD, that He GAVE His ONLY begotten Son God, the King of Kings, LOVED us,
unworthy sinners, that He GAVE up His one and only son to die on the cross for YOU, YOU and
YOU. As you can see, the love that God has showed is a love of self-sacrifice and
unselfishness. He shows us the love is not supposed to be what you get out of it, rather, what
more you can give to another. You GIVE.

Unfortunately in todays time, love seems to be treated and understood as what

someone can get out of it. Most people go into relationships because they feel lonely, they want

to be loved or to feel this and feel that and so they want to suffice that WANT from other people.
And when you do that, maybe youll feel like heaven on earth on the first few months but as
time goes by, its like youre a parasite, sucking the life out of that person until nothing is left for
him but your selfish needs. The reason why someone should get involve in a romantic
relationship should be because he has intentions of committing to get married to that person,
not just because hes bored or he wants to experience having someone beside him. You see,
having a romantic relationship (which will lead to marriage) is a gift from God. Whats the point
of any relationship when you know in the end it was never meant to be? Its a waste of time,
energy and heartache. Do you want your future spouse to receive a tattered heart from your
long list of ex-lovers? Being in a wrong relationship causes 3 major damages in your life: 1) It
strains your relationship with the people around you (because you always spend your time with
only one person that you forget to harness your relationship with the people around you like
your family and friends), 2) You lose track of who you are (because for the longest time, you
keep identifying yourself as a part of 2, constantly using the pronoun we and never I) and
lastly 3) Itll limit your growth to independence (because you become dependent to someone
instead of being independent as a person) And I tell you, itll cause you great pain once youve
realized you were never meant to be with that person in the first place, thats why Jesus had
warned us: Guard your heart above anything else for it is deceitful.
Before you enter into a romantic relationship, make sure you first know what TRUE
LOVE is by knowing WHO the true love is GOD, because you will never understand love if
you dont know how love came to be. Just like any battle, you must first equip yourself with
these 2 must-have before you can say youre ready to find THE ONE: 1) Find your identity in
Christ and 2) Know your purpose in finding your identity in Christ, you get to see that Hes all
about LOVE and youd start to love everyone around you not in a romantic sense, but as
brothers and sister in Christ. Youll come to realize that this life we have is always all about love.
And in finding yourself, you get to understand your purpose as a person. You stand on the

ground with your own 2 feet exactly knowing yourself and where youre going. In losing yourself
in the love of Christ, youre sowing seeds of righteousness and good will, youre trusting God to
lead you to the right person and in His time, when both of you are ready, destiny will guide you.
In 1 John 4:7-8 it says, Beloved let us love one another, for Love is of God, he who
does not love does not know God for GOD IS LOVE.
Indeed, TRUE LOVE IS GOD and TRUE LOVE WAITS. God is waiting for you, what are
you waiting for?

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