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Land Act ordinance - The Hindu

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Opinion Letters
Published: January 1, 2015 02:36 IST | Updated: January 1, 2015 02:36 IST

Land Act ordinance

The ordinance to amend the Right to Fair Compensation, Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and
Resettlement Act, 2013 (Editorial, and Fencing the farmer out, both Dec.31) might pave the way for faster and easier
land acquisition for infrastructure-related projects. Although such projects might ensure speedy development of local
areas, they will also have an impact on the lives of the people as far as their rehabilitation is concerned. Governments
must remember that development needs to be more inclusive and participatory.
Ashutosh Dalal,
Bulandshahr, Uttar Pradesh
Development may be the need of the hour but it should not be at the cost of large sections of society being affected.
India is a developing country and largely reliant on agriculture. Therefore, there needs to be a provision to exempt
fertile land from acquisition for any type of project.
Sundeep Kumar Singh,
A reading of the items included under what constitutes fast track shows they are essential, unlike what Mr. Jairam
Ramesh and Mr. Muhammad Khan have argued in their article. Those who want progress should not raise objections
as those affected constitute a minuscule percentage of the total populace. A few people may have to lose something for
the general benefit of society. I do not see the need to get upset over amendments that are still at a formative stage.
K. Rajendran,
The article appears to be more about political and moralistic posturing than a reasoned critique. The writers have
conveniently skipped the reason why the government was forced to tweak the law. The Act brought forward by the UPA
government, notwithstanding its professed noble intentions, had virtually stalled land acquisition for many projects.
The UPA government used policymaking as a political tool to bolster its image as a champion of the downtrodden,
without bothering to consider the practical implications of thrusting feel good and impractical polices on the nation.
Which is better? A land acquisition process that helps the farmer to sell his land, if he wants to do so, at market rates,
or an obstructionist piece of legislation that neither benefits the farmer nor helps stalled projects to take off? At the
same time, the government must not use the amended law as a licence to forcibly takeover farm lands.
V.N. Mukundarajan,
Keywords: Land Act ordinance, economic reforms, economic development, land justice, land acquisition, SIA process
Printable version | Jan 18, 2015 12:27:02 AM |
The Hindu

18-01-2015 00:27

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