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Lesson 5

Solving Routine and Non-Routine Problems Involving

Circumference of a Circle

Refer to the picture below. Can you create problems about them that involve
circumference of a circle? (Show a picture of people joining a fun ran and move
around the circular runway)
Can you also solve this problem you posed?

Pause & Answer

How well do I know solving and creating problems involving circumference of a
Am I prepared to move further to this lesson?

Create then solve one routine and another one non-routine problem using the following
key words:
1. 150 meters
2. Jogging
3. Circular road
Can you do it with ease?

Pause & Answer

What do I want to know to create then solve routine and non-routine problems
involving circumference of a circle?
What do I want to learn about this?

Study how the problem on circumference of a circle can be constructed and
solved using the facts below.

Facts to Use.
1. 20 cm
2. Plastic binder
3. Electric fan
A repair shop is trying to improvise a plastic binder that could hold together the two
circular steel body of an electric fan whose diameter is 20 cm. How long should the
plastic binder be that could bind together the entire edge of the body of the electric fan?

What information are needed when

constructing and then solving routine
Where is this information in the
problems involving circumference of a
How to construct the problem?
1. State the situation that gives either the

radius or the diameter of any circular

object or thing in reality.
2. Pose a question that requires getting
the circumference of the circle.

A repair shop is trying to improvise a plastic

binder that could hold together the two
circular steel body of an electric fan whose
diameter is 20 cm.
How long should the plastic binder be that
could bind together the entire edge of the body
of the electric fan?

How to answer the problem?

3. Show the solution to the problem.
C = 2 r or D
C = 3.1416 ( 20 cm)
Remember that this problem has a
defined or one clearly correct answer. C = 62.832 cm
4. State the answer to the problem.

The plastic binder should be 62.832 cm


5. Check the reasonableness of the given

answer to the problem.

Check the reasonableness of the answer

by dividing 62.832 by 3.1416 and what
one should get is 20cm, which is the
diameter of the circle..

Now try to examine what you did under ELICIT. Does the problem satisfy the conditions
set in constructing then solving routine problems involving circumference of a circle? If not, then
try to reconstruct it or construct another one.

Study this time how to construct and solve a non-routine problem using the same facts for
the circumference of the circle.
Facts to Use.
1. 20 cm
2. Plastic binder
3. Electric fan
What information is needed when
constructing and solving non-routine
Where is this information in the
problems involving circumference of a
How to construct the problem?
A repair shop is trying to improvise a plastic
1. State the situation requiring use of
binder that could hold together the two
circumference of a circle.

2. Pose a problem that invites many

possible answers.

circular steel body of an electric fan whose

diameter is 20 cm. The plastic binder that
could bind together the entire edge of the body
of the electric fan should be 125.664 cm.
Could the given length of the plastic binder
exactly surround the circumference of the
circular steel body of the electric fan?

How to answer the problem?

Hidden Problem : Need to know the
to the problem. Remember that this
compute the circumference of the circle.
problem has many possible answers.
This was already computed earlier using
the formula C = D and that is 62.832 cm.

3. Show at least two solutions or answers

Possible Answer 1:
Yes, but there is an excess of 62.832 cm.
Possible Answer 2:
No, the length given is too long for the
circumference of the circle, which is just
62.832 cm.
4. State the answer to the problem.

There are many possible answers but two

are shown as examples:
1. Yes, but there is an excess of
62.832 cm.

2. No, the length given is too long for

the circumference of the circle,
which is just 62.832 cm.
5. Check the reasonableness of the given
answer to the problem.

To check if the answer is correct, then we

need to go back to the problem and see if
it was answered correctly. The problem
really requires judging whether the given
circumference of the circle is right or
wrong and it was answered with either yes
or no with explanation.

Now examine again the problems you constructed under ELICIT. Is there any
problem that is non-routine? If none, then construct your own non-routine problem
involving circumference of a circle.

Below are the ideas you should have learned about this lesson. Can you explain
each one of them with one of your classmates? Check those you understood well and
cross out those where you need further explanation.
1. When constructing routine problems involving circumference of a circle, then
the answer to this problem is defined or there is just one possible answer.
When this routine problem is solved, we use the following as guide questions:

What is asked in the problem?

What are given?
What is the hidden information or question?
What operation or process will you use?
What is the mathematical sentence?
What is the final answer?
Is the final answer reasonable?

2. When constructing non-routine problems involving circumference of a circle,

then the answer to this problem is open to many possible answers. To solve it,
we analyze the problem using the same guide questions for routine problems.


Construct one routine and another one non-routine problems considering the
following situations then solve each one of them:
1. (Picture of circular table)
2. (Picture of a circular picture frame)
3. (Picture of a circular garden)
4. (Picture of a circular cover of food on the table)
5. ( picture of a circular pool)

1. Surf the internet. Look for more information and exercises about the adding fractions and
mixed numbers that you have just learned. Provide the following information taken from
your source.
What information did you get?
Where did you get this information?
What exercises did you find? In what website did you get them?
What additional information did you learn?

With reference to the problem below, judge each statement if True or False.
The circular fish pond has a radius of 10 meters long. How long should be the barbed wire
that could be used to fence the entire edge of this fish pond?
1. The diameter of the fish pond is 100 meters. F
2. The problem requires computation of the circumference of the circular fish pond. T
3. The formula to compute the length of the barbed wire is 2D. F
4. The circumference of the fishpond is 62.832 square meters. F

5. The diameter of the fishpond is 20 meters. T


Construct routine or non-routine problems involving

circumference of a circle then solve them. Give five problems
without repeating what have been shown in the class. Each
item gets 2 points. 1 point for the problem constructed and
another 1 point for the correct use of circumference in the
problem constructed.

Pause & Answer

Are you happy with the result of your evaluation? Why?
What concepts are clear to you?
What concepts are still not clear to you?

Construct 2 routine and 2 non-routine problems
involving circumference of a circle using the same facts. Then
show the solution for each problem you constructed.

In your notebook, write your reflection of your lesson using the following
questions as your guide.
What parts
What is the
In what
What is
parts of
of the
the most
lesson do I
do I find
lesson do I like
like the least?
part in this
this lesson most
value or attitude
the most? Why?
lesson? Why?
that I have
developed in this

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