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ENGLISH 4 Quarter 4 Week 4 : Working

Cooperatively and Responsibly

Week 4: Working Cooperatively and Responsibly
A. Listening
1. Listen to appreciate songs with emphasis on a universal problem
2. Determine problem-solution relationship
3. Describe the emotional appeal of a listening text
4. Get viewpoints on a global issue
B. Reading
1. Synthesize previous learning with new insights
2. React critically to the devices employed by a writer to achieve his purpose
3. Examine and show cause-effect relationships
4. Employ SQ3R and PQRST as strategies in processing the meaning of the text
C. Vocabulary
1. Give meaning of words through context clues
2. Use idioms describing people and their actions
D. Speaking
1. Use appropriate idioms to describe a person's attitude, actions, thoughts and feelings
2. Analyze and react critically to ideas presented in discussions
E. Grammar
1. Make requests, commands using indirect speechless
2. Give an advice and get things done using reported speech
F. Literature
1. Express the belief that people can make a difference as highlighted in literature
2. Stress the universality and importance of practicing cooperation and responsibility in today's
3. Understand and appreciate the author's literary craftsmanship in bringing out the truth in life in
a selection
G. Writing
1. Expand ideas in a well-constructed paragraph observing cohension, coherence, and the
appropriate mode of development
2. Organize information in informative paragraphs using examples, illustrations and reasons


A. Selections
1. The Art of Leadership by Wilfred Paterson, Communicative Skills IV, pp. 142-143, Gabriel &
2. We are the World by Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie
3. The Family on Courtesy Street, Anonymous
4. On Work by Khalil Gibran, Communicative Skills IV, Gabriel & Martires
5. The Sweetest Lives by Elizabeth Barrett Brownin
6. Working and Studying, Anonymous
B. Grammar Form in Use
Changing imperatives from direct to indirect discourse
A. Previewing
Activity 1. Contentment and Happiness Anyone?
You probably always experience a feel of contentment and happiness after doing something
for others or helping someone solve a problem. Note down or list at least five (5) deeds that
make you happy and contented in life. Work in groups of five (5), and share ideas.
Activity 2
Go over the group's answers in Activity 1, and rank the entries (in the lists) according to their
Do you need these sources of happiness and contentment for you to work cooperatively and
responsibly in today's world? Can you better the world with these deeds? Explain.
B. Listening
Activity 1. Graphic Lingo
Look closely at the graphic illustration and verbalize the message it gives.

Activity 2. What's missing?

Work in groups of three and read closely the following lines of a song. Predict the missing
lines of the song.
There comes a time we must heed a certain ___________.
When the world must come _____________ as one
There are people _______________ and
It's time to lend a _________________

To _____________ the greatest ___________ of all.

While Listening
Activity 3
Listen to the song We Are the World by Lionel Richie and Michael Jackson, and check each
other's answers in Activity 1.
Activity 4
Listen to the song for the second time, and give brief answers to the following questions.
1. What are the appeals of the singer?
2. Who is/are being addressed by the singer?
3. Make a list of problems and solutions mentioned by the singer. Plot your answers in the table

4. Spot and write the lines that bring out

a. hope
b. certaint of the people
c. universality of the song (in terms of message)
Activity 5
Listen for the third time, and match your answers with those of your partner's answers based on
what you heard from the taped song.
Post Listening
Activity 6
Work in groups of eight (8) and do the following
Group 1
Select the most striking problem and highlight the solution mentioned in the song. Predict the
positive, interesting and negative effects of the solution. Use the flow chart below:

Group 2
Choose the most pressing problems and most interesting solution mentioned in the song.
Project what the immediate, short term and long term effects of the solution

Group 3
Imagine that you are asked to design a cover of a cassette tape or CD box that contains the
tape or CD of the song, We are the World. Talk about and decide:
1. what design or graphics, words and colors you will use.
2. whom you will feature on the cover. Give reasons for your choices.
Group 4
Pretend that your are video consultants of a recording company, and you are assigned to work
on the video of We Are The World. Have a group poll, talk about and agree on:
1. how you'll design the format of a video song
2. who your performers are
3. what the performers will do to act out each line of the song
4. what scenes will be presented
5. how it will end
Group 5. Mural, Anyone?
Create a group mural depicting the message of the song We Are The World. Each member of
the group draws a proof or evidence of how we can live, work cooperatively and responsibly. This
can be used as backdrop for group 6's presentation.
Group 6. Media Transfer
Recall a t.v. Program, movie or stage play which talked about the same problems, solutions,
situations heard from the song. Write a short skit or movie trailer based on it, and dramatize it in
class. Consider the following guideposts:
1. What problem-solution/situation is to be shown?
2. Who and what characters/performers will be like? (male, female, profession, looks, attitudes,
3. What will happen?
4. How will it end?
5. What will the title be?

Note: One member of the group will sing the same song you listened to, and have it as a
background music.
C. Reading
Activity 1
Read, and react to the following statement:
I will give my best to the world, and feel confident that the world will give its best to me.
- Anonymous
from: Just For Today, Tempo
1. Is this true?
2. In what ways can you give your best to the world? Share your ideas with a partner and report
back to class
Activity 2
Read The Art of Leadership by William Paterson, and answer the questions below.
1. What are the qualities of a good leader mentioned in the selection?
2. Who is the master of man?
3. In what way is a leader actually a servant? Is this true in a dictatorship? Explain.
4. When is a leader also a friend?
5. Why do we need a leader with an open mind?
6. How can a leader help effectively in the improvement of civilization?
The Art of Leadership
Wilfred Paterson
The leader is a great servant. The Master of Men expressed the ideal of leadership is a democracy
when he said, And whosoever will be chief among you let him be your servant.
The leader sees things through the eyes of his followers. He puts himself in their shoes and help
them make their dreams come true.
The leader does not say, Get Going!; instead he says, Let's Go! and leads the way. He does not
walk behind with a whip; he is out in front with a banner.
The leader assumes that his followers are working with him not for him. He considers them partners
in the work and sees to it that they share in the rewards. He glorifies the team spirit.
The leader duplicates himself in others. He is a man-builder. He helps those under him to grow big
because he realizes that the more big men an organization has the stronger it will be.
The leader does not hold people down, he lifts them up. He reaches out his hand to help his
followers scale the peaks.
The leader has faith in people. He believes in them, trusts them and thus draws out the best in them.
He has found that they rise to high expectations.
The leader uses his heart as well as his head. After he has looked at the facts with his head he lets
his heart take a look, too. He is not only a boss he is also a friend.

The leader is a self-starter. He creates plan and sets them in motion. He is both a man of thought
and a man of action both dreamer and doer.
The leader has a sense of humor. He is not a stuffed-shirt. He can laughed at himself. He has a
humble spirit.
The leader can be led. He is not interested in having his own way, but in finding the best way. He
has an open mind.
The leader keeps his eyes on high goals. He strives to make the efforts of his followers and himself
contribute to the enrichment of personality, the achievement of more abundant living for all and the
improvement of civilization.
Activity 3
A. Solve the word puzzle below by going back to the selection, and looking for the words whose
meaning are given as clues.

B. Fill in the blank with the appropriate word from the puzzle.

Working with a _____________ could be very frustrating.

Elnora became a spinster because she couldn't find her __________ man.
Please make two copies of the report and give me the ______________.
It is difficult to live up to other people's _______________.
A good leader always ________________ bring out the best in people.

Activity 4. Expanding Vocabulary

The essay contains special expressions/idioms with arbitrary meanings. Spot and copy phrases
which mean the same as the underlined expressions in the sentences below. Choose one which
best fits each description below.
Consider these sentences:
1. You can become successful if you cooperate with others.
2. A good leader is an initiator.
3. You can be a good leader if you understand others well.
4. Don't be discouraged by setbacks. Keep on!
5. I wish you were a doer.
6. Help others, and you'll make a mark in this world.

Activity 5
Form groups of five (5), and do the following tasks.
Group 1
Restate the first two characteristics or qualities of a good leader (stated in the text). Explain how
they can be practiced in real life.
Restate and explain the advantage of having the kind of qualities mentioned in
Group 2. Paragraphs 3 and 4
Group 3. Paragraphs 5 and 6
Group 4. Paragraphs 7 and 8
Group 5. Paragraphs 9 and 10
Group 6. Paragraphs 11 and 12
Group 7. A Great Leader
Do you know of a great leader who possesses some if not all of the qualities enumerated by
the author? Cite instances showing that she/he practices these qualities for the betterment of the
world, and mention the results of his/her actions to himself, to others and to the world.
Group 8
From the list of traits of a good leader in Activity 3, choose the qualities that relate and
emphasize the need for working cooperatively and responsibility others.
Group 9
Is the leader pictures in the selection the one we need in our country today? Explain.
Group 10
Suppose you were the mayor of the town/city or governor of a province or a congressman or a
senator or the president of the country, how would you lead the people, the community and the
nation to work cooperatively and responsibly?
D. Grammar Form in Use
Activity 1. Dyad
Read the short poem below, and find out the unique names of the members of a family. With
a partner, discuss how the title is closely related to the character's name.

Activity 2
Consider the quoted expressions which serve as the names of the members of the family on
Courtesy Street. Ordinarily they are example of what kind of sentences?
Take note of how they are used in the following sets of sentences:
1. a. Mother says, "Be grateful and say thank you."
b. "Mother orders me to be grateful and to say thank you.
2. a. "Please cooperate with us!" the father requested.
b. The father requested them to cooperate with us.
3. a. Say sorry when you commit mistakes, the child says, Ask for pardon afterwards.
b. The child tells us to say sorry when we commit mistakes and to ask for pardon afterwards.
4. a. My big brother tells me, Welcome strangers even your enemies.
b. My big brother tells me to welcome strangers even my enemies.
5. a. Please, remember the members of the family on Courtesy Street, I told them.
b. I told them to remember the members of the family on Courtesy Street.
Focus on the Form
1. Compare sentences 1a and b t 2a and b; 3a and b, 5a and b to sentences 3a and b to 4a and
b. Point out their similarities and differences.
a. Which sentences issue orders or commands?
b. Which express requests?
c. State the changes in punctuation and word order when converting imperatives from direct
speech to reported speech.
d. What words are omitted or added in changing commands or requests from direct to reported
Activity 3. Oral Practice

Change these requests and command to reported speech.

1. Follow me, the leader told his supporters.
2. Please, have mercy on me, the beggar says.
3. The boy whispered, Please lend me money.
4. The father ordered his son, Go home immediately.
5. The sign says, Vote wisely.
6. Let us do our responsibilities, he tells us.
Activity 4
Form two teams. A member of team 1 starts the game by giving instructions on how to become
a responsible member of the community. A member of team 2 reports these instructions to the
whole class. Begin this way
She ordered me to _____________________________________________.
He requested me to ____________________________________________.
They advice us to ______________________________________________.
Take turns in giving instructions and report back to class.
Activity 5
Draw cartoons to match the dialogues. Rewrite the dialogues in direct discourse and change each
to reported speech.

Activity 6
Supply dialogues for the word balloons. Use imperative statements. Then, rewrite each using
direct discourse and reported discourse.

E. Literature
Activity 1
If we are to teach truth to others, we must first make sure to have the truth. Work with a
partner, and discuss the meaning of the following quotation: Within ourselves, we must first
make sure our own true nature has grown strong.
1. Is this a practical thing to uphold today? Why?
2. Can we work responsibly and cooperate willingly with others if we practice what is suggested by
the quotation? Explain.
Activity 2. Magic Square for Vocabulary Building
Match each expression in group A with the meaning in Group B, and find out which word in A is
described in B. Then, copy the number of the possible words in the proper space in the box. The
sum of the number will be the same across each row and down each column. The magic number
is _______________.

Activity 3
Put a in the Yes or No column to show what you believe is true. After reading the essay, check
if your answers jibe with the ideas presented in the selection. Work with a partner and check each
other's answers.

Activity 4
Read On Work by Khalil Gibran, and answer the questions:
On Work
(from the prophet)
Khalil Gibran
THEN a ploughman said, Speak to us of Work.
And he answered, saying:
You work that you may keep pace with the earth and the
soul of the earth.
For to be idle is to become stranger
unto the seasons, and to step out of life's
procession, that marches in majesty and proud submission

towards the infinite.

When you work you are a flute through
whose heart, the whispering of the hours turns to music.
Which of you would be a reed, dumb and silent,
When all else sings together in unison?
Always you have been told that work is a curse and labour a
But I say to you that when you work you fulfill a part of
earth's furthest dream, assigned to you when that
dream was born,
And in keeping yourself with labor you are in truth loving life.
And to love life through labor is to be intimate with life's
inmost secret.
But if you, in your pain, call birth an affliction
and the support of the flesh a curse written upon your brow,
Then I answer that naught but the sweat of your brow
Shall wash away that which is written.
You have been told also that life is darkness, and in your
weariness you echo what was said by the weary.
And I say that life is indeed darkness
Save when there is urge,
And all urge is blind save when there is knowledge,
And all knowledge is vain save when there is work,
And all work is empty save when there is love;
And when you work with love you bind yourself to yourself,
and to one another, and to God.
And what is to work with love?
It is to weave the cloth with threads drawn from your heart,
Even as if your beloved were to wear that cloth.
It is to build a house with affection, even as if your beloved
were to dwell in that house.
It is to sow seeds with tenderness and reap the harvest with
joy, even as if your beloved were to eat the fruit.
It is to charge all things you fashion with a breath of your
own spirit,
And to know that all the blessed dead are standing about
you and watching.
Often have I heard you say, as if speaking in sleep:
He who works in marble, and finds the shape of his own
soul in the stone, is nobler than he who ploughs the soil.
And he who seizes the rainbow to lay it on a cloth in the likeness of man, is more than he who
makes the sandals for our feet.
But I say, not in sleep but in the over-wakefulness of
noontide, that the wind speaks not more sweetly to the
giant oaks than to the least of all the blades of grass;
And he alone is great who turns the voice of the wind into a
song made sweeter by his own loving.

Work is love made visible.

And if you cannot work with love but only in distaste,
It is better that you should leave your work
And sit at the gate of the temple and
take alms of those who work with joy.
For if you bake bread with indifference, you bake a bitter
bread that feeds but half man's hunger.
And if you grudge the crushing of the grapes, your grudge
distils a poison in the wine.
And if you sing though as angels, and love not the singing,
you muffle man's ears to the voices of the day and the
voices of the night.
1. According to the poet, what are the three prerequisites for a fruitful life?
2. What occupations are explicitly mentioned in the poem?
3. Identify
a. he who works in marble
b. he who ploughs the soil
c. he who makes the sandals
d. he who seizes the rainbow to lay in a cloth
4. What does the poet imply by The wind speaks not more sweetly to the giant oaks than to the
least of the blades of grass? Who are the giant oaks? The blades of grass?
5. Explain the following lines:
a. Charge all things you fashion with a breathe of your own spirit.
b. He alone is great who turns the voice of the wind into a song made sweeter by his own
c. You work that you may keep pace with the earth and the soul of the earth.
d. When you work with love, you bind yourself to yourself, and to one another and to God.
6. In what way is work love made visible? Explain.
7. Read lines containing figurative language and identify the figure of speech used?
Activity 5. Responding to Literature
1. How do you feel about the selection?
2. In what ways can you relate the selection to
a. your own experiences
b. the experience of a friend
c. something else you've seen/witness
d. something else you've heard
e. something else you've read
3. Which part/line do you think you've likely answered?
4. Which word/descriptions seem most striking to you? Explain.
Activity 6
Record quotations from the poem that influenced your understanding. Explain how they are
related to your life and how they can help you become a responsible and cooperative member of

the community or a citizen of the world.

Activity 7. Variation On a Theme
Brainstorm on other related quotations that convey the same or opposite message as that of
On Work.
(same) 1. _______________________________________________________
(opposite) 2. _______________________________________________________
F. Writing
Activity 1
Work with a partner, and react as to the truth or falsity of the following quotation.
I am a part of all that I have met. Support your contention.
Activity 2
Read, The Sweetest Lives and compare its message to the essence of the quotation in
Activity 1. Talk about what they have in common.
The Sweetest Lives
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
The sweetest lives are those to duty wed,
Whose deeds both great and small,
Are close-knit strands of an unbroken thread
Where love enables all.
The world may sound no trumpets, ring no bells;
The Book of Life the shinning record tells.
Thy love shall chant its own beatitudes
After its own life-working. A child's kiss Set on the sighing lips shall make thee glad;
A poor man served by thee shall make thee rich;
A sick man helped by thee shall make thee strong;
Thou shalt served thyself by every sense
Of service which thou renderest.
Activity 2
Form groups of ten (10) and answer the following:
1. What is the Book of Life?
2. Explain the last two lines of the poem.
3. Lines 8-12 talk about the rewards of your services to others and to the world. Are they the
same rewards you get when you work cooperatively and responsibly? Explain.
4. Discuss how it is possible to prove that you are an important part of all that you have met.
What rights and responsibilities do you need to share to be of service to others and to God?
Make a list of examples. Report back to class.
Activity 3. Which is for ...?
Give example of rights and responsibilities that can help you work cooperatively, and work
responsibly with others. Rank them in their order of importance. Write your entries inside the

loops of the chains.

Working Cooperatively suggests:

Activity 4. Working With a Model

An expository informative paragraph that is developed with examples or illustrations and
reasons usually presents a simple general statement. This general statement can be written at the
beginning, middle, or end, and the other sentences present examples to support the general
statement. The example must be clear and specific.
Read the following explanatory/expository-informative paragraph. Notice the examples that
support it.
[Working and Studying]
Working while you go to college, even when you have no choice about it, isn't all bad. It is
a way of extending your education. In my family, if you want to go to college, you have to go
out and get a job. With seven kids, my parents don't have enough money to take care of food
and bills, much less the expenses of a college student's books, clothes, and a steady girlfriend. I
feel morally responsible to help out and do my share.
This year I have a job as a counterman at Baskin-Robbins, the ice cream store. My job
gives me the cash I need to be somewhat independent. I don't earn very much, but it is enough
for pocket money. I can get a coke and a hamburger without feeling guilty. I can buy books for
my courses and I can go out with my girlfriend or buy her a present when I feel like it. Last
night, for no reason, after I got paid, I bought Marjorie a bracelet because I know she likes thin
silver bracelets and I saw one that I thought would look nice on her. I don't make what you
would call a living wage, but without it I would have to like like a grind while I was in
school. I don't think I could go on living without some money in my pocket. I'd probably quit
school if I had no job. I'm not the type who just studies, and I can't do without things for long.
I'm too proud.

Think about the information in the paragraph, and answer these questions.
1. What main idea does the paragraph present clearly?

2. What is the topic sentence of the paragraph? What general statement does it make?
3. What examples does the paragraph present?
4. How does each example support the general statement made in the topic sentence?
5. What words and numbers make the examples clear and specific? List all of them.
Activity 5. Drafting/Composing an Expository Paragraph by Example - Reason
Feel that you are preparing to compose a paragraph similar to the model. However, instead of
writing about Working and Studying you write about Working Cooperatively and Responsibly in
Today's World. How will you go about it?
The following may help you. consider them.
1. What general statement will you make in your topic sentence?
2. What specific examples will you use to support your general statement?
3. What words and number words or order words will you use to make the examples clear and
Go over your list of examples in Activity 3. Use at least five details to support your general
statement. Ask yourself the following questions:
1. How does each example support the general statement?
2. Which examples do not support the general statement?
3. What other examples need to be added to the list?
Use your general statement and lists of examples to write your expository-informative
paragraph by examples. Begin your paragraph with your general statement. Use your examples to
develop and support the general statement.
Activity 6. Revising the Paragraph
Ask your partner to read your paragraph and answer these questions:
1. What main idea does the paragraph present?
2. What general statement does the topic sentence make?
3. Which words in the topic sentence are vague?
4. What specific words should be used in place of vague words?
5. What examples are presented?
6. How does each example present/support the general statement?
7. Which examples do not support the general statement?
8. What other examples can be added?
9. What other transition words can be added to make examples more clear and specific?
Make necessary changes.
G. Closure
Write a letter to you school/mate and friend who is in another section. Reflect on and share with
her/him what you thoughts/feelings and aspirations are as to the week's lessons/activities. Mention

the aspects of the lesson that:

a. you enjoy most
b. needs more exploration/explanation
c. answered many of your questions
d. found the easiest
e. found difficult
f. remember well
g. the clearest
h. uninteresting
i. help you understand life more
j. puzzles you
k. gives you satisfaction
l. can be treasures
m.very useful
Polish/rewrite your draft. Correct any mistakes you have made. Make necessary changes.

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