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A. Background
One of purpose of national development is improve quality of human
resource for national development especially on educational development. It
was stated on fourth paragraph of opening of UUD 1945. The fragment of
fourth paragraph of opening of UUD 1945 is untuk memajukan
kesejahteraan umum, mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa, dan ikut
melaksanakan ketertiban dunia .
Qualified Human resource in globalization age will become main support
a nation on compete. Relation with it, education sector is one of main sector
to develop human resource qualified human resources. Based on UndangUndang No. 20 of 2003 contained about system of national education, article
1 paragraph 1 stated education is conscious and deliberate effort to create an
atmosphere of learning and the learning process so that learners are actively
developing the potential for him to have a spiritual quality of religious, selfcontrol, personality, intelligence, noble character, and skills needed him, the
community, the nation and the State (PERMENDIKBUD RI No. 65 Tahun
In line with this, government always gives effort to improve quality of
education among others with curriculum improvement, providing quality
books and increase teacher knowledge through training and advance studies.
All of this is for improve quality of education.
Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) is clearly described that
purpose of physics learning (BNSP, 2006:1) is realize the beauty and order of
nature to improve the beliefs to Almighty God; foster scientific attitude; give
the experience to be able to propose and test hypotheses through experiments,

designed, and constructed experimental instruments, collect, process, and

interpret data, prepare reports, and communicate the results of the experiment
orally and in writing; develop the ability to think of inductive and deductive
analysis using the concepts and principles of physics to explain natural events
and resolve problems both qualitatively and quantitatively; master the
knowledge, concepts and physical principles and have the skills to develop
the knowledge and attitude of confidence and; forming positive attitudes
towards physics with enjoy and realize the beauty of nature and regularity of
behavior can explain the events of nature and breadth of application of
physics in technology.
Statement before is in line with Arfiah (2011:3) that stated physics
education should give attention to main goals, they are formal goal emphasis
on emphasis on the logical structuring and formation of attitudes and material
goals that emphasizes the application of physics and physics skills. Some
aspects have affect to physics education success in Indonesian, they are
process of physics learning, physics learning device and assessment of
physics less optimal qualified of learning and assessment of learning
outcomes physics. One of problem in physics education is qualified of
learning and teaching process was not optimal. Factors is able to be causing
are supportive facilities and infrastructures in learning, applying of learning
models and learning motivation of student. Supportive facilities and
infrastructures in learning can be in laboratory facilities, classroom, teacher,
administrative staff, and learning device. Learning device are book learning
plan, learning media and worksheet. After doing observation in SMA Negeri
01 Unggulan Kamanre, Researcher has interest to worksheet. This is caused
by school has necessary of worksheet. SMA Negeri 01 Unggulan Kamanre is
still lack on scientific activities. Even do some scientific activities, they only
used book that contains scientific activities.
Based on kurikulum 2013 (K-13) requires student to do some scientific
activities, because of it developed worksheet orients on scientific activities, in
this case is science process skill. Scientific activities designed to science

process skill approach include with observation, classification, interpretation,,

prediction, asking question, hypothesis formulation, experiment planning,
apparatus and material using, concept implementation and communication
Scientific activities is important thing to do in physics learning, because
through scientific activities product, process and behavior aspects. In line
with Samsudin, et. al (2012) explained that through laboratory/experiment
activities can train scientific attitudes and science process skill of student to
understand the lesson.
Examining of physics experiment is very important to supports learning
and gives emphasizing on process aspect. It is based on physics learning goals
so student has ability to improve their experience, to be able formulate
problem, propose and test hypothesis, design instrument, collect, analyze and
interpret data and communicate experiment result orally or in writing. It is
certainly observed on students activity in learning process. Therefore,
science process skill needs to be developed through science experience as
learning experience so physics worksheet oriented science process skill is
B. Problem formulation
Based on background before, problem formulation of this research is how
is the profile of physics worksheet based on science process skill which is
valid, practice and effective
C. Objective
Based on above problem formulation, objectives of this research is to
produce a valid, practice and effective physics worksheet based on science
process skill.
D. Benefits
Beside goals of this research, it is expected beneficial. Benefits of this
research are:
1. For teacher, it gives alternative worksheet that can be used on

2. For student, it gives chances for student to improves their science

process skill through science experience on learning.
3. For researchers, it can be a reference to develop physics worksheet
for another topic
A. Worksheet
DIKNAS (2004) in Prastowo (2013:203) tells about definition of
worksheet. It is sheets contain task that have to be done by student.
Worksheet is usually steps or instruction to finish a task and basic
competences or indicators of this task must be clear.
According to Trianto (2009:222), worksheet is students guide that used
to do inquiry activity or solve the problem. Worksheet is guide to do some
cognitive development practice or guide to improve learning in experiment or
demonstration. According to Hamdani (2010:74), worksheet is learning
device as a complement or supportive device for learning plan examining.
Worksheet is sheets with information and task in it.
Another way, worksheet for student is not abbreviation from activity
sheet for student, but it is teaching matter that has packed in various ways, so
student can learn this matter independently. In worksheet, student will get
matter, summary and task that have relation with matter. Besides that, student
also can get structured instruction to understand the matter and at the same
time, student got matter also task related with matter (Belawati in Prastowo,
According to Prastowo (2013:205), worksheet has 4 functions, they are
a. As learning matter that can minimalize the role of teacher, but it
makes student more active
b. As learning matter that make easier student to understand the matter
c. As short learning matter and rich with task for practice
d. Make easier implementation of teaching for student
Prastowo (2013:207) explain that worksheet as learning matter is simpler
than module, but more complex than book. Worksheet consists of six main
component, they are title, learning instruction, basic competence or main
matter, supportive information, task or work procedure and assessment.

Meanwhile, if viewed from its format, worksheet contain at least eight

components, they are title, basic competence, deadline, apparatus or material,
short information, work procedure, task and report.
Based on its kind, worksheet consists into a several parts, they are:
a. Worksheet based on constructivism and it helps student finds
b. Worksheet helps student apply and integrate many concept that they
known before.
c. Worksheet has function as learning guide
d. Worksheet has function as concept strengthen
e. Practicum worksheet (experiment worksheet)
According to Prastowo (2013:211), this worksheet contains practicum
instruction that separated into separate book and integrates it into bundle of
worksheet. So, in this worksheet, practicum instruction is one of its content of
worksheet. To make it their own, so needed to know the stages. Stages to
make worksheet according to DIKNAS in Prastowo (2013:212) are:

Do curriculum analysis
Arrange necessary map of student
Determine titles of worksheet
Make worksheet

Stages have to do are:


Formulate the basic competence

Determine the assessment
Arrange the matter
Detail the structure of worksheet

According to Pandoyo in Hamdani (2010:75), advantages of worksheet

a. Improves learning activity
b. Motivate student works independently
c. Guide student into concept development properly
Based on explanation before, writer can define worksheet are sheets
contain work instruction when do scientific activity for student.
B. Science process skill
Science process skill is approach based on opinion that science was made
and developed through science process. In science learning, science process

must be developed for student as mutual experience. Anyway, understanding

of science concept is not only focus on product only, but process how to get
the concept is very important to build students knowledge. Science skill and
science attitude has important role to get the science concept. Students can
build new idea when they interact with a phenomenon. Idea and knowledge
formation, student dont depend on characteristics of object, but depend on
how student understand object or process the information till get and build a
new ideas too.
Definition of process skill according to Wahyana (in Trianto, 2008:72) is
skills that get from a fundamental mental, physics and social ability training
as motor of ability to higher level. Improved and trained basic ability will
eventually become a skill.
Based on Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan
(PERMENDIKBUD) No. 59 about high school curriculum on appendix III
stated that learning principle before become five main learning experience,
they are observation, asking, information collecting, association and
communication. Every subject has special characteristic when use learning
approach. Science subject, included physics, more emphasizes on
implementation of process skill. Aspects on scientific approach is integrated
on science process skill approach and scientific methods.
According to McCollum (2009) in PERMENDIKBUD no. 59 on 2014 in
3rd appendix, several aspects must be noticed in teaching by using scientific
approach is teacher must give learning that can foster a sense of wonder,
encourage observation, push for analysis and require communication.
Sudarwan (2013) in PERMENDIKBUD no. 59 on 2014 in 3rd appendix
explains further that scientific approach in learning involves observation,
asking question, analyzing, presenting, concluding and creating aspects for
every object. Based on two opinions before, so scientific approach is done
through several steps, they are observation, asking, collecting information,
associating/interpreting and communicating.

Science process skill is set of skill that used by researchers when do

scientific investigation. Trained skill is known as nature science process skill.
American Association for the Advancement of Science (1970) in
PERMENDIKBUD no. 59 on 2014 in 3rd appendix classified into basic
process skill and integrated process skill.
Funk (in Trianto, 2009:73) divides process skill into two levels; they are
basics science process skill and science process skill. Basic science skill are
observation, classification, communication, measurement, prediction and
inferential skill, while science process skill are variable determining, making
table, making graphic, relating variable, proceeding data, analyzing
investigation, making hypothesis, determining operational variable, planning
investigation and doing experiment.
Funk in Dimyati & Moedjiono (2009: 141) explains further that even
these skills depend each other, but each skill emphasizes improvement in a
special skill. Beside it, basic science skills provide foundation for more
complexes of integrated skills. Two statements before, we can get a view that
process skills can be developed in an integrated each other. Process skills
need to be developed, but it can be developed for every subject. This needs
teachers ability to know characteristic of subject and understand for every
process skill.
Basic process skill is a foundation to train more complex of integrated
process skill. All of process skill is needed when attempt to record scientific
problem. Integrated process skill is especially needed when do experiment to
solve problem.
According to Rustaman (2005), process skill is needed to be developed
through direct experience as learning experience. Through direct experience,
people can better appreciate process or activity they do. Training science
process skill is an important effort to get a success for student optimally.
Subject will be easier to be learned, to be understood, to be appreciated and to
be memorized in long time if student get direct experience from phenomenon
through observation or experiment by their self.

Based on explaining before, it can be concluded that science process skill

is skills that used by student to do scientific activities along teaching and
learning process activities happening.
C. Physics Worksheet Based on Science Process Skill
Worksheet will be developed by researchers is physics worksheet
orientated on students skill. In line with explaining before that worksheet is
sheets fill work instructions when doing some scientific activities for student,
so physics worksheet is sheets fill work instructions when doing some
scientific activities on physics subject for student. Science process skill is
skill that used by student to do scientific activities along learning and
teaching process happening.
Science process skill consists of two skills; they are basic process skill
and integrated process skill. Science process skill consists of ten skills; they
are observation skill, classification skill, interpretation skill, prediction skill,
asking question skill, hypothesis formulation skill, experiment planning skill,
apparatus and material using skill, concept implementation skill and
communication skill. All of science process skill will be used by student
when do scientific activities along learning and teaching process happening.
In conclusion, physics worksheet based on science process skill is sheets
fill work instruction when do scientific activities on physics subject for
student which sheets making was oriented on science process skill
D. Development Model of Worksheet
Research and development is a relative new concept in education aspect.
Science can be assumed as a strategy to find out abstract knowledge and it
was called theory. While, development is organized implementation of
knowledge to help to solve the problem in society included in education
aspect. A interesting question appears for researchers, given current research
and development becomes a popular research method and many chosen as
research method for every aspect, included education aspect. Research is
collecting, processing, analyzing, and serving data activity which do
systematically and objectively to solve a problem or want to test a hypothesis

for develop general principle, while development is process or method which

do to develop something become good and perfect. If research mean and
development mean is related into a unity word, it is research and
development, so it can be mean as collecting, processing, analyzing, and
serving data activity which done systematically and objectively and
accompanied with development a product to solve a problem.
Research and development has goal to produce a new product or
complete an old product and it can be accounted. Product mustnt hardware
but it can be invisible thing or software. Product (in education aspect) can be
a learning model, learning multimedia or learning device, like teaching plan,
book, worksheet, question and etc or it can be implementation of learning
theory with combine development of learning device. If research and
development has goal to produce product so very clear this product is
researched object from beginning till the end, while if do a testing in class, so
student is research subject. So, focus point of research exactly on research
object. So when take some decision is not going anywhere but stay on
developed product (research object).
Main goal from research and development is to develop effective model
or product to fulfill a necessary of definite program on definite instance too.
Next, to make product of research and development is still on its goal, so
model and product is testing in real case. After that, it is revised based on
discovery from preliminary study and advice from the expert. In line before,
Thiagarajan et. al. present 4D model for a research and development, it is
definition, design, development and dissemination (Upu, 2005).
According to Thiagarajan et. al. (Trianto, 2007) development model
consist of four stages, it is definition, design, development dan dissemination,
so this model usually is called as 4D model or adapted into 4-P model, and it
is pendefenisian, perancangan, pengembangan dan pendesiminasian.
Stages of 4D model explain more on below:
a. Define stage
This stage is analysis of necessary or problem stage. Goal of this
stage is fix and define of learning requirement in development of learning

model or product. In fix and define learning requirement is started from

goals from border of developed matter or learning product.
b. Design stage
Goal of this stage is to prepare prototype of design model or learning
c. Develop stage
Goal of this stage is to produce a revised learning model or product
based on advice from the expert. This stage is validate the learning model
or product which after designed by experts and revision and testing on
real student.
d. Disseminate stage
This stage is using model or product stage after developing in large
scale. Another goal is to test affectivity of model or model using in
learning and teaching process. For teacher necessity, where product of
development is applied on teachers school.
Next, Thiagarajans model is more systematic where every stage is
explained clearly and develop stage arranged in such ways till make easier to
do development process by following stage has been determined.
Based on explaining before, in this research take development model of
physics worksheet based on science process skill that known by Thiagarajan
et. al. (4D model). Researcher chose this development model by do some
modification when develop physics worksheet.

A. Research type
Type of this research is research and development. Development model
will be followed development model of Thiagarajan or known as 4D model
(define, design, develop and disseminate).
B. Location and Research Subject
This research is research and development where several stage will be
done on physics department FMIPA UNM and draft testing will be taken on
SMA Negeri 01 Unggulan Kamanre on study year 2014/2015

C. Definition of Operational Variable

To prevent misconception, so research variable operationally is defined
1. Physics worksheet based on science process skill is learning device
in worksheet form and it fills information to do scientific activities
based on science process skill for student.
2. Development model to produce physics worksheet based on science
process skill follows development model of device which famous by
3. Science process skill is process skills that include observation,
classification, interpreting, predicting, asking question, formulating
hypothesis, planning experiment, using apparatus and material,
implementation concept and communication (adjusted to matter).
4. Physics worksheet is valid when data of calculation result of total
average M from expert and practitioner to physics worksheet in valid
5. Physics worksheet is practice when evaluation from expert and
practitioner that physics worksheet can be applied, according to
observation result of learning device accomplished in good or very
good categories.
6. Physics worksheet is effective when fulfill 3 categories of
effectiveness. These categories are achievement of lab performance
result is minimal 80% student reach minimal 75 of 100 point
(DEPDIKNAS, 2006), student activities along practicum activity
fulfill criteria of time tolerance has been determine and more than
50% student give positive response for 70% whole asked aspect in
physics worksheet.
D. Research Procedure
Development of physics worksheet based on science process skill refers
to 4D model. This model consists of four stages, they are define, design,
develop, and disseminate or adapted into 4P model, and they are
pendefenisian, perancangan, pengembangan dan pendiseminasian. Researcher
chose this model and gives some modification of development to worksheet.

Explanation of development of physics worksheet is consisted of several

stages, they are:
1. Define stage
Goal of this stage is to plan physics worksheet and it is determining
matter and analyzing boundaries of matter of physics worksheet that will
be developed. In this stage, there is literature review and it includes
characteristics review of science process skill, reference about a good
physics worksheet. Steps of this stage are curriculum analysis, student
analysis and concept analysis.
a. Curriculum analysis
Curriculum analysis has goal to make it in line with current
curriculum with characteristics view of physics worksheet. In this
case, characteristics of physics worksheet based on science process
skill will be lined with demands of kurikulum 2013. Result of
curriculum analysis is made a view to develop physics worksheet
based on science process skill.
b. Student analysis
Student analysis is very important on early planning and it is
reviewing about characteristics of student which in line with plan
and development of physics worksheet. This analysis will be done
with notice on age and maturity level, ability to work together and
science process skill. In this research, generally, analysis subject is
student of X grade of SMA Negeri 01 Unggulan Kamanre study year
c. Concept analysis
Concept analysis has goal to identify main concept that will be
developed on physics worksheet, arrange and specify the concept
systematically and detail and make relation a concept to another
relevant. Main concept which identified on physics worksheet based
on science process skill for static fluid matter base on kurikulum
2. Design stage
Goal of this stage is matter preparation that can be made into a
physics worksheet based on science process skill and format preparation

of physics worksheet that will be made. After matter and format

preparation so next is physics worksheet based on science process skill
making that ready to be developed. In this stage, it is arranging physics
worksheet. Arranging physics worksheet based on student skill base on
science process skill. Physics worksheet from this stage is called draft I.
3. Develop stage
Develop stage has goal to produce physics worksheet based on
science process skill after revision based on expert advices. In this stage,
physics worksheet from design stage will be validated by experts. With
suggestion and opinion from experts, first draft will be analyzed and
revised till become second draft. Next, second draft will be revised after
do testing on school. By experience from physics worksheet testing so
second draft will be analyzed and revised again till produce third draft
where third draft is physics worksheet is ready to use and limited test.
4. Disseminate stage
This stage is physics worksheet using stage after developed in
limited scale. Goal of this stage is to test affectivity of physics worksheet
when use it on learning and teaching activity, mainly on experiment
condition and in this research will end on disseminate stage with limited
Development stage of physics worksheet can be figured into:


Curriculum, student and concept analysis

Format and matter selection and worksheet arranging

1st draft
Validation of drat by
expert and practitioner

Draft valid

Draft II



Draft II

in SMA Negeri 01 Unggulan Kamanre

Draft III
Practice &
Limited testing

Final Draft
Practice and effective
Figure 1. Research and development stage of physics worksheet based on science
process skill



E. Instrument of Research
Instrument of data collection is used to get information about
characteristic of physics worksheet, activity of student when practicum,
carried out of physics worksheet, response of validation result by experts and
response of student to physics worksheet. Later, Instruments will be used
when do research are validated and revised instrument by experts.
Instruments in this research are validation sheet, observation sheet and
questionnaire of student response. Explanation of these instruments for
research on following:
1. Validation sheet
This instrument is used to validate physics worksheet based on
science process skill. Validation result from experts is suggestions and
opinions from experts that will be used to revise physics worksheet.
Beside it, experts will fill conclusion column generally about physics
worksheet which is on very good, good, ok or bad categories.
2. Observation sheet
Observation sheets that used on research are observation sheet of
student activity and observation sheet of worksheet accomplished.
a. Observation sheet of student activity
Observation sheet of student activity is used when do practicum
testing on physics worksheet. This observation fills assessment
rubric of experiment activity to observe science process skills of
student along do experiment or practicum.
b. Observation sheet of worksheet accomplished
Observation sheet of worksheet accomplished is used to get data
on real condition about developed worksheet. Data of worksheet
accomplished is get after giving observation sheet to observer when
observe accomplished aspect or component of worksheet when
teacher does science activity in line with given instruction
3. Teacher response sheet to physics worksheet
After using physics worksheet is used by teachers when do limited
testing, so needed to be know teacher response to worksheet what they
used in learning process too. For collecting data of teacher response, so
they give teacher response sheet which it fills teacher response about

characteristics of worksheet, worksheet affectivity when used and result

after using worksheet to student.
4. Student response sheet to physics worksheet
This questionnaire is used to collect data about response of student to
practicum activity and developed worksheet. Student gives check sign on
given column for every question. Questionnaire is given to student when
end of practicum.
F. Technique of data analysis
For analyze data on development of worksheet is used descriptive
statistic analysis. It explains on following:
1. Data analysis of validity of physics worksheet
In research preparation stage, a part of it is preparing instrument and
worksheet. One important consideration to assess validity of instrument
and learning device is content validity. Content validity will be executed
by experts and practitioners. Data from validity result by experts will be
analyzed qualitatively to know validity of instrument and physics
Data analysis about observation sheet of student activity and student
response sheet to physics worksheet will be used descriptive statistic.
Statistic result will be based on grading scale. Technique of statistic will
be used to describe student activity when they practicum and teacher
response about characteristic of physics worksheet from its practice and
effective aspect
Data of validation result by experts for physics worksheet will be
analyzed with consideration on input, comment and suggestion from
experts. This result will be become a guide to revise worksheet. Activity
will be carried out in process of validity analysis of physics worksheet by
Syarifuddin in Ardat (2010:46) are:
a. Do recap of assessment result of expert into table, they are
aspect, (Ai), criteria (Ki) and assessment result of experts (Vji)

b. Calculate average of assessment result of experts for every

criteria by this formula:

V ij , with

K i= j=1
K i = average of ith criteria
V ij = score of assessment result to ith criteria by jth expert
n = number of expert
c. Calculate average for every aspect by this formula:

K ij

, with
A i= j=1

A i = average of ith aspect

K ij = average of ith aspect by jth criteria
n = number of criteria in ith aspect
d. Calculate average of total ( X ) by this formula:

A i

, with
X = j=1
X = average of total
A i = average of ith aspect
n = number of aspect
e. Determine category of validation for every criteria
average of aspect

A i or average of total

K i or

with category

of validity has been determined

f. Categories of validity are:
3.5 < M 4
very valid
2.5 < M 3
1.5 < M 2
less valid
M 1.5
not valid
(Nurdin, 2007:144)
M = K i to find validity of criteria
M = A i to find validity of aspect
M = X to find of every category
Criteria that used to determining physics worksheet has enough
validity coefficient is

for all of aspect is minimal on valid

categories and all of aspect is minimal on very valid categories. If

not, so need to be revised based on suggestions from expert or

review on lack aspect. Next, it will be revalidated and then

reanalyzed till reach score of M is minimal on valid categories
Reliability of observation skill of student activity and response sheet
of physics worksheet will use formula of percentage of agreements
(Grinnel in Ardat, 2010: 49).

agreements( A)
x 100
disagreements ( D ) +agreements( A)

A = number of agreement frequency between two observer
D = number of disagreement frequency between two observer
R = coefficient of reliability of instrument
Data of percentage of agreements (R) will be conversed by using
criteria, they are:
R 20%

very low reliability

20% < R 40%

low reliability

40% < R 60%

standard reliability

60% < R 80%

high reliability

80% < R 100%

very high reliability

Criteria of observation sheet of student activity are reliable if its

reliability is on high or very high reliability (Guilford, 1978:57).
2. Data analysis of practicality of physics worksheet
Data analysis of practicality of physics worksheet is supported hy
result of data analysis of worksheet accomplished. Process of data
analysis of worksheet accomplished is calculate average of observation
result from two observers for every criteria K i or average for every

A i or average of total

X , and then determine category of

validity for every criteria, validity for every aspect and validity of total
based on criteria according to Nurdin (2007: 144), they are
1.5 < M 2
accomplished entirely (get enough)
0.5 < M 1.5 partially accomplished (less than enough)
M 0.5
not accomplished (not enough)


A i to find validity for every aspect


to find validity for all of aspect

Criteria that used to execute physics worksheet has accomplished

coefficient is

A i and

minimal on partially accomplished, it

means physics worksheet will not revised

Next, count reliability of worksheet assessment by using percentage
of agreement formula:

agreements( A)
x 100
disagreements ( D ) +agreements( A)

A = number of agreement frequency between two observer
D = number of disagreement frequency between two observer
R = coefficient of reliability of instrument
Data of percentage of agreements (R) will be conversed by using
criteria, they are:
R 20%

very low reliability

20% < R 40%

low reliability

40% < R 60%

standard reliability

60% < R 80%

high reliability

80% < R 100%

very high reliability

Criteria of observation sheet of student activity and response sheet of

physics worksheet is reliable if it reliability in high or very high category
(R > 0.60) (Guilford, 1978:57).
3. Data analysis of affectivity of worksheet
Data analysis of affectivity of worksheet is supported by result of
data analysis from 2 components of affectivity; they are student activity
and achievement of lab performance.
For analysis data of student activity will be done analysis of
observation result of student activity about calculate average frequency
for every practicum aspect with total of frequency of meant aspect and it
is divided by total number of frequency of aspect and then times by

Indicator of student activity is sized with categories on following:

80% - 100%
60% - 79%
4. Data analysis of student activity
Analysis of observation result of student activity is about calculate
Frequency of average of aspect for every student when do practicum by
total of all frequency of aspect and it is divided by number of aspect for
on practicum activity and then it times by 100%.
Indicators of affectivity of student activity for every aspect can be
seen on table 1 on following:
Table 1. indicators of process skill and its sub-indicators






Sub-indicators of science process skill

Asking question



Using material
and apparatus

Using as many senses.

Collecting/using relevant facts.
Making notes for every observation separately.
Finding the different, similarity; contrasting
characteristics; comparing.
Finding basic classification or categorizing.
Making relation observation result.
Finding pattern on a set of observation;
Using patterns of observation result.
Expressing all possibility before do observation.
Asking what, why and how.
Asking to more explanation; proposing question
based on hypothesis.
Knowing that there is more than a possible
Realizing that a explanation is needed to be
proven to get as many proof or do problem
Determining apparatus/material/source that will be
Determining variable/determinant; - determining
what go to be measured, observed and made note;
- determining what go to be carried out in work
procedure form.
Using apparatus/material.



Sub-indicators of science process skill




Knowing reasons why using apparatus/materials;

knowing how to use apparatus/material.
Using concept that had been learned in new
Using concept on new experience to explain what
happen now
Changing form of serving
Describing empirical data of observation skill or
observation with graphic or table or diagram;
arranging and delivering report systematically;
explaining observation or experiment result;
reading graphic or table or diagram; discussing
activity result about a problem or a phenomenon.

(PERMENDIKBUD RI No. 59 on 2014 appendix 3 about K-13 in SMA)

For criteria of limit of affectivity of student activity for every aspect

can be seen on table below:
Table 2. Criteria of affectivity of student activity

Observation aspect

Ideal time

Criteria of limit of



25 minutes

75 seconds


3 minutes

9 seconds


5 minutes

15 seconds


10 minutes

30 seconds

Asking question

5 minutes

15 seconds

Hypothesis formulation

5 minutes

15 seconds

Planning experiment

5 minutes

15 seconds

using apparatus/materials

15 minutes

45 seconds

Applying concept

2 minutes

6 seconds



15 minutes

45 seconds

90 minutes

270 seconds


For observation aspect will be adjusted with activity unit in physics

5. Analysis of worksheet accomplished
Activity on process of data analysis of physics worksheet
accomplished is on following:

a. Do recap observation result of worksheet accomplished for

every aspect
b. Calculate average for every observation aspect in every meeting
with formula:

K ij

A i= j=1
A i : Average of ith aspect in practicum
ij : ith observation result jth criteria
n : number of criteria in ith aspect
c. Calculate average of total by this formula:

A i

, with
X = j=1
X = average of total
A i = average for ith aspect
n = number of aspect
d. Determine category of accomplished for every aspect or whole
aspects with comparing average for every aspect or average of
total with determining categories
e. Category of accomplished for every aspect or whole aspect
worksheet accomplished according to Nurdin (2007: 144)
1.5 < M 2
accomplished entirely (get enough)
0.5 < M 1.5
partially accomplished (less than enough)
M 0.5
not accomplished (not enough)

A i to find validity for every aspect

M = X to find validity for whole aspect

6. Analysis of student response
Data about student response is get from questionnaire of student
response to practicum activity and the analyzed with percentage.
Activities that done to data analysis of student response are:
a. Calculate number of student who give positive response in line
with asked aspect and then calculate its percentage.
b. Determine category for positive response of student with
compare percentage result with determining criteria.

c. If analysis result that student response is not positive, so done

revision to developed worksheet
Analysis to calculate percentage of number of student that gives
response for every asked category in questionnaire by this formula:
A 100
PRS = percentage of number of student who give positive response
for every asked category.
A = proportion of student that chosen.
B = number of respondent.
Determine criteria to explain that every student who has positive
response to worksheet is more than 50% student give for 70% given
aspect. Positive response of student to worksheet is achieved if criteria of
positive response to student to worksheet are fulfilled.


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