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Hearts & Damage (Craftable/Permanent)

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Boost your health!

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Level 20 : Expert Miner
Posted 3 months ago , last updated: 2 months ago


V2.0.0 - for both 1.7.2 & 1.7.10

Now only has Health Heart and Damage Buff Items
Not working? Update your Forge!

Health Heart -- (Adds 2.0D Health [1 Heart]) {64 Stack}


Damage Buff -- (Adds 0.5D Damage [Base Damage is 1.0D]) {64 Stack}

consume_effect : enabled (boolean -- Default: true)

Determines whether or not CONSUMING either health heart or the damage will actually affect the player's stats (items
will still be in game and consumable, they just won't do anything useful)
damage : damageLimit (integer -- Default: -1 [no limit])
Imposes a "count" restriction on the damage buff. This is effectively how many times a player can consume a damage
buff item before it now longer grants any benefit.
damage : damageModifier (double -- Default: 0.5)
Determines how much of a damage buff should be granted when a player eats a damage buff. Minecraft sets base
damage to 1.0 without modifiers (i.e. how much your punching damage is) for reference.
damage : damageRetrofit (boolean -- Default: false)
This will OVERWRITE your characters NBT data for the damage buff count. If you impose a damage:damageLimit that
is LESS THAN your current base damage and you set this to true, it will effectively undo any buffs consumed in excess
of the limit. (same idea as below, read hearts:heartRetrofit)
hearts:heartStart (doub le -- Default: 20.0 [10 Hearts])
Sets player base health to the double provided here. The Mod will impose a value of 0.5 if this entry is less than 0.5 in
order to prevent the player from instantly dying on world entry. There is no "official" upper limit, shy of the "count"
restriction that you impose in hearts:heartLimit. This is applied EVERY time the player enters the world, allowing you to
affect old maps to the new number. This number is also used as the base upon which extra hearts are added.
hearts : heartLimit (integer -- Default: -1 [no limit])
Imposes a "count" restriction on the health heart buff. This is effectively how many times a player can consume a health
heart item before it now longer grants any benefit.
hearts : heartModifier (double -- Default: 2.0)
Determines how many hearts should be granted when a player eats a damage buff. Minecraft sets base health to 20.0
without modifiers (i.e. 10 hearts) for reference. Hearts are intervals of 2.0, while half hearts are 1.0 intervals.
hearts : heartRetrofit (boolean -- Default: false)
This will OVERWRITE your characters NBT data for the heart health count. If you impose a hearts:heartLimit that is
LESS THAN your current health and you set this to true, it will effectively undo any buffs consumed in excess of the limit.
(e.g. hearts:heartLimit = 3, hearts:heartRetrofit = true, player health = 30 [15 hearts] ==> player health will be
PERMANENTLY changed to 26 [3 counts of health heart]. No effect if limit is more than current health)
Pro Tips:
1) PERMANENTLY Resetting Buffs to 0 -- Set respective limit(s) to 0 AND set respective retrofit to true. Load world, exit,
change limit back to whatever you like and retrofit back to false. This will "clean the slate" and play as though you never
consumed any (respective) buffs.
2) Play-as-though Buffs at 0 -- Set respective limit(s) to 0. (NOTE: Setting either limit to 0 will mean that you can no
longer consume either buff for benefit)
3) Limits are Retroactive -- If you have more health/damage than the limit would impose, the mod will scale you down to
the limit until the limit is removed or modified, at which point you will default back to either the new limit or your previous
count, whichever is lower. Obviously, you will no longer be able to consume the respective buffs for benefit (as you are
at the limit).

100% Complete


Minecraft 1.7.10


Hearts, damage, permanent, craftable, ssp, smp, utility, rpg, Functional

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