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Congratulations on meeting a representative of the Friendship Cube Group.

The representative may have explained to you the basics of the friendship cube, the
code of light, and what we call the Great Work. This workbook is designed to help
you achieve your goals in life with help from the Friendship Cube Group. Complete
this workbook and at the next meeting, share a copy with your manager. Your
honour, privacy, and confidentiality will be strictly respected. Your completion of
this workbook will grant you access to our business plan once you are deemed an
asset of our organization.

This workbook belongs to:

Name: _____________________________________________________
Location: ___________________________________________________
Date: ______________________________________________________
Manager: __________________________________________________

This workbook has been created as a result of dozens of individuals seeking

value and fulfilling work from the Friendship Cube Group. We have put together this
workbook to empower inductees with the keys to success and prosperity within our
organization. Our digital power accelerating wealth is a secret focusing upon the
dynamo of individual consciousness and making it into an efficient computer
designed to attract and accelerate prosperity, abundance, and the kind of wealth
that feeds and nourishes even higher levels of digital power. It is a universal cycle
that operates within successful people. Our great work is coming together, like a
snowball-effect empowered by the seed of self-knowledge we plant within
individuals and group members. We remind ourselves each day that mind is creative,
and that our experiences in life will result greatly from our mental attitudes. The
attitude of mind depends upon how we think, and the friendship cube is an efficient
and effective operating system a way of thinking and exchanging ideas and
information that aligns us individually with empowering digital systems what we
refer to as the light. The secret to all power and all achievement is in the method
of thinking. The friendship cube suggests a concrete method for how to think for
how to operate your brain in binary code sequences. This booklet will empower you
to attain the wisdom necessary for personal development that will lead to an exciting
and fulfilling career maybe even a calling with our organization, beginning from a
new structure of thought within. Laws of self-mastery dictate that the world within
is subject to our own control, and that the world without is a reflection of the world
within. By taking possession of the cube code and implementing it in your own local
environment as a tool, you can attain self-mastery and greatness, through
cooperation with the universal mind. The universal mind can manifest only through
the individual you. Equally so, the individual can manifest only via the operation of
the Universal. In truth, they are one. This workbook will introduce you to a universal
path into the achievement of your goals especially towards omnipresence,
omniscience, and omnipotence via the pathway of the cube. The great work that
you commence here will plant seeds to positively transform your thought patterns to
reflect higher consciousness, wisdom, and creative ability higher power. It will also
enable you to begin to profit by spreading the light of the friendship cube code.
Before you start writing answers to these questions, think about what
brought you here. You obviously have done something to be noticed and included in
the Friendship Cube Group you have accomplished something in your life already
by setting personal and business goals. Congratulations on getting this far. If you
keep setting goals that benefit yourself and the friendship cube group, there will be
no limit to your success. You will need some quality time and space to think about
where you want to go in your life from this moment on. This workbook will help you
to set new goals and empower you with a new way of thinking for a brighter, ideal
future for yourself and your loved ones. Know thyself. And to thy own self be true.
Once you have completed this workbook, you will instinctively know who you are.
You will be empowered with everything you need to become an official

representative of the Friendship Cube Group, and given exactly what you need in
order to achieve your goals and stay motivated.
Setting goals is something that type-A personalities do that really
successful, high status cube-partners and elite business-people do and we share our
goals to ensure mutual support. By setting both short and long-term goals it gives
you a long-term vision tied directly to a short-term task. This workbook will help
you to acquire the self-knowledge necessary to succeed, to help you to organize
your resources and time so that you can maximize your potential with help from the
Friendship Cube Group. You will find that you achieve more and more each day, and
that the progress you make enables you to live by example, be true, and brave, and
thereby lead in our organization. We constantly re-assure each other and build
each-others self-confidence so that we can recognize our own abilities in achieving
the large and ambitious goals of our organization.
The Friendship Cube Group creates value and jobs, and enables our team
members to meet lifetime goals, involving career, financial, education, artistic,
attitude / mindset, physical, public-service, and spiritual goals that we set as
individuals and as a global team. Make sure for yourself that the goals you have set
are ones that you genuinely want to achieve. Spend some time brainstorming these
goal areas, and highlight the ones that are most important for you, enabling you to
do what you want to. Once you have set your lifetime goals, set a plan of smaller
goals and fill in exactly how the friendship cube system can enable you to fulfill your
lifetime plan. You will end up with a TO DO LIST of the things that you should do
today to work towards your lifetime goals as a valued partner in the Friendship Cube
Group. The Friendship Cube Group can provide you with a standard booklet that fits
in a front-shirt pocket, and has a PRIORITIZED TASK LIST with rows and columns
for completed, forwarded, delegated, and in-progress tasks. You can keep the
completed lists for yourself to remind you how much you have achieved, and enable
you to lead by example and show others how you have completed so much valuable
great work.
Once youve decided on your first set of goals, keep the process reviewing
and updating your prioritized task list on a daily basis, talk with your manager about
how you can set goals that benefit yourself, your friends, and the Friendship Cube
Group. A useful way of making goals is to use SMART logic. Your goals should be
Specific / Significant, Measurable / Meaningful, Attainable / Action Oriented,
Relevant / Rewarding, and Time-bound /Temporal. = S.M.A.R.T.
State your goals as a positive statement. Use the phrase I AM next to
identity (cube) affirmations that enable you to achieve your hourly and daily
performance goals. Be precise, so that you can measure achievement. Set priorities,
and performance-goals. If you just set an outcome goal and ignore hourly and daily
performance goals, your outcome goal will be much harder to achieve. Make sure

your outcome goal is reasonable based upon your hourly and daily habits to achieve
your outcome goal. This is called, realistic goal setting. On the flip side, if you
achieve your goals too easily, there is no challenge involved and therefore less
personal growth. Make sure your goals are hard enough that you know you test your
limits every day. Also, when you learn something new, realize that it can help you to
achieve your goals especially if you have learned knowledge that will enable you to
create profitable applications with the friendship cube code. This valuable
knowledge is the key to unlocking personal habits leading to higher daily
performance that will enable you to achieve bigger outcome goals. When you have
achieved a goal, take the time to enjoy the satisfaction of having done so, and share
your success with your team and your manager. Observe the progress that you have
made to bigger goals, and share it with your team and with your manager.
Answer these questions honestly, and in whatever order you prefer: What are
you good at? What do you care about? What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
What subjects do you find most interesting in school? What do you enjoy learning
about? What inspires you in the world? What do people ask you for help with?

Do you believe that it is your destiny to think and communicate in a language

of light? Do you believe that your own journey of self-discovery and spiritual
revelation will be empowered via the code of light from the cube? Is it because you
have seen others that are true, brave, and lead by example with the friendship cube
code? Do you believe you can focus and achieve by learning and applying the visual
binary code-of-light in your own thinking and communication patterns? If you
mostly answered yes, you will begin to understand how the friendship cube can help
you. It pays to be empowered with the friendship-cube-code. How will you use the
Friendship Cube & Code in the upcoming three weeks as a part of your daily
discipline and toolkit for thinking, communicating, and interacting in a digital, global,
competitive business environment? How will you prove your value to the Friendship
Cube Group?

How will you take advantage of existing social, economic, and technological
trends? Why is it beneficial and valuable for you as an individual to learn a code that
is digital, more efficient, more capable, and more intuitive? What kind of daily or
weekly encouragement will you need to keep focused on developing profitable
applications of the friendship cube code?

Write three lines summarizing the basics of your wisdom. Your cube-wisdom
will empower deeper levels of connection, communication, and compassionate
outreach. It will also empower you for the digital communication age. How can you
use the Friendship Cube Group and code as a means of finding and unlocking the
wisdom you will need to be competitive in a fast-paced, innovative business
environment? List three of your greatest achievements in life. Write three lines
about your motivation to achieve. How do you see your work with the Friendship
Cube Group tie in with your own, personal, innermost place of personal motivation?

The Friendship Cube System enables small groups to be empowered to take

action that improves local schools and communities while reaching out around the
world with the digital code of light from the friendship cube. Begin thinking about
how you can implement the friendship cube system in your own local environment.
What are three steps you can take as an individual, to start today?

In a small group or on your own, brainstorm the idea of how you can
accomplish your goals in in life to maximize your own personal achievement via the
applications of your own creative skills, talents, and unique abilities with the
friendship cube system. Write three or more lines about your personal goals and
vision. How are these integrated with the vision and goals of the Friendship Cube
Group? How will you apply cube concepts to achieve your goals? Write three lines
about your passion. How can you apply your unique interests to socialize and
specialize with the Friendship Cube Group and follow your innermost passion as part
of our company? Write three lines about your potential. How can you build yourself
to your highest potential by applying the Friendship Cube System with your friends?

The Friendship Cube Group doesnt have any boring jobs. We only have
exciting careers and callings. Are you willing to work harder to have a more
productive career and calling with the Friendship Cube Group? Imagine three years
from today. How will you have applied the friendship cube system to benefit
yourself? Will you have a true testimony that will inspire others to follow in your
footsteps in order to earn friendship cubes and thus create a ripple effect that
benefits yourself and others?

What are the unique skills and interests that you can apply to benefit yourself
using the Friendship Cube Group system, code, and profitable applications? How is
the friendship cube a symbol like a key that unlocks the doors to the digital world?
How is the friendship cube associated with status, hierarchy, wealth, power, and
privilege? How will you demonstrate yourself as a worthy cube-holder? How will
you use the friendship cube code to think with your friends and re-design your own
reality to create and design the future you want for yourself? How will you step up
to the friendship cube challenge?

The Friendship Cube Group has a four-step system. We work together to

market friendship cube systems that empower individuals and businesses via the
profitable applications of the friendship cube code. An example of the four pillars
enabling cubes for kindness is as follows:
(1) You do a planned act of kindness in order to earn your cube
(2) You learn and apply the cube code for your own personal gain
(3) You gain a testimony of how it has personally benefitted you
(4) You inspire others to follow in your footsteps, rewarding them with
Cubes for Kindness
That way, as you will see, kindness echoes across organizations and
systematically improves individuals and groups. Give an example of how you will
engage in activities that strengthen all four pillars that support the friendship cube
You could just as easily reward excellence, achievement, volunteerism,
service, and so on. Kindness is just one example of the many possibilities. If you
believe in something, you can spread it with the help of the friendship cube and the
friendship cube code. Be sure to check with your manager before you start any new
campaigns. What words will you use to describe its growth? Hint: paying-itforward, the chain-reaction, the domino effect, the ripple effect, the snowball

Who will you meet with to spread the light, love, and power of the cube? To
what specific audiences are you looking to communicate with? For example, if you
are talking to youth, how will you be inspired by natural trends in communication
and seed new, cool communication tools that empower small groups?

The friendship cube is a hand-up not a handout. The Friendship Cube Group
empowers cube-holders to advance education and create wealth to find intrinsic
motivation and a personal pathway to profit that is calibrated to the unique skills of
each cube-holder. We believe in the concept of Wholarchy, where each cube-holder
is a Holon representing the whole, with certain privileges and honours and
responsibilities we call the Cube Holon Obligation. Once you are a recognized
cube-holder, you will be further empowered to memorize your personal obligation
and recite your obligation to the group. You have a maximum of 3 minutes to add
whatever other promises you would like to make to the organization. The penalty of
violating the obligation is dishonor and loss of cube. You being a cube-holder means
you live in accordance with rules that benefit the entire organization. What aspects
of your personality and yourself will enable a mutually beneficial relationship
between yourself and all the other cube-holders? What is your final word on your
commitment to the Great Work?


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