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1. Which of these isotopes emit Alpha particles?

Cobalt 60
Radium 226
Iridium 192
Caesium 137
2. Calculate the efficiency of X-ray production given that the accelerating voltage is 250 Kv and the target material is tungsten?
3. Which of those listed below could be considered as a photon?
Gamma Ray
Beta particle
Gamma ray and x-ray
All the above
4. X-rays used in radiography have a wavelength in the region of?
10-1 - 10-4m
102 - 10-4m
10-9 - 10-13m
10-2 - 10-4m
5. Compton scattering occurs at photon energies of approximately?
Upto about 0.3 MeV
0.3 to 3.0 MeV
Over 3.0 MeV
May occur at any photon energy
6. A scattered photon that does not experience an energy shift is called?
Compton scatter
Photoelectric effect
Coherent scatter
Pair production
7. What is the maximum number of electrons that can be held in the K Shell of an atom?

8. The mode by which low energy photons interact with matter is known as?
Photoelectric effect
Pair production
Compton scattering
All of the above
9. The positron is considered to be equal to the electron in which of the following conditions?
Rest mass
Rest energy
All of the above
Rest energy and rest mass only
10. Which group in the chemical periodic table is very inactive?
Group A
Group B
Group C
Group O
11. Photons have which of the following characteristics?
No energy
No elastic charge
Positive magnetic field
No energy and no electric charge
All of the above
12. Given a decay constant of 0.0023 calculate the half life of the isotope?
73 days
165 days
301 days
370 days
13. How many Becquerels are there in 28 curie?
1.036 GBq
10.36 GBq
1036 GBq
103.6 GBq
14. Generally, neutron interaction may occur in which of the following ways?
Collision with oribital electrons
Collision with the nucleus
Scattered by the nucleus
All the above
Only collision with the nucleus and scattered by the nucleus

15. A photon enters an atom with an energy of 350 KeV. It knocks out an electron held by a binding energy of 58 Kev and
accelerates it to an energy of 95 KeV. What energy would the scattered radiation be?
197 KeV
95 KeV
123 Kev
Not enough information is given
16. Calculate the intensity of 20 curies of Ir 192 at 5 m from an unshielded source?
0.384 R / Hr
0.22 R / Hr
0.88 R / Hr
0.66 R / Hr
17. Caluclate the build up factor for a 30 mm thick material with an absorption coefficient of 0.45?
18. Which of the following statements is true?
As energy decreases inherent unsharpness increases
As energy increases omherent unsharpness increases
Inherent unsharpness values are constant
Inherent unsharpness values do not relate to energy values
19. Calculate the thickness of a material - half value layer of 15mm - required to reduce the intesnity from 100 R / Hr to 50 R / Hr?
20. Caluclate the intensity of 135 Ci Ir 192 isotope 5 m from the outside of conrete bunker - 430mm wall thickness. The isotope is
in the centre of a 26mm steel vessel 4m diamater. The distance from the vessel to the wall of the bunker is 2m. HVL - Iridium
13mm, HVL Concrete - Iridium 43mm, Dose rate iridium R / Hr / Ci at 1m = 0.48?


1. Radium 226
2. 1.85
3. Gamma ray and x-ray
4. 10-9 - 10-13m
5. 0.3 to 3.0 MeV
6. Coherent scatter
7. 2
8. Photoelectric effect
9. Rest energy and rest mass only
10. Group O
11. No elastic charge
12. 301 days
13. 1036 GBq
14. Only collision with the nucleus and scattered by the nucleus
15. 197 KeV
16. 0.384 R / Hr
17. 2.35
18. As energy increases omherent unsharpness increases
19. 64.85mm
20. 0.195mR/Hr

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