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Social Studies Review Sheet- Sabrina Segro 701

Map Terms/ Skills

- A globe is a scaled model of the Earth. It is useful for showing the entire earth or studying
large areas of the Earths surface.
- A map is a flat diagram of all or part of the Earths surface.
- The east-west lines in the grid are lines of latitude. They are parallels.
- The north-south lines are lines of longitude. They are called meridians.
- The Prime Meridian is an imaginary line that runs through Greenwich, England. It
represents 00 longitude.
- The equator divides the globe into two halves called hemispheres. There are the North and
South hemispheres. The 1800 meridian divides the world into the Western and Southern
-The seven continents are North America, South America, Africa, Europe, Asia, Antarctica and
- A compass rose has arrows that point to all four principal directions. It is a directional

The World before Exploration of the Americas

-The Earliest Americans were Paleo-Indians.

- The First Migration to the Americas took place between 38,000 and 10,000 BC. This
took place using the Bering Land Bridge.
- The Olmec developed the earliest known civilization in Mesoamerica. They are
known for their use of stone in architecture and sculpture. They also built the first pyramids.
The Mayans were known for trading, building large cities, having pyramids, large stone
temples, palaces and bridges. The Aztec were known for their military ability. They were
fierce warriors. The Inca had a strong central government, and were known for building
massive forts and buildings and for art.
- Native American Cultures
- The Iroquois created the Iroquois League which was an alliance. The league would
prevent the Iroquois from having any trouble with the people around them. The league
helped the Iroquois become one of the most powerful Native Americans.

- Trading Kingdoms of West Africa

- The importance of the West African Slave Trade was that the slaves could be traded
for valuable goods such as horses and weapons. This contributed to the power of the

Europe before Transatlantic Slave Travel

-Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome

- Socrates was a great teacher that wanted people to think and question their own
beliefs. Plato was a philosopher and teacher who wrote The Republic that describes justice
and fairness. Aristotle taught that people should live lives based on reason, or clear and
ordered thinking.
- A direct democracy is a democracy that all citizens vote on an issue and ideas are
debated at an assembly of all citizens. A republic is when citizens elect representatives to
vote on issues and ideas are debated in an assembly of representatives.
-The influence that Ancient Greek and Roman governments had on the United States
is that the U.S. political system votes for representatives to represent them making the U.S.
a direct democracy.
- The Middle Ages
- Feudalism is an interrelated political and social system. It was when the people of
the country were divided among the land.
- The significance of the Crusades for Europe was that trade grew between Europe
and Asia, which introduced new products and ideas.
- The Renaissance
- The country where the Renaissance originated was in Italy.
- What influenced thinking at this time was that scholars went to Italy and excited
other people to think and discover new ideas.
- Knowledge spread through the Renaissance because the different fields required
thought. This spread through art, literature, science and political news.

New Empires in the Americas

-Early Exploration
- Reasons that led to European exploration were that the Vikings would explore and
the other countries saw that they were discovering land so then those countries would set
out people in search of land and it became a race to find land in North America.
- Leif Erikson was the son of Erik the Red and he shared his fathers love of
- The Portuguese search for a sea route to Asia was very important. Finding a sea
route to Asia would help Portugal to transport goods to and from Asia. The sea route to Asia
would soon start the Atlantic Slave Trade.
- Europeans reach the Americas
- Christopher Columbus was a sailor and he was convinced that he could reach Asia
by sailing across the Atlantic Ocean. On October 12th, 1492 he reached land.
- The Columbian Exchange was the result of Columbus explorations. The Columbian
Exchange was when the Europeans brought plants and animals to America. They then
brought back new plants and animals to Europe, Asia, and Africa. This changed the world
- Spain in the Americas
- The Aztec was taken over because Moctezuma believed Cortes was a good man.
Cortes then took Moctezuma in as a prisoner and seized control of Tenochtitlan. The city
was later destroyed and Moctezuma was killed.
- The Incas Empire was captured because Francisco Pizarro outnumbered the Inca
and killed the rulers of the empire. This happened because Pizarro had heard rumors about
the wealthy cities.
- The Spanish treated the Native Americans poorly. Some Europeans protested the
behavior. Bartolome de Las Casas said that the Spanish should try to convert Native
Americans to Christianity by showing them love and gentleness.
- Challenges to Spain in the Americas
-The Protestant Reformation is a religious movement that started with Martin Luther
and others in 1517 to reform the Catholic Church.
-The Spanish Armada was when a huge fleet of warships meant to end English Plans.
It was launched to invade England and overthrow Queen Elizabeth and the Anglican Church.
- The Europeans wanted to find a Northwest Passage. This was a water route through
North America that would allow ships to sail from the Atlantic to the Pacific.
-The English came to the Americas and they founded a colony called Roanoke Island.
This island is called the lost colony. The Frenchs relationship with the Native Americans

was strong. The Native Americans helped the French by showing them paths to sail. The
Dutch claimed land around the Delaware and Hudson Rivers. The Dutch were in search of
- Early Slavery in the Americas
-The cause of slavery was that the Native Americans were immune to European
diseases. This killed many of the Native Americans. Since many Native Americans died a
new labor force was needed.
- The Middle Passage was the voyage across the Atlantic Ocean that enslaved
Africans were forced to endure. They were packed and crammed in ships and sent to the
Americas. Over 12 million Africans were shipped to the Americas.

The English Colonies

-The Southern Colonies

- The five Southern Colonies were Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina
and Georgia. These colonies were very successful.
- Jamestown was the first permanent English settlement in North America. It was 40
miles up the James River in Virginia. John Smith was the ruler of the colony. He ruled the
colony well and built a fort in 1608. He also forced settlers to work hard.
- The Headright System was started by the London Company. This system allowed
colonists that paid for their journey to America would receive 50 acres of land. For every
additional person they paid for they would receive another 50 acres. Rich colonists who
brought servants received large amounts of land.
- Slaves were in demand. The cost of slaves fell. By the mid 1600s most Africans in
Virginia were being kept in lifelong slavery.
- Bacons Rebellion was when Nathaniel Bacon and his followers attacked and burned
Jamestown in an uprising. They were upset about the policies toward Native Americans.
- The Toleration Act of 1649 was a bill that made it a crime to restrict the religious
rights of Christians. This was the first law supporting religious tolerance passed in the
English Colonies.
- The economy of the Southern Colonies was very good. They had plantations which
grew cash crops. Some of the cash crops that were grown were Tobacco, Rice and Indigo.
These cash crops helped the colonies become very wealthy.
- The New England Colonies

- There were four New England Colonies. These colonies were Connecticut, New
Hampshire, Rhode Island and Massachusetts.
-Pilgrims were a separatist group that left England in the early 1600s to escape
persecution. Puritans were a Protestant group that wanted to purify, or reform the Anglican
- The Mayflower Compact was a legal contract in which they agreed to have fair laws
to protect the general good.
- The Great Migration was when many thousands of English men, women and children
left England. More than 40,000 of these people moved to English Colonies.
- Thomas Hooker was a minister. Hooker and his followers left Massachusetts to
found Connecticut another English colony. In 1639 Hooker wrote the Fundamental Orders of
Connecticut. Roger Williams did not agree with the leadership of Massachusetts. He called
for his church to separate completely from the other New England congregations. Anne
Hutchinson publicly discussed religious ideas that some people thought were radical.
Hutchinson was later forced to leave the colony.
- Massachusetts promoted education by issuing an order that a school be founded in
every township of 50 families. At school they would have to learn how to read and write. At
the same time they would learn about the communities religious values.
- The Middle Colonies
- There were four Middle Colonies. The four Middle Colonies were New York, New
Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware.
- Peter Stuyvesant led the colony beginning in 1647.
- William Penn was a Quaker who founded Pennsylvania.
- The Quakers were people that believed in equality of men and women. They did not
believe in violence.
- The Middle Colonies had staple crops that were mostly needed in the colonies. They
never ran out of the staple crops and had a good economy.
- The slaves worked as carpenters, blacksmiths and skilled laborers.
- The economy was mostly based on trade and families were the foundation of
the society.

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