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Honors Renaissance History Chapter 13 & 14 Study Guide

1. The seven provinces that became the United Provinces of the Netherlands
emerged as a nation in 1572 after revolting against what nation? Spain
2. The following is true of the Netherlands:
Toleration marked the Dutch religious life where peoples of differing religious
faiths lived together peacefully.
3. Which of the following aspects of the Dutch society most impressed 17th-century
contemporaries? Economic prosperity
4. Which of the following is a correct list of products that Dutch farmers produced?
dairy products, beef, and cash crops
5. What were the two most important models of European political development in
the early modern period? parliamentary monarchy and political absolutism
6. Changes in military structure and technologies: increased the costs of
war, and governments across Europe found different ways to adapt.
7. All of the following are true of James I: he was the son of Mary Stuart.
He inherited a large royal debt and a fiercely divided church. He
succeeded the childless Elizabeth I of England. He was a strong believer
in the divine right of kings.
8. During the reign of James I, the British Parliament met: only when
convened by the monarch.
9. All of the following roused suspicion of James' foreign policy: his efforts
to arrange a marriage between his son and a Spanish princess. His
attempt to relax penal codes against Catholics. His hesitation to rush
English troops to aid the Germans at the outbreak of the Thirty Years'
War. He concluded peace with Spain in 1604.
10. Charles I did all of the following to finance the war against Spain except:
force Parliament to grant him funds.
11. The Petition of Right required all of the following: all male subjects with
property worth more than 5 pounds would have the vote. Troops are not
to be billeted in private homes. No freeman should be imprisoned
without due cause. No forced loans or taxation without the consent of
Parliament could be imposed.
12. Charles I might have ruled indefinitely without Parliament had his
religious policies not provoked war with: Scotland
13. Under Oliver Cromwell, England was officially: a Puritan republic.

14. After Cromwell died in 1658, the English were ready by 1660 to restore
what? the Anglican Church and the monarchy
15. In the Treaty of Dover, Charles II and Louis XIV's secret agreement called
for Charles II to announce his conversion to Catholicism, and in exchange
Louis XIV promised what? To pay Charles a substantial subsidy.
16. This king issued the Declaration of Indulgence (1687), which permitted
free worship. Who was he? Charles II
17. The following event occurred directly after the Glorious Revolution. What
was this event? William and Mary were proclaimed English monarchs.
18. Robert Walpole (1676-1745) derived his political power from all of the
following: his ability to maintain peace abroad. His leadership abilities
in the House of Commons. The support of King George I. His control of
government patronage.
19. According to advocates of the "divine right of kings," kings can only be
judged by whom? GOD
20. The revocation of the Edict of Nantes resulted in all of the following: the
ceremonial baptism of Protestant children by Catholic priests; the
closing of Protestant Churches and schools; the exile of Protestant
ministers, and the sentencing of nonconverting laity to the galleys.
21. John Law believed that an increase in the paper-money supply would do
what for France? stimulate France's economic recovery
22. The chief feature of 18th-century French political life was the attempt of
who to do what? attempt of the nobility to use its authority to limit the
power of the monarchy
23. Which of the following dynasties is correctly identified with the region it
ruled? Hohenzollern dynasty in Prussia
24. The following was true of 17th- and 18th-century Poland: Polish nobles
excluded merchants and town leaders from power. The Polish monarchy
was elective. The Polish nobles had a central legislative body called the
Sejm, or diet. Most of the Polish monarchs were foreigners and the tools
of foreign powers.
25. The following countries were a part of the Austrian Habsburg Empire in
the eighteenth century: Bohemia, Galicia, Croatia, Silesia
26. Who was known as the Great Elector? Frederick William
27. The reign of Ivan IV was immediately followed by what? Time of troubles

28. Under the rule of Peter the Great, Russia's boyars lost what? lost much of
their power
29. Russian victory in the Great Northern War led to:
The expansion of Russian territory in the Baltic
30. Under the Peace of Nystad in 1721, Russia gained control of:
Estonia, Livonia, and part of Finland.
31. ___________________exemplified Russia's new orientation to the West.
St. Petersburg
32. The "Table of Ranks," published by Peter the Great in 1722, was:
A table that equated a person's social position with his rank in the bureaucracy
or the military
33. Over the years, Dhimmis in the Ottoman Empire obtained economic success
They possessed the highest level of commercial skills in the empire.
34. The Ottoman sultans ruled their empire through administrative units
35. The Treaty of Carlowitz required the Ottoman Empire to:
Surrender the heart of its empire in Europe
36. Galileo believed that all aspects of nature could be described in terms of:
Mathematical relationships.
37. Which of the following is true of the scientific revolution?
It was not rapid.
38. The scientific fact that the orbits of the planets are elliptical was
discovered by whom? Kepler
39. During the 16th century, the discoveries that most captured the public
imagination were made in: astronomy
40. He published On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres and rejected
the notion of an earth-centered universe. Who was he? Nicolaus Copernicus
41. In the early sixteenth century, the standard explanation of the place of the
earth in the heavens combined the work of whom? Ptolemy and Aristotle
42. Which of was following is Tycho Brahe's major contribution to science? He
produced a vast body of astronomical data from which his successors could work
43. The following is true of Johannes Kepler: he set forth the first astronomical
model that actually portrayed the motion of the planets as elliptical
44. He addressed the issue of planetary motion and established a basis for physics
that endured for more than two centuries. Who is he? Isaac Newton
45. Newton was a mathematical genius, but before he upheld a theory he thought it
should be what? Tested to see if it was what he actually observed.
46. Many proponents of mechanism believed what? The world can be explained in
mechanical metaphors.
47. He is known as the father of empiricism. Who is he? Francis Bacon

48. Francis Bacon believed that this was true: knowledge of nature should be used
to improve the human condition
49. Although he invented analytic geometry, his most important contribution was to
develop a scientific method that relied more on deduction - reasoning from general
principal to arrive at specific facts. Who is this? Ren Descartes
50. Descartes divided existing things into two categories, body and what? Mind
51. According to Hobbes, human beings escape the terrible state of nature by what?
Agreeing to live by the golden rule (treat others as you would want to be treated)
52. Hobbes saw human beings as: self-centered, power-hungry creatures
53. In John Locke's view, the relationship between rulers and the governed had as its
foundation what essential element? Trust
54. The following is true of the expansion of new and natural knowledge?
It opposed Aristotelianism; the state played a role in the expansion of natural
knowledge; it opposed Scholasticism; it criticized universities
55. All of the following are true of women during the scientific revolution: Women
associated with the artisan crafts usually achieved greater freedom to pursue the
new sciences than did noblewomen; women were largely excluded from
participation in the new science; the majority of universities excluded women; the
majority of monasteries excluded women.
56. Maria Winkelmann made her contributions in what scientific field? Astronomy
57. The Catholic Church admitted that errors had occurred in the 1633 trial of Galileo in
what year? 1992
58. The following is true of Pascal? He believed that a loving God exists; He allied
himself with the Jansenists; He saw human beings as corrupt; He believed that
reason could not resolve all religious issues.
59. According to Pascal's famous wager: it is best to believe God exists and stake
everything to gain the lot; if God should prove not to exist, comparatively little will
be lost.
60. How many people were sentenced to death for witchcraft or harmful magic between
1400 and 1700? 70,000 to 100,000
61. What percentage of people accused of witchcraft in the early modern period were
women? 80 percent
62. Based upon your knowledge of the text, which of the following is the most plausible
cause of the witch hunts? Religious split and warfare threatened the security of
society and the witches were the scapegoats of a social panic
63. Name four groups that was a common target of the witch hunts.
Poor women, midwives, widows, female orphans
64. The witch hunts ended because, among other things:
They threatened the social order
65. In the sixteenth century, midwifery was a trade often pursued by

Elderly or widowed women.

66. "Why More Women than Men are Witches,"

Women have slippery tongues and are unable to conceal the evil arts they know.
Women are more credulous and able to be corrupted by the devil.
Women are more "carnal" than men since they were made from a bent rib.
Women are more likely to seek revenge and retribution than men.
67. Baroque art first emerged in: papal Rome
68. Charles I's employment of Rubens illustrated to the people of England that:
he had Roman Catholic sympathies
69. The most elaborate baroque monument to political absolutism was what?
Louis XIV's palace at Versailles

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