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At times it is useful to reflect on why we are on this spiritual journey. What is our
motivation? We do have motivation or we would not be following this path.

And how are we going in our physical lives? Is there any correlation between the two?
Does the way we live our physical lies match our inner world? I want to say up front that
I am not talking about evangelising. I am asking if the ideals of our spiritual being
manifest in the physical world?

The physical world we live in is not a very nice place overall, although our little piece of
it might be pleasant. We live in a world or greed, poverty war and many other things that
you can name for yourselves.

The question is 'Can we follow a spiritual journey and ignore the world around us?' We
cannot. The world around us impacts on us at all levels. We cannot keep a bright shiny
soul and live in the sewer.

I am writing this on New Year's Eve, December 2008. This year has been a year of death,
destruction, oppression and genocide. Tibet, the Sudan, Iraq, Iran, Palestine. The list is
endless. What about the sub prime crisis plunging the world into financial chaos?

None of these things needed to happen. They happened because so many of human race
have no connection with their inner being. They happened, and continue to happen
because the human race has an entity has not awakened to their spiritual being. It is sad
that religion has been the excuse for many of the atrocities of the last year and yet there is
not one skerrick of spirituality in any of these acts.

There needs to be reconciliation between our internal and external lives. If things are to
change our souls need to be heard. There is no need to riot or fight to bring about change.
There is no need to do much at all except say 'No.' That is all that is required. 'No' is the
most powerful word in any language. If the soul says 'no' and we say no 'no' in the
external world and no force can oppose it.

I am expecting (or hoping) that there will be a critical mass where enough people say 'no'
to bring about a spontaneous awakening of the human race. It is a numbers thing. When
more people want peace instead of war and say so peace will happen. When more people
want an end to poverty than there are those that profit from it we can all live instead of
just existing.

The spiritual journey has two parts. There is the inner spiritual journey that is ours and
ours alone. A journey that is different for everyone. Then there is the spiritual journey
that is the spiritual journey of the whole human race. We are all part of that journey.
I hope that we can reconcile the two and make it one journey. 2009 is only another date,
but it can be given symbolic value if this is the year that human race awakes to its inner

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