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004 Chapter 04 Eucaryotic Cell Structure and Function

Student: ___________________________________________________________________________
1. Which of the following is useful in distinguishing between procaryotic and eucaryotic cells?
A. the use of DNA for the storage of genetic information
B. the presence of ribosomes for the synthesis of proteins
C. the presence of membrane-delimited organelles within the cytoplasm
D. all of the choices

2. The endoplasmic reticulum is composed of flattened sacs called

A. thylakoids.
B. cristae.
C. cisternae.
D. vacuomes.

3. The Golgi apparatus is responsible for the

A. the assembly of ribosomes.
B. packaging of materials for excretion.
C. formation of mesosomes.
D. replication of chromosomes.

4. A (n) __________ is a special type of lysosome used by a cell to digest portions of its own cytoplasm.
A. suicide vacuole
B. turnover lysosome
C. recycling vacuole
D. autophagic vacuole

5. Which of the following is a function of the mitochondrion?

A. tricarboxylic acid cycle enzyme reactions
B. electron transport
C. ATP synthesis
D. all of the choices

6. The nucleolar organizer is a part of a specific chromosome that directs the synthesis of
A. transfer RNA (tRNA).
B. ribosomal RNA (rRNA).
C. messenger RNA (mRNA).
D. heterogeneous nuclear RNA (hnRNA).

7. A cell with a diploid number of 12 chromosomes undergoes mitosis. The number of chromosomes in each of
the daughter cells is
A. 24.
B. 6.
C. 12.
D. 16.

8. A cell with a diploid number of 12 chromosomes undergoes meiosis. The number of chromosomes in each of
the daughter cells is
A. 24.
B. 6.
C. 12.
D. 16.

9. Construction of flagella and/or cilia is directed by the

A. axoneme.
B. tubulin.
C. centriole.
D. basal body.

10. Membrane delimited intracellular structures that perform specific functions in cells are called
A. organelles.
B. organs.
C. tissues.
D. systomis.

11. Protein filaments with a diameter of 47 nm that play a role in cell movement and shape change are called
A. microtubules.
B. microfilaments.
C. intermediate filaments.
D. mycelia.

12. Protein filaments with a diameter of 810 nm that are major components of the cytoskeleton are called
A. microtubules.
B. microfilaments.
C. intermediate filaments.
D. mycelia.

13. A filamentous organelle comprised of tubulins with a diameter of 25 nm is called

A. microtubule.
B. microfilament.
C. intermediate filament.
D. mycelia.

14. The process by which a cell imports large particles by enclosing them in vesicles pinched off from the
plasma membrane is called
A. exocytosis.
B. phagocytosis.
C. pinocytosis.
D. nutrient cytosis.

15. A lysosome containing undigested material is called

A. a phagosome.
B. an endosome.
C. a residual body.
D. a coated vesicle.

16. An organism with two copies of each chromosome is said to be

A. haploid.
B. diploid.
C. aneuploid.
D. monoploid.

17. An organism with one copy of each chromosome is said to be

A. haploid.
B. diploid.
C. aneuploid.
D. monoploid.

18. Which of the following organelles is involved in the modification, packaging, and secretion of materials?
A. lysosomes
B. Golgi apparatus
C. mitochondria
D. centrioles

19. Enzymes needed to digest all types of macromolecules are found in

A. lysosomes.
B. Golgi apparatus.
C. mitochondria.
D. centrioles.

20. Proteins are synthesized on structures called

A. mesosomes.
B. lysosomes.
C. ribosomes.
D. chromosomes.

21. The major site of cell membrane synthesis is the

A. nucleus.
B. plasma membrane.
C. lysosome.
D. endoplasmic reticulum.

22. Which of the following parts of the Golgi complex receives materials from the ER?
A. cis face
B. trans face
C. cisternal edges
D. None of these are correct.

23. Receptor mediated endocytosis

A. depends on formation of clathrin coated pits that pinch off.
B. allows for concentration of molecules such as hormones, growth factors, and cholesterol.
C. involves formation of caveolae that are enriched in cholesterol and caveolin.
D. is typically used to internalize plasma membranes added by exocytosis.
E. all of the choices
F. two of the choices

24. The proteosome

A. functions to degrade most misfolded eucaryotic proteins.
B. produces peptides for antigen presentation during immunological responses.
C. hydrolyzes ubiquitin-marked eucaryotic proteins in an ATP dependent process.
D. all of the choices

25. An arrangement of microtubules located in the matrix of cilia and flagella is called the __________.
A. axial bundle
B. axial filament
C. axoneme
D. axillary tubule

26. The Golgi apparatus is comprised of vesicles called __________, which may be clustered in one region or
scattered throughout the cell.
A. cristae
B. thylakoids
C. cisternae
D. vesiculae

27. The enzymes and electron carriers involved in electron transport and oxidative phosphorylation are located
in the __________ membrane of the mitochondrion.
A. inner
B. outer
C. inner and outer
D. neither inner nor outer

28. The organelle responsible for harvesting light as an energy source for photosynthesis is the
A. kinetoplast.
B. centriole.
C. chloroplast.
D. mitochondrion.

29. The formation of carbohydrate (CO2 fixation) in the dark reaction of photosynthesis, takes place in the
A. stroma.
B. cytoplasm.
C. thylakoid membrane.
D. nucleus.

30. The light reactions of photosynthesis, which form ATP and NADPH, take place in the
A. stroma.
B. cytoplasm.
C. thylakoid membrane.
D. nucleus.

31. Flimmer filaments

A. permit flagella to pull rather than push the cell.
B. function to move cells on solid surfaces.
C. are components of all eucaryotic flagella.
D. None of the choices are true

32. The two chromatids from each duplicated chromosome separate and move toward opposite poles during
A. prophase.
B. metaphase.
C. anaphase.
D. telophase.

33. Stacks of cisternae in the Golgi apparatus are referred to as

A. stigmata.
B. golgisomes.
C. dictyosomes.
D. Lamellisomes.

34. An important function of the Golgi apparatus and ER is synthesis of

A. mitochondria.
B. lysosomes.
C. ribosomes.
D. nucleolus.

35. The nucleolus plays a major role in synthesis of

A. mRNA.
B. tRNA.
C. rRNA.
D. transcription activation proteins.

36. Lysosomes maintain an acidic environment by actively pumping protons into their interior.
True False

37. Mitosis is the process in eucaryotes in which the cell divides after the chromosomes in the nucleus have
been duplicated.
True False

38. Chloroplasts are the site for both the light and dark reactions of photosynthesis.
True False

39. The majority of mitochondrial proteins are manufactured under the direction of the nuclear DNA by
cytoplasmic ribosomes.
True False

40. DNA is replicated prior to the start of mitosis.

True False

41. The membrane bound structure that contains the chromosomes of eucaryotes is called the nucleus.
True False

42. Eucaryotes usually have more than one chromosome for the storage of genetic information.
True False

43. The endoplasmic reticulum is mostly devoid of ribosomes (smooth) when cells are producing large
quantities of lipid.
True False

44. Although similar in function, the eucaryotic ribosome is generally smaller and more complex than the
procaryotic ribosome.
True False

45. Coenocytic cells are produced when mitosis takes place in the absence of cytokinesis.
True False

46. Like procaryotic cells, most eucaryotic cells have an external cell wall.
True False

47. The nucleolus is a highly active region of the chromatin that is required for synthesis of ribosomes.
True False

48. The major difference between the storage vacuoles of eucaryotes and the inclusion bodies of procaryotes is
that the former are membrane bound whereas the latter are not.
True False

49. Electron transport reactions that occur in the mitochondria of eucaryotes take place on the inner membrane
of that structure.
True False

50. In addition to being more complex chemically, the basic structure of the plasma membrane of eucaryotic
cells is very different from that of procaryotic cells.
True False

51. Coated pits containing clathrin do not permit concentration of ingested macromolecules prior to
True False

52. Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) with many ribosomes attached is called __________ ER, whereas endoplasmic
reticulum that is mostly devoid of ribosomes is called __________ ER.

53. Ribosomes synthesizing proteins that are to be excreted are located on the __________.

54. Loosely organized genetic material containing those genes being actively expressed is called __________,
whereas tightly organized (condensed) genetic material containing those genes not being actively expressed is
called __________.

55. Long filaments containing microtubules and used for cellular locomotion are called __________, whereas
short fibers containing microtubules and used for cellular locomotion are called __________.

56. The __________ is a complex structure or set of structures lying beneath the plasma membrane of many
protozoa and some algae, which gives some cells their characteristic shape.

57. The __________, a ring of granular and fibrous material surrounding the pores in a nuclear envelope, may
facilitate the movement of material into and out of the nucleus.

58. The period between mitotic divisions during which most cell growth takes place is known as __________.

59. Cilia beat with two distinctive phases. With the __________ stroke, they stroke like an oar, thereby
propelling the organism through the water. With the __________ stroke, cilia bend along their length while they
are pulled forward.

60. The inner membrane system of chloroplasts consists of flattened sacs called __________ that form stacks
called __________.

61. Eucaryotic ribosomes may be free in the cytoplasm or attached to the __________ __________.

004 Chapter 04 Eucaryotic Cell Structure and Function Key

1. C
2. C
3. B
4. D
5. D
6. B
7. C
8. B
9. D
10. A
11. B
12. C
13. A
14. B
15. C
16. B
17. A
18. B
19. A
20. C
21. D
22. A
23. F
24. D
25. C
26. C
27. A
28. C
29. A
30. C

31. A
32. C
33. C
34. B
35. C
36. TRUE
38. TRUE
39. TRUE
40. TRUE
41. TRUE
42. TRUE
43. TRUE
45. TRUE
47. TRUE
48. TRUE
49. TRUE
52. rough, smooth
53. endoplasmic reticulum
54. euchromatin, heterochromatin
55. flagella, cilia
56. pellicle
57. annulus
58. interphase
59. effective, recovery
60. thylakoids, grana
61. endoplasmic reticulum

004 Chapter 04 Eucaryotic Cell Structure and Function Summary


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