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Metals and Textures 4

Non-Ferrous Metals
Bevis Hutchinson
Corrosion and Metals Research Institute (KIMAB)
Aluminium alloys - major textures and their origins
balanced texture by cold rolling and annealing
balanced texture by annealing and cold rolling
Titanium alloys for strength and formability
Zirconium alloys for nuclear fuel cladding
Acknowledgements to Olof Engler

Some effects of texture on properties of

aluminium alloys

Die lines on the surface of an

extruded aluminium AA6082
alloy profile

Variation of strength and ductility in

different directions in an aluminiumlithium alloy plate
Ridging (roping) on the surface of a
stretched sheet of AA6111 alloy

Earing behaviour of aluminium sheets

0/90 ears


45 ears

0/90 earing usually resulting from cube texture

45 earing from rolling texture components (R-texture)
0/180 earing from Goss texture
Balanced texture is usually the aim - which results from a suitable
mixture of cube and R-texture
Ears on drawn cups form at angles that are perpendicular to directions of highest
r-value in conventional tensile tests e.g. r90>r45>r0 gives ears at 0 and 180 to RD

Typical production routes for

sheet formable aluminium alloys



break-down tandem rolling

cold rolling



Process for CP aluminium or AA5xxx or AA6xxx sheets for auto applications




tandem rolling


cold rolling

Process for AA3004 alloy for beverage cans


Typical deformation texture after

hot or cold rolling

Intensity along the -fibre may vary considerably depending on alloy

composition and starting condition (prior texture)

Some typical textures in aluminium sheets

Rolling texture

Recrystallisation texture
i CP aluminium


Change in the -fibre texture at

different stages of recrystallisation

Texture gradients in hot rolled aluminium



20% depth as-rolled

40% depth as-rolled
Rotated cube {100}<011>

high friction
small roll diameter in
relation to the slab
many small passes
alloys (3xxx, 7xxx, 8xxx)
seem to be very susceptible
surface textures can
penetrate as much as 1/3 of
the plate thickness

20% depth

40% depth

Recrystallisation cube texture

Cold rolled and partly recrystallised

recrystallised aluminium showing
bands of new grains that are dark
in polarised light microscopy

Orientations of new
recrystallised grains from

Recrystallisation cube texture

Dillamore-Katoh mechanism predicts that grains will rotate into the

cube orientation during rolling and then split into deformation bands
separated by a transition band where nucleation of new cube grains
can occur during annealing

Cube texture a low energy block nucleus

90% cold rolled
copper lightly
annealed showing
repeated bulging
along a cube band

The cube orientation has a low Taylor

factor but also a unique characteristic
that active dislocations have Burgers
vectors that are either parallel or
Dynamic recovery is easy leading to the
largest subgrains and lowest stored
energy of any orientation after rolling

Cube texture bulging of a cube band

as a possible nucleation process
Humphreys rolled aluminium

Numerous studies show that the average size of subgrains in

deformed cube bands is larger and their misorientations are smaller
than in any other orientation.

Growth rate dependence on misorientation


tilt segment

In aluminium (Humphreys data for tilt boundaries) the fastest growing grains have
misorientations of about 40 around <111> axes. However, the tolerance is very
wide and the mobility also varies with boundary plane (twist boundaries not sensitive
to misorientation)
In iron, steel and other bcc metals the most rapid growth condition is usually found to
be approximately 20 to 30 around a <110> axis

Cube texture high mobility during growth

Growing cube grains have an approximate 40 <111> relationship

to the S-component of the deformed texture. This may further
assist the formation of cube texture after its favoured nucleation

Nucleation of recrystallisation at prior grain

boundaries retained rolling components

Rolling texture

Bulging at a prior
grain boundary

Texture of the new grains

mostly R- components

Nucleation at particles - PSN

PSN results in very weak textures after

recrystallisation, sometimes with the
P-texture, ~ {110}<111>

Effects of processing history and composition

Heavy cold rolling reductions weaken the cube texture unless an intermediate
annealing is applied. Very heavy rolling is followed by continuous recrystallisation
where the deformation texture is retained almost perfectly. These effects are also
dependent on impurity levels, especially iron and silicon

Manufacture of beer cans in aluminium alloy AA3004




~ 80%

The hot rolled sheet is processed to contain
a strong recrystallised cube texture having
0/90 earing. On cold rolling to final gauge
this transforms towards a deformation
texture with 45 earing. Zero earing
condition is achieved at around 80% cold
rolling reduction

Conditions for obtaining cube texture in

hot rolled and annealed AA3004 alloy

Grain size m

There is a critical particle size

for formation of a deformation
zone during rolling.
The critical size depends
strongly on strain rate and
temperature through the
Zener-Holloman relation.

Z = exp (Q/RT)

Super-critical particles create

NSN nuclei on recrystallisation
which weakens the desired
cube texture

Effect on earing of different second phase

particle dispersions (constituent particles)

The critical particle size dcrit is calculated based on the strain

rate and temperature during hot rolling

Titanium and zirconium alloys

hcp structures at room temperature (-phase)
bcc structures above about 900C (-phase)
Burgers orientation relationship applies during
both heating and cooling
(110) // (0001) and [-111] // [11-20]
deformation textures in -phase resemble bcc steel
numerous different slip and twinning systems in -phase
textures can be controlled by combinations of
- and - working and by working at different
temperatures within the -phase
different strain states allow tailoring of the deformation
texture during tube manufacture
textures after annealing (recrystallisation) usually
resemble the deformation texture but are rotated
~30around the <0001> axis

Strength anisotropy in Ti-6-4 with basal texture


Increased strength in biaxial loading, especially in tension

Strength anisotropy in Ti-6-4 with transverse texture

Increased strength for uniaxial loading along TD, especially in compression

Effects of stress state and texture

Strength differential can
arise due to the influence
of twinning
which is a uni-directional
process or by asymmetric
slip in the case of
<c+a> slip
Both favour tensile strain
along the c-axis

Texture requirements for Zircaloy

PWR nuclear fuel cladding tube
zircaloy (~99% Zr) used primarily because of its resistance
to corrosion
Other important requirements are:
creep strength in biaxial loading
resistance to irradiation growth (shrinkage along <0001>)
alignment of brittle hydride plates in the least harmful
orientation in the tube wall
All these behaviours are optimised if the basal planes of the
textured metal are parallel to the tube wall i.e. The c-axis is
along the radial direction of the tube
Kearns factor gives a measure of the alignment of the
(0001) planes as a weighted cosine function varying from
0 to 1

Control of tube texture by rolling/drawing geometry

Zirconium hydrides precipitates

formed during corrosion are
potential crack paths
Geometry depends on the local
texture of the alloy

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