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UPS Eaton And Esxi Download Step By Step

Eaton UPS: Download of VMware ESXi & Guests and Hosts Step By Step
NOTE: The Esxi should be unlocked
On VMware ESXI we need to install pre-defined Virtual machine
Because ESXI does not have Administrative console for hypervisor
A pre-defined Virtual machine called: vSphere Management Assistant (vMA)
Need to be downloaded from the Vmware Site, to The local drive of yours
For Example -> D:\ Vmware_VIMA_Vma
Download the vSphere Management Assistant 4.0.0 , see link below
How to import it
Open the Vsphere, Click on File then -> Deploy OVF Template
Browse to the folder on your local disk where was downloaded, should be the OVF file
When finish will show on the inventory a guest machine -> vSphere Management Assistant
Power it on, and follow the instructions, vi-admin is a given user, then it asks a password
Then give IP into your LAN, can with DHCP or without Dhcp
For Root: sudo s then give the password for vi-admin
For installing Eaton Ups into vMA
Go to this link:

Click on Download Software & Drivers

Click on Intelligent Power Protector (The upper one)
Pick <Your_UPS_Model> and VMware ESX

check on I agree terms and conditions -> Save and continue

Now on the Upper left of the screen will see the Language and the OS to choose
Pick English for language and VMware for OS
Will see the first one: Intelligent Power Protector V.1.10rpm Software installer
X86_64 for Vmware pay version of ESXI 4.0 & 4.10 (Vsphere4 & 4.10)
Click on it, and then I agree then will download the file:
Upload the package with Winscp software to the vMA guest machine, once is there
Putty to the vMa client
sudo s

logon with vi-admin

to change to root (same password as vi-admin)

Before installing the rpm check if Firewall ports are opened, if not see below, between lines

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DONT FORGET TO OPEN THE FIREWALL PORTS RELEVANT

Network architecture
All hardware elements must have an operational network configuration that allows them to dialog freely
with each other.
Make sure in particular that vMA firewall authorises:
_ connections on tcp port 4679 and 4680 to enable a remote access for supervision and
configuration through Web Browser. These ports are reserved at IANA (
_ Connections through TCP port 80. It must be opened as a destination port (for output) on the
machine hosting Intelligent Power Protector.
To enable communication between Intelligent Power Protector and Network Management Card:
sudo iptables -I OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -I OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 5000 -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 4679 -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 4680 -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -I INPUT -p udp --dport 4679 -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -I INPUT -p udp --dport 4680 -j ACCEPT
To enable communication between Intelligent Power Protector and Connect UPS
Nota: in this command we propose the I (insert) option but A (append) is possible to use as well.
It isnt not exactly the same. Please refer to firewall documentation for the best command for you.
sudo iptables -I INPUT -p udp --dport 161 -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -I INPUT -p udp --dport 200 -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -I INPUT -p udp --dport 2844 -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -I INPUT -p udp --dport 2845 -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -I OUTPUT -p udp --dport 161 -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -I OUTPUT -p udp --dport 200 -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -I OUTPUT -p udp --dport 2844 -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -I OUTPUT -p udp --dport 2845 -j ACCEPT
Then save the changes by command:
service iptables save -> Dont forget this command to save
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Install rpm
rpm i ipp-linux-1.10.045-1.x86_64.rpm

-> Accept all the defaults requests

At the end, connect to Intelligent Power Protector using your web browser. by typing :
http://<@IP-or-name-of-vMA>:4679/ (for a HTTP access)
https://<@ IP-or-name-of-vMA>:4680/ (For a HTTPS access
Click Auto discover, (to discover the power source) if fails, do it manually by Address Scan, then write the
Logon admin admin (the default password is admin) and click on Shutdown
You should be able to see under configuration, a Power source defined
Click on it then EDIT Shutdown configuration ,
Shutdown type: Script
Shutdown Script: /ups/<Name_of_script>.sh
Define the script on vMA write:

(I opened a folder called ups, )

vi <Name_of_script>.sh

Where the Script -> <Name_of_script>.sh

has inside the one row or more depending of the number of ESXi hosts needed to download:
ssh root@<IP_Of_ESXI_1> /sbin/
ssh root@<IP_Of_ESXI_2> /sbin/
ssh root@<IP_Of_ESXI_3> /sbin/
where ESXI_1 is one ESXi host,

ESXI_2 is the second and . As needed

that means will run on each ESXI the command -> /sbin/
but the Script is located on vMA guest machine under folder /ups/ in this case
The shutdown will download the ESXI host and guests VMs see the Pdf document to define download and
startup order of VMs guests on ESXI host (Also has the full documentation)
For avoiding asking password when the script runs, will define keys as the following: see between lines
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Generate Private & Public Keys to Logon on the ESXI from the vMA without Password
Create your sshkey (puttykeygen or ssh-keygen) on the client, on the vMa machine
Logon as root, and under root folder write: ssh-keygen
Will create a


folder with two keys id_rsa


Create .ssh directory on the root of ESXi device

for Every ESXi

Repeat this

Place the keyfile ( from the client to the host (Each ESXi) , into the .ssh folder created
Goto the ESXi host .ssh folder run this command
for Every ESXi
chmod 0600 -R /.ssh
Every ESXi

cat >> /.ssh/authorized_keys

on the ESXi

Repeat this

Repeat this for

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------important NOTE: Every folder (like /.ssh) and all folders added manually will be removed Automatically
by the Esxi, each time the Esxi reboots
To overcome this read the following:
At booting time, the script /etc/rc.local is executed. Furthermore its possible to modify this script and it still
survives the reboot.
1) Copy the /.shh folder to /vmfs/volumes/datastore1/
see command

cp r /.shh/ /vmfs/volumes/datastore1/

2) edit /etc/rc.local (suggest to backup it first to e.g. rc.local.gib)

Edit and add a row inside the file the
/vmfs/volumes/datastore1/.ssh/ /.ssh

/etc/rc.local file

and write this command


cp -r

and save the rc.local

Will restore the /.ssh folder every reboot
Now you can do a test from the Ups, the Gests and the Hosts will be downloaded but not poweroff
If you want to poweroff each Esxi, Vi /sbin/ (suggest to backup it first e.g.
and append the last row the word: poweroff then save

UPS Eaton And ESXi 5.1 - Installation and Configuration

First of all, I recommend you this very useful Step by Step guide :

UPS Eaton And Esxi Download Step By Step by ArielStu

which is also available for ESXi 5.1 except some details listed below :

ESXi 5.1 downloaded from VMWare website (no need for a custom image with Dell R310). Be
careful ! If you run an ESXi 5.0U1, it can't work because there is a bug with this version : autostart/stop of VMs guests doesn't have any effect ! You'll need to patch or upgrade...
vSphere Management Assistant 5.1 Released 10 SEP 2012 -->
Nouveau Intelligent Power Protector v1.26 Installateur logiciel rpm
x86_64 pour VM-Ware ESX 4.0 & version payante de VM-ware ESXi 4.0, 4.1 & 5.0
(vSphere 4.0, 4.1 & 5.0) -->

MODIFICATIONS (which comes with ESXi 5.1) :

/etc/rc.local is not a persistent location on ESXi 5.1
You'll have to use the /scratch directory (which is in fact a link to
/vmfs/volumes/<id_of_the_scratch_volume>). You can also copy the .ssh directory under
/scratch instead of copy it with a startup script like it was made of ArielStu tutorial. Don't forget
to modify the location of this directory in the ssh configuration file (config file is
/etc/ssh/sshd_config, variable is AuthorizedKeysFile, value has to be like
/sbin/shutdown is not writable on ESXi 5.1
a custom /sbin/shutdown can be copied to the /scratch directory. Shutdown script under vMA
machine has to be modify with this new location.

Dell PowerEdge R310

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